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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from - Rain Of Arrows

Got an idea to batch draw as much 3D arrows as possible. It's even possible to squeeze all per-arrow constant values into a single FLOAT4 register: Arrow launch velocity (xyz) + offset (w whole) (ie. dot product of arrow launch velocity and position) + (w fractional) time fractional over MAX_ARROW_TRAVEL_TIME. Then, get the vertex shader to batch draw that those arrows, deriving the offset vertex positions (and resultant projectile orientation) from the given velocities and time of each arrow! Arrows positions can be determined either as a straight-line from launch position or include trajectory (ie. launchPosition.y + .5 * GRAVITY*t*t + velocity.y*t;) The result? You don't need to update individual arrow positions and matrix orientations per frame on the CPU. Just send the existing velocity+offset and time values to GPU and let the GPU do the rest!
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by Glidias 04 Apr 2014
  • Related works: 1
  • Talk

    Glidias at 04 Apr 2014 00:18 2D single arrow
    Glidias at 04 Apr 2014 15:37
    This method might not necessarily be better compared to precomputing certain stuff on the CPU. After all, AGAL vertex-shader operations are done per vertex, so, even though the GPU is powerful, the total cost of calculating stuff per vertex might be more heavy compared certain simple per-frame pre-calculations on the CPU, since after all, you're iterating through all arrows anyway to update their "t" variable per frame in this example. (Actually, per-frame arrow iterations on the CPU can be avoided entirely, or at least only be done periodically, by using a global timestamp counter variable. The launch time of an arrow is set to that global timestamp value, and AGAL can determien per arrow current "t" by minusing the launch "t" arrow constant off the globalTimeStamp value . That way, per-arrow vertex constants are literally "constant", but that single globalTimeStamp vertex constant is incrementing per frame.
    makc3d at 04 Apr 2014 15:47
    black screen here
    Glidias at 04 Apr 2014 16:06
    try dragging the camera around...WSAD to move about. Bad camera setup i tink.


 * Copyright Glidias ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Resource;
    import alternativa.engine3d.materials.FillMaterial;
    import alternativa.engine3d.materials.TextureMaterial;
    import alternativa.engine3d.primitives.Plane;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import alternativa.engine3d.resources.BitmapTextureResource;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.geom.Vector3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.primitives.*;
     * This is just a proof of concept for a rain of "particle-arrow-projectiles" that is set for looping.
     * Current code allows batching up to ~120 arrows per draw call! 
     * THat's a lot of arrows for a single draw call!
     * All you need to do is launch an arrow with a start-position and
     * end position accordingly. Mayabe someone can do an arrow-entity manager or something
     * to manage projectile lifecycles and such. 
     * Code will be modified later to support multiple draw calls in ArrowLobMeshSet.collectDraws, so yes, 
     * you can...have flying thousands of arrows with little performance hit (ie. no max- 120 arrow cap)!
      Of course, you can use your own custom meshes for the arrows and all.. 
     * @author Glidias
    public class RainOfArrowsProofOfConcept extends MovieClip 
        private var _template3D:MainView3D;
        private var engine:Engine;
        private var ticker:FrameTickProvider;

        public function RainOfArrowsProofOfConcept() 
            engine  = new Engine();
            ReflectUtil.registerComponents([ Object3D]);
            addChild( _template3D = new MainView3D() );
        private function onReady3D():void 
            //SpawnerBundle.context3D = _template3D.stage3D.context3D;
             stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
            //engine.addSystem( new RenderingSystem(_template3D.scene), 1 );

            var spectatorPerson:SimpleObjectController =new SimpleObjectController( 
            engine.addSystem( spectatorPerson, 2) ;

            // Setup floor and some basic parameters
            var plane:Plane = new Plane(4000, 4000, 1, 1, false, false, null, new FillMaterial(0x111111));
            plane.z = -1;
   = 66;
            spectatorPerson.setObjectPosXYZ(0, 0, 66);
         //   spectatorPerson.lookAtXYZ(0, 500, 0);
            // Let's go
            ticker = new FrameTickProvider(stage);
        // Do whatever custom environment setups here!
        private function setupCustomEnvironment():void 
            var box:Box = new Box(26, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, false, null);
            arrows = new ArrowLobMeshSet(box.geometry, new FillMaterial(0xFF0000, 1), 4);
            var startPosition:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
            var endPosition:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 120; i++) {
                endPosition.x = -300 +  Math.random() * 600;
                endPosition.y = -300 +  Math.random() * 600;
                endPosition.z = 0;
                arrows.launchNewProjectile(startPosition, endPosition );
            _template3D.scene.addChild ( arrows);
  private function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void 
            var kc:uint = e.keyCode;
            if (kc === Keyboard.F7) {
         private function screenieMethod2():Boolean 
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeScreenie);
            return false;
        private var _scrnie:Bitmap;
          private function removeScreenie(e:Event=null):void {
            if (_scrnie == null) return;
            stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeScreenie);
            _scrnie = null;
        public   function uploadResources(vec:Vector.<Resource>):void {
            var i:int = vec.length;
            while (--i > -1) {
        private var timePassed:Number = 0;
        private var arrows:ArrowLobMeshSet;
        private function tick(time:Number):void 
               timePassed += time;

            if (timePassed >= arrows._maxProjectileTravelTime) {
                timePassed = 0;


//package alternativa.engine3d.utils 
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.VertexStream;
    import alternativa.engine3d.materials.Material;
    import alternativa.engine3d.objects.Mesh;
    import alternativa.engine3d.objects.Surface;
    import alternativa.engine3d.resources.Geometry;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.utils.Endian;
    import alternativa.engine3d.alternativa3d;
    use namespace alternativa3d;
     * ...
     * @author Glenn Ko
    class GeometryUtil 
        public static const ATTRIBUTE:uint = 20;
        private static function collectAttributes(geom:Geometry, attributesDict:Vector.<int>, attributesLengths:Vector.<int>):void {

                for each (var stream:VertexStream in geom._vertexStreams) {
                    var prev:int = -1;
                    var attributes:Array = stream.attributes;
                    for each (var attr:int in attributes) {
                        if (attr == prev) continue;
                        prev = attr;

        private static function appendGeometry(geometry:Geometry, geom:Geometry, constantsPerMesh:int):void {
            var stream:VertexStream;
            var i:int, j:int;
            var length:uint = geom._vertexStreams.length;
            var numVertices:int = geom._numVertices;
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                stream = geom._vertexStreams[i];
                var attributes:Array = geometry._vertexStreams[i].attributes;
                var attribtuesLength:int = attributes.length;
                var destStream:VertexStream = geometry._vertexStreams[i];
                var newOffset:int =;
       = newOffset;

       = 0;
                var stride:int = stream.attributes.length*4;
                var destStride:int = destStream.attributes.length*4;
                for (j = 0; j < numVertices; j++) {
                    var prev:int = -1;
                    for (var k:int = 0; k < attribtuesLength; k++) {
                        var attr:int = attributes[k];
                        if (attr == ATTRIBUTE) {
                        if (attr != prev) {
                   = geom._attributesOffsets[attr]*4 + stride*j;
                   = newOffset + geometry._attributesOffsets[attr]*4 + destStride*j;
                        prev = attr;

            geometry._numVertices += geom._numVertices;
        private static function appendGeom(geometry:Geometry, geom:Geometry, constantsPerMesh:int):void {
                var vertexOffset:uint;
                var i:int, j:int;
                vertexOffset = geometry._numVertices;
                appendGeometry(geometry, geom, constantsPerMesh);
                // Copy indexes
                    var indexEnd:uint = geom.numTriangles*3 + 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < indexEnd; j++) {
                        geometry._indices.push(geom._indices[j] + vertexOffset);

        private static function getJointGeometry(geom:Geometry, constantsPerMesh:int):Geometry {
            var geometry:Geometry = new Geometry(0);
            var numAttributes:int = 32;
            var attributesDict:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(numAttributes, true);
            var attributesLengths:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(numAttributes, true);
             collectAttributes(geom, attributesDict, attributesLengths);

            var attributes:Array = [];
            var i:int;

            for (i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) {
                if (attributesDict[i] > 0) {
                    attributesLengths[i] = attributesLengths[i]/attributesDict[i];
            for (i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) {
                if (Number(attributesDict[i]) == 1) {
                    for (var j:int = 0; j < attributesLengths[i]; j++) {

