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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

4k asteroids game

Get Adobe Flash player
by Zahurdias.Calimero 05 Dec 2012
 * Copyright Zahurdias.Calimero ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package  {
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;

     * a-steroids4k a game by grapefrukt (
    public class M extends Sprite {
        private var dc        :Sprite;
        private var ship    :S;
        public  var txt        :TextField;
        private var points    :int;
        public  var r        :Boolean = false;
        public  var st        :int = -3000;
        private var c        :Vector.<D>;

        public function M():void {
            dc = new Sprite;
            c = new Vector.<D>;

            ship = new S;

            txt = new TextField();
            txt.textColor = 0xdddddd;
            txt.selectable = false;
            txt.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", 9);
            txt.text = "a-steroids4k\nclick to start";


            stage.addEventListener("mouseDown", hm);
            stage.addEventListener("mouseUp", hm);
            addEventListener("enterFrame", ef);
            stage.quality = "medium";

        private function hm(e:*):void {
            if(!r && getTimer() - st > 3000){
                for each(var d:D in c) d.alive = false;
                for (var i:uint = 0; i < 16; i++) {

                r = true;
                st = getTimer();

            ship.laser = 0;
            if(e.buttonDown && ship.alive && r) ship.laser = 50;
            ship.laser ? ship.lgfx.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xffffff, .6, 12, 12)] : ship.lgfx.filters = [];

        private function ef(e:*):void {
            var d:D;
            var d2:D;
            var subresult:Vector.<D>;
            var grav:Point = new Point;
            var grav_l:Number;

            txt.x += (ship.x - txt.x + 15) * 0.1;
            txt.y += (ship.y - txt.y - 15) * 0.1;

            for each (d in c) {
                if (!d.alive) dcr(d);

                if (r && ship.alive && d.c == 0x5cec33) {
                    grav.x = ship.x - d.x;
                    grav.y = ship.y - d.y;
                    grav_l = grav.length;

                    if (grav_l < 100) {
                        grav.normalize(1 - grav_l / 100);
                        d.vx += grav.x * 0.1;
                        d.vy += grav.y * 0.1;

                    if (grav_l < 10) {
                        d.alive = false;
                        txt.alpha = 1;
                        txt.text = ++points + " / 300";
                        txt.textColor = d.c;    // using the color from the destructable to save a literal specification

                        if (points > 300) { // this ends the game
                            r = false; 
                            points = 0;
                            txt.textColor = 0xdddddd;
                            txt.text = "done!\n" + ((getTimer() - st) / 1000).toFixed(1) + "s";
                            st = getTimer();

                if (d.touched) {
                    subresult = d.s();

                    if (subresult == null) {
                        d.touched = false;
                    } else {
                        for each(d2 in subresult) {
                            d2.touched = false;

            if (r) {
                if(txt.alpha) txt.alpha -= 0.01;

            if (ship.alive) {
                var target:D;
                var coords:Point;
                var p:Point = new Point(mouseX - ship.x, mouseY - ship.y);

                if(ship.laser) ship.laser = p.length * 3 + 1;


                ship.vx += p.x * .05;
                ship.vy += p.y * .05;

                if (ship.laser && r) {
                    ship.vx -= p.x * .15;
                    ship.vy -= p.y * .15;

                    var steps:uint = 0;

                    while (steps++ < ship.laser *.5) {
                        target = dcght(ship.x + p.x * steps, ship.y + p.y * steps);

                        if (target && target.valid) {
                            coords = target.ghc(ship.x + p.x * steps, ship.y + p.y * steps);
                            if (, coords.y)) break;

                    if (target && coords) {
                        ship.laser = steps * 2;
                        if(Math.random() < .5) da(1, ship.x + p.x * steps, ship.y + p.y * steps);
                        target.sp(coords.x, coords.y, false);

                target = dcght(ship.x, ship.y);

                if (target && r) {
                    coords = target.ghc(ship.x, ship.y);
                    if (coords && target.valid) ship.die();
            } else {
                ship.x = mouseX - 5;
                ship.y = mouseY - 5;

