* Copyright Indyaner2 ( http://wonderfl.net/user/Indyaner2 )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/pRbB
// forked from tronster's Sparkle Text
Sparkle Text
Tronster - http://tronster.com
Inspired from Reebok's "Defy convention" commericals in 2006
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.filters.*;
[SWF(backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate=61)]
public class SparkleClass extends Sprite
/// CHANGE THIS: What do you want to display.
private const msg:String = "DEFY";
/// CHANGE THIS: to make the individual sparkles bigger/smaller:
private const SPARKLE_SIZE :int = 16;
/// CHANGE THIS: to increase/decrease space between sparkles.
private const SPARKLE_PADDING : int = 2;
/// CHANGE THIS: Amount of a pixel's opacity to be considered a sparkle [0-255].
private const PIXEL_OPACITY_THRESHOLD: int = 128;
/// CHANGE THIS: Size of font.
private const sparkleFontHeight :int = 28;
/// Computed based on height.
private var sparkleFontWidth :int;
/// Holds raw sampled data from rasterized text on bitmap.
private var sparkleData :Vector.<uint>;
// Holds actual sparkle.
private var sparkles:Vector.<Shape>;
// Holds an initial random value for sparkle.
private var sparklesRandom:Vector.<Number>;
/// Ctor
public function SparkleClass()
// Allocate sparkles and their randoms.
sparkles = new Vector.<Shape>();
sparklesRandom = new Vector.<Number>();
// Holds rasterized text.
var bitmap:Bitmap;
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 64, 0xFFFFFF, true);
tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf.text = msg;
//addChild( tf );
var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(tf.textWidth, tf.textHeight, true, 0x000000);
bmpData.draw( tf, new Matrix() );
bitmap = new Bitmap( bmpData );
//addChild( bitmap );
bitmap.y = 50;
var ratio :Number = sparkleFontHeight / tf.textHeight;
sparkleFontWidth = int(ratio * tf.width );
trace( " tf.w,tf.h: " + tf.textWidth + " x " + tf.textHeight );
trace( " w,h: " + tf.width + " x " + tf.height);
trace( " ratio: " + ratio );
trace( " sparkle: " + sparkleFontWidth + " x " + sparkleFontHeight ) ;
// Fill vector with sampling of pixels
sparkleData = new Vector.<uint>( sparkleFontWidth * sparkleFontHeight );
for (var iy:int = 0; iy < sparkleFontHeight; iy++ ) {
for (var ix:int = 0; ix < sparkleFontWidth; ix++ ) {
sparkleData[ix + (iy * sparkleFontWidth)] =
bmpData.getPixel32(ix * (1/ratio),iy * (1/ratio));
addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage );
/// This is on the stage; wire listeners.
private function onAddedToStage( e:Event ):void
removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage );
// Holds sampling in a string to send to output.
var debugSampling:String ="";
var pixel:uint;
for (var iy:int = 0; iy < sparkleFontHeight; iy++ ) {
for (var ix:int = 0; ix < sparkleFontWidth; ix++ ) {
pixel = sparkleData[ix + (iy * sparkleFontWidth)];
// Flash bug?: If the last AND is not performed then sometimes
// the first bit (negative) stays set.
var pixelA:uint = (( pixel & 0xff000000 ) >> 24) & 0xff;
debugSampling += "#";
addSparkle(ix, iy);
debugSampling += "-";
debugSampling += "\n";
trace( debugSampling );
// Glow & blur to add organic goodness!
filters = [ new BlurFilter(1.5,1.5,3), new GlowFilter(0xffffff,0.9,8,8,2,3) ];
addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame );
/// Adds a sparkle
private function addSparkle(ix:int, iy:int) :void
// Create and add to display list.
var shape:Shape = new Shape();
addChild( shape );
// Add to our own list (for easy updates later).
sparkles.push( shape );
// Generate a random # to associate with this sparkle.
sparklesRandom.push( Math.random() * 123 );
/// Update a sparkle
private function updateSparkle( offset:int, time:int )
var intensity:Number;
intensity = 0.25 + ( ((Math.sin( sparklesRandom[offset] + (time*0.005) ) + 1) * 0.5) * 0.75 );
var shape:Shape = sparkles[offset];
shape.graphics.beginFill( 0xd0e0ff, intensity );
shape.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, SPARKLE_SIZE, SPARKLE_SIZE);
/// Called once a frame
private function onFrame( e:Event ):void {
var time:int = getTimer();
var len:int = sparkles.length;
for(var offset:int = 0; offset < len; ++offset)
updateSparkle( offset, time );
// ???TMH - This .x is hard coded for a four letter word.
//this.x = Math.sin( time * 0.001 ) * -1000;
this.x = -400;
this.z = 50 - Math.sin( time * 0.001 ) * 700;