            //if (root is Mesh) appendMesh(root as Mesh);
            appendGeom(geometry, geom, constantsPerMesh);
            return geometry;
        // Borrowed from  MeshSetClonesContainer (based off MeshSet).
         * Allows you to convert a single geometry instance into a single geometry cloned-chain with joint ID indices for draw-batching!
         * @param    geometry    The geometry sample to duplicate
         * @param    cap        The total amount to duplicate! Give a value higher than  1! Usually the predicted maximum amount of instances per draw batch!)
         * @param   constantsPerMesh  The amount of constants being used per mesh clone, used to offset the joint indices accordingly to match the correct starting constant register index.
        public static function createDuplicateGeometry(geometry:Geometry, cap:int, constantsPerMesh:int):Geometry {
            geometry  = getJointGeometry(geometry, constantsPerMesh);
            //transformProcedure = calculateTransformProcedure(cap);
            //deltaTransformProcedure = calculateDeltaTransformProcedure(cap);
            var bytes:ByteArray;
            //throw new Error(geometry.getAttributeValues(VertexAttributes.POSITION))
            // get samples
            var protoJointIndices:Vector.<Number> = geometry.getAttributeValues(ATTRIBUTE);
            var protoNumVertices:int = geometry.numVertices;
            //_numVertices = protoNumVertices;
            var protoByteArrayStreams:Vector.<ByteArray> = new Vector.<ByteArray>();
            var len:int = geometry._vertexStreams.length;
            // copy all geometry bytearray data samples for all vertex streams
            for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
                protoByteArrayStreams[i] = bytes = new ByteArray();
                bytes.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
                for (var u:int = 0; u < cap; u++) {
                    bytes.writeBytes( geometry._vertexStreams[i].data );
            // paste geometry data for all the vertex streams
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                bytes =protoByteArrayStreams[i];
                for (u = 0; u < cap; u++) {
                    var data:ByteArray = geometry._vertexStreams[i].data;
                    data.position = data.length;
                    data.writeBytes(bytes, data.length);
            // set number of vertices to match new vertex data size
            geometry._numVertices = protoNumVertices * cap;
            var indices:Vector.<uint> = geometry.indices;
            // duplicate indices with offsets
            len = indices.length;
            for (i = 1; i < cap; i++) {
                var indexOffset:int = i * protoNumVertices;
                for (u = 0; u < len; u++) {
                    indices.push(indexOffset+ indices[u]);
            geometry.indices = indices;
            // paste joint attribute values with offsets
            var jointIndices:Vector.<Number> = geometry.getAttributeValues(ATTRIBUTE);
            len = protoJointIndices.length;
            var duplicateMultiplier:Number =  constantsPerMesh;
            var totalLen:int = jointIndices.length;
            for (i = len; i < totalLen; i += len) {
                for (u = i; u < i+len; u++) {
                    jointIndices[u] += duplicateMultiplier;
                duplicateMultiplier+=  constantsPerMesh;
            geometry.setAttributeValues(ATTRIBUTE, jointIndices);
            return geometry;


//package alternativa.a3d.objects 
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.DrawUnit;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Light3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.VertexAttributes;
    import alternativa.engine3d.materials.compiler.Linker;
    import alternativa.engine3d.materials.compiler.Procedure;
    import alternativa.engine3d.materials.Material;
    import alternativa.engine3d.objects.Mesh;
    import alternativa.engine3d.objects.Surface;
    import alternativa.engine3d.resources.Geometry;
    //import alternativa.engine3d.utils.GeometryUtil;
    import alternativa.engine3d.alternativa3d;
    import flash.display3D.Context3DVertexBufferFormat;
    import flash.geom.Vector3D;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    use namespace alternativa3d;
     * Yes,  ~120 arrows/projectiles per draw call! Let thy arrows blot the sun!!
     * We determine arrow position and orientation, from velocity, offset and time...within GPU itself.
     * @author Glenn Ko
    class ArrowLobMeshSet extends Mesh
        private var batchAmount:int;
        public var _maxProjectileTravelTime:Number;
        public var _maxProjectileTravelTimeMult:Number;
        private var sampleNumTris:int;
        private static var BATCH_AMOUNT:int = 120;
        private var _transformProcedures:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
        private var _deltaTransformProcedures:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
        public var toUpload:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
        public var total:int = 0;
        private static const ATTRIBUTE:int = GeometryUtil.ATTRIBUTE;
        private var constantsPerMesh:int;
        private var gravity:Number = 266;
        public function setGravity(val:Number):void {
            gravity = val;
        public function ArrowLobMeshSet(arrowGeometry:Geometry, material:Material, maxProjectileTravelTime:Number=10) 
            this.maxProjectileTravelTime = maxProjectileTravelTime;
            batchAmount = BATCH_AMOUNT;
            sampleNumTris = arrowGeometry.numTriangles;
            constantsPerMesh = 1;
            geometry = GeometryUtil.createDuplicateGeometry(arrowGeometry, batchAmount, constantsPerMesh);
             addSurface( material, 0, sampleNumTris*total  );
            transformProcedure = calculateTransformProcedure(batchAmount);
        //    deltaTransformProcedure = calculateDeltaTransformProcedure(batchAmount);
            this.maxProjectileTravelTime = maxProjectileTravelTime;
            boundBox = null;

        alternativa3d override function setTransformConstants(drawUnit:DrawUnit, surface:Surface, vertexShader:Linker, camera:Camera3D):void {
            drawUnit.setVertexBufferAt(vertexShader.getVariableIndex("joint"), geometry.getVertexBuffer(ATTRIBUTE), geometry._attributesOffsets[ATTRIBUTE], Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_1);
            drawUnit.setVertexConstantsFromNumbers( vertexShader.getVariableIndex("cVars"), -.5 * gravity, 0, gravity, _maxProjectileTravelTime);
            drawUnit.setVertexConstantsFromNumbers( vertexShader.getVariableIndex("cUp"), 0, 0, 1, 0);
            //drawUnit.setVertexConstantsFromVector(0, toUploadSpriteData, toUploadNumSprites*NUM_REGISTERS_PER_SPR ); 
            drawUnit.setVertexConstantsFromVector( 0, toUpload, total * constantsPerMesh );
            var triCount:int =  total * sampleNumTris;
            if (triCount != surface.numTriangles) {
                surface.numTriangles = triCount;
        // TODO: This should be factored out to a different manager
        public function update(time:Number):void {
            var dt:Number = time * _maxProjectileTravelTimeMult;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < total; i++) {
                var c:int = (i << 2);
                var w:Number = toUpload[c + 3];
                var whole:int = int(w);
                var frac:Number = w - whole;
                frac += dt;
                frac = frac >= 1 ? 0.999999 : frac;
                toUpload[c + 3] = frac + whole;

        public function reset():void {
            for (var i:int = 0; i < total; i++) {
                var c:int = (i << 2);
                var w:Number = toUpload[c + 3];
                toUpload[c + 3] = int(w);

        public function launchNewProjectile(startPosition:Vector3D, endPosition:Vector3D, speed:Number=144):void {
            launchProjectileAtIndex(total, startPosition, endPosition, speed);
        private var displace:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
        private function launchProjectileAtIndex(index:int, startPosition:Vector3D, endPosition:Vector3D, speed:Number):void {

