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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Cubo Dragon Numero Cinco

---WHAT THE---  Dragon v5
A dragon varient of creating waves and passing them down an array.
With Bitmaps!! yeah!! skin!!
If it weren't for the artistic skills of Bryan "Lite Duty" Moore, I don't think
there would of been the motivation to take this another step further
towards really freaking cool.

--CONTROLS--- Dragons are unweidly creatures and hard to control, but they can be influenced.
MOUSE position controls the turning speeds.
CLICKing switches between camera postions
ARROW Keys, PgDn, and End keys lend XYZ camera control to look at the beast

---Things to do:
-Dynamic path Id to maintain spread with speed.
or Relativisitic approach to setting positions.
-long cube primitive with max = w.segs, 1 = h.segs?  convert geometry into indexs
-long cylinder primitve?
-rotation wouldn't matter on everything, just the settings of the first four points
-could use rotate func in Number3D? better/worse?
-pyramid with sphere primitive for head. correctly app
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by mfc314159 22 Feb 2011


    mfc314159 at 22 Feb 2011 12:08
    If someone wants to write a new control system to tame the Dragon.. that would be cool.
    mfc314159 at 22 Feb 2011 12:44
    There is a speed control that is set to the Mouse Wheel, but it doesn't work for my browser, so I don't know about anyone elses. The dragon spreads apart the faster it goes, so I left it slow to look a little more presentable.
    mfc314159 at 22 Feb 2011 12:47
    When the boxes where smaller then they are now the turning seemed better. I just need to make a solid object...
 * Copyright mfc314159 ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package  {
	// ---WHAT THE---  Dragon v5
	// A dragon varient of creating waves and passing them down an array.
	// With Bitmaps!! yeah!! skin!!
	// If it weren't for the artistic skills of Bryan "Lite Duty" Moore, I don't think
	// there would of been the motivation to take this another step further
	// towards really freaking cool.
	// --CONTROLS--- Dragons are unweidly creatures and hard to control, but they can be influenced.
	// MOUSE position controls the turning speeds.
	// CLICKing switches between camera postions
	// ARROW Keys, PgDn, and End keys lend XYZ camera control to look at the beast
	// ---Things to do:
	//-Dynamic path Id to maintain spread with speed.
	// or Relativisitic approach to setting positions.
	//-long cube primitive with max = w.segs, 1 = h.segs?  convert geometry into indexs
	//-long cylinder primitve?
	//-rotation wouldn't matter on everything, just the settings of the first four points
	//-could use rotate func in Number3D? better/worse?
	//-pyramid with sphere primitive for head. correctly applying bitMaps? how the..?
	import flash.system.Security;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.DisplayObject;
	import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
	import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
	import flash.geom.Point;

	import org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D;
        import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial;
        import org.papervision3d.materials.ColorMaterial;
        import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.MaterialsList;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial;
	import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere;
	import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Plane;
        import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cube;
	import org.papervision3d.objects.*
        import org.papervision3d.render.BasicRenderEngine;
        import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;
        import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;
	import org.papervision3d.core.math.Number3D;
	public class dragonFiveWFL extends Sprite {
		private var cont:DisplayObject3D;
		//Papervision init
		private var viewport:Viewport3D;        
		private var scene:Scene3D;        
		private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine;        
		private var camera:Camera3D;
		private var followOn:int = 1;
		private var camPoint:DisplayObject3D;
		private var camNum:Number3D;
		private var materialsList:MaterialsList;
		private var cube:Cube;
		private var headR:Plane;
		private var headL:Plane;
		//--Everyone loves Pie
		private const piE:Number = Math.PI / 180;
		//--Reusuable id# to use with While loops
		private var id:int = 0; 
		//--Number of segments
		private var max:int = 75;
		//--Spread of segements
		private var spread:int = 1;
		private var path:Array = [];   //traveled path
		private var _dragon:Array = []; //segment objects
		private var pathID:Array = []; //segment's path ID#
		//--Direction Angles
		private var xAng:Number = 0.00;//= Math.random() * 180.00;
		private var yAng:Number = 0.00;//= Math.random() * 180.00;
		private var zAng:Number = 0.00;//= Math.random() * 180.00;
		//--Turing Speeds		
		private var turnSpeed:Number = 1.00;
		private var turnSpeedX:Number = turnSpeed / 9;
		private var turnSpeedY:Number = turnSpeed / 12;
		private var turnSpeedZ:Number = turnSpeed / 25;
		//--Leading Path vars
		private var speed:Number = 1.00;
		private var course:Number3D;
		private var origin:Number3D;
		private var cubeSizes:Array = [];
		private var pathTotal:Number = 0.00;
		private var pttl:int;
		private var basePath:String;
		private var image1:String;
		private var image2:String;
		private var image3:String;
		private var image4:String;
		private var image5:String;
		public function dragonFiveWFL():void {
			//-------------------------MAIN INIT
			viewport = new Viewport3D();
                        viewport.opaqueBackground = 0x000000;
			viewport.viewportWidth = 1000; 
			viewport.viewportHeight = 700;
			viewport.x = ( this.stage.stageWidth - viewport.viewportWidth ) / 2; 
			viewport.y = ( this.stage.stageHeight - viewport.viewportHeight ) / 2;
			scene = new Scene3D();
			camera = new Camera3D();
			camera.z = 100;
			camPoint = new DisplayObject3D(null);
			renderer = new BasicRenderEngine();
			basePath = "";
			image1 = basePath + "9/9d/9d64/9d64fbd23c06129662930ed51fe4b6d2a3efc337";
			image2 = basePath + "c/c1/c10b/c10b0eeafb504156c8559d9f6881642ca8ff92ea";
			image3 = basePath + "2/2f/2fce/2fcecc0bc53fce5f510b9d33c3df51c094ee3023";
			image4 = basePath + "e/eb/eb49/eb49c19b46edbb20d85d1b8e9657d947e33984c8";
			image5 = basePath + "9/9c/9c30/9c30645b34c30e7532181f68796289b851eece2a";

