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Sparkle Text

Sparkle Text
Tronster -
Inspired from Reebok's "Defy convention" commericals in 2006
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by tronster 31 Dec 2009
  • Related works: 1
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    tronster at 31 Dec 2009 02:05
    Fixed offset to be centered. Posted the code to get it out there... really need to fix it so it centers regardless of the size of the text, and fix how the text is rasterized (notice I added a space at the end of "defy " to ensure the bitmap width doesn't chop off the "Y".) Would also love ideas on how to get a zoom blur and/or faster rendering. Any string of a sufficient size really shows that optimizations are needed. Regardless, enjoy!


 * Copyright tronster ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

	Sparkle Text
	Tronster -
	Inspired from Reebok's "Defy convention" commericals in 2006
	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.geom.*;
	import flash.text.*;
	import flash.utils.getTimer;
	import flash.filters.*;
    [SWF(backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate=61)]	
	public class SparkleClass extends Sprite 
		/// CHANGE THIS: What do you want to display.
		private const msg:String = "DEFY";

		/// CHANGE THIS: to make the individual sparkles bigger/smaller:
		private const SPARKLE_SIZE 		:int = 16;
		/// CHANGE THIS: to increase/decrease space between sparkles.
		private const SPARKLE_PADDING	: int = 2;
		/// CHANGE THIS: Amount of a pixel's opacity to be considered a sparkle [0-255].
		private const PIXEL_OPACITY_THRESHOLD: int = 128;
		/// CHANGE THIS: Size of font.
		private const sparkleFontHeight	:int = 28;

		/// Computed based on height.
		private	var sparkleFontWidth 	:int;
		/// Holds raw sampled data from rasterized text on bitmap.
		private var sparkleData	:Vector.<uint>;
		// Holds actual sparkle.
		private var sparkles:Vector.<Shape>;
		// Holds an initial random value for sparkle.
		private var sparklesRandom:Vector.<Number>;
		/// Ctor
		public function SparkleClass() 
			// Allocate sparkles and their randoms.
			sparkles = new Vector.<Shape>();
			sparklesRandom = new Vector.<Number>();
			// Holds rasterized text.
			var bitmap:Bitmap;

			var tf:TextField = new TextField();
			var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 64, 0xFFFFFF, true);
			tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
			tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
			tf.text = msg;
			//addChild( tf );
			var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(tf.textWidth, tf.textHeight, true, 0x000000);
			bmpData.draw( tf, new Matrix() );
			bitmap = new Bitmap( bmpData );
			//addChild( bitmap );
			bitmap.y = 50;

			var ratio		:Number = sparkleFontHeight / tf.textHeight;

			sparkleFontWidth = int(ratio * tf.width );
			trace( " tf.w,tf.h: " + tf.textWidth + " x " + tf.textHeight );
			trace( "       w,h: " + tf.width + " x " + tf.height);
			trace( "     ratio: " + ratio );
			trace( "   sparkle: " + sparkleFontWidth + " x " + sparkleFontHeight ) ;

			// Fill vector with sampling of pixels			
			sparkleData = new Vector.<uint>( sparkleFontWidth * sparkleFontHeight  );			
			for (var iy:int = 0; iy < sparkleFontHeight; iy++ ) {
				for (var ix:int = 0; ix < sparkleFontWidth; ix++ ) {
					sparkleData[ix + (iy * sparkleFontWidth)] = 
						bmpData.getPixel32(ix * (1/ratio),iy * (1/ratio));
			addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage );
		/// This is on the stage; wire listeners.
		private function onAddedToStage( e:Event ):void 
			removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage );

			// Holds sampling in a string to send to output.
			var debugSampling:String ="";

			var pixel:uint;
			for (var iy:int = 0; iy < sparkleFontHeight; iy++ ) {
				for (var ix:int = 0; ix < sparkleFontWidth; ix++ ) {
					pixel = sparkleData[ix + (iy * sparkleFontWidth)];

					// Flash bug?: If the last AND is not performed then sometimes
					// the first bit (negative) stays set.
					var pixelA:uint = (( pixel & 0xff000000 ) >> 24) & 0xff;
					if ( pixelA > PIXEL_OPACITY_THRESHOLD )
						debugSampling += "#";
						addSparkle(ix, iy);
						debugSampling += "-";
				debugSampling += "\n";
			trace( debugSampling );
			// Glow & blur to add organic goodness!
			filters = [ new BlurFilter(1.5,1.5,3), new GlowFilter(0xffffff,0.9,8,8,2,3) ];
			addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame );
		/// Adds a sparkle
		private function addSparkle(ix:int, iy:int) :void
			// Create and add to display list.
			var shape:Shape = new Shape();
			shape.x = ix * (SPARKLE_SIZE + SPARKLE_PADDING);
			shape.y = iy * (SPARKLE_SIZE + SPARKLE_PADDING);
			addChild( shape );
			// Add to our own list (for easy updates later).
			sparkles.push( shape );
			// Generate a random # to associate with this sparkle.
			sparklesRandom.push( Math.random() * 123 );

		/// Update a sparkle
		private function updateSparkle( offset:int, time:int )
			var intensity:Number;
			intensity = 0.25 + (  ((Math.sin( sparklesRandom[offset] + (time*0.005) ) + 1) * 0.5)  * 0.75 );
			var shape:Shape = sparkles[offset];; 0xd0e0ff, intensity );, 0, SPARKLE_SIZE, SPARKLE_SIZE);;

		/// Called once a frame
		private function onFrame( e:Event ):void {
			var time:int = getTimer();
			var len:int = sparkles.length;
			for(var offset:int = 0; offset < len; ++offset)
				updateSparkle( offset, time );
			// ???TMH - This .x is hard coded for a four letter word.
			//this.x = Math.sin( time * 0.001 ) * -1000;
			this.x = -400;
			this.z = 50 - Math.sin( time * 0.001 ) * 700;