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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Unicode of Life

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by naraba 18 Feb 2012
 * Copyright naraba ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import com.bit101.components.Label;
    import com.bit101.components.PushButton;
    import com.bit101.components.InputText;
    import com.bit101.components.ComboBox;
    public class UnicodeOfLife extends Sprite 
        private const CHAR_SETS:Array = [
            ["ara", 0x0675, 0x06D5], ["kana", 0x30A1, 0x30FE], 
            ["kabu", 0x3220, 0x3240], ["kilo", 0x3300, 0x3357], 
            ["sqrk", 0x56D7, 0x571E], ["fish", 0x9B5A, 0x9C4F]
        private const STATE_DEAD:uint = 0;
        private const STATE_ALIVE:uint = 1;
        private const FONT_SIZE:uint = 8;
        private const CHAR_WIDTH:uint = 16;
        private const STR_WIDTH:uint = 35;
        private const SOUP_WIDTH:uint = CHAR_WIDTH * STR_WIDTH;
        private const SOUP_HEIGHT:uint = 24;
        private const COMP_WIDTH:uint = 40;
        private const MSG_HOW2USE:String = "■これは\n" + 
            "ライフゲームで更新されるビットパターンを\nUnicodeのコードポイントとして文字列に変換するプログラム。\n\n" + 
            "■使い方\n" + 
            "Unicodeのコードポイント(16進数)で、文字セットの開始・終了を指定する。\n" + 
            "左側の入力ボックスに開始点を、右側の入力ボックスに終了点を入れて、\n" + 
            "startボタンを押す。stopしたあとstartすると再開。resetで初期化。\n\n" + 
            "条件: 開始点から終了点までにある文字数は1文字以上256文字以下。\n\n" + 
            "左上のコンボボックスからサンプルの文字セットを選んでもOK。\nサンプルの文字セット:\n" + 
            "  ara, アラビアンな文字\n" + 
            "  kana, カタカナ\n" + 
            "  kabu, ㈱ みたいなやつ\n" + 
            "  kilo, ㌔ みたいなやつ\n" + 
            "  sqrk, 四角い漢字\n" + 
            "  fish, さかな\n";
        private const MSG_ERRSTART:String = "開始コードポイントが不正\n";
        private const MSG_ERREND:String = "終了コードポイントが不正\n";
        private var did_init:Boolean;
        private var start_char:uint;
        private var num_chars:uint;
        private var soup:Array;
        private var soup_swith:uint;
        private var text:TextField;
        private var timer:Timer;
        private var button:PushButton;
        private var reset:PushButton;
        private var stbox:InputText;
        private var enbox:InputText;
        private var cbox:ComboBox;
        public function UnicodeOfLife():void 
            text = new TextField();
            var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null, FONT_SIZE);
            text.width = stage.stageWidth - 10;
            text.height = stage.stageHeight - 80;
            text.x = 5;
            text.y = 50;
            text.border = true;
            button = new PushButton(this, 0, 10, "start", toggle);
            reset = new PushButton(this, 0, 10, "reset", init);
            stbox = new InputText(this, 0, 12, "");
            enbox = new InputText(this, 0, 12, "");
            button.width = reset.width = stbox.width = enbox.width = COMP_WIDTH;
            stbox.maxChars = enbox.maxChars = 4;
            cbox = new ComboBox(this, 10, 10, "");
            var stlab:Label = new Label(this, cbox.x + cbox.width + COMP_WIDTH / 2, 12, "U+");
            stbox.x = stlab.x + stlab.width;
            var enlab:Label = new Label(this, stbox.x + stbox.width, 12, " -- U+");
            enbox.x = enlab.x + enlab.width;
            button.x = enbox.x + enbox.width + COMP_WIDTH / 2;
            reset.x = button.x + button.width + COMP_WIDTH / 2;
            for (var i:uint; i < CHAR_SETS.length; i++) {
            cbox.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, choose);
            cbox.selectedIndex = 0;
            timer = new Timer(200);
            timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, update);
        private function toggle(e:MouseEvent):void
            if (timer.running) {
                reset.enabled = true;
                button.label = "start";
            } else {
                var err:String = "";
                if (did_init) {
                    var tmps:int = parseInt(stbox.text, 16);
                    var tmpn:int = parseInt(enbox.text, 16) - tmps + 1;
                    if (tmps < 0 || (tmps == 0 && stbox.text != "0")) { err += MSG_ERRSTART; }
                    if (tmpn < 1 || tmpn > 256 || enbox.text == "") { err += MSG_ERREND; }
                    start_char = tmps;
                    num_chars = tmpn;
                if (err != "") {
                    text.text = "■エラー:\n" + err;
                } else {
                    did_init = false;
                    reset.enabled = stbox.enabled = enbox.enabled = cbox.enabled = false;
                    button.label = "stop";
        private function choose(e:Event):void
            var b:ComboBox = e.currentTarget as ComboBox;
            var idx:uint = b.selectedIndex;
            stbox.text = CHAR_SETS[idx][1].toString(16).toUpperCase();
            enbox.text = CHAR_SETS[idx][2].toString(16).toUpperCase();
        private function init(e:Event):void
            text.text = MSG_HOW2USE;
            soup = new Array(2).map(function():* {
                return new Array(SOUP_HEIGHT + 2).map(function():* {
                    return new Array(SOUP_WIDTH + 2).map(function():* {
                        return STATE_DEAD;
            for (var y:uint = 1; y <= SOUP_HEIGHT; y++) {
                for (var x:uint = 1; x <= SOUP_WIDTH; x++) {
                    soup[soup_swith][y][x] = Math.random() < 0.5 ? STATE_DEAD : STATE_ALIVE;
            did_init = true;
            stbox.enabled = enbox.enabled = cbox.enabled = true;
        private function update(e:TimerEvent):void
            text.text = soup_swith.toString();
            var s:String = "";
            var nbits:uint = 0;
            var num:uint = 0;
            var alv:uint;
            for (var y:uint = 1; y <= SOUP_HEIGHT; y++) {
                nbits = 0;
                num = 0;
                for (var x:uint = 1; x <= SOUP_WIDTH; x++) {
                    alv = 0;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y - 1][x - 1] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y - 1][x    ] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y - 1][x + 1] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y    ][x - 1] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y    ][x + 1] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y + 1][x - 1] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y + 1][x    ] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (soup[soup_swith][y + 1][x + 1] == STATE_ALIVE) alv++;
                    if (alv == 3 || (alv == 2 && soup[soup_swith][y][x] == STATE_ALIVE)) {
                        soup[soup_swith ^ 1][y][x] = STATE_ALIVE;
                    } else {
                        soup[soup_swith ^ 1][y][x] = STATE_DEAD;
                    num = (num << 1) + soup[soup_swith ^ 1][y][x];
                    if (nbits >= CHAR_WIDTH) {
                        s += String.fromCharCode(start_char + (num % num_chars));
                        nbits = 0;
                        num = 0;
                s += "\n";
            soup_swith ^= 1;
            text.text = s;