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Get Adobe Flash player
by umhr 08 Oct 2012
 * Copyright umhr ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:



    import flash.display.Sprite;




     * ...

     * @author umhr


    [SWF(width = 465, height = 465, backgroundColor = 0x777777, frameRate = 30)]

    public class WonderflMain extends Sprite 



        public function WonderflMain():void 


            if (stage) init();

            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);



        private function init(e:Event = null):void 


            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

            // entry point



            graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);



            addChild(new ColorCanvas());







    import a24.tween.Ease24;

    import a24.tween.Tween24;

    import com.bit101.components.RadioButton;

    import com.bit101.components.Style;

    import flash.display.Sprite;



    import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;

    import flash.geom.Point;


     * ...

     * @author umhr


     class ColorCanvas extends Sprite 



        private var _centerInformation:CenterInformation = new CenterInformation();

        private var _colorChipList:Vector.<ColorChip> = new Vector.<ColorChip>();

        private var _currentRadio:String;

        public function ColorCanvas() 




        private function init():void 


            if (stage) onInit();

            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onInit);



        private function onInit(event:Event = null):void 


            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onInit);

            // entry point


            var rgbColorList:Vector.<RGBColor> = ColorPalette.rgbColorList;


            _centerInformation.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;

            _centerInformation.y = stage.stageHeight * 0.5;



            var n:int = rgbColorList.length;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 







            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, stage_mouseMove);



        private function addRadioButton():void 


            Style.embedFonts = false;

            Style.fontSize = 12;

            Style.BACKGROUND = 0xFF0000;

            Style.LABEL_TEXT = 0xFFFFFF;

            new RadioButton(this, 8, 10, "Hue(色相)", true, onRadio);

            new RadioButton(this, 8, 30, "Saturation(彩度)", false, onRadio);

            new RadioButton(this, 8, 50, "Value(明度)", false, onRadio);

            new RadioButton(this, 8, 70, "Name", false, onRadio);



        private function onRadio(event:MouseEvent):void 


            var radioButton:RadioButton = as RadioButton;

            var name:String = radioButton.label;

            name = name.split("(")[0];




        private function stage_mouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void 


            var object:* = getObjectsUnderPoint(new Point(mouseX, mouseY)).pop();


            if (object == "[object ColorChip]") {


                var n:int = _colorChipList.length;

                for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 


                    _colorChipList[i].filters = [];




                var colorChip:ColorChip = object as ColorChip;

                colorChip.filters = [new DropShadowFilter(0)];

                var rgbColor:RGBColor = colorChip.rgbColor;






        private function addColorCircle(rgbColor:RGBColor):void 


            var colorChip:ColorChip = new ColorChip(rgbColor);

            colorChip.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;

            colorChip.y = stage.stageHeight * 0.5;






        private function setPosition(name:String):void {


            if (_currentRadio == name) {



            _currentRadio = name;



            var colorChip:ColorChip;

            var d:Number;

            var n:int = _colorChipList.length;

            var num:Number;

            var indexList:Vector.<int> = ColorPalette["indexListBy" + name];


            var tweenList:Array/*Tween24*/ = [];


            var k:int;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 


                d = i % 3;

                num = i / n;

                k = indexList[i];


                tweenList[i] = Tween24.tween(_colorChipList[k], 0.5, Ease24._2_QuadOut);

                tweenList[i].x(stage.stageWidth * 0.5 + Math.cos(num * 2 * Math.PI) * (170 + d * 22));

                tweenList[i].y(stage.stageHeight * 0.5 + Math.sin(num * 2 * Math.PI) * (170 + d * 22));

                tweenList[i].delay(d * 0.1);


            Tween24.parallel.apply(null, tweenList).play();






    import flash.display.Sprite;


    import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;

    import flash.text.TextField;

    import flash.text.TextFormat;

    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;


     * ...

