bubble sort (4teach)
bubble sorting visualization (4teaching).
inspired on http://wonderfl.net/c/8rbD
thanks to Ms. Fabiana C. Guedes.
Universidade Federal de Itajubá - Campus Itabira
git https://github.com/thyfl/eco-010/tree/6649fa0593d1e2e31f37e8440123a048146d8fba/fabiana/extras/bubble
@author thi
* Copyright Thy ( http://wonderfl.net/user/Thy )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/pXmW
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.events.Event;
* bubble sorting visualization (4teaching).
* inspired on http://wonderfl.net/c/8rbD
* thanks to Ms. Fabiana C. Guedes.
* Universidade Federal de Itajubá - Campus Itabira
* git https://github.com/thyfl/eco-010/tree/6649fa0593d1e2e31f37e8440123a048146d8fba/fabiana/extras/bubble
* @author thi
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main():void
// setup
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.frameRate = 40;
// children
this.addChild(bubbles.bubbles); // bubbles
this.addChild(text); // input
this.addChild(text2); // result
// event
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ef);
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resize);
// var
s = text.tf.text;
// init
// bubbles
bubbles.init(s, radius);
bubbles.bubbles.y = 20; // user's bubbles
// text
stage.focus = text.tf;
text.tf.setSelection(0, text.tf.text.length);
text.x = text.y = text2.x = 0; // text
private var bubbles:Bubbles = new Bubbles(), // bubble's list's list
s:String = "",
text:Field = new Field(), // input text
text2:Field = new Field(), // sorted text
W:Number = 0,
H:Number = 0,
radius:Number = Math.PI * .75; // radius from an sphere's volume input
private function resize(e:Event = null):void
// app dimension
W = stage.stageWidth;
H = stage.stageHeight;
// texts
text.resize(W, H);
text2.resize(W, H);
text2.y = H - 20;
// bubbles
var b:Bubbles = bubbles;
b.bubbles.x = W / 2;
private function ef(e:Event):void
// re init user's bubbles
if (s != text.tf.text && ++text.time > text.timeOut)
text.time = 0;
s = text.tf.text;
if (s == "") s = "1";
bubbles.init(s, radius);
var b:Bubbles = bubbles;
// move & sort user's bubbles
text2.tf.text = b.sort(); // user's
b.zoom(W, H); // adjust the bubbles zooming
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
* bubble list
* @author thi
class Bubbles
public var next:Bubbles,
bubbles:Bubble = new Bubble(), // head
garbage:Bubble = new Bubble(), // head
public function Bubbles(rm:Number = 1, ro:Number = 1)
rMultiplier = rm;
rOffset = ro;
// radius multiplier, radius offset
public function init(s:String = "1", rm:Number = 1, ro:Number = 1):void
rMultiplier = rm;
rOffset = ro;
var b:Bubble = bubbles,
b2:Bubble = bubbles,
i:int = -1,
l:int = s.length;
// modify bubbles
while ((b = b.next) !== null && ++i < l)
b2 = b.draw(Number(s.charAt(i)), rMultiplier, rOffset);
b = b2; // b is the last modified bubble
// recycle bubbles
b2 = garbage;
while (++i < l && (b2 = b2.next) !== null)
garbage.next = b2.next;
b2.next = null;
b2.prev = b;
bubbles.addChild(b2.draw(Number(s.charAt(i)), rMultiplier, rOffset));
b.next = b2;
b = b.next;
// b is the last modified bubble
// create bubbles
while (++i < l)
b.next = new Bubble();
b.next.prev = b;
b = b.next.draw(Number(s.charAt(i)), rMultiplier, rOffset);
// b is the newest or last modified bubble
// add bubbles to garbage, prev pointer ignored
if (i == l)
var b3:Bubble = b2 = b;
while ((b2 = b2.next) !== null)
b3 = b2; // last cleared
b3.next = garbage.next;
garbage.next = b.next;
b.next = null;
bubbles.next.prev = null; // dont need to go back to head, when backwards
actual = last = null;
} // init
private var actual:Bubble, last:Bubble;
public function sort():String
var b:Bubble = bubbles,
//b2:Bubble, // hold last bubble
s:String = "";
if (actual === null || actual === last )
actual = bubbles.next;
b = bubbles;
while ((b = b.next) !== null)
// finish when we got to the last bubble
if ((next = b.next) === null)
_upper = b; // b is the last/up bubble; _upper is used on zooming
s += String(b.info); // sorted string
b = actual;
// bubble that will pass
if((next = b.next) !== null && bubbles.next !== last)
