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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Ribbon Loop Pazzle

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by motikawa_rgm 30 Sep 2010
 * Copyright motikawa_rgm ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from bkzen's MoviePuzzleTest
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
     * [企画]皆で動くパズル作ろうぜ
     * 前から気になってた事があって、Wonderfl は色んな作品があるけど作品同士のつながりがないのが気になっていた。
     * 例えば、パーツだけ作って読み込んでロードするだけで使える[素材]を作るとか。
     * あと Fork することで何かに参加できるようにすればもっと面白い事になって行きそうなきがする。
     * チェックメイトやJAMのような方法ではなく、Forkされたもの全てが一つの作品を作るというか。
     * これからもチェックメイトやJAM以外にも[企画]タグや[素材]タグが増えていくといいなぁ。
     * @author jc at
    [SWF (backgroundColor = "0x000000", frameRate = "60", width = "465", height = "465")]
    public class MoviePuzzle extends Sprite 
        private static const BG_COLOR: uint = 0x000000;
        private static const FRAME_RATE: uint = 30;
        public function MoviePuzzle() 
            // ローダーで読み込まれなかった時の為のデモ用
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, demo);
         * MoviePuzzle -> MovieJigsawPuzzle
         *         obj["disp"]      : DisplayObject : 描画対象このオブジェクトの440x440の範囲で切り取られて描画されます。
         *         obj["color"]     : uint : 背景色(省略時は0x000000)
         *         obj["frameRate"] : uint : フレームレート(省略時は60)
         *         obj["level"]     : uint : 上限レベル(省略時は1)
         * @param    obj : <Object>
        public function initialize(obj: Object): void
            disp = new Ribbon();
            obj["disp"]  = disp;
            obj["color"] = 0xdddddd;
            obj["frameRate"]  = 60;
         * スタートする時に呼ばれます。
         * @param    level : uint : 指定レベル : 変える必要があれば。
        public function start(level: uint): void
         * 終了した時に呼ばれます。
        public function end(): void
        private var disp: DisplayObject;
         * デモ用
         * @param    e
        private function demo(e: Event): void 
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, demo);
            var obj: Object = {};
            disp = obj["disp"];
            var col: uint = obj["color"];
            var bmd: BitmapData = new BitmapData(440, 440, false, col);
            var bmp: Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd, "auto", true);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(e: Event): void {
                bmd.fillRect(bmd.rect, col);
            } );
 * ...
 * @author motikawa/t.okazaki
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
class Ribbon extends Sprite
    private static const RIBBON_LENGTH:int = 400;
    private var _ribbons:Vector.<RibbonParts>;
    private var _center:Point = new Point();
    private var _rotation:Number = 0;
    private var _rotatinRadius:Number = 150;
    private var _dir:Number = .2;
    public function Ribbon() 
    private function _init():void 
        _ribbons = new Vector.<RibbonParts>(RIBBON_LENGTH, true);
        _center = new Point(440* .5 , 440 * .5);
        var i:uint = 0,
            w:Number = 25,
        for (i = 0; i < RIBBON_LENGTH; i++)
            if ( i == 0) p = new RibbonHeadParts(w, 30);
            else if ( i == RIBBON_LENGTH -1) p = new RibbonTailParts(w, 30);
            else p = new RibbonParts(w, 3);
            p.rotateX = i;
            addChildAt(p, 0);
            _ribbons[i] = p;
        filters = [new DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0x553333, .2, 8, 8, 3)];
    public function start(level:int):void
        _rotation = 0;
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _update);
    private function _update(e:Event):void
        var rp:RibbonParts,
            i:int,len:int = _ribbons.length,
            dx:Number, dy:Number, rad:Number;
        _rotation += 1.5;
        rad = (_rotation ) * NativePixel3D.RADIAN;
        dx = Math.cos(rad) * _rotatinRadius + _center.x;
        dy = Math.sin(rad) * _rotatinRadius + _center.y;
        rp = _ribbons[0];
        rp.drag(dx, dy);
        for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
            rp = _ribbons[i - 1];
            (_ribbons[i] as RibbonParts).drag(rp.x, rp.y,rp.length);
        _dir = (_rotatinRadius > 200) ? -.2 : (_rotatinRadius < 100) ? .2 : _dir;
        _rotatinRadius += _dir;
    public function end():void
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _update);

class NativePixel3D