     * @author umhr


     class CenterInformation extends Sprite 


        public var _textField:TextField = new TextField();

        public function CenterInformation() 




        private function init():void 


            if (stage) onInit();

            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onInit);



        private function onInit(event:Event = null):void 


            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onInit);

            // entry point





        private function addTextField():void 


            var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", 12, 0xFFFFFF);

            textFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;

            _textField.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

            _textField.text = "\n\n\n\n";

            _textField.wordWrap = true;

            _textField.multiline = true;

            _textField.width = 200;

            _textField.autoSize = "center";

            _textField.x = -_textField.width * 0.5;

            _textField.y = -_textField.height * 0.5;

            _textField.filters = [new DropShadowFilter(0, 0, 0x000000, 1, 4, 4, 2)];




        public function setRGBColor(rgbColor:RGBColor):void {



            graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 100);



            var text:String = "";

            text += "Name:" + + "\n";

            text += "RGB:0x" + rgbColor.rgb.toString(16).toUpperCase() + "\n";

            text += "Hue:" + Math.floor(rgbColor.hue) + "\n";

            text += "Saturation:" + Math.floor(rgbColor.saturation) + "\n";

            text += "Value:" + Math.floor(rgbColor.value) + "\n";


            _textField.text = text;





     * CSS色


     * ...

     * @author umhr


     class ColorPalette 


        static public const ALICE_BLUE:int = 0xF0F8FF;

        static public const ANTIQUE_WHITE:int = 0xFAEBD7;

        static public const AQUA:int = 0x00FFFF;

        static public const AQUAMARINE:int = 0x7FFFD4;

        static public const AZURE:int = 0xF0FFFF;

        static public const BEIGE:int = 0xF5F5DC;

        static public const BISQUE:int = 0xFFE4C4;

        static public const BLACK:int = 0x000000;

        static public const BLANCHED_ALMOND:int = 0xFFEBCD;

        static public const BLUE:int = 0x0000FF;

        static public const BLUE_VIOLET:int = 0x8A2BE2;

        static public const BRASS:int = 0xB5A642;

        static public const BROWN:int = 0xA52A2A;

        static public const BURLY_WOOD:int = 0xDEB887;

        static public const CADET_BLUE:int = 0x5F9EA0;

        static public const CHARTREUSE:int = 0x7FFF00;

        static public const CHOCOLATE:int = 0xD2691E;

        static public const COOLCOPPER:int = 0xD98719;

        static public const COPPER:int = 0xBF00DF;

        static public const CORAL:int = 0xFF7F50;

        static public const CORNFLOWER:int = 0xBFEFDF;

        static public const CORNFLOWER_BLUE:int = 0x6495ED;

        static public const CORNSILK:int = 0xFFF8DC;

        static public const CRIMSON:int = 0xDC143C;

        static public const CYAN:int = 0x00FFFF;

        static public const DARK_BLUE:int = 0x00008B;

        static public const DARK_BROWN:int = 0xDA0B00;

        static public const DARK_CYAN:int = 0x008B8B;

        static public const DARK_GOLDENROD:int = 0xB8860B;

        static public const DARK_GRAY:int = 0xA9A9A9;

        static public const DARK_GREEN:int = 0x006400;

        static public const DARK_KHAKI:int = 0xBDB76B;

        static public const DARK_MAGENTA:int = 0x8B008B;

        static public const DARK_OLIVE_GREEN:int = 0x556B2F;

        static public const DARK_ORANGE:int = 0xFF8C00;

        static public const DARK_ORCHID:int = 0x9932CC;

        static public const DARK_RED:int = 0x8B0000;

        static public const DARK_SALMON:int = 0xE9967A;

        static public const DARK_SEA_GREEN:int = 0x8FBC8F;

        static public const DARK_SLATE_BLUE:int = 0x483D8B;

        static public const DARK_SLATE_GRAY:int = 0x2F4F4F;

        static public const DARK_TURQUOISE:int = 0x00CED1;

        static public const DARK_VIOLET:int = 0x9400D3;

