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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: ff[4]: ccd pool

[SWF(backgroundColor="#DDDDDD", frameRate=60, width=465, height=465)]
Get Adobe Flash player
by Albert 19 Dec 2012
 * Copyright Albert ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from makc3d's ff[4]: ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ff[3]: ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ff[2]: ccd pool
// forked from lizhi's forked from: ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's Continuous Collision w. Restitution
// forked from generalrelativity's Continuous Elastic Collision
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import net.hires.debug.Stats;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;

    [SWF(backgroundColor="#DDDDDD", frameRate=60, width=465, height=465)]
    public class CCDPool extends Sprite
        private var simulator:Simulator;
        private var p2b:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>;
        private var p2n:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>;
        private var force:Number;
        public function CCDPool()
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        public function init(e:Event):void {
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
            // colors:
            var ball:Ball = new Ball;
            p2b[1 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5, 255, 255,   0);
            p2b[2 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5,   0,   0, 255);
            p2b[3 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5, 255,   0,   0);
            p2b[4 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5, 255,   0, 255);
            p2b[5 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5, 255, 127,   0);
            p2b[6 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5,   0, 255,   0);
            p2b[7 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5, 127,  63,   0);
            p2b[8 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5,   0,   0,   0);
            p2b[9 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (9.5, 255, 255, 255);            
            for (var i:int = 1; i < 9; i++) {
                p2n[i -1] = ball.createNumberTexture (10, i);
            var stats:DisplayObject = new Stats();
            stats.alpha = 0.4;
        private function initSimulation() : void
            simulator = new Simulator();
            simulator.addWall( new Wall(  40,  10, 425,  10 ) );
            simulator.addWall( new Wall( 455,  40, 455, 425 ) );
            simulator.addWall( new Wall( 425, 455,  40, 455 ) );
            simulator.addWall( new Wall(  10, 425,  10,  40 ) );
            simulator.addParticle( createParticle(232, 230, 0, 0, 1, 10 ) );
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                for (var j:int = 0; j < i; j++) {
                    var px:Number = 282 + 18 * i, py:Number = 240 + 21 * j - 10 * i;
                    simulator.addParticle (createParticle (px, py, 0, 0, 1, 10));
                    simulator.addParticle (createParticle (465 - px, py, 0, 0, 1, 10));
            simulator.addEventListener( Simulator.STEP, onSimulationStep );
   this, Event.ENTER_FRAME );
            stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
        private function createParticle(xx:Number, xy:Number, vx:Number, vy:Number, mass:Number = 1.0, radius:Number = 5 ):Particle {
            var p:Particle = new Particle(xx, xy, vx, vy, mass, radius);
            return p;
        private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void 
            var p:Particle = simulator.particles[0];
            p.v = p.x.minus (new Vec2D (mouseX, mouseY)).times (force);
        private function onSimulationStep( event:Event ) : void
            force = ((Math.sin(getTimer() / 300.0 as Number )+1.0)*20);