        private function da(size:Number = 0, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0):void {
            var d:D = new D(size || 3 + 40 * Math.random(), size || 3 + 40 * Math.random());
            d.x = x || 500 * Math.random();
            d.y = y || 500 * Math.random();

        public function dca(d:D):void { // destructable collection, add

        public function dcr(d:D):void { // destructable collection, remove
            var i:int = 0;

            for each (var di:D in c) {
                if (di == d) {
                    c.splice(i, 1);

        public function dcght(x:uint, y:uint):D { // destructable collection, get hit target
            var result:Array = dc.getObjectsUnderPoint(new Point(x, y));
            return result[0];

import flash.display.Sprite;

class GO extends Sprite { // GameObject
    public var vx:Number = 0;
    public var vy:Number = 0;
    public var vr:Number = 0;
    public var alive:Boolean = true;
    public var age:int = 150;
    public var bm:uint = 50;

    public function u():void {
        x             += vx;
        y             += vy;
        rotation     += vr;

        if (width < 8 && height < 8) {
            vx *= 0.99;
            vy *= 0.99;

        if (age < 0) alive = false;

        if (x > 500 + bm) {    
            x = -bm;
        } else if (x < -bm) {            
            x = 500 + bm;

        if (y > 500 + bm) {
            y = -bm;
        } else if (y < -bm) {            
            y = 500 + bm;

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.getTimer;

class S extends GO {
    public  var laser    :Number = 0;
    private var deathp    :uint     = 0; // death time penalty
    public  var lgfx        :Sprite;

    public function S() {
        bm = 0;

        graphics.beginFill(0xff0000); //NORMAL_COLOR
        graphics.drawRect( -2, -2, 4, 4);

        lgfx = new Sprite;; // DRILL_COLOR 0, -2.5, 100, 5);
        lgfx.blendMode = "add";
        lgfx.scaleX = 0;


    public function die():void {

        alive    = false;

        deathp     = 100; // 3s penalty at 30fps

        alpha     = .5;



    override public function u():void {




        vx *= 0.99;

        vy *= 0.99;


        rotation = Math.atan2(vy, vx) * 57; // approximation of 180 / Math.PI, saves 16 bytes a piece


        lgfx.rotation = Math.atan2(mouseY, mouseX) * 57; // approximation of 180 / Math.PI, saves 16 bytes

        lgfx.scaleX = laser / 200;

        lgfx.scaleY = Math.sin(getTimer()/50)*0.5 + .75;

        age = 100;


        if (deathp && M(parent).r) {

            M(parent).txt.alpha = 1;

            M(parent).txt.textColor = 0xff0000;

            M(parent).txt.text = "spawn in " + deathp;

            alpha = Math.sin(deathp--);



        if (deathp == 1) {

            alive = true;

            deathp = 0;

            alpha = 1;

            M(parent).txt.text = "";






import flash.display.BitmapData;

import flash.geom.Point;

import flash.geom.Rectangle;

import flash.filters.GlowFilter;

class D extends GO {

    public var bmp        :BitmapData;

    public var com        :Point;            // centerOfMass

    public var touched    :Boolean     = true;

    public var c        :uint         = 0xeeeeee;

    public static const PX    :uint = 3;            // pixel size

    public static const AC    :uint = 0xff0000;    // active color

    public static const IC    :uint = 0x000000;    // inactive color

    public static const RC    :uint = 0xffff00;    // replace color

    public function D(w:int, h:int) {

        bmp = new BitmapData(w, h, false, AC);

        com = new Point;


        filters = [new GlowFilter(0, 1, 2, 2)];


        if (w * h == 1 && Math.random() < .5) c = 0x5cec33;


        age += Math.random() * 50;


        vx = Math.random() - .5;

        vy = Math.random() - .5;

        vr = Math.random() - .5;


    public function sp(x:uint, y:uint, value:Boolean):void {    // set pixel

        if (x >= 0 && x < bmp.width && y >= 0 && y < bmp.height) {

            bmp.setPixel(x, y, value ? AC : IC);

            touched = true;



    public function gp(x:uint, y:uint):uint {    // get pixel

        var result:uint;

        if (x >= 0 && x < bmp.width && y >= 0 && y < bmp.height) result = bmp.getPixel(x, y);

        return result;


