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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from



Get Adobe Flash player
by nyamogera 26 Aug 2009
 * Copyright nyamogera ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from mogera's forked from: 朝わん1日目
// forked from mogera's 朝わん1日目
package {

    //    朝ワン2日目
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Shape;   
    import flash.geom.Point;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
         [SWF(width="465", height="465", backgroundColor="0xffffff", framerate="20")]
        private var _tmpLine:Line;        //    一時保管ライン
        private var _lineStartAndLast:Line;//    最初と最後をつなぐ
        private var _tmpBuffer:Shape;     //    描画ライン一時保存用
        private var _backBuffer:Shape;    //    描画ライン(もう動かさないよう)
        private var _tmpOldPoint:Point;
        private var _tmpStartPoint:Point;
        private var _debug:DebugTest;
        private var _trace:DebugTest;
        private var _traceStr:String;
        private var _isCreatePolygon:Boolean;
        private var _lineCount:int;
        private var _createPolygonButton:TestButton;
        private var _createPolygon:CreatePolygon;
        public function FlashTest() {
            // write as3 code here..           
            var background:Sprite = createBackGround() 
            var asaWon:AsaWon =  new AsaWon( 2, 0x000000);
            asaWon.x = 100;
            //    トレース用
            _trace= new DebugTest( "trace");
            _trace.x = 350;
            addChild( _trace);
            //    デバッグ用(残らない)
            _debug = new DebugTest( "debug");
            _debug.x = 300;
            addChild( _debug );
            /////////////////////////////////////////    まだなので。
            _debug.x = (stage.stageWidth - _debug.width ) / 2;
            _debug.y = (stage.stageHeight - _debug.height) / 2;
            _debug.add("atode", "あとで続き")
            /////////////////////////////////////////    まだなので。
           // return;
             _lineStartAndLast = new Line();          
             _tmpLine = new Line();
             addChild( _tmpBuffer = new Shape() );     //  保存用のバッファと
             addChild(  _backBuffer = new Shape() );   //  表示用のバッファ
             addChild( _createPolygonButton = new TestButton("Create!"));
             _createPolygonButton.enabled = false;
             _createPolygonButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, createPolygonHandler);
             _createPolygon = new CreatePolygon();
             addChild(_createPolygon.debugShape );
             var resetButton:TestButton;
             addChild( resetButton = new TestButton("Reset!"));
             resetButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, resetHandler );
             resetButton.y = 20;
            //    イベント取り付ける
            background.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
            background.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
            background.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
        private function resetHandler(event:MouseEvent) : void
            //    ここでリセットする
            _isCreatePolygon = false;
            _traceStr = "";
            _trace.add("trace", _traceStr );
        private function createPolygonHandler(event:MouseEvent) : void
            keepLine(_tmpOldPoint.x, _tmpOldPoint.y);
            _tmpLine.draw(_tmpBuffer, 0x000000);
            _lineStartAndLast.draw(_tmpBuffer, 0x000000);
            //    ここからポリゴン作る!
            _isCreatePolygon = false;

        //    トレースを追加する
        private function addTrace(str:String) : void
            _traceStr = _traceStr + "\n" + str;
            _trace.add("trace", _traceStr );
        //    マウスが移動したとき
        private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent) : void
            _debug.add("mouse", "mouse move ->" + _tmpLine);
            _debug.add("pos x:", event.stageX.toString() + ", y:"+ event.stageY.toString() );
            if( ! _isCreatePolygon ) return ;    //    作成フラグがないのでリターンする
            keepLine(mouseX, mouseY);
            _tmpLine.draw(_tmpBuffer, 0xff0000);
            _lineStartAndLast.draw(_tmpBuffer, 0xff0000);
            //    最初と最後をつなぐ用の描画
            _lineStartAndLast.draw(_tmpBuffer, 0x00ff00);
        //    マウスが押されたとき
        private function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent) : void
            _debug.add("mouse", "mouse down");
            _debug.add("pos put x:", event.stageX.toString() + ", y:"+ event.stageY.toString() );
            if( !_isCreatePolygon)
                _tmpStartPoint = _tmpOldPoint = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
                //_createPolygon.addFramePos(new Point(mouseX, mouseY));
                //addTrace("addFramePos x:" + mouseX.toString() + ",y:" + mouseY.toString() );
            _isCreatePolygon = true;
        //    マウスがUP!
        private function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent) : void
            _debug.add("mouse", "mouse up");
  ;    //    バッファクリア
             keepLine(mouseX, mouseY);

