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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


Bigger, ( much! ) Faster, Stronger ...Darker.

+ Greatly Optimized
        - faster tentacle drawing,
        - cut computations dramaticaly & ƒ calls

+ Light Boom!
Get Adobe Flash player
by FLASHMAFIA 19 Jun 2013
 * Copyright FLASHMAFIA ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageQuality;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

    public class Octophobia extends Sprite {
        public static var vpl : VolumetricPointLight;

        public function Octophobia()
            var sw : int = stage.stageWidth;
            var sh : int = stage.stageHeight;

            stage.stageFocusRect = mouseEnabled = mouseChildren = tabEnabled = tabChildren = false;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;
            stage.frameRate = 64;
            addChild(vpl = new VolumetricPointLight(sw, sh, new OctopusGenerator(465, 465), [0x687072, 0x120708, 0], [0.88, 0.22, 0.77], [8, 16, 244]));
            vpl.scale = 4;
            vpl.opaqueBackground = 0x0;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
import flash.display.PixelSnapping;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;

class OctopusGenerator extends Bitmap {
    private const OFFSET             : Number = -12;
    private const CURVE_QUANT        : uint = 128;
    private const CURVE_LENGTH       : uint = 6;
    private const N_AMP              : Number = 3;
    private const N_AMP2             : Number = N_AMP * 64;
    private const TANGENT_OFFSET     : Number = 1.0;
    private const TIME_SCALE         : Number = 96;

    private var _t : Number = 0.0;
    private var _controlPoints : Vector.<Vector.<Vector3D>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Vector3D>>(CURVE_QUANT, true);
    private var _startPoints : Vector.<Vector3D> = new Vector.<Vector3D>(CURVE_QUANT, true);
    private var _endPoint : Vector3D;
    private var _fadeCT : ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 0.88);
    private var _container : Sprite = new Sprite();
    private var _bezierMath : BezierMath = new BezierMath();

    public function OctopusGenerator(w : uint, h : uint) : void {
        super(new BitmapData(w, h, true, 0), PixelSnapping.AUTO, false);

        var n : uint = 0;
        while (n < CURVE_QUANT) {
            _controlPoints[n] = new Vector.<Vector3D>(0, false);

        n = 1;
        while (n < CURVE_LENGTH) {
            _controlPoints[0].push(new Vector3D(465 * Math.random(), 465 * Math.random(), 0, 1));

        var nn : uint = 0;
        while (nn < CURVE_QUANT) {
            n = 1;
            while (n < CURVE_LENGTH) {
                var o : Vector3D = _controlPoints[0][n];
                _controlPoints[nn].push(new Vector3D(o.x - N_AMP2 + N_AMP2 * Math.random(), o.y - N_AMP2 + N_AMP2 * Math.random(), o.z - N_AMP2 + N_AMP2 * Math.random(), o.w));

        n = CURVE_QUANT;
        while (--n != 0) {
            _startPoints[n] = _controlPoints[n][0];

        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render, false, 0, true);

    private function render(e : Event) : void {
        var xs : Number = 0;
        var ys : Number = 0;
        var zs : Number = 0;;

        var q : uint = CURVE_QUANT;
        var n : uint = q;
        while (--n) {
            _endPoint = _bezierMath.bezier(_t / TIME_SCALE, _controlPoints[n]);

            var startVec : Vector3D = _startPoints[n];
            var gurf : Number = 1 + (zs / q) / 25;
  , 0x000000, 1.0, false, LineScaleMode.NONE);
  , startVec.y);
  , _endPoint.y);

            xs += _endPoint.x;
            ys += _endPoint.y;
            zs += _endPoint.z;

            _startPoints[n] = _endPoint;

        Octophobia.vpl.srcX = xs / q;
        Octophobia.vpl.srcY = ys / q;
        Octophobia.vpl.intensity = 1.5 + Math.pow(2, (zs / q) / 150);

        bitmapData.colorTransform(bitmapData.rect, _fadeCT);
        bitmapData.draw(_container, null, null, null, null, false);


        if (_t == TIME_SCALE) {
            _t = n = 0;

            var vec1 : Vector3D;
            var vec2 : Vector3D;
            var vec3 : Vector3D;

            while (n < CURVE_QUANT) {
                vec1 = _controlPoints[n][CURVE_LENGTH - 2];
                (vec3 = (vec2 = _controlPoints[n][(CURVE_LENGTH - 1)]).subtract(vec1)).scaleBy(TANGENT_OFFSET);
                (vec3 = vec3.add(vec2)).w = 1;

