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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

flash on 2012-12-1

inspired by
Get Adobe Flash player
by makc3d 01 Dec 2012


    makc3d at 01 Dec 2012 02:28
    I guess better results could be achieved if you go from small rects up.


// inspired by
package  {
	import flash.display.Bitmap;
	import flash.display.BitmapData;
	import flash.display.Loader;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.geom.Matrix;
	import flash.system.LoaderContext;
	public class Circles extends Sprite {
		public function Circles () {
			var loader:Loader = new Loader;
			loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
			loader.load (new URLRequest (""), new LoaderContext (true));
		private function onComplete (e:Event):void {
			var bitmap:Bitmap =;
			bd = new BitmapData (256, 256, false, 0);
			bd.draw (bitmap, new Matrix (bd.width / 465, 0, 0, bd.height / 450), null, null, null, true);
			ir = new Integral (bd, 2);
			ig = new Integral (bd, 1);
			ib = new Integral (bd, 0);
			x = 0.5 * (465 - bd.width);
			y = 0.5 * (465 - bd.height);
			var r:Rect = new Rect (0, 0, bd.width, bd.height);
			drawCircle (r);
		private var bd:BitmapData, ir:Integral, ig:Integral, ib:Integral;
		private function drawCircle(r:Rect):void {
			var a:Number = r.w * r.h, w2:int = r.w / 2, h2:int = r.h / 2;
			if ((a > 9) && (Math.max (
				Math.abs (ir.featureH (r)), Math.abs (ig.featureH (r)), Math.abs (ib.featureH (r)),
				Math.abs (ir.featureV (r)), Math.abs (ig.featureV (r)), Math.abs (ib.featureV (r)),
				Math.abs (ir.featureD (r)), Math.abs (ig.featureD (r)), Math.abs (ib.featureD (r))
			) / a > 9)) {
				drawCircle (new Rect (r.x, r.y, w2, h2));
				drawCircle (new Rect (r.x, r.y + h2, w2, r.h - h2));
				drawCircle (new Rect (r.x + w2, r.y, r.w - w2, h2));
				drawCircle (new Rect (r.x + w2, r.y + h2, r.w - w2, r.h - h2));
			} else {
				var R:int = ir.sum (r) / a;
				var G:int = ig.sum (r) / a;
				var B:int = ib.sum (r) / a;
				graphics.beginFill ((R << 16) | (G << 8) | B);
				// equal area radius
				R = w2 * 1.128379167;
				var dx:int = (R * 0.2 + 2) * (Math.random () - Math.random ());
				var dy:int = (R * 0.2 + 2) * (Math.random () - Math.random ());
				graphics.drawCircle (r.x + w2 + dx, r.y + h2 + dy, R);
				//graphics.drawRect (r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
				graphics.endFill ();


	class Rect {
		public var x:int, w:int;
		// these are used by Integral image and must be reset when y or h changes
		internal var iwy:int, iwh:int, iwh2:int;
		// therefore setters
		protected var _y:int, _h:int;
		public function get y ():int { return _y; }
		public function set y (Y:int):void { _y = Y; iwy = -1; }
		public function get h ():int { return _h; }
		public function set h (H:int):void { _h = H; iwh = -1; iwh2 = -1; }
		public function Rect (left:int = 0, top:int = 0, width:int = 0, height:int = 0) {
			x = left; y = top; w = width; h = height;
		public function copy (r:Rect):void {
			x = r.x; w = r.w;
			iwy = r.iwy; iwh = r.iwh; iwh2 = r.iwh2;
			_y = r._y; _h = r._h;
		public function get x2 ():int { return  x +  w - 1; }
		public function get y2 ():int { return _y + _h - 1; }