            var c:int = (index << 2);
            var vx:Number;
            var vy:Number;
            var vz:Number;
            displace.x = endPosition.x - startPosition.x;
            displace.y = endPosition.y - startPosition.y;
            displace.z = endPosition.z - startPosition.z;
           var totalTime:Number =  displace.length / speed;
            var scaler:Number = 1 / totalTime;
            displace.x *= scaler;
            displace.y *= scaler;
            displace.z *= scaler;
            displace.z += gravity * totalTime * 0.5;
            displace.w = Math.round(displace.x*startPosition.x + displace.y*startPosition.y + displace.z*startPosition.z);

            toUpload[c++] = displace.x;// startPosition.x;// displace.x; 
            toUpload[c++] = displace.y;
            toUpload[c++] = displace.z;// displace.z;
            toUpload[c] = displace.w;
        //    throw new Error(geometry.getAttributeValues(ATTRIBUTE));
            getSurface(0).numTriangles = total * sampleNumTris;
            override alternativa3d function collectDraws(camera:Camera3D, lights:Vector.<Light3D>, lightsLength:int, useShadow:Boolean):void {
            for (var i:int = 0; i < _surfacesLength; i++) {
                var surface:Surface = _surfaces[i];
                if (surface.material != null) {
                    surface.material.collectDraws(camera, surface, geometry, lights, lightsLength, useShadow, -1);
                // Mouse events
                //if (listening) camera.view.addSurfaceToMouseEvents(surface, geometry, transformProcedure);
        // -------------------
        private function calculateTransformProcedure(numMeshes:int):Procedure {
            var res:Procedure = _transformProcedures[numMeshes];
            if (res != null) return res;
            res = _transformProcedures[numMeshes] = new Procedure(null, "ArrowLobMeshSetTransformProcedure");
            res.compileFromArray(["#a0=joint", "#c1=cVars", "#c2=cUp",
            // dummy declarations (can remove once done..)
            //"mov t0, c1",
            //"mov t1, c2",
           // "mov t1, a0",
            //"mov t1, i0",
            // ----

                "mov t0, c[a0.x]",    // velocity and offset/time
                "mov t1, t0",
                "frc t0.w, t1.w",    // save fractional time into t0.w
                "sub t1.w, t1.w, t0.w",    // subtract away fractional to get whole number offset into t1.w
                "mul,, t1.www",    // origin launch position into t1 by multiplying velocity over offset
                "mul t0.w, t0.w, c1.w",  // now, save actual time t of t0.w from fractional by multiplying against MAX_TIME
                "mul t1.w, t0.x, t0.w, ",  // save out velocity.x*t offset
                "add t1.x, t1.x, t1.w",        // and add it to the launch position to get actual x arrow origin position
                "mul t1.w, t0.y, t0.w, ",  // save out velocity.y*t offset
                "add t1.y, t1.y, t1.w",  // and add it to the launch position to get actual y arrow origin position
                "mul t1.w, c1.x, t0.w", // save out  -.5*GRAVITY*t*t + velocity.z*t   gravitational offset over time
                "mul t1.w, t1.w, t0.w", 
                "add t1.z, t1.z, t1.w",  // and  LHS operand done, ADD it in!!
                "mul t1.w, t0.z, t0.w",
                "add t1.z, t1.z, t1.w",    // and RHS operand done, subtract it out to get actual z arrow origin position
                ///*  // if considering orientation
                "mul t0.w, c1.z, t0.w",  // multiply gravitaitonal offset over time: GRAVITY*t  
                "sub t0.z, t0.z, t0.w",    // subtract this from the z alt component velocity to get final unnormalized velocity vector
                "nrm,",  // normalize the vector to get forward vector of arrow...along X direction! (2d east)
                "mov t3, t0", // no choice, t0 is used, t1 is to hold position,  t2 to hold axes! need to maintain reference to foward vector to allow crs later
                "mul,,",  // extend out position along x offset of vertex
                "crs,,",  // cross product forward vector with up to get right...along Y direction (2d north)!
                "mul, i0.yyy,",  // extend out position along y offset of vertex
                "crs,,",  // cross product right vector with forward vector to get actual UP...along Z direction
                "mul, i0.zzz,",  // extend out position along z offset of vertex
                "mov t1.w, c1.z",    // w property of 1 needed?
                // */
            // if not considering orientation    
                "mov t1.w, i0.w",
                "mov o0, t1"]);
            res.assignConstantsArray(numMeshes * constantsPerMesh);
            return res;

        private function calculateDeltaTransformProcedure(numMeshes:int):Procedure {
            var res:Procedure = _deltaTransformProcedures[numMeshes];
            if (res != null) return res;
            res = _deltaTransformProcedures[numMeshes] = new Procedure(null, "ArrowLobMeshSetDeltaTransformProcedure");
            res.compileFromArray(["#a0=joint", "#c1=cVars", "sub t0, a0.x, c1.x", "m33, i0, c[t0.x]", "mov o0.w, i0.w"]);
            return res;
        public function get maxProjectileTravelTime():Number 
            return _maxProjectileTravelTime;
        public function set maxProjectileTravelTime(value:Number):void 
            _maxProjectileTravelTime = value;
            _maxProjectileTravelTimeMult = 1/value;


     * Bare bones main view3d class
     * @author Glenn Ko
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.View;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    //import systems.rendering.IRenderable;

    //import ash.signals.Signal0;
    import alternativa.engine3d.lights.AmbientLight;
    import alternativa.engine3d.lights.DirectionalLight;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Stage3D;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageQuality;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import alternativa.engine3d.alternativa3d;
    use namespace alternativa3d;

     class MainView3D extends Sprite  {
        private var _stage:Stage;

       public var onViewCreate:Signal0 = new Signal0();
        public var stage3D:Stage3D
        public var camera:Camera3D
        public var scene:Object3D
        public var directionalLight:DirectionalLight;
        public var ambientLight:AmbientLight;   
        public function MainView3D() {
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        protected function init(e:Event = null):void 
            _stage = stage;
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;            
            stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[0];
            stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreate);
        private function onContextCreate(e:Event):void {
            stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreate);
            var view:View = new View(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
            view.antiAlias = 4
            scene = new Object3D();

            camera = new Camera3D(1, 100000);
            camera.view = view;

            ambientLight = new AmbientLight(0xFFFFFF);
            ambientLight.intensity = 0.5;
            directionalLight = new DirectionalLight(0xFFFFFF);
            directionalLight.x = 0;
            directionalLight.y = -100;
            directionalLight.z = -100;
            directionalLight.lookAt(0, 0, 0);
            //directionalLight.visible = false;
            stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);
        private function onStageResize(e:Event):void 
            camera.view.width = stage.stageWidth;
            camera.view.height = stage.stageHeight;
           public function takeScreenshot( method:Function=null) : Bitmap  //width:int, height:int,
              var view:View = camera.view;

              view.renderToBitmap = true;
             var canvas:BitmapData =  view.canvas.clone();
             // var bitmapData:BitmapData = view.canvas.clone();
              view.renderToBitmap = false;
            //  view.width = oldWidth;
            //  view.height = oldHeight;   
                var child:Bitmap = new Bitmap(canvas);
                stage.addChildAt( child,0 );
             // take screenshot here
                 if (method!= null && method() ) {
                    if (child.parent) child.parent.removeChild(child);
              return child;
        public function startRendering():void {
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onRenderTick);
        private function onRenderTick(e:Event):void 
        public function stopRendering():void {
             removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onRenderTick);

        /* INTERFACE systems.rendering.IRenderable */
        public function render():void 
        public function get viewBackgroundColor():uint 
            return camera.view.backgroundColor;
        public function set viewBackgroundColor(value:uint):void 
            camera.view.backgroundColor = value;

//}//package {
    //import Engine;
    //import Node;
    //import NodeList;
    //import System;

//package {
    //import ash.signals.Signal2;

    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;