            //    最初と最後をつなぐ用の描画
            _lineStartAndLast.draw(_tmpBuffer, 0x00ff00);
             //    バッファに書き込む
            _tmpLine.draw(_backBuffer, 0x000000);   
            _createPolygon.addFramePos(_tmpOldPoint = new Point(mouseX, mouseY));
            addTrace("addFramePos x:" + mouseX.toString() + ",y:" + mouseY.toString() );
            if( _lineCount >= 3 ) _createPolygonButton.enabled = true;
            addTrace("mou up2")
        private function keepLine(mouseX:Number, mouseY:Number) : void
             //    ラスト・ラスト一歩手前    
            _tmpLine.p0.x = _tmpOldPoint.x;
            _tmpLine.p0.y = _tmpOldPoint.y;
            _tmpLine.p1.x = mouseX;
            _tmpLine.p1.y = mouseY;           
            //    スタート・ラスト
            _lineStartAndLast.p0.x = _tmpStartPoint.x;
            _lineStartAndLast.p0.y = _tmpStartPoint.y;
            _lineStartAndLast.p1.x = mouseX;
            _lineStartAndLast.p1.y = mouseY;

        //    背景表示用
        private function createBackGround(color:uint=0xffffff):Sprite
	    var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
	    addChild( sprite );
	    var shape:Shape = new Shape();
  , 1);, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
            return sprite;	

        private function crossCheck() : void
            var length:int = _lines.length;
            for(var i:int = 0; i < length -1; i ++ ) 
                for( var j:int = i; j < length; j++)
                    if( Line.intersection(_lines[i], _lines[j]))
                        addTrace( i.toString() + "x" + j.toString() + " is cross");
                        addTrace( i.toString() + "x" + j.toString() + " is not cross");

internal class TestButton extends Sprite
    private var _enabled:Boolean;
    private var _textField:TextField = new TextField();
    public function TestButton(str:String) : void
        _textField.text = str;
        _textField.height = _textField.textHeight + 4;
        _textField.width = _textField.textWidth + 4;
        _textField.background = true;
        _textField.backgroundColor = 0x000000;
        _textField.textColor = 0xffffff;
    public function set enabled(val:Boolean) : void
        if( val )
            _textField.backgroundColor = 0x333333;
            _textField.backgroundColor = 0x0888888;
        mouseEnabled = val;
        _enabled = val;
    public function get enabled() : Boolean { return _enabled; }

