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forked from: forked from: 3d ccd pool

[SWF(backgroundColor="#DDDDDD", frameRate=60, width=465, height=465)]
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by makc3d 21 Dec 2012
  • Related works: 1
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    makc3d at 21 Dec 2012 23:07
    to be clear, this is the hack that makes 2d code work in 3d but, as you will notice, balls roll all wrong at narrow angles. to fix this you need to alter formulas for rx and ry, and don't ask me how :)
 * Copyright makc3d ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from Albert's forked from: 3d ccd pool
// forked from lizhi's 3d ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ff[4]: ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ff[3]: ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ff[2]: ccd pool
// forked from lizhi's forked from: ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's ccd pool
// forked from makc3d's Continuous Collision w. Restitution
// forked from generalrelativity's Continuous Elastic Collision
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;  
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
    import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
    import flash.geom.Utils3D;
    import flash.geom.Vector3D;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
    import net.hires.debug.Stats;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    [SWF(backgroundColor="#DDDDDD", frameRate=60, width=465, height=465)]
    public class CCDPool extends Sprite
        private var simulator:Simulator;
        private var p2b:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>;
        private var p2n:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>;
        private var camera:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D;
        private var wrapper:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D;
        private var project:Matrix3D = new PerspectiveProjection().toMatrix3D();
        private var focalLength:Number = project.rawData[0];
        private var force:flash.text.TextField = new flash.text.TextField;
        //3d end
        public function CCDPool()
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        public function init(e:Event):void {
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            // colors:
            var ball:Ball = new Ball;
            var tr:Number = 50;
            p2b[1 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr, 255, 255,   0);
            p2b[2 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr,   0,   0, 255);
            p2b[3 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr, 255,   0,   0);
            p2b[4 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr, 255,   0, 255);
            p2b[5 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr, 255, 127,   0);
            p2b[6 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr,   0, 255,   0);
            p2b[7 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr, 127,  63,   0);
            p2b[8 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr,   0,   0,   0);
            p2b[9 -1] = ball.createBallTexture (tr, 255, 255,   255);            
            for (var i:int = 1; i < 9; i++) {
                p2n[i -1] = ball.createNumberTexture (10, i);
            addChild(new Stats);
            //3d init
            camera.appendTranslation(0, 0, -400);
            wrapper.appendRotation( -45, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
            force.autoSize = "left";
            force.x = 70;
            //3d init end
        private function initSimulation() : void
            simulator = new Simulator();
            simulator.addWall( new Wall(  40,  10, 425,  10 ) );
            simulator.addWall( new Wall( 455,  40, 455, 425 ) );
            simulator.addWall( new Wall( 425, 455,  40, 455 ) );
            simulator.addWall( new Wall(  10, 425,  10,  40 ) );
            simulator.addParticle( createParticle(232, 230, 0, 0, 1, 10 ) );
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                for (var j:int = 0; j < i; j++) {
                    var px:Number = 282 + 18 * i, py:Number = 240 + 21 * j - 10 * i;
                    simulator.addParticle (createParticle (px, py, 0, 0, 1, 10));
                    simulator.addParticle (createParticle (465 - px, py, 0, 0, 1, 10));
            simulator.addEventListener( Simulator.STEP, onSimulationStep );
   this, Event.ENTER_FRAME );
            stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
        private function createParticle(xx:Number, xy:Number, vx:Number, vy:Number, mass:Number = 1.0, radius:Number = 5 ):Particle {
            var p:Particle = new Particle(xx, xy, vx, vy, mass, radius);
            return p;
        private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void 
            var p:Particle = simulator.particles[0];
            var xy:Vector3D = getMousePos();
            p.v = p.x.minus (new Vec2D (xy.x, xy.y)).times (Number(force.text));
        private function onSimulationStep( event:Event ) : void

