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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


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by grapefrukt 24 Feb 2009
package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class STKI extends Sprite {
        // this stores all key states
        // For some reason this seems to be smaller when typed
        public var k:Object;
        private var block:Sprite;
        public function STKI () {
            k = { };    // shorthand for initializing a object
	    // the trick is to use the dynamic nature of objects, 
	    // if the property exists it's overwritten, 
	    // if it doesn't it's created
	    // the function actually gets a KeyboardEvent, but
	    // having it untyped makes it smaller
	    // So does using a regular ("keyDown") string instead 
	    // of the static one provided by the event. 
            stage.addEventListener("keyDown", function(e:*):void{ k[e["keyCode"]] = true});
            stage.addEventListener("keyUp", function(e:*):void{ k[e["keyCode"]] = false});
            // this is just to show that it works
            block = new Sprite();
  , -4, 8, 8);
            block.x = 250;
            block.y = 250;
            addEventListener("enterFrame", handleEnterFrame);
        private function handleEnterFrame(e:*):void{
            // this is how you use it, just access the keyCode
            // in the object, it acts just as good old Key.isDown
            // from AS2
            if (k[37]) { //left
                block.x -= 1;
            } else if (k[39]) { // right
                block.x += 1;
            if (k[38]){ // up
                block.y -= 1;
            } else if (k[40]) { // down
                block.y += 1;