perlin noise study.
click screen to toggle between forked ver. and original ver.
My version is ugly. Maybe numerical error causes it? Floats calculated in perlin noise function and integer values stored in bitmap data makes the difference I guess.
* Copyright codeonwort ( )
* MIT License ( )
* Downloaded from:
// forked from christian's CUTS
// perlin noise study for speed-up the effect
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import net.hires.debug.Stats
[ SWF (width = '465', height = '465', backgroundColor = '0xFFFFFF', frameRate = '30') ]
public class CUTS extends Sprite
private var e : BitmapData = new BitmapData (465, 465, true, 0x00), s : BitmapData = e.clone ();
private var c : ColorTransform = new ColorTransform (1, 1, 1, 0.99);
private var b : BlurFilter = new BlurFilter (2, 2, 5);
private var o : Array = [new Point (), new Point ()];
private var t : Number;
private var zero:Point = new Point(0, 0)
private var mat:Matrix = new Matrix
private var halfRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, e.width, e.height)
private var octave1:BitmapData
private var octave2:BitmapData
private var original:Boolean = false
public function CUTS ()
Wonderfl.disable_capture ();
stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
octave1 = new BitmapData(e.width*2, e.height*2, true, 0x0)
octave2 = octave1.clone()
e.perlinNoise(200, 200, 1, 0xAAA, true, true, 7, true)
octave1.copyPixels(e, e.rect, new Point)
octave1.copyPixels(octave1, halfRect, new Point(e.width, 0))
octave1.copyPixels(octave1, halfRect, new Point(0, e.height))
octave1.copyPixels(octave1, halfRect, new Point(e.width, e.height))
e.perlinNoise(200, 200, 2, 0xAAA, true, true, 7, true)
octave2.copyPixels(e, e.rect, new Point)
octave2.copyPixels(octave2, halfRect, new Point(e.width, 0))
octave2.copyPixels(octave2, halfRect, new Point(0, e.height))
octave2.copyPixels(octave2, halfRect, new Point(e.width, e.height))
octave2.draw(octave1, null, null, 'subtract')
octave2.threshold(octave2, octave2.rect, new Point, '==', 0xff000000)
addChild (new Bitmap (s))
addChild(new Stats)
addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);
stage.addEventListener('mouseDown', toggleRenderMode)
private function toggleRenderMode($:Event):void {
s.fillRect(s.rect, 0x0)
original = !original
private function render ($ : Event = null) : void
t = getTimer ();
o[1].x =- (o[0].x = Math.sin (t * 0.00005) * 250);
o[1].y =- (o[0].y = Math.cos (t * 0.00005) * 250);
e.perlinNoise(200, 200, 2, 0xAAA, true, true, 7, true, o)
o[1].x =- (o[0].x = Math.sin (t * 0.0005) * 250);
o[1].y =- (o[0].y = Math.cos (t * 0.0005) * 250);
halfRect.x = -o[0].x % e.width
halfRect.y = -o[0].y % e.height
while(halfRect.x < 0) halfRect.x += e.width
while(halfRect.y < 0) halfRect.y += e.height
e.copyPixels(octave1, halfRect, zero)
halfRect.x = -o[1].x % e.width
halfRect.y = -o[1].y % e.height
while(halfRect.x < 0) halfRect.x += e.width
while(halfRect.y < 0) halfRect.y += e.height
mat.translate(-halfRect.x, -halfRect.y)
e.draw(octave2, mat, null, 'add')
e.threshold (e, e.rect, e.rect.topLeft, '!=', 0xFF808080, 0x00000000);
e.applyFilter (e, e.rect, e.rect.topLeft, b);
e.draw (e, null, null, BlendMode.ADD, null, true);
e.draw (e, null, null, BlendMode.ADD, null, true);
e.threshold (e, e.rect, e.rect.topLeft, '==', 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000);
s.colorTransform (s.rect, c);
s.copyPixels (e, e.rect, e.rect.topLeft, null, null, true);