//    ポリゴン作成クラス
internal class CreatePolygon
    private var _frame:Vector.<Point>;
    private var _tmpLines:Vector.<Line>;
    private var _polygon:Vector.<Polygon>;
    private var _isCreated:Boolean;
    public function get isCreated() : Boolean { return isCreated; } 
    public var debugShape:Shape = new Shape();
    //    枠の点を追加する
    public function addFramePos(p:Point) : void
    public function CreatePolygon() 
        _frame = new Vector.<Point>();
        _tmpLines = new Vector.<Line>();
        _polygon = new Vector.<Polygon>;
    //    todo:情報をリセットする
    public function reset() : void
        _frame.splice(0, _frame.length );
        _tmpLines.splice(0, _tmpLines.length );
        _polygon.splice(0, _polygon.length );
    //    デバッグチェック用
    public function traceDebug() : String
        var str:String;
        var length:int = _frame.length;
        for( var i:int ; i < length; i ++)
            str += i.toString() + "  x:" + _frame[i].x + ",y:" + _frame[i].y;
        return str;
    //    todo:枠情報からポリゴンを作成する
    public function calc() : void
        //    3つ点が無ければ、ポリゴン作れない・・・。
        if( _frame.length <= 3 ) return;
        var tmpFrameLines:Vector.<Line> = getFrameLines();
        var tmpCrossLines:Vector.<Line> = getCrossLines(tmpFrameLines);
    //    枠情報から交差チェック用のlineを作成する
    public function getFrameLines() : Vector.<Line>
        var tmpFrameLines:Vector.<Line> = new Vector.<Line>();
        var length:int = _frame.length;
        for( var i:int = 0; i < length -1; i ++ )
            var tmpLine:Line = new Line();
            tmpLine.p0 = _frame[i];
            tmpLine.p1 = _frame[i+1];
            tmpFrameLines.push( tmpLine );
        tmpLine.p0 = _frame[_frame.length -1];
        tmpLine.p1 = _frame[0];
        tmpFrameLines.push( tmpLine );
        return tmpFrameLines;
    //    枠情報から交差チェック用のlineを作成する
    private function getCrossLines(tmpFrameLines:Vector.<Line>) : Vector.<Line>
        var tmpCrossLines:Vector.<Line> = new Vector.<Line>();
        var tmpLine:Line = new Line();
        var length : int = _frame.length;
        for( var i:int = 0; i < length - 2; i ++ )
            for( var j:int = i+2; j < length ; j ++ )
               tmpLine.p0 = _frame[i];
               tmpLine.p1 = _frame[j];
               var sj:int = (i - 1 + length ) % length;
               var cj:int = (i + length ) % length;
               var ej:int = (i + 1 + length ) % length;
               var si:int = (j - 1 + length ) % length;
               var ci:int = (j + length ) % length;
               var ei:int = (j + 1 + length ) % length;
               if(  !isCrossLines( tmpLine, tmpFrameLines ))

                   var tj:int = j;
                   var ti:int = i;
                   if( !inside( _frame[sj], _frame[cj] ,_frame[ej], _frame[tj]))
                  // if( !inside(  _frame[si], _frame[ci] ,_frame[ei], _frame[ti])) continue;
                   var line:Line = new Line();
                   line.p0 = _frame[i];
                   line.p1 = _frame[j];
                   line.draw(debugShape, 0xff00ff);
                   tmpCrossLines.push( line );
        return tmpCrossLines;
    private function inside(start:Point, center:Point, end:Point, to:Point) : Boolean
        var poly:Polygon = new Polygon();
        poly.p0 = start;
        poly.p1 = center;
        poly.p2 = to;
        var n1:Number = poly.normalize();
        poly.p0 = to;
        poly.p1 = center;
        poly.p2 = end;
        var n2:Number = poly.normalize();
        trace( n1, n2 );
        //if( n1 > 0 && n2 > 0 ) return true;
        if( n1 < 0 && n2 < 0 ) return true;
        return false;
    //    交差チェックを行う。linesの配列の中身すべてのラインに交差していなければ false
    //    ひとつでも交差していれば true
    private function isCrossLines( line:Line, lines:Vector.<Line>) : Boolean
        var length:int = lines.length;
        trace("intersect", length)
        for( var i:int = 0; i < length; i ++ )
            var result:Boolean = Line.intersection(lines[i], line)
            trace("lines",line.p0, line.p1, lines[i].p0, lines[i].p1, result)
            if( result ) 
                trace("result" , result)
                return true;
        return false;

