Simple complex arithmetics (interactive)
* Simple complex arithmetics.
* Solving user-defined 4th power polynomials as an example.
package {
import com.bit101.components.InputText;
import com.bit101.components.Label;
import com.bit101.components.PushButton;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class Test extends Sprite {
private var A:Complex = new Complex;
private var B:Complex = new Complex;
private var C:Complex = new Complex;
private var D:Complex = new Complex;
private var p:Complex = new Complex;
private var q:Complex = new Complex;
private var r:Complex = new Complex;
private var s:Complex = new Complex;
private var P:Complex = new Complex;
private var Q:Complex = new Complex;
private var R:Complex = new Complex;
private var S:Complex = new Complex;
private var seed:Complex = new Complex (0.4, 0.9);
private var inpA:InputText;
private var inpB:InputText;
private var inpC:InputText;
private var inpD:InputText;
private var out:TextField;
private var values:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>;
public function Test () {
var l1:Label = new Label (this, 30, 20, "z^4 + ");
inpA = new InputText (this, l1.x + l1.width, 20, Math.random ().toPrecision (4));
inpA.width = 40;
var l2:Label = new Label (this, inpA.x + inpA.width, 20, "z^3 + ");
inpB = new InputText (this, l2.x + l2.width, 20, Math.random ().toPrecision (4));
inpB.width = 40;
var l3:Label = new Label (this, inpB.x + inpB.width, 20, "z^2 + ");
inpC = new InputText (this, l3.x + l3.width, 20, Math.random ().toPrecision (4));
inpC.width = 40;
var l4:Label = new Label (this, inpC.x + inpC.width, 20, "z + ");
inpD = new InputText (this, l4.x + l4.width, 20, Math.random ().toPrecision (4));
inpD.width = 40;
var l5:Label = new Label (this, inpD.x + inpD.width, 20, " = 0");
new PushButton (this, inpA.x, 60, "solve", calculate);
new PushButton (this, inpA.x + 120, 60, "randomize & solve", calculate2);
with (addChild (out = new TextField)) { autoSize = "left"; y = 100; }
out.defaultTextFormat = l1.textField.getTextFormat ();
out.embedFonts = true; out.x = inpA.x;
calculate (null);
public function calculate (e:Event):void {
values.length = 0;
A.x = parseFloat (inpA.text);
B.x = parseFloat (inpB.text);
C.x = parseFloat (inpC.text);
D.x = parseFloat (inpD.text);
// f(z)
var equation:String = "z^4 + " +
A.x.toPrecision (4) + " z^3 + " +
B.x.toPrecision (4) + " z^2 +" +
C.x.toPrecision (4) + " z +" +
D.x.toPrecision (4) + " = 0";
seed.pow (0).saveTo (p);
seed.pow (1).saveTo (q);
seed.pow (2).saveTo (r);
seed.pow (3).saveTo (s);
var N:int = 0;
while (true) {
values.push (p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y, r.x, r.y, s.x, s.y);
// P = p-f(p)/((p-q)(p-r)(p-s))
p.sub (
( p.pow (4) )
.add ( p.pow (3).mul (A) )
.add ( p.pow (2).mul (B) )
.add ( p.mul (C) )
.add ( D )
.div (
( p.sub (q) ).mul( p.sub (r) ).mul( p.sub (s) )
).saveTo (P);
// Q = q-f(q)/((q-p)(q-r)(q-s))
q.sub (
( q.pow (4) )
.add ( q.pow (3).mul (A) )
.add ( q.pow (2).mul (B) )
.add ( q.mul (C) )
.add ( D )
.div (
( q.sub (p) ).mul( q.sub (r) ).mul( q.sub (s) )
).saveTo (Q);
// R = r-f(r)/((r-p)(r-q)(r-s))
r.sub (
( r.pow (4) )
.add ( r.pow (3).mul (A) )
.add ( r.pow (2).mul (B) )
.add ( r.mul (C) )
.add ( D )
.div (
( r.sub (p) ).mul( r.sub (q) ).mul( r.sub (s) )
).saveTo (R);
// S = s-f(s)/((s-p)(s-q)(s-r))
s.sub (
( s.pow (4) )
.add ( s.pow (3).mul (A) )
.add ( s.pow (2).mul (B) )
.add ( s.mul (C) )
.add ( D )
.div (
( s.sub (p) ).mul( s.sub (q) ).mul( s.sub (r) )
).saveTo (S);
if (p.copy (P) + q.copy (Q) + r.copy (R) + s.copy (S) < 1e-8) {
} else {
// on to next iteration