                        var scales:BitmapFileMaterial =   new BitmapFileMaterial(image1);
                        var scales2:BitmapFileMaterial =  new BitmapFileMaterial(image2);
                        var belly:BitmapFileMaterial =    new BitmapFileMaterial(image5);
                        var headBmp:BitmapFileMaterial =  new BitmapFileMaterial(image4);
                        var headBmp2:BitmapFileMaterial = new BitmapFileMaterial(image3);
			headBmp.doubleSided = true;
			headBmp2.doubleSided = true;
			//--Add dragon material to list
			materialsList = new MaterialsList();
			materialsList.addMaterial(scales , "front");
			materialsList.addMaterial(scales , "back");
			materialsList.addMaterial(scales2 , "left");
			materialsList.addMaterial(scales , "right");
			materialsList.addMaterial(scales, "top");
			materialsList.addMaterial(belly , "bottom");
			//--planes color material
			var colorOne:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xFF0000, .5);
			//--------------------------------------------PATH INIT
			course = new Number3D();
                        origin = new Number3D();
                        //--init course
			course.x = speed *  Math.sin(piE * xAng);
			course.y = speed *  Math.cos(piE * yAng);
			course.z = speed *  Math.sin(piE * zAng);
			//--origin position array
			//Cube Size
			//100				dxxxxxxxxxdd
			//90			   d			d
			//80	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
			//70			ddd				 d
			//60		  dd				  d
			//50	xxxxxx   				   	
			//40	|	|	|	|	|	|	|  d	|	|	|
			//30								ddddddd
			//20									   dd
			//10										 ddddd
			//		0	10	20	30	40	50	60	70	80	90 100
			// || = 2.5%      Dragon Cube Scale
			// x = static sizing      d = dynamic sizing
			var p1:Point = new Point(0, 50);
			var p2:Point = new Point(15, 50);
			var p3:Point = new Point(30, 150);
			var p4:Point = new Point(60, 150);
			var p5:Point = new Point(70, 30);
			var p6:Point = new Point(90, 20);
			var p7:Point = new Point(100, 10);
			id = 0;
			var idF:Number;
			var cs:Point = new Point();
			while(id < 100) {
				if((id >= 0) && (id < p2.x)) { 
					idF = (id - p1.x) / (p2.x - p1.x);
					cs = Point.interpolate(p2, p1, idF);
				if((id >= p2.x) && (id < p3.x)) { 
					idF = (id - p2.x) / (p3.x - p2.x);
					cs = Point.interpolate(p3, p2, idF);
				if((id >= p3.x) && (id < p4.x)) { 
					idF = (id - p3.x) / (p4.x - p3.x);
					cs = Point.interpolate(p4, p3, idF);
				if((id >= p4.x) && (id < p5.x)) { 
					idF = (id - p4.x) / (p5.x - p4.x);
					cs = Point.interpolate(p5, p4, idF);
				if((id >= p5.x) && (id < p6.x)) { 
					idF = (id - p5.x) / (p6.x - p5.x);
					cs = Point.interpolate(p6, p5, idF);
				if((id >= p6.x) && (id < p7.x)) { 
					idF = (id - p6.x) / (p7.x - p6.x);
					cs = Point.interpolate(p7, p6, idF);
				cubeSizes[id] = cs.y; 
			//--------------------------------------------------OBJECTS INIT
			var segSize:int = 0;
			//add segments to the _dragon array	
			//set pathIDs of segments in _dragon
			id = 0;
			pathTotal -= (p1.y / 2)
			while(id < max) {
				segSize = cubeSizes[Math.round(100 * (id / max))];			
				pathTotal += segSize;
				//trace(id, segSize, pathTotal);
				if(id != 0) {
					//Add Cube for segment
					_dragon[id] = new Cube(materialsList, segSize, segSize, segSize, 1, 1, 1); 
					pathID[id] = pathTotal;//int(spread + (id * spread));
				} else {
					//Add Cube with head dimensions for first segment
					//_dragon[0] = new Cube(materialsList, segSize, segSize * 2, segSize, 4, 4, 4); 
					_dragon[0] = new DisplayObject3D();
					headR = new Plane(headBmp, 133, 187, 1, 1);
					headL = new Plane(headBmp2, 133, 187, 1, 1);
					headR.x += 48;
					headL.x -= 48;//good enough for goverment work
					pathID[0] = Math.round(p1.y - (p1.y / 2));
				scene.addChild(_dragon[id]);   //add segment to scene
				 //set segment id# on path
				id++; //next id
			pttl = Math.round(pathTotal) + 1;
			id = 0;
			//Fill the path array with init values 
			stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, cameraZ);
			//--Change Camera
			stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeCamera);
			//--Generate path from mouse input
			stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mousePath);
			//--Change Speed
			stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, changeSpeed);
			//--start Main Loop
			stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainLoop);
		//------------------------------------------MOUSE INPUT HANDLERS
		private function changeCamera(evt:MouseEvent):void {
			followOn *= -1;
			if(followOn == 1) {
				camera.x = 0;
				camera.y = 0;
				camera.z = 100;
		private function cameraZ(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
			trace(evt.keyCode, evt.keyLocation, evt.charCode);
			if(evt.keyCode == 38) { camera.z += 100; }//in
			if(evt.keyCode == 40) { camera.z -= 100; }//out
			if(evt.keyCode == 34) { camera.y += 100; }//up
			if(evt.keyCode == 35) { camera.y -= 100; }//down
			if(evt.keyCode == 39) { camera.x += 100; }//right
			if(evt.keyCode == 37) { camera.x -= 100; }//left
		private function mousePath(evt:MouseEvent):void {
			turnSpeedX = .02 * ((evt.stageX - 500) * .05);
			turnSpeedY = .02 * ((evt.stageY - 350) * .05);
			turnSpeedZ = Math.sqrt((turnSpeedX * turnSpeedX) + (turnSpeedY * turnSpeedY));
		private function changeSpeed(evt:MouseEvent):void {
			if( > 0) { speed += .1;
			} else {			speed -= .1; }
		//----------------------------------------MAIN LOOP
		private function mainLoop(evt:Event):void {
			//--STAGE 1: Find Next Position
			//change angles 
			xAng += turnSpeedX; 
			yAng += turnSpeedY;
			zAng += turnSpeedZ;
			//limit angles
			if(xAng > 360) { xAng = xAng - 360; } 
			if(yAng > 360) { yAng = yAng - 360; }
			if(zAng > 360) { zAng = zAng - 360; }
			//set new course
			course.x = speed *  Math.sin(piE * xAng);
			course.y = speed *  Math.cos(piE * yAng);
			course.z = speed *  Math.sin(piE * zAng);
			//add course coordinates to current position
			origin = Number3D.add(origin, course); 
			camNum = Number3D.add(origin, course);
			camNum = Number3D.add(course, camNum);
			camPoint.x = camNum.x;
			camPoint.y = camNum.y;
			camPoint.z = camNum.z; 
			//--STAGE 2:--Shift and Add positions to path array
			//shift path positions down
			//add new positions to path
			//--STAGE 3:--Set Positions
			id = 1; //reset
			_dragon[0].x = path.pos[pathID[0]].x;
			_dragon[0].y = path.pos[pathID[0]].y;
			_dragon[0].z = path.pos[pathID[0]].z;
			while(id < max) {
				_dragon[id].x = path.pos[pathID[id]].x;
				_dragon[id].y = path.pos[pathID[id]].y;
				_dragon[id].z = path.pos[pathID[id]].z;
				_dragon[id].lookAt( _dragon[id - 1] ); 
			//--STAGE 4:--Render The Scene
			if(followOn == 1) { 
				//camera.lookAt(); //_dragon[0]); 
			} else {
				camera.x = _dragon[0].x;
				camera.y = _dragon[0].y;
				camera.z = _dragon[0].z - 400;
			renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);
		private function setup():void {
			//fills the path array with values to cut down on inital drawing time
			//--path positions array
			path["pos"] = new Array(); //  3D position
			path["p"] = new Array(); //  pitch
			path["r"] = new Array(); //  roll
			path["y"] = new Array(); //  yaw
			while(id < pttl) { 
				path.pos[id] = origin.clone();
				path.p[id] = Number(0.00);
				path.r[id] = Number(0.00);
				path.y[id] = Number(0.00);
				id++; //next id
			id = 0; //reset
			while(id < pttl){
				//--STAGE 1
				//find next position
				xAng += turnSpeedX;
				yAng += turnSpeedY;
				zAng += turnSpeedZ;
				if(xAng > 360) { xAng = xAng - 360; }
				if(yAng > 360) { yAng = yAng - 360; }
				if(zAng > 360) { zAng = zAng - 360; }
				course.x = speed * Math.sin(piE * xAng);
				course.y = speed * Math.cos(piE * yAng);
				course.z = speed * Math.sin(piE * zAng);
				origin = Number3D.add(origin, course);
				//--STAGE 2
				//shift positions down 
				//add new position to path