// comparing color
if (next.next !== last)
if (b.prev)
// you shall not pass
if (next.info >= b.info)
b.passing = false;
b.teta *= .2;
// bubble stops
if (next === last)
last = b;
} else
actual = actual.next;
} else
// shall pass
b.passing = true;
// now the angle
b.teta += next.radius / b.radius * .04 + b.teta * .2;
//b.teta += .1;
if (next.passing && next.next)
b.teta *= 0.8;
// already passed
if (b.teta > Math.PI)
// bubble stops
if (next.next === last)
last = b;
b.passing = false;
//b.teta *= 0.1;
//b.teta = 0;
// pointer mess
next.prev = b.prev;
b.prev = next;
b.next = next.next;
next.next = b;
// (now works like like b is next; next is b)
if (next.prev === null)
bubbles.next = next;
next.prev.next = next;
if (b.next)
b.next.prev = b;
b = next;
} // 1 bubble
// bubble stops
last = b;
b.passing = false;
b = _upper;
// adjust the upper bubble position
b.x = 0;
b.y = b.radius;
// move the bubbles
while (b = b.prev)
next = b.next;
// passing
if (b.passing)
var r:Number = (next.radius + b.radius) / 2; // average radius
var xc:Number = (b.x + next.x) / 2; // x center
var yc:Number = (b.y + next.y) / 2; // y center
var sin:Number = Math.sin(b.teta) * r;
var cos:Number = Math.cos(b.teta) * r;
b.x = xc + sin;
b.y = yc + cos;
// move the next bubble
if (next.next)
next.x = xc - sin;
next.y = yc - cos;
// move only a little, the last/upper bubble
next.x += (xc - sin - next.x) * .1;
next.y += (yc - cos - next.y) * .1;
// not passing
b.x += (next.x - b.x ) * .7 + Math.random() * 1 - .5;
b.y += (next.y + next.radius + b.radius - b.y ) * .7;
} // while's movement stuff
return s;
} // sort
// adjust the bubbles zoom
private var _upper:Bubble;
public function zoom(W:Number, H:Number):Number
// TODO? fix the width.. bug dont looks bad.
var _y:Number = _upper.height + 5;
var _h:Number = bubbles.height / bubbles.scaleY;
var min:Number = Math.min(W / bubbles.width, (H - _y) / _h);
bubbles.scaleX = bubbles.scaleY += (min - bubbles.scaleY) * .2;
return bubbles.scaleY;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
* blub.
* TODO: make it pretty.
* TODO: generalize
* @author thi
class Bubble extends Sprite
public var next:Bubble,
info:Number, // the sphere's volume
teta:Number = 0, // the movement
passing:Boolean; // if going up
public function Bubble()
// vector without bmData's cpyPixel
public function draw(info:Number, rm:Number, ro:Number):Bubble
// information
this.passing = false;
this.info = info;
radius = rm * info * ro;
// draw it
var g:Graphics = this.graphics;
//g.lineStyle(.5 , 0xFFFFFF, .1);
g.beginFill(0x707090, .4);
g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
g = null;
return this;
public function clear():Bubble
return this;
public function stop():void
// draw it
var g:Graphics = this.graphics;
g.beginFill(0x709080, .4);
g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
g = null;
public function comparing():void
// draw it
var g:Graphics = this.graphics;
g.beginFill(0x303030, .4);
g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
g = null;
public function normal():void
// draw it
var g:Graphics = this.graphics;
g.beginFill(0x707090, .4);
g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
g = null;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
* input/output textfield
* @author thi
class Field extends Sprite
public var time:int = 0,
timeOut:int = 30,
private var g:Graphics;
public function Field()
var f:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 14);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = f;
tf.type = "input";
tf.text = "9991232387418521";
//tf.text = "231232938741895211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
//tf.text = "11111111111111119999999999999999911111111111111111111199999999999991111111111111111999999999999911111111111119999999999999111111111999999999991111111111111";
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.height = 20;
tf.multiline = false;
// debug
tf.border = true;
public function resize(W:Number, H:Number):void
// text
tf.width = W;
// background
g = this.graphics;
g.beginFill(0, .8);
g.drawRect(0, 0, W, 20);
g = null;