            for (var i:int = 0, n:int = simulator.particles.length; i < n; i++) {
                var p:Particle = simulator.particles[i];
                if ((p.x.x < - p.r) || (p.x.y < -p.r) || (p.x.x > 465 + p.r) || (p.x.y > 465 + p.r)) {
                    simulator.particles.splice (i, 1); i--; n--;
                } else {
                    // linear friction
                    const f:Number = 0.1;
                    p.v.normalize (Math.max (0, p.v.magnitude - f));
            p = simulator.particles[0];
            graphics.lineStyle (force/2, 255 * 65536, 0.1);
            var dx:Number = mouseX-p.x.x;
            var dy:Number = mouseY-p.x.y;
            var length:Number = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
            graphics.moveTo (p.x.x-dx/length*200, p.x.y-dy/length*200);
            graphics.lineTo (p.x.x, p.x.y);
        private var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix;
        private var matrix2:Matrix = new Matrix;
        private function render() : void
            graphics.lineStyle( 1 );
            for each( var wall:Wall in simulator.walls )
                graphics.moveTo( wall.A.x, wall.A.y );
                graphics.lineTo( wall.B.x, wall.B.y );
            graphics.lineStyle ();
            var fill:BitmapData;
            var partI:int=0;
            for each( var particle:Particle in simulator.particles )
                matrix.tx = particle.x.x - particle.r;
                matrix.ty = particle.x.y - particle.r;
                if (partI==0)
                    fill = p2b[9-1];
                    fill = p2b[particle.number];
                graphics.beginBitmapFill (fill, matrix, true /* faster */, true);
                graphics.drawRect (matrix.tx, matrix.ty, fill.width, fill.height);
                graphics.endFill ();
                // now the numbers are tricky
                // real angle depends on ball collision history
                // like the guy from, we shall not give a fuck
                var ir:Number = 1 / particle.r, ipr:Number = ir / Math.PI, ix:int, iy:int;

                var rx:Number = Math.cos (ir * particle.x.x);
                var ry:Number = Math.cos (ir * particle.x.y);

                // this fork attempts to better imitate balls with 2 numbers on them
                var r2:Number = rx * rx + ry * ry;
                if (r2 < 1) {
                    ix = ipr * particle.x.x;
                    iy = ipr * particle.x.y;
                } else {
                    rx = Math.sin (ir * particle.x.x);
                    ry = Math.sin (ir * particle.x.y);
                    r2 = rx * rx + ry * ry;
                    ix = ipr * particle.x.x + 1.5;
                    iy = ipr * particle.x.y + 1.5;

                if (ix % 2 == 1) rx *= -1;
                if (iy % 2 == 1) ry *= -1;

                    var nxx:Number, nxy:Number, nyx:Number, nyy:Number;
                    nxx = 1 - rx * rx; nyx = 0 - rx * ry;
                    nxy = 0 - rx * ry; nyy = 1 - ry * ry;
                    // some magic numbers to make it look better, as well as 0.92 below
                    nxx *= 1.2; nyx *= 1.2;
                    nxy *= 1.2; nyy *= 1.2;
                    // now to the batmobile :)
                    matrix2.a = nxx; matrix2.c = nyx; matrix2.tx = particle.x.x - (0.5*(nxx+nyx)+0.92*rx)*particle.r;
                    matrix2.b = nxy; matrix2.d = nyy; matrix2.ty = particle.x.y - (0.5*(nxy+nyy)+0.92*ry)*particle.r;

                    fill = p2n[particle.number];

                    graphics.beginBitmapFill (fill, matrix2, false, r2 < 0.9);
                    graphics.drawRect (matrix.tx, matrix.ty, fill.width * 2, fill.height * 2);
                    graphics.endFill ();
            graphics.lineStyle (0, 0, 0.1);
            for each( particle in simulator.particles )
                graphics.moveTo (particle.x.x, particle.x.y);
                graphics.lineTo (particle.x.x + particle.v.x, particle.x.y + particle.v.y);

import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.getTimer;

