* Copyright mitien ( http://wonderfl.net/user/mitien )
* GNU General Public License, v3 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/jHex
// forked from widged's Invader Generator, v0.2
// forked from widged's Invader Generator
* Adapted from Levitated.net
* http://www.levitated.net/daily/levInvaderFractal.html
* Changes:
* - Ported to Actionscript 3.
* - Click on sprite to draw a new pattern
* Orignal notice:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is provided "as is". No claims are made either explicit or implied
* reguarding worth, compatibility, or computational merit. Please feel free to distribute,
* modify, tweak, integrate, indoctorinate, or obliterate within good taste and with reasonable
* respect to the original author.
* Copyright (C) 2003 Jared Tarbell
* Albuquerque, New Mexico
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class InvaderTest extends Sprite
public function InvaderTest()
var gridDim:int = 7;
var rowId:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < (gridDim * gridDim); i++)
if(i % gridDim == 0) { rowId++;}
var settings:InvaderSettings = new InvaderSettings({pixelH: 5, pixelV: 5, pixelSize: 5, gap: 5});
var invader:Invader = new Invader(settings);
var w:int = (settings.pixelH * settings.pixelSize) + settings.gap;
var h:int = (settings.pixelV * settings.pixelSize) + settings.gap;
invader.x = (i % gridDim)* w;
invader.y = rowId * h;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
class Invader extends Sprite
private var _sprite:Sprite;
private var _settings:InvaderSettings;
public function Invader(options:InvaderSettings = null)
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
_settings = options;
private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
private function build(options:InvaderSettings):void
var numlit:int = 0;
_sprite = new Sprite();
var adjust:int = options.pixelH % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
var cols:int = options.oneSidedCols;
var rows:int = options.pixelV;
var pattern:Array = options.pattern;
for (var x:int=0;x<cols;x++)
for (var y:int=0;y<rows;y++)
var i:int=y*cols+x;
if (isOn(pattern,i))
var boxL:PixelBox = new PixelBox(cols+x, y, options);
// mirror last two columns
if(x>0 || adjust)
var boxR:PixelBox = new PixelBox(cols-x - adjust, y, options);
private function generatePattern(options:InvaderSettings):void
var cols:int = options.oneSidedCols;
var rows:int = options.pixelV;
// We have to limit to 31 because the int class work with the data type representing
// a 32-bit signed integer. If a number of 32 of higher is specified, the pattern will be
// filled with zeros and nothing will be drawn on screen.
var power:int = Math.min(rows*cols, 31);
var seed:uint = Math.pow(2,power);
var arr:Array = [];
var iNumber:int = Math.round(Math.random() * seed) ;
while (iNumber>0)
arr.unshift(iNumber%2 ? 1 : 0);
iNumber = Math.floor(iNumber/2);
// left pad with zeros
while (arr.length<rows*cols) {
options.pattern = arr;
private function isOn(pattern:Array,i:int):Boolean {
return pattern[i] == 1;
class PixelBox extends Sprite
public function PixelBox(posX:int, posY:int, settings:InvaderSettings = null)
if(!settings) settings = new InvaderSettings();
var size:int = settings.pixelSize;
this.graphics.drawRect(0,0,size, size);
this.x = posX * size;
this.y = posY * size;
class InvaderSettings
// public static const COLOR_BLUE
public static const BLUE:uint = 0x008FCC;
public static const RED:uint = 0xE69D00;
public static const YELLOW:uint = 0xCC0012;
public static const PINK:uint = 0xBF007F;
public static const BROWN:uint = 0x805933;
public static const GREEN:uint = 0x78B300;
private var _options:Object;
public function InvaderSettings(settings:Object = null)
var defaults:Object = {pixelH: 5, pixelV: 5, pixelSize: 10, gap: 2, borderColor: 0x000000, backgroundColor: 0x000000, colors: [BLUE, RED, YELLOW, PINK, BROWN, GREEN]};
_options = overwriteDefaults(settings, defaults);
var colors:Array = _options.colors as Array;
if(!_options.backgroundColor && !_options.borderColor)
_options.backgroundColor = _options.borderColor = colors[random(colors.length-1)];
else if (!_options.borderColor)
_options.borderColor = _options.backgroundColor;
public function set rows(value:int):void { _options.rows = value; }
public function set cols(value:int):void { _options.cols = value; }
public function set pattern(value:Array):void { _options.pattern = value; }
public function set pixelSize(value:int):void { _options.pixelSize = value; }
public function set gap(value:int):void { _options.gap = value; }
public function set backgroundColor(value:uint):void { _options.backgroundColor = value; }
public function set borderColor(value:uint):void { _options.borderColor = value; }
public function get pixelH():int { return _options.pixelH; }
public function get pixelV():int { return _options.pixelV; }
public function get oneSidedCols():int { return Math.ceil(pixelH / 2); } // one side of the symmetry. A mirror image of the pattern on the left will be copied on the right
public function get pattern():Array { return _options.pattern; }
public function get pixelSize():int { return _options.pixelSize; }
public function get gap():int { return _options.gap; }
public function get backgroundColor():uint { return _options.backgroundColor; }
public function get borderColor():uint { return _options.borderColor; }
private function overwriteDefaults(settings:Object, defaults:Object):Object
if(!settings) return defaults;
for (var p:String in defaults)
if(!settings.hasOwnProperty(p)) { settings[p] = defaults[p]; }
return settings;
private function random(max:int):int
return Math.round(Math.random() * max);
public function toString():String
var arr:Array = [pattern, gap, pixelSize, backgroundColor, borderColor];
return "[InvaderSettings] " + arr.join(", ");