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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: 水面ゆらゆら

Get Adobe Flash player
by sada_lp1 07 Nov 2010
// forked from cda244's 水面ゆらゆら

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    [SWF(width="300", height="300", backgroundColor="0xFFFFFF", frameRate="30")] 
    public class Wave extends MovieClip
        public const STAGE_W:uint = 300;
        public const STAGE_H:uint = 300;
        public const NUM:uint=30;    //頂点数
        private const MOUSE_DIFF_RATIO:Number=1;    // (0<) 大きい程マウスに反応する
        private const AUTO_INTERVAL:uint = 3000;    //オート波が起きる間隔 msec
        private var vertexes:Array=[];    //頂点
        private var mdlPt:Array=[];    //頂点の中点
        // 0:マウス
        // 1:オート
        private var diffPt:Array=[[], []];
        // 0:マウス
        // 1:オート
        private var startIndex:Array=[0,0];    
        private var mouseOldY:int;
        private var mouseNewY:int;
        private var mouseDiff:Number = 0;
        private var mouseDiffGoal:Number= 0;
        private var autoTimer:Timer;
        private var autoDiff:Number = 0;
        public function Wave():void
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            for(var i:uint=0; i<NUM; i++){
                var vertex:Vertex=new Vertex( i, this );
                vertexes.push( vertex );
                    mdlPt.push( new Point( (vertexes[i-1].x+vertexes[i].x)*0.5, (vertexes[i-1].y+vertexes[i].y)*0.5 ) );
                diffPt[0].push( 0 );
                diffPt[1].push( 0 );
            mouseNewY = mouseY;
            if(mouseNewY < 0){    mouseNewY = 0;    }
            else if(mouseNewY > STAGE_H){    mouseNewY = STAGE_H;    }
            mouseOldY = mouseNewY;
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateMouseDiff);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateWave);
        //    マウスY座標の差を計算
        private function updateMouseDiff(evt:Event):void
            mouseOldY = mouseNewY;
            mouseNewY = mouseY;
            if(mouseNewY < 0){    mouseNewY = 0;    }
            else if(mouseNewY > STAGE_H){    mouseNewY = STAGE_H;    }
            mouseDiffGoal = (mouseNewY - mouseOldY) * MOUSE_DIFF_RATIO;
        //    各種更新
        private function updateWave(evt:Event):void
            mouseDiff -= (mouseDiff - mouseDiffGoal)*0.3;
            autoDiff -= autoDiff*0.3;

            var mX:int = mouseX;
            if(mX < 0){    mX = 0;    }
            else if(mX > STAGE_W-2){    mX = STAGE_W-2;    }    //-2はみ出さないための保険
            startIndex[0] = 1+Math.floor( (NUM-2) * mX / STAGE_W );
            diffPt[0][startIndex[0]] -= ( diffPt[0][startIndex[0]] - mouseDiff )*0.99;
            diffPt[1][startIndex[1]] -= ( diffPt[1][startIndex[1]] - autoDiff )*0.99;
            var i:int;

            var d:uint;
            for(i=startIndex[0]-1; i >=0; i--){
                d = startIndex[0] - i;
                if(d>15){    d=15;    }
                diffPt[0][i] -= ( diffPt[0][i] - diffPt[0][i+1] )*(1-0.01*d);
            for(i=startIndex[0]+1; i < NUM; i++){
                d = i - startIndex[0];
                if(d>15){    d=15;    }
                diffPt[0][i] -= ( diffPt[0][i] - diffPt[0][i-1] )*(1-0.01*d);

            for(i=startIndex[1]-1; i >=0; i--){
                d = startIndex[1] - i;
                if(d>15){    d=15;    }
                diffPt[1][i] -= ( diffPt[1][i] - diffPt[1][i+1] )*(1-0.01*d);
            for(i=startIndex[1]+1; i < NUM; i++){
                d = i - startIndex[1];
                if(d>15){    d=15;    }
                diffPt[1][i] -= ( diffPt[1][i] - diffPt[1][i-1] )*(1-0.01*d);

            for(i=0; i < NUM; i++){    vertexes[i].uodatePos( diffPt[0][i]+diffPt[1][i] );    }

            for(i=0; i < NUM-2; i++){    mdlPt[i].y = (vertexes[i+1].y + vertexes[i+2].y)*0.5;    }

        //    描画
        private function drawWave():void
            graphics.beginFill(0x666666, 1);

            graphics.moveTo(STAGE_W, STAGE_H);
            graphics.lineTo(0, STAGE_H);
            graphics.lineTo( vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
            graphics.curveTo( vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y, mdlPt[0].x, mdlPt[0].y);

            for(var i:uint=2; i<NUM-2; i++){
                graphics.curveTo( vertexes[i].x, vertexes[i].y, mdlPt[i-1].x, mdlPt[i-1].y);
            graphics.curveTo( vertexes[NUM-2].x, vertexes[NUM-2].y, vertexes[NUM-1].x, vertexes[NUM-1].y);
    class Vertex
        static const BASE_Y:uint = 150;
        static const BASE_R:uint = 10;
        static const PI:Number = Math.PI;
        static const FRICTION:Number = 0.1;
        static const DECELERATION:Number = 0.95;
        static const SPEED_OF_BASE_WAVE:uint = 2;
        private var theta:uint=0;
        private var goalY:Number=0;
        private var amp:Number=0;
        public var x:Number;
        public var y:Number;
        public function Vertex(prmID:uint, parent:Object):void
            theta =  360 * prmID/( parent.NUM-1) ;
            x = prmID * parent.STAGE_W / (parent.NUM-1);
            y = BASE_Y +  BASE_R * Math.sin( theta * PI /180  );
        public function uodatePos(diffVal:Number):void
            theta += SPEED_OF_BASE_WAVE;
            if( theta>=360 ){    theta -= 360;    }
            goalY = BASE_Y +  BASE_R * Math.sin( theta * PI /180  );
            goalY += diffVal;

            amp += goalY - y;
            y += amp * FRICTION;
            amp *= DECELERATION;