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make maze - 迷路生成


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by cpu_t 30 Mar 2012
 * Copyright cpu_t ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
     * 迷路生成関数
     * @author cput
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        public function Main()
            var tf:TextField = new TextField();
            tf.autoSize = "left";
            tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("_typewriter", 10);
            var maze:Array = makeMaze();
            for (var i:int = 0; i < maze.length; i++)
                tf.appendText(maze[i].join("") + "\n");
            addEventListener("click", function(e:*):void
                maze = makeMaze();
                tf.text = "";
                for (i = 0; i < maze.length; i++)
                    tf.appendText(maze[i].join("") + "\n");
        public function makeMaze():Array
            var WALL:* = "#";                        //壁として扱う定数
            var FLOOR:* = ".";                       //床として扱う定数
            var MAP_WIDTH:int = 64;                  //全体の横幅
            var MAP_HEIGHT:int = 32;                 //全体の縦幅
            var ROOM_SEPARATE_COLS:int = 3;          //全体を縦方向に区切る回数
            var ROOM_SEPARATE_ROWS:int = 2;          //全体を横方向に区切る回数
            var ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN:int = 8;     //部屋区切りの最小値
            var ROOM_MIN_SCALE:Number = 1/4;         //区切られた領域に対する部屋の最小の割合
            var ROOM_DROPOUT_PERCENT:Number = 1/3;   //部屋が作成されない確率
            var maze:Array = [];
            for (var yy:int = 0; yy < MAP_HEIGHT; yy++)
                maze[yy] = [];
                for (var xx:int = 0; xx < MAP_WIDTH; xx++)
                    maze[yy][xx] = WALL;
            var colsSeparatePoints:Array = [MAP_WIDTH];
            var separateCount:int = ROOM_SEPARATE_COLS;
            while (separateCount--)
                var maxIndex:int = 0;
                var maxWidth:int = 0;
                for (var iCheck:int = 0; iCheck < colsSeparatePoints.length; iCheck++)
                    if (colsSeparatePoints[iCheck] > maxWidth)
                        maxIndex = iCheck;
                        maxWidth = colsSeparatePoints[iCheck];
                if (maxWidth < ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN * 2) break;
                var separatePoint:int = 
                    ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN + 
                    Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxWidth - ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN * 2));
                colsSeparatePoints.splice(maxIndex, 1, separatePoint, (maxWidth - separatePoint));
            var rowsSeparatePoints:Array = [MAP_HEIGHT];
            separateCount = ROOM_SEPARATE_ROWS;
            while (separateCount--)
                maxIndex = 0;
                maxWidth = 0;
                for (iCheck = 0; iCheck < rowsSeparatePoints.length; iCheck++)
                    if (rowsSeparatePoints[iCheck] > maxWidth)
                        maxIndex = iCheck;
                        maxWidth = rowsSeparatePoints[iCheck];
                if (maxWidth < ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN * 2) break;
                separatePoint = 
                    ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN + 
                    Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxWidth - ROOM_SEPARATE_WIDTH_MIN * 2));
                rowsSeparatePoints.splice(maxIndex, 1, separatePoint, (maxWidth - separatePoint));
            var colsLength:int = colsSeparatePoints.length;
            var rowsLength:int = rowsSeparatePoints.length;
            var separateBlocks:Array = [];           //区切りエリア
            var rooms:Array = [];                    //中に作成する部屋
            for (var iRows:int = 0; iRows < rowsLength; iRows++)
                separateBlocks[iRows] = [];
                for (var iCols:int = 0; iCols < colsLength; iCols++)
                    var areaRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
                    areaRect.x = iCols == 0 ? 0 : separateBlocks[iRows][iCols - 1].right;
                    areaRect.y = iRows == 0 ? 0 : separateBlocks[iRows - 1][iCols].bottom;
                    areaRect.width = colsSeparatePoints[iCols];
                    areaRect.height = rowsSeparatePoints[iRows];
                    separateBlocks[iRows][iCols] = areaRect;
                    var roomRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
                    var roomWidthMin:int = Math.floor(areaRect.width * ROOM_MIN_SCALE);
                    var roomWidthMax:int = areaRect.width - 3;
                    var roomHeightMin:int = Math.floor(areaRect.height * ROOM_MIN_SCALE);