                _controlPoints[n][0] = vec2;
                _controlPoints[n][1] = vec3;

                var nn : uint;
                if (n != 0) {
                    nn = 2;
                    while (nn < CURVE_LENGTH) {
                        var o : Vector3D = _controlPoints[0][nn];
                        _controlPoints[n][nn] = new Vector3D(o.x - N_AMP + N_AMP2 * Math.random(), o.y - N_AMP + N_AMP2 * Math.random(), o.z - N_AMP + N_AMP2 * Math.random(), o.w);
                } else {
                    nn = 2;
                    while (nn < CURVE_LENGTH) {
                        _controlPoints[n][nn] = new Vector3D(OFFSET + Math.random() * (width - 2 * OFFSET), OFFSET + Math.random() * (height - 2 * OFFSET), OFFSET + Math.random() * (height - 2 * OFFSET), 1);
class BezierMath {
    private const FACTORIAL_MAXEXACT : Number = 20;
    private var combi : Vector.<Vector.<Number>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(13, true);
    private var fcache : Vector.<Number>;

    public function BezierMath() {
        combi[0] = Vector.<Number>([0]);
        combi[1] = Vector.<Number>([1]);
        combi[2] = Vector.<Number>([1, 1]);
        combi[3] = Vector.<Number>([1, 2, 1]);
        combi[4] = Vector.<Number>([1, 3, 3, 1]);
        combi[5] = Vector.<Number>([1, 4, 6, 4, 1]);
        combi[6] = Vector.<Number>([1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1]);
        combi[7] = Vector.<Number>([1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1]);
        combi[8] = Vector.<Number>([1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1]);
        combi[9] = Vector.<Number>([1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1]);
        combi[10] = Vector.<Number>([1, 9, 36, 84, 126, 126, 84, 36, 9, 1]);
        combi[11] = Vector.<Number>([1, 10, 45, 120, 210, 252, 210, 120, 45, 10, 1]);
        combi[12] = Vector.<Number>([1, 11, 56, 165, 330, 462, 462, 330, 165, 56, 11, 1]);

        fcache = new Vector.<Number>(FACTORIAL_MAXEXACT, true);
        var fact : Number = 1;
        fcache[0] = 1;
        for (var tmp : int = 1; tmp < FACTORIAL_MAXEXACT; tmp++) {
            fact *= tmp;
            fcache[tmp] = fact;

    public function bezier(t : Number, controlPoints : Vector.<Vector3D>) : Vector3D {
        var out : Vector3D = new Vector3D();

        var coefficients : Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(0, false);
        var len : Number = controlPoints.length;

        if (combi[len] == null) {
            combi[len] = new Vector.<Number>(0, false);

            var n : uint = len;
            while (n-- != 0) {
                combi[len].push(fcache[len - 1] / (fcache[n] * fcache[len - 1 - n]));

        n = 0;
        while (n <= (len - 1)) {
            coefficients[n] = combi[len][n] * Math.pow(t, n) * Math.pow((1 - t), (len - 1) - n);

        var delta : Number = 0;

        n = len;
        while (n-- != 0) {
            out.x += coefficients[n] * controlPoints[n].x * controlPoints[n].w;
            out.y += coefficients[n] * controlPoints[n].y * controlPoints[n].w;
            out.z += coefficients[n] * controlPoints[n].z * controlPoints[n].w;
            delta += coefficients[n] * controlPoints[n].w;

        out.x = out.x / delta;
        out.y = out.y / delta;
        out.z = out.z / delta;