    /*public*/ class Entity
        private static var nameCount : int = 0;
        private var _name : String;
        public var componentAdded : Signal2;
        public var componentRemoved : Signal2;
        public var nameChanged : Signal2;
        public var previous : Entity;
        public var next : Entity;
        public var components : Dictionary;

        public function Entity( name : String = "" )
            componentAdded = new Signal2( Entity, Class );
            componentRemoved = new Signal2( Entity, Class );
            nameChanged = new Signal2( Entity, String );
            components = new Dictionary();
            if( name )
                _name = name;
                _name = "_entity" + (++nameCount);
        public function get name() : String
            return _name;
        public function set name( value : String ) : void
            if( _name != value )
                var previous : String = _name;
                _name = value;
                nameChanged.dispatch( this, previous );

        public function add( component : Object, componentClass : Class = null ) : Entity
            if ( !componentClass )
                componentClass = Class( component.constructor );
            if ( components[ componentClass ] )
                remove( componentClass );
            components[ componentClass ] = component;
            componentAdded.dispatch( this, componentClass );
            return this;

        public function remove( componentClass : Class ) : *
            var component : * = components[ componentClass ];
            if ( component )
                delete components[ componentClass ];
                componentRemoved.dispatch( this, componentClass );
                return component;
            return null;

        public function get( componentClass : Class ) : *
            return components[ componentClass ];
        public function getAll() : Array
            var componentArray : Array = new Array();
            for each( var component : * in components )
                componentArray.push( component );
            return componentArray;

        public function has( componentClass : Class ) : Boolean
            return components[ componentClass ] != null;
//package {
    /*public*/ class System
        public var previous : System;
        public var next : System;
        public var priority : int = 0;
        public function addToEngine( engine : Engine ) : void
        public function removeFromEngine( engine : Engine ) : void
        public function update( time : Number ) : void
//package {
    /*public*/ class Node
        public var entity : Entity;
        public var previous : *;
        public var next : *;


    class ListenerNodePool
        private var tail : ListenerNode;
        private var cacheTail : ListenerNode;
        public function get():ListenerNode
            if( tail )
                var node : ListenerNode = tail;
                tail = tail.previous;
                node.previous = null;
                return node;
                return new ListenerNode();

        public function dispose( node : ListenerNode ):void
            node.listener = null;
            node.once = false;
   = null;
            node.previous = tail;
            tail = node;
        public function cache( node : ListenerNode ) : void
            node.listener = null;
            node.previous = cacheTail;
            cacheTail = node;
        public function releaseCache() : void
            while( cacheTail )
                var node : ListenerNode = cacheTail;
                cacheTail = node.previous;
       = null;
                node.previous = tail;
                tail = node;

    class ListenerNode
        public var previous : ListenerNode;
        public var next : ListenerNode;
        public var listener : Function;
        public var once : Boolean;

    /*public*/ class ListIteratingSystem extends System
        protected var nodeList : NodeList;
        protected var nodeClass : Class;
        protected var nodeUpdateFunction : Function;
        protected var nodeAddedFunction : Function;
        protected var nodeRemovedFunction : Function;
        public function ListIteratingSystem( nodeClass : Class, nodeUpdateFunction : Function, nodeAddedFunction : Function = null, nodeRemovedFunction : Function = null )
            this.nodeClass = nodeClass;
            this.nodeUpdateFunction = nodeUpdateFunction;
            this.nodeAddedFunction = nodeAddedFunction;
            this.nodeRemovedFunction = nodeRemovedFunction;
        override public function addToEngine( engine : Engine ) : void
            nodeList = engine.getNodeList( nodeClass );
            if( nodeAddedFunction != null )
                for( var node : Node = nodeList.head; node; node = )
                    nodeAddedFunction( node );
                nodeList.nodeAdded.add( nodeAddedFunction );
            if( nodeRemovedFunction != null )
                nodeList.nodeRemoved.add( nodeRemovedFunction );
        override public function removeFromEngine( engine : Engine ) : void
            if( nodeAddedFunction != null )
                nodeList.nodeAdded.remove( nodeAddedFunction );
            if( nodeRemovedFunction != null )
                nodeList.nodeRemoved.remove( nodeRemovedFunction );
            nodeList = null;
        override public function update( time : Number ) : void
            for( var node : Node = nodeList.head; node; node = )
                nodeUpdateFunction( node, time );
//package {
    //import ash.signals.Signal1;
    /*public*/ class NodeList
        public var head : *;
        public var tail : *;
        public var nodeAdded : Signal1;
        public var nodeRemoved : Signal1;
        public function NodeList()
            nodeAdded = new Signal1( Node );
            nodeRemoved = new Signal1( Node );
        public function add( node : Node ) : void
            if( ! head )
                head = tail = node;
       = node.previous = null;
       = node;
                node.previous = tail;
       = null;
                tail = node;
            nodeAdded.dispatch( node );
        public function remove( node : Node ) : void
            if ( head == node)
                head =;
            if ( tail == node)
                tail = tail.previous;
            if (node.previous)
            if (
       = node.previous;
            nodeRemoved.dispatch( node );
        public function removeAll() : void
            while( head )
                var node : Node = head;
                head =;
                node.previous = null;
       = null;
                nodeRemoved.dispatch( node );
            tail = null;
        public function get empty() : Boolean
            return head == null;
        public function swap( node1 : Node, node2 : Node ) : void
            if( node1.previous == node2 )
                node1.previous = node2.previous;
                node2.previous = node1;
        = node2;
            else if( node2.previous == node1 )
                node2.previous = node1.previous;
                node1.previous = node2;
        = node1;
                var temp : Node = node1.previous;
                node1.previous = node2.previous;
                node2.previous = temp;
                temp =;
       = temp;
            if( head == node1 )
                head = node2;
            else if( head == node2 )
                head = node1;
            if( tail == node1 )
                tail = node2;
            else if( tail == node2 )
                tail = node1;
            if( node1.previous )
       = node1;
            if( node2.previous )
       = node2;
            if( )
       = node1;
            if( )
       = node2;
        public function insertionSort( sortFunction : Function ) : void
            if( head == tail )
            var remains : Node =;
            for( var node : Node = remains; node; node = remains )
                remains =;
                for( var other : Node = node.previous; other; other = other.previous )
                    if( sortFunction( node, other ) >= 0 )
                        if( node != )
                            if ( tail == node)
                                tail = node.previous;
                            if (
                       = node.previous;
                            node.previous = other;
                   = node;
                   = node;
                if( !other ) 
                    if ( tail == node)
                        tail = node.previous;
                    if (
               = node.previous;
           = head;
                    head.previous = node;
                    node.previous = null;
                    head = node;
        public function mergeSort( sortFunction : Function ) : void
            if( head == tail )
            var lists : Vector.<Node> = new Vector.<Node>;
            var start : Node = head;
            var end : Node;
            while( start )
                end = start;
                while( && sortFunction( end, ) <= 0 )
                    end =;
                var next : Node =;
                start.previous = = null;
                lists.push( start );
                start = next;
            while( lists.length > 1 )
                lists.push( merge( lists.shift(), lists.shift(), sortFunction ) );
            tail = head = lists[0];
            while( )
                tail =;    
        private function merge( head1 : Node, head2 : Node, sortFunction : Function ) : Node
            var node : Node;
            var head : Node;
            if( sortFunction( head1, head2 ) <= 0 )
                head = node = head1;
                head1 =;
                head = node = head2;
                head2 =;
            while( head1 && head2 )
                if( sortFunction( head1, head2 ) <= 0 )
           = head1;
                    head1.previous = node;
                    node = head1;
                    head1 =;
           = head2;
                    head2.previous = node;
                    node = head2;
                    head2 =;
            if( head1 )
       = head1;
                head1.previous = node;
       = head2;
                head2.previous = node;
            return head;

