In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Metaball by BitmapData.threshold

	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.geom.*;
	import flash.filters.*;
	[SWF(backgroundColor="0x000000", frameRate="30")]  
	public class MetaballThreshold extends Sprite{
		private var ballMax:uint = 10;//ボールの数
		private var ballContainer:Sprite;//ボール表示用コンテナ
		private var bmp:Bitmap;//ここに描画してく
		private var bmpData:BitmapData;//bmp用
		private var tmpBmpData:BitmapData;//threshold処理用
		public function MetaballThreshold(){
			this.addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedHandler);//
		private function onAddedHandler( e:Event ):void{
			this.removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedHandler);//
			ballContainer = new Sprite();
			ballContainer.visible = false;
			addChild( ballContainer );
			for(var i:uint=0; i<ballMax; i++){
				var ball:Ball = new Ball();
			bmpData = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, false, 0xFF000000);
			tmpBmpData = new BitmapData( stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, false, 0xFF000000);
			bmp = new Bitmap( bmpData );
			addChild( bmp );
			this.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);//
		private function onEnterFrame( e:Event ):void{
			tmpBmpData.fillRect( tmpBmpData.rect, 0xFF000000);
			tmpBmpData.draw( ballContainer );
			bmpData.fillRect( tmpBmpData.rect, 0xFF000000);
			bmpData.threshold( tmpBmpData, bmpData.rect, new Point( 0, 0), ">=", 0x00808080, 0xFFD9FF66, 0x00FFFFFF, false);

import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;

class Ball extends Sprite{
	private var _ball:Sprite;
	private var ballSize:Number = 70;//ボールの半径
	private var speedX:Number = (Math.random()*6 - 3)*(Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*2 - 1);//移動スピードX
	private var speedY:Number = (Math.random()*6 - 3)*(Math.floor(Math.random()*2)*2 - 1);//移動スピードY
	private var blurFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter( 32, 32, 1);//ブラー(ちょっと多めに)
	public function Ball(){
		this.addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);//
	private function onAdded( e:Event ):void{
		this.removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);//
		_ball = new Sprite(); 0xFFFFFF, 1); 0, 0, ballSize);;
		_ball.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
		_ball.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
		_ball.filters = [blurFilter];
		this.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//
	private function moveBall( e:Event ):void{
		_ball.x += speedX;
		_ball.y += speedY;
		if( _ball.x > stage.stageWidth - ballSize ){
			_ball.x = stage.stageWidth - ballSize;
			speedX *= -1;
		}else if( _ball.x < ballSize ){
			_ball.x = ballSize;
			speedX *= -1;
		if( _ball.y > stage.stageHeight - ballSize ){
			_ball.y = stage.stageHeight - ballSize;
			speedY *= -1;
		}else if( _ball.y < ballSize ){
			_ball.y = ballSize;
			speedY *= -1;