        return out;
class EffectContainer extends Sprite {
    public var blur : Boolean = false;
    public var colorIntegrity : Boolean = false;
    public var intensity : Number = 4;
    public var passes : uint = 6;
    public var rasterQuality : String = null;
    public var scale : Number = 2;
    public var smoothing : Boolean = true;
    public var srcX : Number;
    public var srcY : Number;
    protected var _blurFilter : BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(2, 2);
    protected var _emission : DisplayObject;
    protected var _occlusion : DisplayObject;
    protected var _ct : ColorTransform = new ColorTransform;
    protected var _halve : ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    protected var _occlusionLoResBmd : BitmapData;
    protected var _occlusionLoResBmp : Bitmap;
    protected var _baseBmd : BitmapData;
    protected var _bufferBmd : BitmapData;
    protected var _lightBmp : Bitmap = new Bitmap;
    protected var _bufferSize : uint = 0x8000;
    protected var _bufferRect : Rectangle = new Rectangle;
    protected var _viewportWidth : uint;
    protected var _viewportHeight : uint;
    protected var _mtx : Matrix = new Matrix;
    protected var _zero : Point = new Point;

    public function EffectContainer(width : uint, height : uint, emission : DisplayObject, occlusion : DisplayObject = null) {
        if (!emission) throw(new Error("emission DisplayObject must not be null."));
        addChild(_emission = emission);
        if (occlusion) addChild(_occlusion = occlusion);
        setViewportSize(width, height);
        _lightBmp.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD;
        srcX = width / 2;
        srcY = height / 2;

    public function setViewportSize(width : uint, height : uint) : void {
        _viewportWidth = width;
        _viewportHeight = height;
        scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);

    public function setBufferSize(size : uint) : void {
        _bufferSize = size;

    protected function _updateBuffers() : void {
        var aspect : Number = _viewportWidth / _viewportHeight;
        _bufferRect.height = int(Math.max(1, Math.sqrt(_bufferSize / aspect)));
        _bufferRect.width = int(Math.max(1, _bufferRect.height * aspect));
        _baseBmd = new BitmapData(_bufferRect.width, _bufferRect.height, false, 0);
        _bufferBmd = new BitmapData(_bufferRect.width, _bufferRect.height, false, 0);
        _occlusionLoResBmd = new BitmapData(_bufferRect.width, _bufferRect.height, true, 0);
        _occlusionLoResBmp = new Bitmap(_occlusionLoResBmd);

    public function render(e : Event = null) : void {
        if (!(_lightBmp.visible = intensity > 0)) return;
        var savedQuality : String = stage.quality;
        if (rasterQuality) stage.quality = rasterQuality;
        var mul : Number = colorIntegrity ? intensity : intensity / (1 << passes);
        _ct.redMultiplier = _ct.greenMultiplier = _ct.blueMultiplier = mul;
        if (_occlusion) _eraseLoResOcclusion();
        if (rasterQuality) stage.quality = savedQuality;
        var s : Number = 1 + (scale - 1) / (1 << passes);
        var tx : Number = srcX / _viewportWidth * _bufferRect.width;
        var ty : Number = srcY / _viewportHeight * _bufferRect.height;
        _mtx.translate(-tx, -ty);
        _mtx.scale(s, s);
        _mtx.translate(tx, ty);
        _applyEffect(_baseBmd, _bufferRect, _bufferBmd, _mtx, passes);
        _lightBmp.bitmapData = _baseBmd;
        _lightBmp.width = _viewportWidth;
        _lightBmp.height = _viewportHeight;
        _lightBmp.smoothing = smoothing;

    protected function _drawLoResEmission() : void {
        _copyMatrix(_emission.transform.matrix, _mtx);
        _mtx.scale(_bufferRect.width / _viewportWidth, _bufferRect.height / _viewportHeight);
        _baseBmd.fillRect(_bufferRect, 0);
        _baseBmd.draw(_emission, _mtx, colorIntegrity ? null : _ct);

    protected function _eraseLoResOcclusion() : void {
        _occlusionLoResBmd.fillRect(_bufferRect, 0);
        _copyMatrix(_occlusion.transform.matrix, _mtx);
        _mtx.scale(_bufferRect.width / _viewportWidth, _bufferRect.height / _viewportHeight);
        _occlusionLoResBmd.draw(_occlusion, _mtx);
        _baseBmd.draw(_occlusionLoResBmp, null, null, BlendMode.ERASE);