//    ライン
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.display.Shape;

internal class Line
	public var p0:Point = new Point();
	public var p1:Point = new Point();

        public function draw( shape:Shape, color:uint ) : void
            var g:Graphics =;
        //  交差しているか
        public static function intersection(line0:Line, line1:Line) : Boolean
            if(intersectFunc(line0, line1) && intersectFunc(line1, line0))
                return true;
            return false;
        private static function intersectFunc(line0:Line, line1:Line) : Boolean
            ((line0.p0.x - line0.p1.x) * (line1.p0.y - line0.p0.y) + 
            (line0.p0.y - line0.p1.y) * (line0.p0.x - line1.p0.x)) * 
            ((line0.p0.x - line0.p1.x) * (line1.p1.y - line0.p0.y) + 
            (line0.p0.y - line0.p1.y) * (line0.p0.x - line1.p1.x)) < 0)
                return true;
            return false;

        public function isDot() : Boolean
            return (( p0.x == p1.x) && (p0.y == p1.y));
        private static function sameLine(line0:Line, line1:Line) : Boolean
            if(( (
               ( line0.p0.x == line1.p0.x ) &&
                ( line0.p0.y == line1.p0.y ) ) && 
            (( line0.p1.x == line1.p1.x ) && 
              ( line0.p1.y == line1.p1.y ) ) )||
            ( (( line0.p0.x == line1.p1.x ) &&
             ( line0.p0.y == line1.p1.y ) ) && 
            (( line0.p1.x == line1.p0.x ) && 
            ( line0.p1.y == line1.p0.y ) ) ))
                return true;
            return false;
internal class Polygon
    public var p0:Point;
    public var p1:Point;
    public var p2:Point;

    public function draw(shape:Shape, color:uint) : void
        var g:Graphics =;
    //    法線方向を求める
    //    2dなので、おもてむきか裏向きかだけしりたい
    public function normalize() : Number
        var tmp01:Point = new Point();
        var tmp02:Point = new Point();
        var n:Number;
        tmp01.x = p1.x - p0.x;
        tmp01.y = p1.y - p0.y;
        tmp02.x = p2.x - p0.x;
        tmp02.y = p2.y - p0.y;
        n = tmp01.x * tmp02.y + tmp01.y * tmp02.x;
        return n ; 

//     (U^ω^) <わん
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Sprite;
internal class AsaWon extends Sprite
    private var textField:TextField;
    function AsaWon(day:int, color:uint) 
       textField = new TextField();
       textField.text = "朝 (U^ω^) <わん " + day + "日め";
       textField.textColor = color;
       textField.width = textField.textWidth + 4;
       textField.height = textField.textHeight + 4;
       addChild( textField );

//    デバッグ用のコード
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;

class DebugTest extends Sprite
    private var barField:TextField;
    private var openField:TextField;
    private var debugField:TextField;
    private var dictionary:Dictionary;
    public function DebugTest(title:String) 
	dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
	barField = new TextField();
	openField = new TextField();
	debugField = new TextField();
	barField.text = title;
	openField.text = "▲";	//	上三角
	barField.background = true;
	barField.backgroundColor = 0x00000;
	barField.textColor = 0xffffff;
	barField.x = 20;
	barField.height = 20;
	barField.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
	barField.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, endMove);
	barField.border = true;
	barField.selectable= false;
	openField.background = true;
	openField.backgroundColor = 0x00000;
	openField.textColor = 0xffffff;
	openField.height = 20;
	openField.width = 20;
	openField.selectable= false;
	openField.border = true;
        openField.mouseEnabled = true;
	openField.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, switchVisible);

	debugField.border = true;
	debugField.background = true;		
	debugField.y = 20;
	addChild( barField );
	addChild( openField );
	addChild( debugField );
    //	すいっち
   private function switchVisible(e:MouseEvent):void 
        debugField.visible = !debugField.visible;

        if ( debugField.visible ) 
	    openField.text = "▲"
	    openField.text = "▼"
    private function endMove(e:MouseEvent):void 

    private function startMove(e:MouseEvent):void 
    //	更新
    private function update():void
        var w:Number = Math.max( barField.textWidth + 20, debugField.textWidth  ) + 4 ;
        barField.width = w - 20;
        debugField.width = w;
        debugField.height = debugField.textHeight + 4;
    public function add(key:String, str:String) : void
        dictionary[key] = str;
        debugField.text = "";
        for ( var s:String in dictionary )
	    debugField.appendText( s + ":" + dictionary[s] + "\n" );
    public function remove(key:String) : void
        dictionary[key] = null;
        delete dictionary[key];