In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Explosions (now clickable)

Get Adobe Flash player
by makc3d 27 Feb 2009
// forked from makc3d's Explosions
package {
    import flash.display.BlendMode;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.geom.Point;

    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        private var c:int = 0;
        private var kaboom:Sprite;

        private function r ():Number {
            // don't you just hate these long lines...
            return Math.random ();

        // yeah, those fake-looking explosions...
        private function boo (at:Point, side:Number):void {

            var s:Shape = new Shape;
   (-0.5 * side, -0.5 * side,
                side, side); ();
            s.x = at.x; s.y = at.y; s.rotation = 360 * r();
            s.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD;
            s.filters = [ new BlurFilter (side / 3, side / 3) ];
            kaboom.addChild (s);

            if (c < 10) {
                boo (new Point (at.x + (r() - r()) * side,
                                at.y + (r() - r()) * side),
                    side * (0.7 + 0.3 * r()) );
                boo (new Point (at.x + (r() - r()) * side,
                                at.y + (r() - r()) * side),
                    side * (0.7 + 0.3 * r()) );


        public function FlashTest() {
            // player goes all buggy in higher quality
            stage.quality = "low";

            // catch clicks
            buttonMode = useHandCursor = true;
            stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

            // 1st time
            onClick (null);

        private function onClick (e:MouseEvent):void {
            // fuck garbage collector!
            if (kaboom) removeChild (kaboom);
            kaboom = new Sprite; addChild (kaboom);

            // now is the time...
            boo (new Point (250, 250), 80);