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@author Hiiragi

Get Adobe Flash player
by Hiiragi 19 Feb 2010
	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.geom.*;
	import net.hires.debug.Stats;
	 * PerlinNoiseをDrawTriangleで適当に変形させていく
	 * @author Hiiragi
	 * もうちょっときれいになるかと思ったけど、そうでもなかった。
	[SWF(width = 465, height = 465, frameRate = 60, backgroundColor = 0)]
	public class DrawTriangleTest extends Sprite 
		private const SW:int = 465;
		private const SH:int = 465;
		private var _image:BitmapData;
		private var _xNum:int;
		private var _yNum:int;
		private var _xDiff:Number;
		private var _yDiff:Number;
		private var _particles:Vector.<Particle>;
		private var _vertices:Vector.<Number>;
		private var _indices:Vector.<int>;
		private var _uvtData:Vector.<Number>;
		private var _isExistIndices:Boolean = false;
		private var _isExistUvtData:Boolean = false;
		public function DrawTriangleTest():void 
			_xNum = 10;
			_yNum = 10;
			_xDiff = SW / (_xNum - 1);
			_yDiff = SH / (_yNum - 1);
			_particles = new Vector.<Particle>;
			_indices = new Vector.<int>;
			_uvtData = new Vector.<Number>;
			if (stage) init();
			else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
		private function init(e:Event = null):void 
			removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
			// entry point
			_image = new BitmapData(SW, SH, false);
			_image.perlinNoise(SW, SH, 3, Math.random() * 1000 >> 0, false, false);
			this.addChild(new Stats());
			for (var y:int = 0; y < _yNum; y++)
				for (var x:int = 0; x < _xNum; x++)
					var p:Particle = new Particle();
					p.x = _xDiff * x
					p.y = _yDiff * y;
					p.vx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 - 5);
					p.vy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 - 5);
					// = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 - 2);
					//p.ay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 - 2);
			this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawImage);
		private function drawImage(e:Event):void
			var xNum:int = _xNum;
			var yNum:int = _yNum;
			var xDiff:Number = _xDiff;
			var yDiff:Number = _yDiff;
			var cnt:int = 0;
			_vertices = new Vector.<Number>;
			for (var y:int = 0; y < yNum; y++)
				for (var x:int = 0; x < xNum; x++)
					_vertices.push(_particles[cnt].x, _particles[cnt].y);
					if (!_isExistIndices) _uvtData.push(x / (xNum - 1), y / (yNum - 1));
					if (x < xNum - 1)
						var pos:int = x + y * xNum;
						if (!_isExistUvtData) _indices.push(pos, pos + 1, pos + xNum, pos + xNum, pos + 1, pos + xNum + 1);
			if (!_isExistIndices)
				_isExistIndices = true;
				_isExistUvtData = true;
			var g:Graphics =;
			//g.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);
			g.beginBitmapFill(_image, null, false, true);
			g.drawTriangles(_vertices, _indices, _uvtData, TriangleCulling.NEGATIVE);
			if (_cnt++ > 100000) this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawImage);
		private var _cnt:int = 0;
		private function particleUpdate():void
			var len:int = _particles.length;
			for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) 
				//_particles[i].vx += _particles[i].ax;
				//_particles[i].vy += _particles[i].ay;
				//_particles[i].vx *= 0.998;
				//_particles[i].vy *= 0.998;
				_particles[i].x += _particles[i].vx;
				_particles[i].y += _particles[i].vy;
				if (_particles[i].x < 0)
					_particles[i].x = 0;
					_particles[i].vx *= -1;
				else if (_particles[i].x > SW)
					_particles[i].x = SW;
					_particles[i].vx *= -1;
				if (_particles[i].y < 0)
					_particles[i].y = 0;
					_particles[i].vy *= -1;
				else if (_particles[i].y > SH)
					_particles[i].y = SH;
					_particles[i].vy *= -1;

import flash.geom.Rectangle;

class Particle
	private var _x:Number;
	private var _y:Number;
	private var _vx:Number;
	private var _vy:Number;
	private var _ax:Number;
	private var _ay:Number;
	public function Particle(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, vx:Number = 0, vy:Number= 0, ax:Number = 0, ay:Number = 0)
		_x = x;
		_y = y;
		_vx = vx;
		_vy = vy;
		_ax = ax;
		_ay = ay;
	public function get x():Number { return _x; }
	public function set x(value:Number):void 
		_x = value;
	public function get y():Number { return _y; }
	public function set y(value:Number):void 
		_y = value;
	public function get vx():Number { return _vx; }
	public function set vx(value:Number):void 
		_vx = value;
	public function get vy():Number { return _vy; }
	public function set vy(value:Number):void 
		_vy = value;
	public function get ax():Number { return _ax; }
	public function set ax(value:Number):void 
		_ax = value;
	public function get ay():Number { return _ay; }
	public function set ay(value:Number):void 
		_ay = value;