            for (var i:int = 0, n:int = simulator.particles.length; i < n; i++) {
                var p:Particle = simulator.particles[i];
                if ((p.x.x < - p.r) || (p.x.y < -p.r) || (p.x.x > 465 + p.r) || (p.x.y > 465 + p.r)) {
                    simulator.particles.splice (i, 1); i--; n--;
                } else {
                    // linear friction
                    const f:Number = 0.1;
                    p.v.normalize (Math.max (0, p.v.magnitude - f));
            p = simulator.particles[0];
            graphics.lineStyle (Number(force.text), 255 * 65536, 0.1);
            var obj:Object = tp(p.x.x, p.x.y);
            var dx:Number = mouseX-obj.x;
            var dy:Number = mouseY-obj.y;
            var length:Number = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
            graphics.moveTo (obj.x-dx/length*100, obj.y-dy/length*100);            
            graphics.lineTo (obj.x,obj.y);
        private var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix;
        private var matrix2:Matrix = new Matrix;
        private var help:Matrix3D;
        private var help2:Matrix3D;
        private function tp(x:Number, y:Number,z:Number=0):Object {
            var obj3d:Object = { };
            var display:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D;
            display.appendTranslation(x - 465 / 2, y - 465 / 2, z);
            var v3d:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
            v3d = help.transformVector(v3d);
            obj3d.z = v3d.z;
            v3d = Utils3D.projectVector(project, v3d);
            obj3d.x =v3d.x+ 465 / 2;
            obj3d.y = v3d.y + 465 / 2;
            return obj3d;
        private function getMousePos():Vector3D {
            var matrix:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D;
            var p1:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
            p1 = matrix.transformVector(p1);
            var p2:Vector3D = new Vector3D(mouseX - 465 / 2, mouseY - 465 / 2,focalLength);
            p2 = matrix.transformVector(p2);
            p2 = p2.subtract(p1);
            var ret:Vector3D = calPlaneLineIntersectPoint(Vector3D.Z_AXIS, new Vector3D(), p2, p1);
            ret.x += 465 / 2;
            ret.y += 465 / 2;
            return ret;
         * 求平面和直线的交点
         * @param    planeVector 平面的法线向量
         * @param    planePoint 平面经过的一点坐标
         * @param    lineVector 直线的方向向量
         * @param    linePoint 直线经过的一点坐标
         * @return 返回交点坐标
        private function calPlaneLineIntersectPoint(planeVector:Vector3D,planePoint:Vector3D,lineVector:Vector3D,linePoint:Vector3D):Vector3D
            var returnResult:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
            var vpt:Number = lineVector.x * planeVector.x + lineVector.y * planeVector.y + lineVector.z * planeVector.z;
            if (vpt == 0)
                returnResult = null;
                var t:Number = ((planePoint.x - linePoint.x) * planeVector.x + (planePoint.y - linePoint.y) * planeVector.y + (planePoint.z - linePoint.z) * planeVector.z) / vpt;
                returnResult.x = linePoint.x + lineVector.x * t;
                returnResult.y = linePoint.y + lineVector.y * t;
                returnResult.z = linePoint.z + lineVector.z * t;
            return returnResult;
        private function render() : void
            force.text = "" + (int((Math.sin(getTimer() / 500.0 as Number )+1.0)*10));
            wrapper.appendRotation((-stage.stageHeight / 2 - mouseY)/5+45, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
            wrapper.appendRotation((-stage.stageWidth / 2 + mouseX)/5, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
            help = new Matrix3D;
            help2 = new Matrix3D;
            graphics.lineStyle( 1 );
            var wallobjs:Array = [];
            for each( var wall:Wall in simulator.walls )
                var wallA:Object = tp(wall.A.x, wall.A.y,7);
                var wallB:Object = tp(wall.B.x,wall.B.y,7);
                var wallA2:Object = tp(wall.A.x, wall.A.y,-7);
                var wallB2:Object = tp(wall.B.x,wall.B.y,-7);
                graphics.moveTo(wallA.x, wallA.y);
                graphics.lineTo( wallA2.x,wallA2.y);
                graphics.lineTo( wallB2.x, wallB2.y );
                //graphics.lineTo( wallB2.x, wallB2.y );
                graphics.lineTo( wallB.x, wallB.y );
                //graphics.lineTo( wallB2.x, wallB2.y );
                wallobjs.push(wallA, wallB);
            graphics.moveTo(wallB.x, wallB.y);
            for each(var obj:Object in wallobjs) {
                graphics.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y);
            graphics.lineStyle ();
            var particles:Array = [];
            var fill:BitmapData;
            for each( var particle:Particle in simulator.particles )
                var obj3d:Object = tp(particle.x.x, particle.x.y);
                obj3d.p = particle;
            particles.sortOn("z", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
            // TODO : draw shadow
            for each(obj3d in particles) {
                particle = obj3d.p;
                var perspR:Number=particle.r*focalLength/obj3d.z;
                var perspR2:Number=perspR*2;
                if (simulator.particles[0]==particle)
                    fill = p2b[9-1]; //white ball
                    fill = p2b[particle.number];
                matrix.createBox(perspR2/fill.width, perspR2/fill.height, 0, obj3d.x - perspR, obj3d.y - perspR);
                graphics.beginBitmapFill (fill, matrix, true, true);
                graphics.drawRect (matrix.tx, matrix.ty, perspR2, perspR2);
                graphics.endFill ();
                // now the numbers are tricky
                // real angle depends on ball collision history
                // like the guy from, we shall not give a fuck
                var ir:Number = 1 / particle.r, ipr:Number = ir / Math.PI, ix:int, iy:int;