    public function startRendering() : void {
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);

    public function stopRendering() : void {
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);

    protected function _applyEffect(bmd : BitmapData, rect : Rectangle, buffer : BitmapData, mtx : Matrix, passes : uint) : void {
        while (passes--) {
            if (colorIntegrity) bmd.colorTransform(rect, _halve);
            buffer.copyPixels(bmd, rect, _zero);
            bmd.draw(buffer, mtx, null, BlendMode.ADD, null, true);
        if (colorIntegrity) bmd.colorTransform(rect, _ct);
        if (blur) bmd.applyFilter(bmd, rect, _zero, _blurFilter);

    public function dispose() : void {
        if (_baseBmd) _baseBmd.dispose();
        if (_occlusionLoResBmd) _occlusionLoResBmd.dispose();
        if (_bufferBmd) _bufferBmd.dispose();
        _baseBmd = _occlusionLoResBmd = _bufferBmd = _lightBmp.bitmapData = null;

    protected function _copyMatrix(src : Matrix, dst : Matrix) : void {
        dst.a = src.a;
        dst.b = src.b;
        dst.c = src.c;
        dst.d = src.d;
        dst.tx = src.tx;
        dst.ty = src.ty;
class VolumetricPointLight extends EffectContainer {
    protected var _colors : Array;
    protected var _alphas : Array;
    protected var _ratios : Array;
    protected var _gradient : Shape = new Shape;
    protected var _gradientMtx : Matrix = new Matrix;
    protected var _gradientBmp : Bitmap = new Bitmap;
    protected var _lastSrcX : Number;
    protected var _lastSrcY : Number;
    protected var _lastIntensity : Number;
    protected var _lastColorIntegrity : Boolean = false;
    protected var _gradientLoResBmd : BitmapData;
    protected var _gradientLoResDirty : Boolean = true;

    public function VolumetricPointLight(width : uint, height : uint, occlusion : DisplayObject, colors : Array, alphas : Array, ratios : Array) {
        _colors = colors;
        _ratios = ratios;
        _alphas = alphas;

        super(width, height, _gradientBmp, occlusion);

    protected function _drawGradient() : void {
        var size : Number = 2 * Math.sqrt(_viewportWidth * _viewportWidth + _viewportHeight * _viewportHeight);
        _gradientMtx.createGradientBox(size, size, 0, -size / 2 + srcX, -size / 2 + srcY);;, _colors, _alphas, _ratios, _gradientMtx);, 0, _viewportWidth, _viewportHeight);;
        if (_gradientBmp.bitmapData) _gradientBmp.bitmapData.dispose();
        _gradientBmp.bitmapData = new BitmapData(_viewportWidth, _viewportHeight, true, 0);

    override protected function _drawLoResEmission() : void {
        if (_gradientLoResDirty) {
            _gradientLoResBmd.copyPixels(_baseBmd, _bufferRect, _zero);
            _gradientLoResDirty = false;
        } else {
            _baseBmd.copyPixels(_gradientLoResBmd, _bufferRect, _zero);

    override protected function _updateBuffers() : void {
        _gradientLoResBmd = new BitmapData(_bufferRect.width, _bufferRect.height, false, 0);
        _gradientLoResDirty = true;

    override public function setViewportSize(width : uint, height : uint) : void {
        super.setViewportSize(width, height);
        _gradientLoResDirty = true;

    override public function render(e : Event = null) : void {
        var srcChanged : Boolean = _lastSrcX != srcX || _lastSrcY != srcY;
        if (srcChanged) _drawGradient();
        _gradientLoResDirty ||= srcChanged;
        _gradientLoResDirty ||= (!colorIntegrity && (_lastIntensity != intensity));
        _gradientLoResDirty ||= (_lastColorIntegrity != colorIntegrity);
        _lastSrcX = srcX;
        _lastSrcY = srcY;
        _lastIntensity = intensity;
        _lastColorIntegrity = colorIntegrity;

    override public function dispose() : void {
        if (_gradientLoResBmd) _gradientLoResBmd.dispose();
        _gradientLoResBmd = null;