//package {
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    /*public*/ class SignalBase
        public var head : ListenerNode;
        public var tail : ListenerNode;
        private var nodes : Dictionary;
        private var listenerNodePool : ListenerNodePool;
        private var toAddHead : ListenerNode;
        private var toAddTail : ListenerNode;
        private var dispatching : Boolean;
        private var _numListeners : int = 0;

        public function SignalBase()
            nodes = new Dictionary( true );
            listenerNodePool = new ListenerNodePool();
        protected function startDispatch() : void
            dispatching = true;
        protected function endDispatch() : void
            dispatching = false;
            if( toAddHead )
                if( !head )
                    head = toAddHead;
                    tail = toAddTail;
           = toAddHead;
                    toAddHead.previous = tail;
                    tail = toAddTail;
                toAddHead = null;
                toAddTail = null;
        public function get numListeners() : int
            return _numListeners;

        public function add( listener : Function ) : void
            if( nodes[ listener ] )
            var node : ListenerNode = listenerNodePool.get();
            node.listener = listener;
            nodes[ listener ] = node;
            addNode( node );
        public function addOnce( listener : Function ) : void
            if( nodes[ listener ] )
            var node : ListenerNode = listenerNodePool.get();
            node.listener = listener;
            node.once = true;
            nodes[ listener ] = node;
            addNode( node );
        protected function addNode( node : ListenerNode ) : void
            if( dispatching )
                if( !toAddHead )
                    toAddHead = toAddTail = node;
           = node;
                    node.previous = toAddTail;
                    toAddTail = node;
                if ( !head )
                    head = tail = node;
           = node;
                    node.previous = tail;
                    tail = node;

        public function remove( listener : Function ) : void
            var node : ListenerNode = nodes[ listener ];
            if ( node )
                if ( head == node)
                    head =;
                if ( tail == node)
                    tail = tail.previous;
                if ( toAddHead == node)
                    toAddHead =;
                if ( toAddTail == node)
                    toAddTail = toAddTail.previous;
                if (node.previous)
                if (
           = node.previous;
                delete nodes[ listener ];
                if( dispatching )
                    listenerNodePool.cache( node );
                    listenerNodePool.dispose( node );
        public function removeAll() : void
            while( head )
                var node : ListenerNode = head;
                head =;
                delete nodes[ node.listener ];
                listenerNodePool.dispose( node );
                node.previous = null;
       = null;
            tail = null;
            toAddHead = null;
            toAddTail = null;
            _numListeners = 0;

//package {
    //import ash.signals.Signal0;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    /*public*/ class Engine
        private var entityNames : Dictionary;
        private var entityList : EntityList;
        private var systemList : SystemList;
        private var families : Dictionary;
        public var updating : Boolean;
        public var updateComplete : Signal0;
        public var familyClass : Class = ComponentMatchingFamily;
        public function Engine()
            entityList = new EntityList();
            entityNames = new Dictionary();
            systemList = new SystemList();
            families = new Dictionary();
            updateComplete = new Signal0();
        public function addEntity( entity : Entity ) : void
            if( entityNames[ ] )
                throw new Error( "The entity name " + + " is already in use by another entity." );
            entityList.add( entity );
            entityNames[ ] = entity;
            entity.componentAdded.add( componentAdded );
            entity.componentRemoved.add( componentRemoved );
            entity.nameChanged.add( entityNameChanged );
            for each( var family : IFamily in families )
                family.newEntity( entity );
        public function removeEntity( entity : Entity ) : void
            entity.componentAdded.remove( componentAdded );
            entity.componentRemoved.remove( componentRemoved );
            entity.nameChanged.remove( entityNameChanged );
            for each( var family : IFamily in families )
                family.removeEntity( entity );
            delete entityNames[ ];
            entityList.remove( entity );
        private function entityNameChanged( entity : Entity, oldName : String ) : void
            if( entityNames[ oldName ] == entity )
                delete entityNames[ oldName ];
                entityNames[ ] = entity;
        public function getEntityByName( name : String ) : Entity
            return entityNames[ name ];
        public function removeAllEntities() : void
            while( entityList.head )
                removeEntity( entityList.head );
        public function get entities() : Vector.<Entity>
            var entities : Vector.<Entity> = new Vector.<Entity>();
            for( var entity : Entity = entityList.head; entity; entity = )
                entities.push( entity );
            return entities;
        private function componentAdded( entity : Entity, componentClass : Class ) : void
            for each( var family : IFamily in families )
                family.componentAddedToEntity( entity, componentClass );
        private function componentRemoved( entity : Entity, componentClass : Class ) : void
            for each( var family : IFamily in families )
                family.componentRemovedFromEntity( entity, componentClass );
        public function getNodeList( nodeClass : Class ) : NodeList
            if( families[nodeClass] )
                return IFamily( families[nodeClass] ).nodeList;
            var family : IFamily = new familyClass( nodeClass, this );
            families[nodeClass] = family;
            for( var entity : Entity = entityList.head; entity; entity = )
                family.newEntity( entity );
            return family.nodeList;
        public function releaseNodeList( nodeClass : Class ) : void
            if( families[nodeClass] )
            delete families[nodeClass];
        public function addSystem( system : System, priority : int ) : void
            system.priority = priority;
            system.addToEngine( this );
            systemList.add( system );
        public function getSystem( type : Class ) : System
            return systemList.get( type );
        public function get systems() : Vector.<System>
            var systems : Vector.<System> = new Vector.<System>();
            for( var system : System = systemList.head; system; system = )
                systems.push( system );
            return systems;
        public function removeSystem( system : System ) : void
            systemList.remove( system );
            system.removeFromEngine( this );
        public function removeAllSystems() : void
            while( systemList.head )
                removeSystem( systemList.head );

        public function update( time : Number ) : void
            updating = true;
            for( var system : System = systemList.head; system; system = )
                system.update( time );
            updating = false;

//package {
    /*public*/ class Signal0 extends SignalBase
        public function Signal0()

        public function dispatch() : void
            var node : ListenerNode;
            for ( node = head; node; node = )
                if( node.once )
                    remove( node.listener );

class ReflectUtil {
    private static var CACHE:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    public static var HACHE_COMPONENTS:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    public static function registerComponents(arrClasses:Array):void {
        var i:int = arrClasses.length;
        while (--i > -1) {
            HACHE_COMPONENTS[getQualifiedClassName(arrClasses[i])] = arrClasses[i]; 

    public static function getFields(nodeClass:Class, arrOfClasses:Array):Dictionary {
        if (CACHE[nodeClass]) return CACHE[nodeClass];
        var variables : XMLList = describeType( nodeClass ).factory.variable;

        var components:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
        var i:int = arrOfClasses.length;
        var hash:Object = { };
        while (--i > -1) {
            hash[ getQualifiedClassName(arrOfClasses[i]) ] = arrOfClasses[i];
          for each ( var atom:XML in variables )
                if ( atom.@name != "entity" && atom.@name != "previous" && atom.@name != "next" )
                    var componentClass : Class = hash[ atom.@type.toString()] || HACHE_COMPONENTS[atom.@type.toString()];
                    if (componentClass == null) throw new Error("Could not find component class>" + atom.@type + ", for "+nodeClass);
                    components[componentClass] = atom.@name.toString();
                CACHE[nodeClass] = components;
                return components;

//package {
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import flash.utils.describeType;
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;