                var rx:Number = Math.cos (ir * particle.x.x);
                var ry:Number = Math.cos (ir * particle.x.y);

                // this fork attempts to better imitate balls with 2 numbers on them
                var r2:Number = rx * rx + ry * ry;
                if (r2 < 1) {
                    ix = ipr * particle.x.x;
                    iy = ipr * particle.x.y;
                } else {
                    rx = Math.sin (ir * particle.x.x);
                    ry = Math.sin (ir * particle.x.y);
                    r2 = rx * rx + ry * ry;
                    ix = ipr * particle.x.x + 1.5;
                    iy = ipr * particle.x.y + 1.5;

                if (ix % 2 == 1) rx *= -1;
                if (iy % 2 == 1) ry *= -1;

                    var nxx:Number, nxy:Number, nyx:Number, nyy:Number;
                    nxx = 1 - rx * rx; nyx = 0 - rx * ry;
                    nxy = 0 - rx * ry; nyy = 1 - ry * ry;
                    // some magic numbers to make it look better, as well as 0.92 below
                    nxx *= 1.2; nyx *= 1.2;
                    nxy *= 1.2; nyy *= 1.2;
                    // this is what I meant:
                    var scale:Number=focalLength/obj3d.z;
                    matrix2.a = nxx*scale; matrix2.c = nyx*scale; matrix2.tx = obj3d.x - (0.5*(nxx+nyx)+0.92*rx)*perspR;
                    matrix2.b = nxy*scale; matrix2.d = nyy*scale; matrix2.ty = obj3d.y - (0.5*(nxy+nyy)+0.92*ry)*perspR;
                    fill = p2n[particle.number];

                    graphics.beginBitmapFill (fill, matrix2, false, r2 < 0.9);
                    graphics.drawRect (matrix.tx, matrix.ty, perspR2, perspR2);
                    graphics.endFill ();             
            /*graphics.lineStyle (0, 0, 0.1);
            for each( particle in simulator.particles )
                var po:Object = tp(particle.x.x, particle.x.y);
                graphics.moveTo (po.x, po.y);
                po = tp(particle.x.x + particle.v.x, particle.x.y + particle.v.y);
                graphics.lineTo (po.x,po.y);

import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.getTimer;