class Ball extends Sprite{
    private var offset:Number = 0;
    public function createBallTexture(ballRadius:Number,r:int=-1,g:int=-1,b:int=-1):BitmapData {
        var matr:Matrix = new Matrix();
        matr.createGradientBox(ballRadius * 3, ballRadius * 3, 0, -ballRadius * 1.8, -ballRadius * 1.8);
        r = (r >= 0) ? r : 0xff * Math.random();
        g = (g >= 0) ? g : 0xff * Math.random();
        b = (b >= 0) ? b : 0xff * Math.random();
        graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.RADIAL, [r<<16|g<<8|b,(r/3)<<16|(g/3)<<8|(b/3)], [100, 100], [0x00, 0xFF], matr, SpreadMethod.PAD); 
        var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData (Math.ceil(ballRadius)*2, Math.ceil(ballRadius)*2, true, 0);
        bd.draw (this, new Matrix (1,0,0,1, Math.ceil(ballRadius), Math.ceil(ballRadius)));
        return bd;
    public function createNumberTexture(ballRadius:int,number:int):BitmapData {
        var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(ballRadius, ballRadius, true, 0xff000000);
        graphics.drawCircle(ballRadius*0.5, ballRadius*0.5, ballRadius*0.4);
        bd.draw (this);
        var tfd:TextField = new TextField; tfd.autoSize = "left";
        var tft:TextFormat = tfd.defaultTextFormat; tft.size = 8; tfd.defaultTextFormat = tft;
        tfd.text = number.toString ();
        bd.draw (tfd, new Matrix (1,0,0,1, 0.5*(ballRadius - tfd.width), 0.5*(ballRadius - tfd.height + 1)));
        // green -> alpha (green seems to survive "cleartype" better)
        bd.copyChannel(bd, bd.rect, bd.rect.topLeft, 2, 8);
        return bd;
[Event(name="step", type="Simulator")]

class Simulator extends EventDispatcher
    public static const STEP:String = "step";
    public var particles:Vector.<Particle>;
    public var walls:Vector.<Wall>;
    //holds all the pairs that passed coarse collision detection
    private var coarsePass:Vector.<ICollidablePair>;
    private var time:uint;
    public function Simulator()
        particles = new Vector.<Particle>();
        walls = new Vector.<Wall>();
    public function addParticle( particle:Particle ) : void
        particles.push( particle );
    public function addWall( wall:Wall ) : void
        walls.push( wall );
    //advances the simulation at each dispatch of the passed event type
    public function run( updateDispatcher:EventDispatcher, eventType:String = Event.ENTER_FRAME ) : void
        time = getTimer();
        updateDispatcher.addEventListener( eventType, step, false, 0, true );
    //advances the simulation by the amount of time that has passed since the last step
    private function step( event:Event ) : void
        const MAX_ITERATIONS:uint = 100;
        //delta time in milliseconds
        var dtms:uint = getTimer() - time;
        //delta time in seconds
        var elapsed:Number = dtms / 1000;
        //start this step at 0 and advance to elapsed
        var t:Number = 0;
        var dt:Number;
        var iteration:uint;
        while( t < elapsed && ++iteration <= MAX_ITERATIONS )
            //start by trying to step over the entire remainder
            dt = elapsed - t;
            //neglect pairs whose bounding boxes don't overlap
            doCoarsePhase( dt );
            //holds the next future collision
            var minPair:ICollidablePair = null;
            var minT:Number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            for each( var pair:ICollidablePair in coarsePass )
                //if the collision will happen within the current time-step
                //compare the time against the current minimum
                if( pair.willCollide( dt ) )
                    //if it's less, store it as the min and proceed
                    if( pair.timeToCollision < minT )
                        minT = pair.timeToCollision;
                        minPair = pair;
            //change the actual time to integrate
            if( minT < Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) dt = minT;
            //update the simulation to the time of collision
            for each( var particle:Particle in particles )
                particle.integrate( dt - 1e-8 );
            //resolve the collision instantaneously
            if( minPair != null )
            //update time by the stepped amount
            t += dt;
        time += dtms;
        dispatchEvent( new Event( Simulator.STEP ) );
    //rules out some unnecessary collision checks
    private function doCoarsePhase( dt:Number ) : void
        coarsePass = new Vector.<ICollidablePair>();
        var aabb:AABB;
        for each( var particle:Particle in particles )
            //update the particle's bounding box to account for its velocity
            particle.update( dt );
            aabb = particle.aabb;
            //check each particle against each wall
            for each( var wall:Wall in walls )
                if( aabb.isOverlapping( wall.aabb ) )
                    coarsePass.push( new ParticleWallPair( particle, wall ) );
        var n:int = particles.length;
        //check each particle against each other
        for( var i:int = 0; i < n - 1; i++ )
            var p1:Particle = particles[ i ];
            aabb = p1.aabb;
            for( var j:int = i + 1; j < n; j++ )
                var p2:Particle = particles[ j ];
                if( aabb.isOverlapping( p2.aabb ) ) 
                    coarsePass.push( new ParticleParticlePair( p1, p2 ) );