    public static const RADIAN:Number = Math.PI / 180;
    private static var _fl:Number = 300;
    private var _z:Number;
    private var _x:Number;
    private var _y:Number;
    private var _rotationX:Number;
    private var _rotationY:Number;
    private var _rotationZ:Number;
    private var _vec:Vector3D;
    public function NativePixel3D($x:Number, $y:Number, $z:Number,$color:uint)
        _vec = new Vector3D();
        _vec.x = _x = $x;
        _vec.y = _y = $y;
        _vec.z = _z = $z;
        _rotationX = _rotationY = _rotationZ = 0;
    public function set rotationY(value:Number):void
        var rad:Number = RADIAN * (_rotationY - value),
            sin:Number = Math.sin(rad),
            cos:Number = Math.cos(rad),
            dx:Number = _vec.x,
            dz:Number = _vec.z;
        _vec.x = dx * cos - sin * dz;
        _vec.z = dx * sin + cos * dz;
        _rotationY =  (value >= 360) ? value - 360 : (value < 0) ? value + 360 : value;
    public function set rotationX(value:Number):void
        var rad:Number = RADIAN * (_rotationX - value),
            sin:Number = Math.sin(rad),
            cos:Number = Math.cos(rad),
            dy:Number = _vec.y,
            dz:Number = _vec.z;
        _vec.y = dy * cos - sin * dz,
        _vec.z = dy * sin + cos * dz,
        _rotationX = (value >= 360) ? value - 360 : (value < 0) ? value + 360 : value;
    public function set rotationZ(value:Number):void
        var rad:Number = RADIAN * (_rotationZ - value),
            sin:Number = Math.sin(rad),
            cos:Number = Math.cos(rad),
            dx:Number = _vec.x,
            dy:Number = _vec.y;
        _vec.x = dx * cos - sin * dy,
        _vec.y = dx * sin + cos * dy,
        _rotationZ =  (value >= 360) ? value - 360 : (value < 0) ? value + 360 : value;
    public function update():void
        _x = _vec.x;
        _y = _vec.y;
        _z = _vec.z;
    public function get position():Vector3D { return _vec; }
    public function get x():Number { return _x * _fl *1 / ( _fl - _z); }
    public function get y():Number { return - _y * _fl * 1 / ( _fl - _z); }
    public function get z():Number { return _z; }
    public function set z(value:Number):void { _z = value; }
    public function get rotationX():Number { return _rotationX; }
    public function get rotationY():Number { return _rotationY; }
    public function get rotationZ():Number { return _rotationZ; }
class RibbonParts extends Shape
    private static function init():void
        var texsture:BitmapData = new BitmapData(100, 1, false, 0x0),
            mt:Matrix = new Matrix(),
            sh:Shape = new Shape();
        mt.createGradientBox(100, 1, 0);, [ 0XF4D5E7, 0xC64F82], [1,  1], [0,  255], mt);, 0, 100, 1);;
        _colors = new Vector.<uint>(100,true);
        var i:uint = 0,
            len:uint = texsture.width;
        for (i = 0 ; i < len; i++)    _colors[i] = texsture.getPixel(i, 0);
    private static var _colors:Vector.<uint>;
    private static function getColor(num:Number):uint
        num = (num > 1) ? 1 : ( num < 0)? 0 : num;
        return _colors[int((_colors.length -1) * num)];
    private static const LIGHT_POS:Vector3D = new Vector3D( -1, .5, 1);
    protected var _normalResult:Vector.<Vector3D>;
    protected var _results:Vector.<Vector.<Number>>;
    protected var _length:Number = 0;
    private var _rotationX:int;
    private var _position:Vector3D;
    public function get length():Number { return _length; }
    public function RibbonParts(w:Number, h:Number)
        init(w, h);
    protected function init(w:Number,h:Number):void
        _length = h;
        w *= .5;
        var normal:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(0, 0, -1, 0x0),
            v:Array = [4],
            q1:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D( -5, -w, 0, 0x0),
            q2:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  h, -w, 0, 0x0),
            q3:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  h,  w, 0, 0x0),
            q4:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D( -5,  w, 0, 0x0);
        v[0] = q1;
        v[1] = q2;
        v[2] = q3;
        v[3] = q4;
        _normalResult = new Vector.<Vector3D>(360,true);
        _results = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(360, true);
        calculate(v, normal);
        draw(_results[0], _normalResult[0]);