    /*public*/ class ComponentMatchingFamily implements IFamily
        private var nodes : NodeList;
        private var entities : Dictionary;
        private var nodeClass : Class;
        private var components : Dictionary;
        private var nodePool : NodePool;
        private var engine : Engine;

        public function ComponentMatchingFamily( nodeClass : Class, engine : Engine )
            this.nodeClass = nodeClass;
            this.engine = engine;

        private function init() : void
            nodes = new NodeList();
            entities = new Dictionary();
            components = new Dictionary();
            nodePool = new NodePool( nodeClass, components );
            nodePool.dispose( nodePool.get() ); 

            try {
            var dict:Dictionary = nodeClass["_getFields"]();
            catch (e:Error) {
                 var variables : XMLList = describeType( nodeClass ).factory.variable;
                for each ( var atom:XML in variables )
                    if ( atom.@name != "entity" && atom.@name != "previous" && atom.@name != "next" )
                        var componentClass : Class = ReflectUtil.HACHE_COMPONENTS[ atom.@type.toString()];
                        if (componentClass == null) throw new Error("Component class is undefined! "+atom.@type);
                        components[componentClass] = atom.@name.toString();
                dict = new Dictionary();
            for each(var key:* in dict) {
                components[key] = dict[key];
        public function get nodeList() : NodeList
            return nodes;

        public function newEntity( entity : Entity ) : void
            addIfMatch( entity );
        public function componentAddedToEntity( entity : Entity, componentClass : Class ) : void
            addIfMatch( entity );
        public function componentRemovedFromEntity( entity : Entity, componentClass : Class ) : void
            if( components[componentClass] )
                removeIfMatch( entity );
        public function removeEntity( entity : Entity ) : void
            removeIfMatch( entity );
        private function addIfMatch( entity : Entity ) : void
            if( !entities[entity] )
                var componentClass : *;
                for ( componentClass in components )
                    if ( !entity.has( componentClass ) )
                var node : Node = nodePool.get();
                node.entity = entity;
                for ( componentClass in components )
                    node[components[componentClass]] = entity.get( componentClass );
                entities[entity] = node;
                nodes.add( node );
        private function removeIfMatch( entity : Entity ) : void
            if( entities[entity] )
                var node : Node = entities[entity];
                delete entities[entity];
                nodes.remove( node );
                if( engine.updating )
                    nodePool.cache( node );
                    engine.updateComplete.add( releaseNodePoolCache );
                    nodePool.dispose( node );
        private function releaseNodePoolCache() : void
            engine.updateComplete.remove( releaseNodePoolCache );
        public function cleanUp() : void
            for( var node : Node = nodes.head; node; node = )
                delete entities[node.entity];

//package {
    /*public*/ class Signal2 extends SignalBase
        private var type1 : Class;
        private var type2 : Class;

        public function Signal2( type1 : Class, type2 : Class )
            this.type1 = type1;
            this.type2 = type2;

        public function dispatch( object1 : *, object2 : * ) : void
            var node : ListenerNode;
            for ( node = head; node; node = )
                node.listener( object1, object2 );
                if( node.once )
                    remove( node.listener );

 * Based on ideas used in Robert Penner's AS3-signals -

    class Signal3 extends SignalBase
        private var type1 : Class;
        private var type2 : Class;
        private var type3 : Class;

        public function Signal3( type1 : Class, type2 : Class, type3 : Class )
            this.type1 = type1;
            this.type2 = type2;
            this.type3 = type3;

        public function dispatch( object1 : *, object2 : *, object3 : * ) : void
            var node : ListenerNode;
            for ( node = head; node; node = )
                node.listener( object1, object2, object3 );
                if( node.once )
                    remove( node.listener );

    class SignalAny extends SignalBase
        protected var classes : Array;

        public function SignalAny( ...classes )
            this.classes = classes;

        public function dispatch( ...objects ) : void
            var node : ListenerNode;
            for ( node = head; node; node = )
                node.listener.apply( null, objects );
                if( node.once )
                    remove( node.listener );

//package {
    /*public*/ class Signal1 extends SignalBase
        private var type : Class;

        public function Signal1( type : Class )
            this.type = type;

        public function dispatch( object : * ) : void
            var node : ListenerNode;
            for ( node = head; node; node = )
                node.listener( object );
                if( node.once )
                    remove( node.listener );

interface IFamily {
        function get nodeList() : NodeList;
        function newEntity( entity : Entity ) : void;
        function removeEntity( entity : Entity ) : void;
        function componentAddedToEntity( entity : Entity, componentClass : Class ) : void;
        function componentRemovedFromEntity( entity : Entity, componentClass : Class ) : void;
        function cleanUp() : void;

     interface ITickProvider
        function get playing() : Boolean;
        function add( listener : Function ) : void;
        function remove( listener : Function ) : void;
        function start() : void;
        function stop() : void;

    class EntityList
        public var head : Entity;
        public var tail : Entity;
        public function add( entity : Entity ) : void
            if( ! head )
                head = tail = entity;
       = entity.previous = null;
       = entity;
                entity.previous = tail;
       = null;
                tail = entity;
        public function remove( entity : Entity ) : void
            if ( head == entity)
                head =;
            if ( tail == entity)
                tail = tail.previous;
            if (entity.previous)
            if (
       = entity.previous;
            // N.B. Don't set and node.previous to null because that will break the list iteration if node is the current node in the iteration.
        public function removeAll() : void
            while( head )
                var entity : Entity = head;
                head =;
                entity.previous = null;
       = null;
            tail = null;

    class SystemList
        public var head : System;
        public var tail : System;
        public function add( system : System ) : void
            if( ! head )
                head = tail = system;
       = system.previous = null;
                for( var node : System = tail; node; node = node.previous )
                    if( node.priority <= system.priority )
                if( node == tail )
           = system;
                    system.previous = tail;
           = null;
                    tail = system;
                else if( !node )
           = head;
                    system.previous = null;
                    head.previous = system;
                    head = system;
                    system.previous = node;
           = system;
           = system;
        public function remove( system : System ) : void
            if ( head == system)
                head =;
            if ( tail == system)
                tail = tail.previous;
            if (system.previous)
            if (
       = system.previous;
            // N.B. Don't set and system.previous to null because that will break the list iteration if node is the current node in the iteration.
        public function removeAll() : void
            while( head )
                var system : System = head;
                head =;
                system.previous = null;
       = null;
            tail = null;
        public function get( type : Class ) : System
            for( var system : System = head; system; system = )
                if ( system is type )
                    return system;
            return null;

    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    class NodePool
        private var tail : Node;
        private var nodeClass : Class;
        private var cacheTail : Node;
        private var components : Dictionary;

         * Creates a pool for the given node class.
        public function NodePool( nodeClass : Class, components : Dictionary )
            this.nodeClass = nodeClass;
            this.components = components;

         * Fetches a node from the pool.
        internal function get() : Node
            if ( tail )
                var node : Node = tail;
                tail = tail.previous;
                node.previous = null;
                return node;
                return new nodeClass();

         * Adds a node to the pool.
        internal function dispose( node : Node ) : void
            for each( var componentName : String in components )
                node[ componentName ] = null;
            node.entity = null;
   = null;
            node.previous = tail;
            tail = node;
         * Adds a node to the cache
        internal function cache( node : Node ) : void
            node.previous = cacheTail;
            cacheTail = node;
         * Releases all nodes from the cache into the pool
        internal function releaseCache() : void
            while( cacheTail )
                var node : Node = cacheTail;
                cacheTail = node.previous;
                dispose( node );

//package {
    //import ash.signals.Signal1;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;

    /*public*/ class FrameTickProvider extends Signal1 implements ITickProvider
        private var displayObject : DisplayObject;
        private var previousTime : Number;
        private var maximumFrameTime : Number;
        private var isPlaying : Boolean = false;
        public var timeAdjustment : Number = 1;
        public function FrameTickProvider( displayObject : DisplayObject, maximumFrameTime : Number = Number.MAX_VALUE )
            super( Number );
            this.displayObject = displayObject;
            this.maximumFrameTime = maximumFrameTime;
        public function start() : void
            previousTime = getTimer();
            displayObject.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, dispatchTick );
            isPlaying = true;
        public function stop() : void
            isPlaying = false;
            displayObject.removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, dispatchTick );
        private function dispatchTick( event : Event ) : void
            var temp : Number = previousTime;
            previousTime = getTimer();
            var frameTime : Number = ( previousTime - temp ) / 1000;
            if( frameTime > maximumFrameTime )
                frameTime = maximumFrameTime;
            dispatch( frameTime * timeAdjustment );

        public function get playing() : Boolean
            return isPlaying;

