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Procedural Map Generation

I tried many different ways to generate map, and this way is very simple and good enough.
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by greentec 26 Aug 2014
 * Copyright greentec ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import com.bit101.components.HUISlider;
    import com.bit101.components.Label;
    import com.bit101.components.PushButton;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        public var _bitmapData:BitmapData;
        public var _bitmap:Bitmap;
        public var map:Array;
        public var mapSize:int = 25;
        public var mapSizeInit:int = 25;
        public var mapSizeMax:int = 400;
        public var mapCopy:Array;
        public var landInitProb:Number = 0.7;
        public var colorData:Object = {
            LAND: 0x77a87e,
            WATER: 0x3966a8,
            SHORE: 0x133518
        public var index:int = 0;
        public var imgRect:Rectangle;
        public var dir:Array = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]];
        public var landPercentHUISlider:HUISlider;
        public function FlashTest() {
            // write as3 code here..
            _bitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 465, false, 0x292929);
            _bitmap = new Bitmap(_bitmapData);
            imgRect = new Rectangle();
            //var _label:Label = new Label(this, 10, mapSizeMax + 10, "Land %");
            landPercentHUISlider = new HUISlider(this, 10, mapSizeMax + 10, "Land %");
            landPercentHUISlider.labelPrecision = 0;
            landPercentHUISlider.minimum = 1;
            landPercentHUISlider.maximum = 99;
            landPercentHUISlider.value = 70;
            var _resetButton:PushButton = new PushButton(this, landPercentHUISlider.x, landPercentHUISlider.y + landPercentHUISlider.height + 5, "Reset", onReset);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
        private function onReset(e:Event):void
            if (hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME) == true)
                removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
            index = 0;
            mapSize = mapSizeInit;
            landInitProb = landPercentHUISlider.value / 100;
            _bitmapData.fillRect(_bitmapData.rect, 0x292929);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
        private function initMapData():void
            map = [];
            var i:int;
            for (i = 0; i < mapSize * mapSize; i += 1)
                if (Math.random() < landInitProb)
                    map.push(1); //land
                    map.push(0); //water
        private function onLoop(e:Event):void
            var i:int;
            var j:int;
            var neighborNum:int;
            var landNum:int = 0;
            var _x:int;
            var _y:int;
            var cellIndex:int;
            if (index < mapSize)
                for (i = 0; i < mapSize; i += 1)
                    cellIndex = index * mapSize + i;
                    if (map[cellIndex] == 0)
                        imgRect.x = cellIndex % mapSize * int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        imgRect.y = int(cellIndex / mapSize) * int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        imgRect.width = int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        imgRect.height = int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        _bitmapData.fillRect(imgRect, colorData.WATER);
                    else if (map[cellIndex] == 1)
                        imgRect.x = cellIndex % mapSize * int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        imgRect.y = int(cellIndex / mapSize) * int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        imgRect.width = int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        imgRect.height = int(mapSizeMax / mapSize);
                        _bitmapData.fillRect(imgRect, colorData.LAND);
                index += 1;
                if (mapSize < mapSizeMax)
                    index = 0;
                    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
                    mapCopy = [];
                    for (i = 0; i < mapSize * mapSize * 4; i += 1)
                    for (i = 0; i < mapSize * mapSize; i += 1)
                        landNum = 0;
                        neighborNum = 1;
                        _x = i % mapSize;
                        _y = int(i / mapSize);
                        if (_x > 0)
                            neighborNum += 1;
                            if (map[i - 1] == 1)
                                landNum += 1;
                        if (_x < mapSize - 1)
                            neighborNum += 1;
                            if (map[i + 1] == 1)
                                landNum += 1;
                        if (_y > 0)
                            neighborNum += 1;
                            if (map[i - mapSize] == 1)
                                landNum += 1;
                        if (_y < mapSize - 1)
                            neighborNum += 1;
                            if (map[i + mapSize] == 1)
                                landNum += 1;
                        if (map[i] == 1)
                            landNum += 1;
                        for (j = 0; j < 4; j += 1)
                            if (Math.random() < landNum / neighborNum)
                                mapCopy[_x * 2 + dir[j][0] + (_y * 2 + dir[j][1]) * mapSize * 2] = 1;
                                mapCopy[_x * 2 + dir[j][0] + (_y * 2 + dir[j][1]) * mapSize * 2] = 0;
                    map = clone(mapCopy);
                    mapSize *= 2;
                    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
                else if(mapSize == mapSizeMax) //make shore
                    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
                    for (i = 0; i < map.length; i += 1)
                        _x = i % mapSize;
                        _y = int(i / mapSize);
                        if (map[i] == 1)
                            if (_x > 0)
                                if (map[i - 1] == 0)
                                    map[i] = 2;
                            if (_x < mapSize - 1)
                                if (map[i + 1] == 0)
                                    map[i] = 2;
                            if (_y > 0)
                                if (map[i - mapSize] == 0)
                                    map[i] = 2;
                            if (_y < mapSize - 1)
                                if (map[i + mapSize] == 0)
                                    map[i] = 2;
                            if (map[i] == 2)
                                imgRect.x = _x;
                                imgRect.y = _y;
                                imgRect.width = 1;
                                imgRect.height = 1;
                                _bitmapData.fillRect(imgRect, colorData.SHORE);
        public function clone(source:Object):*
            var myBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            myBA.position = 0;