        static public const DEEP_PINK:int = 0xFF1493;

        static public const DEEP_SKY_BLUE:int = 0x00BFFF;

        static public const DIM_GRAY:int = 0x696969;

        static public const DODGER_BLUE:int = 0x1E90FF;

        static public const FELDSPER:int = 0xFED0E0;

        static public const FIRE_BRICK:int = 0xB22222;

        static public const FLORAL_WHITE:int = 0xFFFAF0;

        static public const FOREST_GREEN:int = 0x228B22;

        static public const FUCHSIA:int = 0xFF00FF;

        static public const GAINSBORO:int = 0xDCDCDC;

        static public const GHOST_WHITE:int = 0xF8F8FF;

        static public const GOLD:int = 0xFFD700;

        static public const GOLDENROD:int = 0xDAA520;

        static public const GRAY:int = 0x808080;

        static public const GREEN:int = 0x008000;

        static public const GREEN_YELLOW:int = 0xADFF2F;

        static public const HONEYDEW:int = 0xF0FFF0;

        static public const HOT_PINK:int = 0xFF69B4;

        static public const INDIAN_RED:int = 0xCD5C5C;

        static public const INDIGO:int = 0x4B0082;

        static public const IVORY:int = 0xFFFFF0;

        static public const KHAKI:int = 0xF0E68C;

        static public const LAVENDER:int = 0xE6E6FA;

        static public const LAVENDER_BLUSH:int = 0xFFF0F5;

        static public const LAWN_GREEN:int = 0x7CFC00;

        static public const LEMON_CHIFFON:int = 0xFFFACD;

        static public const LIGHT_BLUE:int = 0xADD8E6;

        static public const LIGHT_CORAL:int = 0xF08080;

        static public const LIGHT_CYAN:int = 0xE0FFFF;

        static public const LIGHT_GOLDENROD_YELLOW:int = 0xFAFAD2;

        static public const LIGHT_GREEN:int = 0x90EE90;

        static public const LIGHT_GREY:int = 0xD3D3D3;

        static public const LIGHT_PINK:int = 0xFFB6C1;

        static public const LIGHT_SALMON:int = 0xFFA07A;

        static public const LIGHT_SEA_GREEN:int = 0x20B2AA;

        static public const LIGHT_SKY_BLUE:int = 0x87CEFA;

        static public const LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY:int = 0x778899;

        static public const LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE:int = 0xB0C4DE;

        static public const LIGHT_YELLOW:int = 0xFFFFE0;

        static public const LIME:int = 0x00FF00;

        static public const LIME_GREEN:int = 0x32CD32;

        static public const LINEN:int = 0xFAF0E6;

        static public const MAGENTA:int = 0xFF00FF;

        static public const MAROON:int = 0x800000;

        static public const MEDIUM_AQUAMARINE:int = 0x66CDAA;

        static public const MEDIUM_BLUE:int = 0x0000CD;

        static public const MEDIUM_ORCHID:int = 0xBA55D3;

        static public const MEDIUM_PURPLE:int = 0x9370DB;

        static public const MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN:int = 0x3CB371;

        static public const MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE:int = 0x7B68EE;

        static public const MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN:int = 0x00FA9A;

        static public const MEDIUM_TURQUOISE:int = 0x48D1CC;

        static public const MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED:int = 0xC71585;

        static public const MIDNIGHT_BLUE:int = 0x191970;

        static public const MINT_CREAM:int = 0xF5FFFA;

        static public const MISTY_ROSE:int = 0xFFE4E1;

        static public const MOCCASIN:int = 0xFFE4B5;

        static public const NAVAJO_WHITE:int = 0xFFDEAD;

        static public const NAVY:int = 0x000080;

        static public const OLD_LACE:int = 0xFDF5E6;

        static public const OLIVE:int = 0x808000;

        static public const OLIVE_DRAB:int = 0x6B8E23;

        static public const ORANGE:int = 0xFFA500;