//package ash.tick
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;

    class FixedTickProvider extends Signal1 implements ITickProvider
        private var displayObject : DisplayObject;
        private var frameTime : Number;
        private var isPlaying : Boolean = false;
        public var timeAdjustment : Number = 1;
        public function FixedTickProvider( displayObject : DisplayObject, frameTime : Number )
            super( Number );
            this.displayObject = displayObject;
            this.frameTime = frameTime;
        public function start() : void
            displayObject.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, dispatchTick );
            isPlaying = true;
        public function stop() : void
            isPlaying = false;
            displayObject.removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, dispatchTick );
        private function dispatchTick( event : Event ) : void
            dispatch( frameTime * timeAdjustment );

        public function get playing() : Boolean
            return isPlaying;

// -- Ash framework ends here

 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
 * If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a notice.
 * You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
 * It is desirable to notify that Covered Software was "Powered by AlternativaPlatform" with link to 
 * */

//package alternativa.a3d.controller {

    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Camera3D;
    import alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D;
    //import ash.core.Engine;
    //import ash.core.System;

    import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
    import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Vector3D;
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;

     * Controller for <code>Object3D</code>. Allow to handle the object with a keyboard and mouse.
     * @see alternativa.engine3d.core.Object3D //
    class SimpleObjectController extends System {
         * Name of action for binding "forward" action.
        public static const ACTION_FORWARD:String = "ACTION_FORWARD";
         * Name of action for binding "back" action.
        public static const ACTION_BACK:String = "ACTION_BACK";
         * Name of action for binding "left" action.
        public static const ACTION_LEFT:String = "ACTION_LEFT";
         * Name of action for binding "right" action.
        public static const ACTION_RIGHT:String = "ACTION_RIGHT";
         * Name of action for binding "up" action.
        public static const ACTION_UP:String = "ACTION_UP";
         * Name of action for binding "down" action.
        public static const ACTION_DOWN:String = "ACTION_DOWN";
         * Name of action for binding "pitch up" action.
        public static const ACTION_PITCH_UP:String = "ACTION_PITCH_UP";
         * Name of action for binding "pitch down" action.
        public static const ACTION_PITCH_DOWN:String = "ACTION_PITCH_DOWN";
         * Name of action for binding "yaw left" action.
        public static const ACTION_YAW_LEFT:String = "ACTION_YAW_LEFT";
         * Name of action for binding "yaw right" action.
        public static const ACTION_YAW_RIGHT:String = "ACTION_YAW_RIGHT";
         * Name of action for binding "accelerate" action.
        public static const ACTION_ACCELERATE:String = "ACTION_ACCELERATE";
         * ИName of action for binding "mouse look" action.
        public static const ACTION_MOUSE_LOOK:String = "ACTION_MOUSE_LOOK";
         * Speed.
        public var speed:Number;
         * Speed multiplier for acceleration mode.
        public var speedMultiplier:Number;
         * Mouse sensitivity.
        public var mouseSensitivity:Number;
         * The maximal slope in the vertical plane in radians.
        public var maxPitch:Number = 1e+22;
         * The minimal slope in the vertical plane in radians.
        public var minPitch:Number = -1e+22;
        private var eventSource:InteractiveObject;
        private var _object:Object3D;
        private var _up:Boolean;
        private var _down:Boolean;
        private var _forward:Boolean;
        private var _back:Boolean;
        private var _left:Boolean;
        private var _right:Boolean;
        private var _accelerate:Boolean;
        private var displacement:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
        private var mousePoint:Point = new Point();
        private var mouseLook:Boolean;
        private var objectTransform:Vector.<Vector3D>;
         * The hash for binding  names of action and functions. The functions should be at a form are follows:
         * <code>
         *     function(value:Boolean):void
         * </code>
         * <code>value</code> argument defines if bound key pressed down or up.
        private var actionBindings:Object = {};
         * The hash for binding key codes and action names.
        protected var keyBindings:Object = {};
         * Creates a SimpleObjectController object.
         * @param eventSource Source for event listening.
         * @param speed Speed of movement.
         * @param mouseSensitivity Mouse sensitivity, i.e. number of degrees per each pixel of mouse movement.
        public function SimpleObjectController(eventSource:InteractiveObject, object:Object3D, speed:Number, speedMultiplier:Number = 3, mouseSensitivity:Number = 1) {
            this.eventSource = eventSource;
            this.object = object;
            this.speed = speed;
            this.speedMultiplier = speedMultiplier;
            this.mouseSensitivity = mouseSensitivity;
            actionBindings[ACTION_FORWARD] = moveForward;
            actionBindings[ACTION_BACK] = moveBack;
            actionBindings[ACTION_LEFT] = moveLeft;
            actionBindings[ACTION_RIGHT] = moveRight;
            actionBindings[ACTION_UP] = moveUp;
            actionBindings[ACTION_DOWN] = moveDown;
            actionBindings[ACTION_ACCELERATE] = accelerate;
        override public function addToEngine(engine:Engine):void {
        override public function removeFromEngine(engine:Engine):void {
         * Enables the controler.
        public function enable():void {
            eventSource.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey);
            eventSource.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey);
            eventSource.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
            eventSource.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
         * Disables the controller.
        public function disable():void {
            eventSource.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey);
            eventSource.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey);
            eventSource.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
            eventSource.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
        private function onMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
        private function onMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
         * Enables mouse look mode.
        public function startMouseLook():void {
            mousePoint.x = eventSource.mouseX;
            mousePoint.y = eventSource.mouseY;
            mouseLook = true;
         * Disables mouse look mode.
        public function stopMouseLook():void {
            mouseLook = false;
        private function onKey(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            var method:Function = keyBindings[e.keyCode];
            if (method != null), e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN);
         * Target of handling.
        public function get object():Object3D {
            return _object;
         * @private
        public function set object(value:Object3D):void {
            _object = value;
         * Refreshes controller state from state of handled object. Should be called if object was moved without the controller (i.e. <code>object.x = 100;</code>).
        public function updateObjectTransform():void {
            if (_object != null) objectTransform = _object.matrix.decompose();
         * Calculates and sets new object position.
        override public function update(frameTime:Number):void {
            if (_object == null) return;
            if (frameTime > 0.1) frameTime = 0.1;
            var moved:Boolean = false;
            if (mouseLook) {
                var dx:Number = eventSource.mouseX - mousePoint.x;
                var dy:Number = eventSource.mouseY - mousePoint.y;
                mousePoint.x = eventSource.mouseX;
                mousePoint.y = eventSource.mouseY;
                var v:Vector3D = objectTransform[1];
                v.x -= dy*Math.PI/180*mouseSensitivity;
                if (v.x > maxPitch) v.x = maxPitch;
                if (v.x < minPitch) v.x = minPitch;
                v.z -= dx*Math.PI/180*mouseSensitivity;
                moved = true;
            displacement.x = _right ? 1 : (_left ? -1 : 0);
            displacement.y = _forward ? 1 : (_back ? -1 : 0);
            displacement.z = _up ? 1 : (_down ? -1 : 0);
            if (displacement.lengthSquared > 0) {
                if (_object is Camera3D) {
                    var tmp:Number = displacement.z;
                    displacement.z = displacement.y;
                    displacement.y = -tmp;
                if (_accelerate) displacement.scaleBy(speedMultiplier*speed*frameTime/displacement.length);
                else displacement.scaleBy(speed*frameTime/displacement.length);
                (objectTransform[0] as Vector3D).incrementBy(displacement);
                moved = true;
            if (moved) {
                var m:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
                _object.matrix = m;
         * Sets object at given position.
         * @param pos The position.
        public function setObjectPos(pos:Vector3D):void {
            if (_object != null) {
                var v:Vector3D = objectTransform[0];
                v.x = pos.x;
                v.y = pos.y;
                v.z = pos.z;
         * Sets object at given position.
         * @param x  X.
         * @param y  Y.
         * @param z  Z.
        public function setObjectPosXYZ(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number):void {
            if (_object != null) {
                var v:Vector3D = objectTransform[0];
                v.x = x;
                v.y = y;
                v.z = z;
         * Sets direction of Z-axis of handled object to pointed at given place. If object is a camera, it will look to this direction.
         * @param point Point to look at.
        public function lookAt(point:Vector3D):void {
            lookAtXYZ(point.x, point.y, point.z);
         * Sets direction of Z-axis of handled object to pointed at given place. If object is a camera, it will look to this direction.
         * @param x  X.
         * @param y  Y.
         * @param z  Z.
        public function lookAtXYZ(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number):void {
            if (_object == null) return;
            var v:Vector3D = objectTransform[0];
            var dx:Number = x - v.x;
            var dy:Number = y - v.y;
            var dz:Number = z - v.z;
            v = objectTransform[1];
            v.x = Math.atan2(dz, Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));
            if (_object is Camera3D) v.x -= 0.5*Math.PI;
            v.y = 0;
            v.z = -Math.atan2(dx, dy);
            var m:Matrix3D = _object.matrix;
            _object.matrix = m;
        private var _vin:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(3);
        private var _vout:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(3);
        private function deltaTransformVector(v:Vector3D):void {
            _vin[0] = v.x;
            _vin[1] = v.y;
            _vin[2] = v.z;
            _object.matrix.transformVectors(_vin, _vout);
            var c:Vector3D = objectTransform[0];
            v.x = _vout[0] - c.x;
            v.y = _vout[1] - c.y;
            v.z = _vout[2] - c.z;
         * Starts and stops move forward according to  <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> was passed.
         * @param value Action switcher.
        public function moveForward(value:Boolean):void {
            _forward = value;