	import flash.display.BitmapData;
	class Integral {
		public var width:uint = 0;
		public var height:uint = 0;
		public var data:Vector.<int>;
		public function Integral (bitmapData:BitmapData = null, shift:int = 0) {
			if (bitmapData != null) {
				calculate (bitmapData, shift);
		public function calculate (bitmapData:BitmapData, shift:int = 0):void {
			var w:int = bitmapData.width, w1:int = w + 1, w2:int = w + 2;
			var h:int = bitmapData.height, h1:int = h + 1;
			if ((data == null) || (data.length != w1 * h1)) {
				data = new Vector.<int> (w1 * h1, true);
			width = w1;
			height = h1;
			var bits:int = 8 * shift;
			var mask:int = 255 << bits;
			var rgba:Vector.<uint> = bitmapData.getVector (bitmapData.rect);
			var i/*nput*/:int = 0, o/*utput*/:int = w2, s:int;
			for (var y:int = 0; y < h; y++, o++) {
				s = 0;
				for (var x:int = 0; x < w; x++, o++, i++) {
					// * data[o-w1]
					// s data[o]
					s += (rgba [i] & mask) >> bits;
					data [o] = data [int (o - w1)] + s;
		public function sum (rect:Rect):int {
			if (rect.iwh < 0) rect.iwh = width * rect.h;
			if (rect.iwy < 0) rect.iwy = width * rect.y;
			// a b
			// d c
			var pa:int = rect.x + rect.iwy;
			var pb:int = pa + rect.w;
			var pc:int = pb + rect.iwh;
			var pd:int = pc - rect.w;
			// a - b + c - d
			return data [pa] - data [pb] + data [pc] - data [pd];
		// haar-like features: horizontal, vertical, diagonal
		public function featureH (rect:Rect):int {
			if (rect.iwh < 0) rect.iwh = width * rect.h;
			if (rect.iwy < 0) rect.iwy = width * rect.y;
			if (rect.iwh2 < 0) rect.iwh2 = width * (rect.h >> 1);
			// a b
			// f e
			// d c
			var pa:int = rect.x + rect.iwy;
			var pb:int = pa + rect.w;
			var pc:int = pb + rect.iwh, pe:int = pb + rect.iwh2;
			var pd:int = pc - rect.w, pf:int = pe - rect.w;
			// a - b + e - f - (f - e + c - d)
			return data [pa] - data [pb] + ((data [pe] - data [pf]) << 1) - data [pc] + data [pd];
		public function featureV (rect:Rect):int {
			if (rect.iwh < 0) rect.iwh = width * rect.h;
			if (rect.iwy < 0) rect.iwy = width * rect.y;
			// a g b
			// d i c
			var w2:int = rect.w >> 1;
			var pa:int = rect.x + rect.iwy;
			var pb:int = pa + rect.w, pg:int = pb - w2;
			var pc:int = pb + rect.iwh;
			var pd:int = pc - rect.w, pi:int = pc - w2;
			// a - g + i - d - (g - b + c - i)
			return data [pa] + ((data [pi] - data [pg]) << 1) - data [pd] + data [pb] - data [pc];
		public function featureD (rect:Rect):int {
			if (rect.iwh < 0) rect.iwh = width * rect.h;
			if (rect.iwy < 0) rect.iwy = width * rect.y;
			if (rect.iwh2 < 0) rect.iwh2 = width * (rect.h >> 1);
			// a g b
			// f h e
			// d i c
			var w2:int = rect.w >> 1;
			var pa:int = rect.x + rect.iwy;
			var pb:int = pa + rect.w, pg:int = pb - w2;
			var pc:int = pb + rect.iwh, pe:int = pb + rect.iwh2;
			var pd:int = pc - rect.w, pi:int = pc - w2, pf:int = pe - rect.w;
			var ph:int = pe - w2;
			// a - g + h - f  +  h - e + c - i  - (g - b + e - h)  - (f - h + i - d)
			// = a + b + c + d + 4h - 2e - 2f - 2g - 2i
			return data [pa] + data [pb] + data [pc] + data [pd] + (data [ph] << 2) - ((data [pe] + data [pf] + data [pg] + data [pi]) << 1);