                    var roomHeightMax:int = areaRect.height - 3;
                    if (Math.random() < ROOM_DROPOUT_PERCENT)
                        roomRect.width = 1;
                        roomRect.height = 1;
                        roomRect.width = roomWidthMin + Math.floor(Math.random() * (roomWidthMax - roomWidthMin + 1));
                        roomRect.height = roomHeightMin + Math.floor(Math.random() * (roomHeightMax - roomHeightMin + 1));
                    roomRect.x = areaRect.x + 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (roomWidthMax - roomRect.width));
                    roomRect.y = areaRect.y + 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (roomHeightMax - roomRect.height));
            var connections:Array = [];
            var disconnections:Array = rooms.concat();
            xx = Math.floor(Math.random() * colsLength);
            yy = Math.floor(Math.random() * rowsLength);
            var room:Object/*x,y,rect,connection*/ = getRoom(xx, yy);
            disconnections.splice(disconnections.indexOf(room), 1);
            while (disconnections.length > 0)
                room = connections[Math.floor(Math.random() * connections.length)];
                var newConnection:int = 1 << Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
                if ((room.connection & newConnection) != 0) continue;
                var neighbor:Object/*x,y,rect,connection*/;
                if (newConnection == 1)
                    neighbor = getRoom(room.x + 1, room.y);
                else if (newConnection == 2)
                    neighbor = getRoom(room.x, room.y + 1);
                else if (newConnection == 4)
                    neighbor = getRoom(room.x - 1, room.y);
                else if (newConnection == 8)
                    neighbor = getRoom(room.x, room.y - 1);
                if (neighbor == null) continue;
                room.connection |= newConnection;
                if (newConnection == 1) neighbor.connection |= 4;
                else if (newConnection == 2) neighbor.connection |= 8;
                else if (newConnection == 4) neighbor.connection |= 1;
                else if (newConnection == 8) neighbor.connection |= 2;
                var disIndex:int = disconnections.indexOf(neighbor);
                if (disIndex != -1)
                    disconnections.splice(disIndex, 1);
            for each(room in rooms)
                roomRect = room.rect;
                for (yy = roomRect.y; yy < roomRect.bottom; yy++)
                for (xx = roomRect.x; xx < roomRect.right; xx++)
                    maze[yy][xx] = FLOOR;
                if (room.connection & 1)
                    neighbor = getRoom(room.x + 1, room.y);
                    var bridgePos:int = + Math.floor(Math.random() * room.rect.height);
                    var goalPos:int = + Math.floor(Math.random() * neighbor.rect.height);
                    var bridgeTurnPos:int = room.rect.right + 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (neighbor.rect.left - room.rect.right - 2));
                    for (xx = room.rect.right; xx <= bridgeTurnPos; xx++)
                        maze[bridgePos][xx] = FLOOR;
                    for (xx = bridgeTurnPos; xx < neighbor.rect.left; xx++)
                        maze[goalPos][xx] = FLOOR;
                    var turnEndPos:int = bridgePos > goalPos ? bridgePos : goalPos;
                    for (yy = (bridgePos > goalPos ? goalPos : bridgePos) + 1; yy < turnEndPos; yy++)
                        maze[yy][bridgeTurnPos] = FLOOR;
                if (room.connection & 2)
                    neighbor = getRoom(room.x, room.y + 1);
                    bridgePos = room.rect.left + Math.floor(Math.random() * room.rect.width);
                    goalPos = neighbor.rect.left + Math.floor(Math.random() * neighbor.rect.width);
                    bridgeTurnPos = room.rect.bottom + 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * ( - room.rect.bottom - 2));
                    for (yy = room.rect.bottom; yy <= bridgeTurnPos; yy++)
                        maze[yy][bridgePos] = FLOOR;
                    for (yy = bridgeTurnPos; yy <; yy++)
                        maze[yy][goalPos] = FLOOR;
                    turnEndPos = bridgePos > goalPos ? bridgePos : goalPos;
                    for (xx = (bridgePos > goalPos ? goalPos : bridgePos) + 1; xx < turnEndPos; xx++)
                        maze[bridgeTurnPos][xx] = FLOOR;
            return maze;
            function getRoom(xx:int, yy:int):Object/*x,y,rect,connection*/
                for each(var room:Object/*x,y,rect,connection*/ in rooms)
                    if (room.x == xx && room.y == yy) return room;
                return null;