         * Starts and stops move backward according to  <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> was passed.
         * @param value Action switcher.
        public function moveBack(value:Boolean):void {
            _back = value;

         * Starts and stops move to left according to  <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> was passed.
         * @param value Action switcher.
        public function moveLeft(value:Boolean):void {
            _left = value;

         * Starts and stops move to right according to  <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> was passed.
         * @param value Action switcher.
        public function moveRight(value:Boolean):void {
            _right = value;

         * Starts and stops move up according to  <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> was passed.
         * @param value Action switcher.
        public function moveUp(value:Boolean):void {
            _up = value;

         * Starts and stops move down according to  <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> was passed.
         * @param value Action switcher.
        public function moveDown(value:Boolean):void {
            _down = value;
         * Switches acceleration mode.
         * @param value <code>true</code> turns acceleration on, <code>false</code> turns off.
        public function accelerate(value:Boolean):void {
            _accelerate = value;

         * Binds key and action. Only one action can be assigned to one key.
         * @param keyCode Key code.
         * @param action Action name.
         * @see #unbindKey()
         * @see #unbindAll()
        public function bindKey(keyCode:uint, action:String):void {
            var method:Function = actionBindings[action];
            if (method != null) keyBindings[keyCode] = method;

         * Binds keys and actions. Only one action can be assigned to one key.
         * @param bindings Array which consists of sequence of couples of key code and action. An example are follows: <code> [ keyCode1, action1, keyCode2, action2 ] </code>.
        public function bindKeys(bindings:Array):void {
            for (var i:int = 0; i < bindings.length; i += 2) bindKey(bindings[i], bindings[i + 1]);

         * Clear binding for given keyCode.
         * @param keyCode Key code.
         * @see #bindKey()
         * @see #unbindAll()
        public function unbindKey(keyCode:uint):void {
            delete keyBindings[keyCode];
         * Clear binding of all keys.
         * @see #bindKey()
         * @see #unbindKey()
        public function unbindAll():void {
            for (var key:String in keyBindings) delete keyBindings[key];
         * Sets default binding.
         * @see #bindKey()
         * @see #unbindKey()
         * @see #unbindAll()
        public function setDefaultBindings():void {
            bindKey(87, ACTION_FORWARD);
            bindKey(83, ACTION_BACK);
            bindKey(65, ACTION_LEFT);
            bindKey(68, ACTION_RIGHT);
            bindKey(69, ACTION_UP);
            bindKey(67, ACTION_DOWN);
            bindKey(Keyboard.SHIFT, ACTION_ACCELERATE);
            bindKey(Keyboard.UP, ACTION_FORWARD);
            bindKey(Keyboard.DOWN, ACTION_BACK);
            bindKey(Keyboard.LEFT, ACTION_LEFT);
            bindKey(Keyboard.RIGHT, ACTION_RIGHT);

  import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    class Base64 {
        private static const BASE64_CHARS:String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";

        public static const version:String = "1.1.0";

        public static function encode(data:String):String {
            // Convert string to ByteArray
            var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            // Return encoded ByteArray
            return encodeByteArray(bytes);
        public static function encodeByteArray(data:ByteArray):String {
            // Initialise output
            var output:String = "";
            // Create data and output buffers
            var dataBuffer:Array;
            var outputBuffer:Array = new Array(4);
            // Rewind ByteArray
            data.position = 0;
            // while there are still bytes to be processed
            while (data.bytesAvailable > 0) {
                // Create new data buffer and populate next 3 bytes from data
                dataBuffer = new Array();
                for (var i:uint = 0; i < 3 && data.bytesAvailable > 0; i++) {
                    dataBuffer[i] = data.readUnsignedByte();
                // Convert to data buffer Base64 character positions and 
                // store in output buffer
                outputBuffer[0] = (dataBuffer[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
                outputBuffer[1] = ((dataBuffer[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((dataBuffer[1]) >> 4);
                outputBuffer[2] = ((dataBuffer[1] & 0x0f) << 2) | ((dataBuffer[2]) >> 6);
                outputBuffer[3] = dataBuffer[2] & 0x3f;
                // If data buffer was short (i.e not 3 characters) then set
                // end character indexes in data buffer to index of '=' symbol.
                // This is necessary because Base64 data is always a multiple of
                // 4 bytes and is basses with '=' symbols.
                for (var j:uint = dataBuffer.length; j < 3; j++) {
                    outputBuffer[j + 1] = 64;
                // Loop through output buffer and add Base64 characters to 
                // encoded data string for each character.
                for (var k:uint = 0; k < outputBuffer.length; k++) {
                    output += BASE64_CHARS.charAt(outputBuffer[k]);
            // Return encoded data
            return output;
        public static function decode(data:String):String {
            // Decode data to ByteArray
            var bytes:ByteArray = decodeToByteArray(data);
            // Convert to string and return
            return bytes.readUTFBytes(bytes.length);
        public static function decodeToByteArray(data:String):ByteArray {
            // Initialise output ByteArray for decoded data
            var output:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            // Create data and output buffers
            var dataBuffer:Array = new Array(4);
            var outputBuffer:Array = new Array(3);

            // While there are data bytes left to be processed
            for (var i:uint = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
                // Populate data buffer with position of Base64 characters for
                // next 4 bytes from encoded data
                for (var j:uint = 0; j < 4 && i + j < data.length; j++) {
                    dataBuffer[j] = BASE64_CHARS.indexOf(data.charAt(i + j));
                  // Decode data buffer back into bytes
                outputBuffer[0] = (dataBuffer[0] << 2) + ((dataBuffer[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
                outputBuffer[1] = ((dataBuffer[1] & 0x0f) << 4) + ((dataBuffer[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);        
                outputBuffer[2] = ((dataBuffer[2] & 0x03) << 6) + dataBuffer[3];
                // Add all non-padded bytes in output buffer to decoded data
                for (var k:uint = 0; k < outputBuffer.length; k++) {
                    if (dataBuffer[k+1] == 64) break;
            // Rewind decoded data ByteArray
            output.position = 0;
            // Return decoded data
            return output;
        public function Base64() {
            throw new Error("Base64 class is static container only");