    protected final function calculate(pixels:Array,norm:NativePixel3D):void
        var i:uint = 0,
            j:uint = 0,
            k:uint = 0,
            rot:int = 0,
            len:uint = 360,
            len2:uint = pixels.length * 2,
            len3:uint = pixels.length,
        for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
            if ( i >= 85 && i <= 95) rot = 85;
            else if ( i >= 265 && i <= 275) rot = 265;
            else rot = i;
            v = new Vector.<Number>(len2, true);
            norm.rotationX = i;
            for ( k = 0; k < len3; k++)
                p = pixels[k];
                p.rotationX = i;
                v[k * 2] = p.x;
                v[k * 2 + 1] = p.y;
            _normalResult[i] = norm.position.clone();
            _results[i] = v;
    public function set rotateX(value:int):void
        value = (value > 359) ? value - 360 : (value < 0) ? value + 360 : value;
        _rotationX = (value > 87 && value < 93) ? 93 :( value > 267 && value < 273) ? 273 : value;
    public function get rotateX():int { return _rotationX; };
    public final function drag(xPos:Number,yPos:Number,len:Number = NaN):void
        var dx:Number = xPos - x,
            dy:Number = yPos - y,
            radian:Number = Math.atan2(dy, dx),
            l:Number = isNaN(len) ? _length : len,
            degree:Number = radian / NativePixel3D.RADIAN;
        rotation = degree;
        x = xPos - Math.cos(radian) * l;
        y = yPos - Math.sin(radian) * l;
        rotateX ++;
    protected final function draw(v:Vector.<Number>,normal:Vector3D):void
        graphics.beginFill(updateColor(normal), 1);
        for (var i:uint = 0, len:uint = v.length; i < len; i += 2)
            if (i == 0) graphics.moveTo(v[i], v[i + 1]);
            else graphics.lineTo(v[i], v[i + 1]);
    public function set rotateZ(value:Number):void
        rotation = value;
    private function updateColor(v:Vector3D):uint
        var dp:Number = v.dotProduct(LIGHT_POS),
            ac:Number = Math.acos(dp / (v.length * LIGHT_POS.length)),
            col:Number = ac / Math.PI * 1.6;
        return getColor(col);
    public function get position():Vector3D { return _position; }
class RibbonHeadParts extends RibbonParts
    public function RibbonHeadParts(w:Number, h:Number)
        super(w, h);
    override protected function init(w:Number, h:Number):void 
        _length = 3;
        w *= .5;
        var normal:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(0, 0, -1, 0x0),
            v:Array = [5],
            q1:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D( -5, -w, 0, 0x0),
            q2:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  h, -w, 0, 0x0),
            q3:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  0,  0, 0, 0x0),
            q4:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  h,  w, 0, 0x0),
            q5:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D( -5,  w, 0, 0x0);
        v[0] = q1;
        v[1] = q2;
        v[2] = q3;
        v[3] = q4;
        v[4] = q5;
        _normalResult = new Vector.<Vector3D>(360, true);
        _results = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(360, true);
        calculate(v, normal);
        draw(_results[0], _normalResult[0]);
class RibbonTailParts extends RibbonParts
    public function RibbonTailParts(w:Number, h:Number)
        super(w, h);
    override protected function init(w:Number, h:Number):void 
        _length = h;
        w *= .5;
        var normal:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(0, 0, -1, 0x0),
            v:Array = [5],
            q1:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D( -h, -w, 0, 0x0),
            q2:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  5, -w, 0, 0x0),
            q3:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  5,  w, 0, 0x0),
            q4:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D( -h,  w, 0, 0x0),
            q5:NativePixel3D = new NativePixel3D(  0,  0, 0, 0x0);
        v[0] = q1;
        v[1] = q2;
        v[2] = q3;
        v[3] = q4;
        v[4] = q5;
        _normalResult = new Vector.<Vector3D>(360, true);
        _results = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(360, true);
        calculate(v, normal);
        draw(_results[0], _normalResult[0]);