        static public const ORANGE_RED:int = 0xFF4500;

        static public const ORCHID:int = 0xDA70D6;

        static public const PALE_GOLDENROD:int = 0xEEE8AA;

        static public const PALE_GREEN:int = 0x98FB98;

        static public const PALE_TURQUOISE:int = 0xAFEEEE;

        static public const PALE_VIOLET_RED:int = 0xDB7093;

        static public const PAPAYA_WHIP:int = 0xFFEFD5;

        static public const PEACH_PUFF:int = 0xFFDAB9;

        static public const PERU:int = 0xCD853F;

        static public const PINK:int = 0xFFC0CB;

        static public const PLUM:int = 0xDDA0DD;

        static public const POWDER_BLUE:int = 0xB0E0E6;

        static public const PURPLE:int = 0x800080;

        static public const RED:int = 0xFF0000;

        static public const RICHBLUE:int = 0x0CB0E0;

        static public const ROSY_BROWN:int = 0xBC8F8F;

        static public const ROYAL_BLUE:int = 0x4169E1;

        static public const SADDLE_BROWN:int = 0x8B4513;

        static public const SALMON:int = 0xFA8072;

        static public const SANDY_BROWN:int = 0xF4A460;

        static public const SEA_GREEN:int = 0x2E8B57;

        static public const SEASHELL:int = 0xFFF5EE;

        static public const SIENNA:int = 0xA0522D;

        static public const SILVER:int = 0xC0C0C0;

        static public const SKY_BLUE:int = 0x87CEEB;

        static public const SLATE_BLUE:int = 0x6A5ACD;

        static public const SLATE_GRAY:int = 0x708090;

        static public const SNOW:int = 0xFFFAFA;

        static public const SPRING_GREEN:int = 0x00FF7F;

        static public const STEEL_BLUE:int = 0x4682B4;

        static public const TAN:int = 0xD2B48C;

        static public const TEAL:int = 0x008080;

        static public const THISTLE:int = 0xD8BFD8;

        static public const TOMATO:int = 0xFF6347;

        static public const TURQUOISE:int = 0x40E0D0;

        static public const VIOLET:int = 0xEE82EE;

        static public const WHEAT:int = 0xF5DEB3;

        static public const WHITE:int = 0xFFFFFF;

        static public const WHITE_SMOKE:int = 0xF5F5F5;

        static public const YELLOW:int = 0xFFFF00;

        static public const YELLOW_GREEN:int = 0x9ACD32;



         * 名前順リスト




        static private var _rgbColorList:Vector.<RGBColor>;


        static private var _rgbListByName:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _rgbListByValue:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _rgbListBySaturation:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _rgbListByHue:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _indexListByValue:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _indexListBySaturation:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _indexListByHue:Vector.<int>;


        static private var _indexListByName:Vector.<int>;



         * 明度順リスト


        static public function get rgbListByName():Vector.<int> {

            if (_rgbListByName) {

                return _rgbListByName;



            var n:int = rgbColorList.length;

            _rgbListByName = new Vector.<int>(n, true);

            _indexListByName = new Vector.<int>(n, true);

            for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 


                _rgbListByName[i] = _rgbColorList[i].rgb;

                _indexListByName[i] = i;



            return _rgbListByName;



        static public function get rgbListByValue():Vector.<int> {

            if (_rgbListByValue) {

                return _rgbListByValue;


            return setList(_rgbListByValue, "value", "_indexListByValue");



        static public function get rgbListByHue():Vector.<int> {

            if (_rgbListByHue) {

                return _rgbListByHue;


            return setList(_rgbListByHue, "hue", "_indexListByHue");



        static public function get rgbListBySaturation():Vector.<int> {

            if (_rgbListBySaturation) {

                return _rgbListBySaturation;


            return setList(_rgbListBySaturation, "saturation", "_indexListBySaturation");



        static private function setList(list:Vector.<int>, prop:String, indexName:String):Vector.<int> {

            var valueList:Array = [];

            var indexList:Vector.<int>;

            var n:int = rgbColorList.length;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 


                valueList[i] = _rgbColorList[i][prop];


            indexList = Vector.<int>(valueList.sort(Array.NUMERIC | Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY));


            list = new Vector.<int>(n, true);