class Ball extends Sprite{
    private var offset:Number = 0;
    public function createBallTexture(ballRadius:Number,r:int=-1,g:int=-1,b:int=-1):BitmapData {
        var matr:Matrix = new Matrix();
        matr.createGradientBox(ballRadius * 3, ballRadius * 3, 0, -ballRadius * 1.8, -ballRadius * 1.8);
        r = (r >= 0) ? r : 0xff * Math.random();
        g = (g >= 0) ? g : 0xff * Math.random();
        b = (b >= 0) ? b : 0xff * Math.random();
        graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.RADIAL, [r<<16|g<<8|b,(r/3)<<16|(g/3)<<8|(b/3)], [100, 100], [0x00, 0xFF], matr, SpreadMethod.PAD); 
        var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData (Math.ceil(ballRadius)*2, Math.ceil(ballRadius)*2, true, 0);
        bd.draw (this, new Matrix (1,0,0,1, Math.ceil(ballRadius), Math.ceil(ballRadius)));
        return bd;
    public function createNumberTexture(ballRadius:int,number:int):BitmapData {
        var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(ballRadius, ballRadius, true, 0xff000000);
        graphics.drawCircle(ballRadius*0.5, ballRadius*0.5, ballRadius*0.4);
        bd.draw (this);
        var tfd:TextField = new TextField; tfd.autoSize = "left";
        var tft:TextFormat = tfd.defaultTextFormat; tft.size = 8; tfd.defaultTextFormat = tft;
        tfd.text = number.toString ();
        bd.draw (tfd, new Matrix (1,0,0,1, 0.5*(ballRadius - tfd.width), 0.5*(ballRadius - tfd.height + 1)));
        // green -> alpha (green seems to survive "cleartype" better)
        bd.copyChannel(bd, bd.rect, bd.rect.topLeft, 2, 8);
        return bd;
[Event(name="step", type="Simulator")]

class Simulator extends EventDispatcher
    public static const STEP:String = "step";
    public var particles:Vector.<Particle>;
    public var walls:Vector.<Wall>;
    //holds all the pairs that passed coarse collision detection
    private var coarsePass:Vector.<ICollidablePair>;
    private var time:uint;
    public function Simulator()
        particles = new Vector.<Particle>();
        walls = new Vector.<Wall>();
    public function addParticle( particle:Particle ) : void
        particles.push( particle );
    public function addWall( wall:Wall ) : void
        walls.push( wall );
    //advances the simulation at each dispatch of the passed event type
    public function run( updateDispatcher:EventDispatcher, eventType:String = Event.ENTER_FRAME ) : void
        time = getTimer();
        updateDispatcher.addEventListener( eventType, step, false, 0, true );
    //advances the simulation by the amount of time that has passed since the last step
    private function step( event:Event ) : void
        const MAX_ITERATIONS:uint = 100;
        //delta time in milliseconds
        var dtms:uint = getTimer() - time;
        //delta time in seconds
        var elapsed:Number = dtms / 1000;
        //start this step at 0 and advance to elapsed
        var t:Number = 0;
        var dt:Number;
        var iteration:uint;
        while( t < elapsed && ++iteration <= MAX_ITERATIONS )
            //start by trying to step over the entire remainder
            dt = elapsed - t;
            //neglect pairs whose bounding boxes don't overlap
            doCoarsePhase( dt );
            //holds the next future collision
            var minPair:ICollidablePair = null;
            var minT:Number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            for each( var pair:ICollidablePair in coarsePass )
                //if the collision will happen within the current time-step
                //compare the time against the current minimum
                if( pair.willCollide( dt ) )
                    //if it's less, store it as the min and proceed
                    if( pair.timeToCollision < minT )
                        minT = pair.timeToCollision;
                        minPair = pair;
            //change the actual time to integrate
            if( minT < Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) dt = minT;
            //update the simulation to the time of collision
            for each( var particle:Particle in particles )
                particle.integrate( dt - 1e-8 );
            //resolve the collision instantaneously
            if( minPair != null )
            //update time by the stepped amount
            t += dt;
        time += dtms;
        dispatchEvent( new Event( Simulator.STEP ) );
    //rules out some unnecessary collision checks
    private function doCoarsePhase( dt:Number ) : void
        coarsePass = new Vector.<ICollidablePair>();
        var aabb:AABB;
        for each( var particle:Particle in particles )
            //update the particle's bounding box to account for its velocity
            particle.update( dt );
            aabb = particle.aabb;
            //check each particle against each wall
            for each( var wall:Wall in walls )
                if( aabb.isOverlapping( wall.aabb ) )
                    coarsePass.push( new ParticleWallPair( particle, wall ) );
        var n:int = particles.length;
        //check each particle against each other
        for( var i:int = 0; i < n - 1; i++ )
            var p1:Particle = particles[ i ];
            aabb = p1.aabb;
            for( var j:int = i + 1; j < n; j++ )
                var p2:Particle = particles[ j ];
                if( aabb.isOverlapping( p2.aabb ) ) 
                    coarsePass.push( new ParticleParticlePair( p1, p2 ) );