//describes a common interface for collision pairs 
interface ICollidablePair
    function get timeToCollision() : Number;
    function willCollide( dt:Number ) : Boolean;
    function resolve() : void;

class ParticleParticlePair implements ICollidablePair
    public var p1:Particle;
    public var p2:Particle;
    private var t:Number;
    public function ParticleParticlePair( p1:Particle, p2:Particle )
        this.p1 = p1;
        this.p2 = p2;
    public function get timeToCollision() : Number
        return t;
    public function willCollide( dt:Number ) : Boolean
        const EPSILON:Number = 1e-4;
        //points from 1 -> 2
        var dx:Vec2D = p2.x.minus( p1.x );
        //if the circle's are already overlapped, return true (this brings the sim to a halt)
        var c:Number = dx ) - ( p1.r + p2.r ) * ( p1.r + p2.r );
        if( c < 0 )
            t = EPSILON;
            return true;
        //relative velocity
        var dv:Vec2D = p2.v.minus( p1.v );
        var a:Number = dv );
        if( a < EPSILON ) return false; //not moving enough toward each other to warrant a response
        var b:Number = dx );
        if( b >= 0 ) return false; //moving apart
        var d:Number = b * b - a * c;
        if( d < 0 ) return false; //no intersection
        t = ( -b - Math.sqrt( d ) ) / a;
        //circle's collide if the time of collision is within the current time-step
        return t <= dt;

    //simulation has been updated so that the particles are just colliding
    public function resolve() : void
        //points from 1 -> 2
        var cn:Vec2D = p2.x.minus( p1.x );
        //relative velocity
        var dv:Vec2D = p2.v.minus( p1.v );
        //perfectly elastic impulse
        var impulse:Number = dv.times( -2 ) ) / cn.times( 1 / p1.mass + 1 / p2.mass ) );
        //scale normal by the impulse
        p1.v.plusEquals( cn.times( -impulse / p1.mass ) );
        p2.v.plusEquals( cn.times(  impulse / p2.mass ) );
        p1.v.x *= p1.restitution;
        p1.v.y *= p1.restitution;
        p2.v.x *= p2.restitution;
        p2.v.y *= p2.restitution;


class ParticleWallPair implements ICollidablePair
    public var p:Particle;
    public var w:Wall;
    private var t:Number;
    public function ParticleWallPair( p:Particle, w:Wall )
        this.p = p;
        this.w = w;
    public function get timeToCollision() : Number
        return t;
    public function willCollide( dt:Number ) : Boolean
        //this is line/line intersection
        //A is the position of the particle
        //B is the position + velocity
        //together they make the segment AB
        //CD is the line segment made up of the wall's end points
        var A:Vec2D = p.x;
        var B:Vec2D = p.v );
        var AB:Vec2D = B.minus( A );
        //inflate the normal by the particle's radius
        var normScaledRadius:Vec2D = w.normal.times( -p.r );
        //push the wall segment in by this amount
        var C:Vec2D = normScaledRadius );
        var D:Vec2D = normScaledRadius );
        var CD:Vec2D = D.minus( C )
        var AC:Vec2D = C.minus( A );
        t = AC ) / AB );
        if( isNaN( t ) ) t = 0;
        var couldCollide:Boolean = (t <= dt) && (t >= 0);
        // the above is very "approximate" collision test
        // let's try to refine it checking particle position
        // at the time of supposed collision
        if (couldCollide) {
            // A <- future particle position
            A = (p.v.times (t));
            // see if it projects into the wall along its normal
            AC = A.minus (C);
            // CD should have been called DC :)
            var m:Number = CD.magnitude;
            var dot:Number = (CD.times (1 / m));
            if((dot < 0) || (dot > m)) {
                // collision is unlikely
                return false;
        return couldCollide;
    //simulation has been updated so that the particles are coincident
    public function resolve() : void
        var cn:Vec2D = w.normal;        
        //relative velocity
        var dv:Vec2D = p.v;
        //perfectly elastic
        var impulse:Number = dv.times( -2 ) ) / ( 1 / p.mass );
        p.v.plusEquals( cn.times( impulse / p.mass ) );
        p.v.x *= p.restitution;
        p.v.y *= p.restitution;