            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 


                list[i] = _rgbColorList[indexList[i]].rgb;



            ColorPalette[indexName] = indexList;


            return list;



        static public function get rgbColorList():Vector.<RGBColor> {

            if (_rgbColorList) {

                return _rgbColorList;



            var n:int = NAME_LIST.length;

            _rgbColorList = new Vector.<RGBColor>(n, true);

            for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) 


                _rgbColorList[i] = new RGBColor(ColorPalette[NAME_LIST[i]]);

                _rgbColorList[i].name = NAME_LIST[i];



            return _rgbColorList;



        static public function get indexListByHue():Vector.<int> 


            if (!_indexListByHue) {



            return _indexListByHue;



        static public function get indexListByName():Vector.<int> 


            if (!_indexListByName) {



            return _indexListByName;



        static public function get indexListBySaturation():Vector.<int> 


            if (!_indexListBySaturation) {



            return _indexListBySaturation;



        static public function get indexListByValue():Vector.<int> 


            if (!_indexListByValue) {



            return _indexListByValue;



        public function ColorPalette() 








    import flash.display.Sprite;


     * ...

     * @author umhr


     class ColorChip extends Sprite 


        public var rgbColor:RGBColor;

        public function ColorChip(rgbColor:RGBColor) 


            this.rgbColor = rgbColor;

            name =;




        private function init():void {


            //graphics.drawRect(-28, -3, 56, 6);

            graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 10);






    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;


     * Converting between RGB and HSV color space

     * RGBとHSVの相互変換


     * ...

     * @author umhr


     class RGBColor


        private var _alpha:Number;

        private var _a:int;

        public var red:int;

        public var green:int;

        public var blue:int;

        public var hue:Number;

        public var saturation:Number;

        public var value:Number;

        private var _rgb:int;

        public var name:String;


        public function RGBColor(rgb:int = NaN) 


            if (!isNaN(rgb)) {

                this.rgb = rgb;




        private function setHSV():void {


            var max:int = Math.max(red, green, blue);

            var min:int = Math.min(red, green, blue);


            // h

            if(max == min){

                hue = 0;


            else if(max == red){

                hue = (60 * (green - blue) / (max - min) + 360) % 360;


            else if(max == green){

                hue = (60 * (blue - red) / (max - min)) + 120;


            else if(max == blue){

                hue = (60 * (red - green) / (max - min)) + 240;   



            // s

            if(max == 0){

                saturation = 0;



                saturation = (255 * ((max - min) / max));



            // v

            value = max;



        public function setByHSV(hue:int, saturation:int, value:int):void {


            this.hue = hue;

            this.saturation = saturation;

            this.value = value;


            var i:int = Math.floor(hue / 60) % 6;

            var f:Number = (hue / 60) - Math.floor(hue / 60);

            var p:int = Math.round(value * (1 - (saturation / 255)));

            var q:int = Math.round(value * (1 - (saturation / 255) * f));

            var t:int = Math.round(value * (1 - (saturation / 255) * (1 - f)));



                case 0 : red = value; green = t; blue = p; break;

                case 1 : red = q; green = value; blue = p; break;

                case 2 : red = p; green = value; blue = t; break;

                case 3 : red = p; green = q; blue = value; break;

                case 4 : red = t; green = p; blue = value; break;

                case 5 : red = value; green = p; blue = q; break;



            rgb = ColorUtils.rgbCombination(red, green, blue);




        public function toString(radix:* = 10):String {

            return rgb.toString(radix);




         * 0~1の値を返します。


        public function get alpha():Number 


            return _alpha;


        public function set alpha(value:Number):void 


            _alpha = value;

            _a = value * 255;




         * 0~255の値を返します。


        public function get a():int 


            return _a;


        public function set a(value:int):void 


            _a = value;

            _alpha = value / 255;



        public function get rgb():int 


            return _rgb;



        public function set rgb(value:int):void 


            _rgb = value;

            red = value >> 16 & 0xFF;

            green = value >> 8 & 0xFF;

            blue = value & 0xFF;







    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;


     * ...