//describes a common interface for collision pairs 
interface ICollidablePair
    function get timeToCollision() : Number;
    function willCollide( dt:Number ) : Boolean;
    function resolve() : void;

class ParticleParticlePair implements ICollidablePair
    public var p1:Particle;
    public var p2:Particle;
    private var t:Number;
    public function ParticleParticlePair( p1:Particle, p2:Particle )
        this.p1 = p1;
        this.p2 = p2;
    public function get timeToCollision() : Number
        return t;
    public function willCollide( dt:Number ) : Boolean
        const EPSILON:Number = 1e-4;
        //points from 1 -> 2
        var dx:Vec2D = p2.x.minus( p1.x );
        //if the circle's are already overlapped, return true (this brings the sim to a halt)
        var c:Number = dx ) - ( p1.r + p2.r ) * ( p1.r + p2.r );
        if( c < 0 )
            t = EPSILON;
            return true;
        //relative velocity
        var dv:Vec2D = p2.v.minus( p1.v );
        var a:Number = dv );
        if( a < EPSILON ) return false; //not moving enough toward each other to warrant a response
        var b:Number = dx );
        if( b >= 0 ) return false; //moving apart
        var d:Number = b * b - a * c;
        if( d < 0 ) return false; //no intersection
        t = ( -b - Math.sqrt( d ) ) / a;
        //circle's collide if the time of collision is within the current time-step
        return t <= dt;

    //simulation has been updated so that the particles are just colliding
    public function resolve() : void
        //points from 1 -> 2
        var cn:Vec2D = p2.x.minus( p1.x );
        //relative velocity
        var dv:Vec2D = p2.v.minus( p1.v );
        //perfectly elastic impulse
        var impulse:Number = dv.times( -2 ) ) / cn.times( 1 / p1.mass + 1 / p2.mass ) );
        //scale normal by the impulse
        p1.v.plusEquals( cn.times( -impulse / p1.mass ) );
        p2.v.plusEquals( cn.times(  impulse / p2.mass ) );
        p1.v.x *= p1.restitution;
        p1.v.y *= p1.restitution;
        p2.v.x *= p2.restitution;
        p2.v.y *= p2.restitution;