    public function blit():void {


        for (var iy:uint = 0; iy < bmp.height; iy++) {

            var ix:uint = 0;

            var w:uint = 0;


            while(ix < bmp.width){

                while (bmp.getPixel(ix + w, iy) && ix + w < bmp.width) w++;

                if (w == 0) {


                } else {                    


                    graphics.drawRect(ix * PX - com.x, iy * PX - com.y, w * PX, PX * 1.1);


                    ix += w;

                    w = 0;





    public function cpb(bmpd:BitmapData):BitmapData {    // copy bitmap

        var pixelcount    :uint = bmp.width * bmp.height;

        var ix            :uint = 0;

        var iy            :uint = 0;


        for (var i:uint = 0; i < pixelcount; i++) {

            ix = i % bmp.width;

            iy = i / bmp.width;

            bmp.setPixel(ix, iy, bmpd.getPixel(ix, iy) == RC ? AC : IC); // this is horrible, but it saves 6 bytes!






        return bmp;



     * Gets the hit coordinates for a given point, the coords sent in 

     * should be in the stage's coordinate space

     * @param    x

     * @param    y

     * @return    the coordinates of the hit voxel


    public function ghc(x:uint, y:uint):Point {

        var hitpos:Point = globalToLocal(new Point(x, y));

        hitpos.x = (hitpos.x + com.x) / PX;

        hitpos.y = (hitpos.y + com.y) / PX;

        return hitpos;


    public function s():Vector.<D> { // s

        var ix:uint = 0;

        var iy:uint = 0;

        var rect:Rectangle;

        var rect2:Rectangle;


        var parts:Vector.<D> = new Vector.<D>;


        if (alive) {

            for (iy = 0; iy < bmp.height; iy++) {

                for (ix = 0; ix < bmp.width; ix++) {

                    if (bmp.getPixel(ix, iy) == AC) {

                        //trace("found set pixel at:", ix, iy);

                        //trace("image is:", bmp.width, bmp.height);

                        bmp.floodFill(ix, iy, RC);

                        rect = bmp.getColorBoundsRect(0xffffff, RC, true);


                        // checks if the currently colored segment is the only one in this destructable

                        rect2 = bmp.getColorBoundsRect(0xffffff, AC,  true);


                        // if it is, we skip the entire sting

                        if (rect2.width == 0 && rect2.height == 0 && parts.length == 0) {

                            // color the bitmap back to keep it until next time

                            bmp.floodFill(ix, iy, AC);


                            // only had one segment, escape the loop

                            return null;


                        } else {

                            var nd:D = _s(rect, ix, iy);

                            if (nd) parts.push(nd);

                            ix = rect2.x;

                            iy = rect2.y;







        return parts;


    private function _s(rect:Rectangle, firstX:uint, firstY:uint):D {

        //trace("sting region at", rect);


        if (!(rect.width + rect.height)) return null;


        var nd:D = new D(rect.width, rect.height);

        var pos:Point = localToGlobal(new Point(rect.x * PX - com.x, rect.y * PX - com.y));


        nd.x         = pos.x;

        nd.y         = pos.y;

        nd.rotation = rotation;

        nd.vx    = vx * (.9 + Math.random() * .2);

        nd.vy    = vy * (.9 + Math.random() * .2);

        nd.vr    = vr * (.9 + Math.random() * .2);


        var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(rect.width, rect.height);

        bmpData.copyPixels(bmp, rect, new Point);        


        bmp.floodFill(firstX, firstY, IC);


        return nd;


    private function um():void {    // update mass


        var points:uint = 0;


        var pixelcount    :uint = bmp.width * bmp.height;

        var ix            :uint = 0;

        var iy            :uint = 0;


        for (var i:uint = 0; i < pixelcount; i++) {

            ix = i % bmp.width;

            iy = i / bmp.width;

            if (bmp.getPixel(ix, iy) == AC) {

                com.x += ix;

                com.y += iy;





        com.x = com.x / points * PX + PX / 2;

        com.y = com.y / points * PX + PX / 2;


        x = localToGlobal(com).x;

        y = localToGlobal(com).y;



    public function get valid():Boolean {

        return bmp.width > 1 && bmp.height > 1;

