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Invader Generator, v0.2

Invader Generator, v0.2

Made the code more generic. Default settings are defined in the InvaderSettings class. An instance is created and passed to the Invader and then PixelBox class. 

Custom settings can be defined on settings creation or by passing a value to the settings attribute. 
- pixelH, the number of horizontal pixels
- pixelV, the number of vertical pixels
- pixelSize, the size of each pixel box
- gap, the gap to leave between the invaders when lining them up horizontally or vertically. 
- borderColor, the borderColor for each pixel box.
- backgroundColor, the backgroundColor for each pixel box. 
- pattern, to pass on a pattern that define the location of the pixel boxes. 

Rather than define a backgroundColor you can define a list of colors to pick randomly from
- colors: [0xFF0000, 0xFF00FF]
- colors: [InvaderSettings.BLUE, InvaderSettings.YELLOW]

Any parameter left undefined will be replaced with the default value.
 * Copyright widged ( )
 * GNU General Public License, v3 ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from widged's Invader Generator
 * Adapted from
 * Changes: 
 * - Ported to Actionscript 3.
 * - Click on sprite to draw a new pattern
 * - v0.2 made the code more generic. InvaderSettings can be defined independently from invader
 * Orignal notice:
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is provided "as is".  No claims are made either explicit or implied
 * reguarding worth, compatibility, or computational merit.  Please feel free to distribute, 
 * modify, tweak, integrate, indoctorinate, or obliterate within good taste and with reasonable 
 * respect to the original author.  
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Jared Tarbell
 * Albuquerque, New Mexico

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class InvaderTest extends Sprite
        public function InvaderTest()
            var gridDim:int = 7;
            var rowId:int  = 0;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < (gridDim * gridDim); i++)
                if(i % gridDim == 0) { rowId++;} 
                var settings:InvaderSettings = new InvaderSettings({pixelH: 5, pixelV: 5, pixelSize: 5, gap: 5});
                var invader:Invader = new Invader(settings);
                var w:int = (settings.pixelH * settings.pixelSize) +;
                var h:int = (settings.pixelV * settings.pixelSize) +;
                invader.x = (i % gridDim)* w;
                invader.y = rowId * h;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
    class Invader extends Sprite
        private var _sprite:Sprite;
        private var _settings:InvaderSettings;
        public function Invader(options:InvaderSettings = null)
            addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
            _settings = options;
        private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void

        private function build(options:InvaderSettings):void 
            var numlit:int = 0;
            _sprite = new Sprite();
            var adjust:int = options.pixelH % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
            var cols:int = options.oneSidedCols;
            var rows:int = options.pixelV;
            var pattern:Array = options.pattern;
            for (var x:int=0;x<cols;x++) 
                for (var y:int=0;y<rows;y++) 
                    var i:int=y*cols+x;
                    if (isOn(pattern,i)) 
                        var boxL:PixelBox = new PixelBox(cols+x, y, options);
                            // mirror last two columns
                        if(x>0 || adjust) 
                            var boxR:PixelBox = new PixelBox(cols-x - adjust, y, options);

        private function generatePattern(options:InvaderSettings):void 
            var cols:int = options.oneSidedCols;
            var rows:int = options.pixelV;
            // We have to limit to 31 because the int class work with the data type representing 
            // a 32-bit signed integer. If a number of 32 of higher is specified, the pattern will be 
            // filled with zeros and nothing will be drawn on screen.
            var power:int = Math.min(rows*cols, 31);
            var seed:uint = Math.pow(2,power);
            var arr:Array = [];
            var iNumber:int = Math.round(Math.random() * seed) ;
            while (iNumber>0) 
                arr.unshift(iNumber%2 ? 1 : 0); 
                iNumber = Math.floor(iNumber/2);
            // left pad with zeros
            while (arr.length<rows*cols) {
            options.pattern = arr;
        private function isOn(pattern:Array,i:int):Boolean {
            return pattern[i] == 1;


    class PixelBox extends Sprite
        public function PixelBox(posX:int, posY:int, settings:InvaderSettings = null)
            if(!settings) settings = new InvaderSettings();
            var size:int = settings.pixelSize;
  ,0,size, size);
            this.x = posX * size;
            this.y = posY * size;
    class InvaderSettings
        // public static const COLOR_BLUE
        public static const BLUE:uint = 0x008FCC;
        public static const RED:uint = 0xE69D00;
        public static const YELLOW:uint = 0xCC0012;
        public static const PINK:uint = 0xBF007F;
        public static const BROWN:uint = 0x805933;
        public static const GREEN:uint = 0x78B300;
        private var _options:Object;

        public function InvaderSettings(settings:Object = null)
            var defaults:Object = {pixelH: 5, pixelV: 5, pixelSize: 10, gap: 2, borderColor: 0x000000, backgroundColor: 0x000000, colors: [BLUE, RED, YELLOW, PINK, BROWN, GREEN]};
            _options = overwriteDefaults(settings, defaults);
            var colors:Array = _options.colors as Array;
            if(!_options.backgroundColor && !_options.borderColor) 
                _options.backgroundColor = _options.borderColor = colors[random(colors.length-1)];
            else if (!_options.borderColor) 
                _options.borderColor = _options.backgroundColor;
        public function set rows(value:int):void             { _options.rows            = value; }
        public function set cols(value:int):void             { _options.cols            = value; }
        public function set pattern(value:Array):void        { _options.pattern         = value; }
        public function set pixelSize(value:int):void        { _options.pixelSize       = value; }
        public function set gap(value:int):void              {             = value; }
        public function set backgroundColor(value:uint):void { _options.backgroundColor = value; }
        public function set borderColor(value:uint):void     { _options.borderColor     = value; }

        public function get pixelH():int                    { return _options.pixelH;            }
        public function get pixelV():int                    { return _options.pixelV;            }  
        public function get oneSidedCols():int            { return Math.ceil(pixelH / 2);      } // one side of the symmetry. A mirror image of the pattern on the left will be copied on the right
        public function get pattern():Array               { return _options.pattern;         }
        public function get pixelSize():int               { return _options.pixelSize;       }
        public function get gap():int                     { return;             }
        public function get backgroundColor():uint        { return _options.backgroundColor; }
        public function get borderColor():uint            { return _options.borderColor;     }
        private function overwriteDefaults(settings:Object, defaults:Object):Object
            if(!settings) return defaults;  
            for (var p:String in defaults)
                if(!settings.hasOwnProperty(p)) { settings[p] = defaults[p]; }      
            return settings;

        private function random(max:int):int
            return Math.round(Math.random() * max);
        public function toString():String
            var arr:Array = [pattern, gap, pixelSize, backgroundColor, borderColor];
            return "[InvaderSettings] "  + arr.join(", ");