     * @author umhr


     class ColorUtils 



        public function ColorUtils() 





        static public function colorTransform(rgb:int):ColorTransform {    

            var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();

            colorTransform.redMultiplier = colorTransform.blueMultiplier = colorTransform.greenMultiplier = 0;

            colorTransform.redOffset = rgb >> 16;//16bit右にずらす。

            colorTransform.greenOffset = rgb >> 8 & 0xff;//8bit右にずらして、下位8bitのみを取り出す。

            colorTransform.blueOffset = rgb & 0xff;//下位8bitのみを取り出す。

            return colorTransform;



        static public function rgbCombination(red:int, green:int, blue:int):int {

            return red << 16 | green << 8 | blue;



         * rgbをargbにして返します。

         * @param    rgb

         * @param    alpha

         * @return


        static public function addAlpha(rgb:uint, alpha:int = 0xFF):uint {

            return alpha << 24 | rgb;



        static public function removeAlpha(argb:uint):int {

            return argb & 0xFFFFFF;



        static public function rgbSeparater(rgb:int):Vector.<int> {

            return Vector.<int>([rgb >> 16 & 0xFF, rgb >> 8 & 0xFF, rgb & 0xFF]);



        static public function rgbSeparaterArray(rgb:int):Array {

            return [rgb >> 16 & 0xFF, rgb >> 8 & 0xFF, rgb & 0xFF];




        static public function rgbSeparaters(rgb:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {

            r = rgb >> 16 & 0xFF;

            g = rgb >> 8 & 0xFF;

            b = rgb & 0xFF;




         * フィールドカラーに変色します.

         * 6桁16進数から、2桁ぶんずつを取り出す。 

         * 色情報は24bit。r8bit+g8bit+b8bit。24桁の二進数 

         * @param    rgb

         * @param    ratio

         * @return


        static public function colorTransformFromRGB(rgb:int, ratio:Number = 1):ColorTransform {    


            if(ratio != 1){rgb = rgbBrightness(rgb,ratio)};

            var color:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();

            color.redMultiplier = color.blueMultiplier = color.greenMultiplier = 0;

            color.redOffset = rgb >> 16;//16bit右にずらす。

            color.greenOffset = rgb >> 8 & 0xff;//8bit右にずらして、下位8bitのみを取り出す。

            color.blueOffset = rgb & 0xff;//下位8bitのみを取り出す。

            return color;




         * 色の明度を相対的に変える関数。

         * rgb値と割合を与えて、結果を返す。

         * rgbは、0xffffff段階の値。

         * ratioが0の時に0x000000に、1の時にそのまま、2の時には0xffffffになる。

         * 相対的に、ちょっと暗くしたい時には、ratioを0.8に、

         * ちょっと明るくしたい時にはratioを1.2などに設定する。


        static public function rgbBrightness(rgb:int, ratio:Number):int {

            if(ratio < 0 || 2 < ratio){ratio = 1;trace("function colorBrightness 範囲外")}

            var _r:int = rgb >> 16;//16bit右にずらす。

            var _g:int = rgb >> 8 & 0xff;//8bit右にずらして、下位8bitのみを取り出す。

            var _b:int = rgb & 0xff;//下位8bitのみを取り出す。

            if(ratio <= 1){

                _r *= ratio;

                _g *= ratio;

                _b *= ratio;


                _r = (255 - _r)*(ratio-1)+_r;

                _g = (255 - _g)*(ratio-1)+_g;

                _b = (255 - _b)*(ratio-1)+_b;


            return _r << 16 | _g << 8 | _b;

