* Copyright mutantleg ( http://wonderfl.net/user/mutantleg )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/znjE
package {
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
public function FlashTest() {
myTri = new xTri();
myTri.x0 = 110;
myTri.y0 = 60;
myTri.x1 = 280;
myTri.y1 = 280;
myTri.x2 = 90;
myTri.y2 = 290;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
public var myTri:xTri;
public function onEnter(e:Event):void
graphics.lineStyle(2, 0);
var a:xTri;
a = myTri;
graphics.moveTo(a.x0, a.y0);
graphics.lineTo(a.x1, a.y1);
graphics.lineTo(a.x2, a.y2);
graphics.lineTo(a.x0, a.y0);
var mx:Number;
var my:Number;
mx = stage.mouseX;
my = stage.mouseY;
graphics.drawCircle(mx,my, 4);
if (a.isInside(mx,my))
graphics.beginFill(0, 0.5);
graphics.moveTo(a.x0, a.y0);
graphics.lineTo(a.x1, a.y1);
graphics.lineTo(a.x2, a.y2);
graphics.lineTo(a.x0, a.y0);
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0, 0.5);
graphics.moveTo(a.x0, a.y0);
graphics.moveTo(a.x1, a.y1);
graphics.moveTo(a.x2, a.y2);
import flash.display.Graphics;
internal class xTri
public var x0:Number = 0;
public var y0:Number = 0;
public var x1:Number = 0;
public var y1:Number = 0;
public var x2:Number = 0;
public var y2:Number = 0;
public function isInside(wx:Number, wy:Number):Boolean
var ax:Number; var ay:Number;
var bx:Number; var by:Number;
var wz:Number;
//so what happens here
//is we check each edge of the triangle
//and see on which side the point is
//if we are on the same side of all edges
//we are inside the triangle
// to find which side the point is
// we use a cross product with the edge
// and a vector from one of the vertices on the edge
// to the point we are testing
// because we are in 2D we only need the Z axis (wz)
// and see its sign, aka is it towards or away from us
// (special case is when the Z is 0
// that means the point is exactly on an edge (or vertex)
// here it's handled by saying that
// a point on the edge of the triangle
// is considered as a point inside it)
ax = x1 - x0;
ay = y1 - y0;
bx = wx - x0;
by = wy - y0;
wz = (ax * by) - (ay * bx);
if (wz < 0) { return false; }
ax = x2 - x1;
ay = y2 - y1;
bx = wx - x1;
by = wy - y1;
wz = (ax * by) - (ay * bx);
if (wz < 0) { return false; }
ax = x0 - x2;
ay = y0 - y2;
bx = wx - x2;
by = wy - y2;
wz = (ax * by) - (ay * bx);
if (wz < 0) { return false; }
return true;