out.htmlText = N + " iterations, roots:\n " + p + ",\n " + q + ",\n " + r + ",\n " + s +
"\n\n<a href=\"" +
encodeURIComponent (equation) +
"\"><font color=\"#0000FF\">click to verify</font></a>";
graphics.clear ();
graphics.lineStyle (2, 0);
graphics.moveTo (465 / 2, 0); graphics.lineTo (465 / 2, 465);
graphics.moveTo (0, 465 / 2); graphics.lineTo (465, 465 / 2);
graphics.lineStyle (1, 0);
graphics.moveTo (465 / 4, 0); graphics.lineTo (465 / 4, 465);
graphics.moveTo (0, 465 / 4); graphics.lineTo (465, 465 / 4);
graphics.moveTo (3 * 465 / 4, 0); graphics.lineTo (3 * 465 / 4, 465);
graphics.moveTo (0, 3 * 465 / 4); graphics.lineTo (465, 3 * 465 / 4);
graphics.drawCircle (
465 / 2 + 465 / 4 * p.x,
465 / 2 - 465 / 4 * p.y,
graphics.drawCircle (
465 / 2 + 465 / 4 * q.x,
465 / 2 - 465 / 4 * q.y,
graphics.drawCircle (
465 / 2 + 465 / 4 * r.x,
465 / 2 - 465 / 4 * r.y,
graphics.drawCircle (
465 / 2 + 465 / 4 * s.x,
465 / 2 - 465 / 4 * s.y,
for (var i:int = 1; i < values.length / 8; i++) {
for (var j:int = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var x0:Number = values [8 * (i - 1) + 2 * j];
var y0:Number = values [8 * (i - 1) + 2 * j + 1];
var x1:Number = values [8 * i + 2 * j];
var y1:Number = values [8 * i + 2 * j + 1];
arrow (
465 / 2 + 465 / 4 * x0, 465 / 2 - 465 / 4 * y0,
465 / 2 + 465 / 4 * x1, 465 / 2 - 465 / 4 * y1,
255 * (((j + 1) & 1) + 256 * ((((j + 1) >> 1) & 1) + 256 * (((j + 1) >> 2) & 1)))
public function calculate2 (e:Event):void {
inpA.text = Math.random ().toPrecision (4);
inpB.text = Math.random ().toPrecision (4);
inpC.text = Math.random ().toPrecision (4);
inpD.text = Math.random ().toPrecision (4);
calculate (e);
private function arrow (x0:Number, y0:Number, x1:Number, y1:Number, c:uint):void {
var idx:Number = x1 - x0;
var idy:Number = y1 - y0;
var iL:Number = Math.sqrt (idx * idx + idy * idy);
idx /= 10//iL;
idy /= 10//iL;
graphics.lineStyle (0, c);
graphics.moveTo (x0, y0);
graphics.lineTo (x1, y1);
graphics.lineTo (x1 - 2 * idx - idy, y1 - 2 * idy + idx);
graphics.moveTo (x1, y1);
graphics.lineTo (x1 - 2 * idx + idy, y1 - 2 * idy - idx);
class Complex {
public var x:Number;
public var y:Number;
private static var pool:Vector.<Complex> = new Vector.<Complex>;
private static var index:int = 0;
private function pick ():Complex {
if (index == pool.length) {
pool [index] = new Complex;
return pool [index - 1];
public function saveTo (result:Complex):void {
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
index = 0;
public function copy (z:Complex):Number {
var e:Number = (x - z.x) * (x - z.x) + (y - z.y) * (y - z.y);
x = z.x;
y = z.y;
return e;
public function Complex (x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public function add (b:Complex):Complex {
var c:Complex = pick ();
c.x = x + b.x;
c.y = y + b.y;
return c;
public function sub (b:Complex):Complex {
var c:Complex = pick ();
c.x = x - b.x;
c.y = y - b.y;
return c;
public function mul (b:Complex):Complex {
var c:Complex = pick ();
c.x = x * b.x - y * b.y;
c.y = y * b.x + x * b.y;
return c;
public function div (b:Complex):Complex {
var c:Complex = pick ();
var D:Number = b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y;
c.x = (x * b.x + y * b.y) / D;
c.y = (y * b.x - x * b.y) / D;
return c;
public function pow (n:uint):Complex {
var c:Complex = pick (); c.x = 1; c.y = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) {
var _x:Number = x * c.x - y * c.y;
var _y:Number = y * c.x + x * c.y;
c.x = _x;
c.y = _y;
return c;
public function toString (p:uint = 4):String {
return x.toPrecision (p) + " " + ((y > 0) ? "+" : "") + y.toPrecision (p) + "i";