class Wall
    public var A:Vec2D;
    public var B:Vec2D;
    public var aabb:AABB;
    public var normal:Vec2D;
    public function Wall( ax:Number, ay:Number, bx:Number, by:Number ) 
        A = new Vec2D( ax, ay );
        B = new Vec2D( bx, by );
        normal = new Vec2D( B.y - A.y, -( B.x - A.x ) );
        aabb = new AABB();
        aabb.minx = Math.min( ax, bx );
        aabb.maxx = Math.max( ax, bx );
        aabb.miny = Math.min( ay, by );
        aabb.maxy = Math.max( ay, by );

class Particle
    public var number:uint;

    public var restitution:Number = 0.7;
    public var x:Vec2D;
    public var v:Vec2D;
    public var mass:Number;
    public var r:Number;
    //bounding box
    public var aabb:AABB;
    public function Particle( xx:Number, xy:Number, vx:Number, vy:Number, mass:Number = 1.0, radius:Number = 5 )
        number = Math.random () * 8; number %= 8; // solids + 8th ball
        x = new Vec2D( xx, xy );
        v = new Vec2D( vx, vy );
        this.mass = mass;
        this.r = radius;
        aabb = new AABB();
    public function update( t:Number ) : void
        var xt:Number = x.x + v.x * t;
        var yt:Number = x.y + v.y * t;
        var minx:Number = Math.min( x.x, xt );
        var maxx:Number = Math.max( x.x, xt );
        var miny:Number = Math.min( x.y, yt );
        var maxy:Number = Math.max( x.y, yt );
        aabb.minx = minx - r;
        aabb.maxx = maxx + r;
        aabb.miny = miny - r;
        aabb.maxy = maxy + r;
    public function integrate( dt:Number ) : void
        x.x += v.x * dt;
        x.y += v.y * dt;

class AABB
    public var minx:Number = 0;
    public var maxx:Number = 0;
    public var miny:Number = 0;
    public var maxy:Number = 0;
    public function isOverlapping( aabb:AABB ) : Boolean
        if( minx > aabb.maxx ) return false;
        if( miny > aabb.maxy ) return false;
        if( maxx < aabb.minx ) return false;
        if( maxy < aabb.miny ) return false;
        return true;

class Vec2D
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public function Vec2D( x:Number = 0.0, y:Number = 0.0 )
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public function plusEquals( vec2D:Vec2D ) : void
        x += vec2D.x;
        y += vec2D.y;
    public function plus( vec2D:Vec2D ) : Vec2D
        return new Vec2D( x + vec2D.x, y + vec2D.y );
    public function minus( vec2D:Vec2D ) : Vec2D
        return new Vec2D( x - vec2D.x, y - vec2D.y );
    public function times( s:Number ) : Vec2D
        return new Vec2D( x * s, y * s );
    public function dot( vec2D:Vec2D ) : Number
        return x * vec2D.x + y * vec2D.y;
    public function get magnitude() : Number
        return Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y );
    public function normalize(v : Number = 1) : void
        var length:Number = magnitude;
        if( length == 0 ) return;
        x *= v / length;
        y *= v / length;