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forked from: fladdict challenge for professionals

* Play with BitmapPatterBuilder.
* Purpose of this trial is to find the possibility of the dot pattern.
* by Takayuki Fukatsu aka fladdict
* Playing with game of life...
 * Copyright leichtgewicht ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from checkmate's fladdict challenge for professionals
 * Theme:
 * Play with BitmapPatterBuilder.
 * Purpose of this trial is to find the possibility of the dot pattern.
 * by Takayuki Fukatsu aka fladdict
 * Playing with game of life...
package {
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
    public class Professional extends Sprite {
        private static const WIDTH: int = 200;
        private static const HEIGHT: int = 80;
        private static const BACKGROUND_COLOR: Number = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        private static const FOREGROUND_COLOR: Number = 0xFF9900FF;
        private var _pattern: Array;
        private var _nextPattern: Array;
        private var _colors: Array;
        private var _nextTime: int = 0;
        public function Professional() {
            _pattern = emptyFill();
            _nextPattern = emptyFill();
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame );
            //filters = [new BlurFilter(6,6,3)];
            scaleX = scaleY = 0.25;
        private function emptyFill(): Array
            var pattern: Array = [];
            for( var i: int = 0; i<HEIGHT; i++ )
                var row: Array = [];
                for( var j: int =0; j<WIDTH; j++ )
                    row.push( 0 );
                pattern.push( row );
            return pattern;
        private function drawDot( col: int ): void
            var x: int = Math.random()*WIDTH;
            if( x > WIDTH ) x = WIDTH-1;
            var y: int = Math.random()*HEIGHT;
            if( y > HEIGHT ) y = HEIGHT-1;
            var rand: Number = Math.random();
            if( rand > 0.5 ) _pattern[y][x] = col;
            if( x > 0 && rand > 0.25 )
                _pattern[y][x-1] = col;
            if( x < WIDTH-1 && ( rand < 0.25 || rand > 0.5 ) )
                _pattern[y][x+1] = col;
            if( y > 0 && ( rand < 0.5 || rand > 0.75 ) )
                _pattern[y-1][x] = col;
            if( y < HEIGHT-1 && rand < 0.75 )
                _pattern[y+1][x] = col;
        private function onEnterFrame( event: Event ): void
            for( var i: int = 0; i<20; i++ )
                // keep it endless
            var newPattern: Array = _nextPattern;
            var w: int = WIDTH/2;
            var h: int = HEIGHT/2;
            var y: int = h;
            while( --y-(-1) )
                var x: int = w;
                while( --x-(-1) )
                    var value: int = _pattern[y][x];
                    var left: int = x-1;
                    if( left < 0 ) left = w-1;
                    var right: int = x+1;
                    if( right > w-1 ) right = 0;
                    var top: int = y-1;
                    if( top < 0 ) top = h-1;
                    var bottom: int = y+1;
                    if( bottom > h-1 ) bottom = 0;
                    var neighbours: int = 
                    if( neighbours == 3 )
                        value = 1;
                    if( neighbours < 2 || neighbours > 3 )
                        value = 0;
                    newPattern[y][x] = value;
                    newPattern[HEIGHT-1-y][x] = value;
                    newPattern[HEIGHT-1-y][WIDTH-1-x] = value;
                    newPattern[y][WIDTH-1-x] = value;
            _nextPattern = _pattern;
            _pattern = newPattern;
            var g: Graphics = graphics;
            g.beginBitmapFill( _pattern, _colors ) );

 * Use following BitmapPatternBuilder class 
 * DO NOT CHANGE any codes below this comment.
 * -----------------------------------------------------
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Graphics;
class BitmapPatternBuilder{
     * creates BitmapData filled with dot pattern.
     * First parameter is 2d array that contains color index for each pixels;
     * Second parameter contains color reference table.
     * @parameter pattern:Array 2d array that contains color index for each pixel.
     * @parameter colors:Array 1d array that contains color table.
     * @returns BitmapData
    public static function build(pattern:Array, colors:Array):BitmapData{
        var bitmapW:int = pattern[0].length;
        var bitmapH:int = pattern.length;
        var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(bitmapW,bitmapH,true,0x000000);
        for(var yy:int=0; yy<bitmapH; yy++){
            for(var xx:int=0; xx<bitmapW; xx++){
                var color:int = colors[pattern[yy][xx]];
                bmd.setPixel32(xx, yy, color);
        return bmd;
     * short cut function for Graphics.beginBitmapFill with pattern.
    public static function beginBitmapFill(pattern:Array, colors:Array, graphics:Graphics):void{
        var bmd:BitmapData = build(pattern, colors);