class ParticleWallPair implements ICollidablePair
    public var p:Particle;
    public var w:Wall;
    private var t:Number;
    public function ParticleWallPair( p:Particle, w:Wall )
        this.p = p;
        this.w = w;
    public function get timeToCollision() : Number
        return t;
    public function willCollide( dt:Number ) : Boolean
        //this is line/line intersection
        //A is the position of the particle
        //B is the position + velocity
        //together they make the segment AB
        //CD is the line segment made up of the wall's end points
        var A:Vec2D = p.x;
        var B:Vec2D = p.v );
        var AB:Vec2D = B.minus( A );
        //inflate the normal by the particle's radius
        var normScaledRadius:Vec2D = w.normal.times( -p.r );
        //push the wall segment in by this amount
        var C:Vec2D = normScaledRadius );
        var D:Vec2D = normScaledRadius );
        var CD:Vec2D = D.minus( C )
        var AC:Vec2D = C.minus( A );
        t = AC ) / AB );
        if( isNaN( t ) ) t = 0;
        var couldCollide:Boolean = (t <= dt) && (t >= 0);
        // the above is very "approximate" collision test
        // let's try to refine it checking particle position
        // at the time of supposed collision
        if (couldCollide) {
            // A <- future particle position
            A = (p.v.times (t));
            // see if it projects into the wall along its normal
            AC = A.minus (C);
            // CD should have been called DC :)
            var m:Number = CD.magnitude;
            var dot:Number = (CD.times (1 / m));
            if((dot < 0) || (dot > m)) {
                // collision is unlikely
                return false;
        return couldCollide;
    //simulation has been updated so that the particles are coincident
    public function resolve() : void
        var cn:Vec2D = w.normal;        
        //relative velocity
        var dv:Vec2D = p.v;
        //perfectly elastic
        var impulse:Number = dv.times( -2 ) ) / ( 1 / p.mass );
        p.v.plusEquals( cn.times( impulse / p.mass ) );
        p.v.x *= p.restitution;
        p.v.y *= p.restitution;

class Wall
    public var A:Vec2D;
    public var B:Vec2D;
    public var aabb:AABB;
    public var normal:Vec2D;
    public function Wall( ax:Number, ay:Number, bx:Number, by:Number ) 
        A = new Vec2D( ax, ay );
        B = new Vec2D( bx, by );
        normal = new Vec2D( B.y - A.y, -( B.x - A.x ) );
        aabb = new AABB();
        aabb.minx = Math.min( ax, bx );
        aabb.maxx = Math.max( ax, bx );
        aabb.miny = Math.min( ay, by );
        aabb.maxy = Math.max( ay, by );

class Particle
    public var number:uint;

    public var restitution:Number = 0.7;
    public var x:Vec2D;
    public var v:Vec2D;
    public var mass:Number;
    public var r:Number;
    //bounding box
    public var aabb:AABB;
    public function Particle( xx:Number, xy:Number, vx:Number, vy:Number, mass:Number = 1.0, radius:Number = 5 )
        number = Math.random () * 8; number %= 8; // solids + 8th ball
        x = new Vec2D( xx, xy );
        v = new Vec2D( vx, vy );
        this.mass = mass;
        this.r = radius;
        aabb = new AABB();
    public function update( t:Number ) : void
        var xt:Number = x.x + v.x * t;
        var yt:Number = x.y + v.y * t;
        var minx:Number = Math.min( x.x, xt );
        var maxx:Number = Math.max( x.x, xt );
        var miny:Number = Math.min( x.y, yt );
        var maxy:Number = Math.max( x.y, yt );
        aabb.minx = minx - r;
        aabb.maxx = maxx + r;
        aabb.miny = miny - r;
        aabb.maxy = maxy + r;
    public function integrate( dt:Number ) : void
        x.x += v.x * dt;
        x.y += v.y * dt;

class AABB
    public var minx:Number = 0;
    public var maxx:Number = 0;
    public var miny:Number = 0;
    public var maxy:Number = 0;
    public function isOverlapping( aabb:AABB ) : Boolean
        if( minx > aabb.maxx ) return false;
        if( miny > aabb.maxy ) return false;
        if( maxx < aabb.minx ) return false;
        if( maxy < aabb.miny ) return false;
        return true;

class Vec2D
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public function Vec2D( x:Number = 0.0, y:Number = 0.0 )
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public function plusEquals( vec2D:Vec2D ) : void
        x += vec2D.x;
        y += vec2D.y;
    public function plus( vec2D:Vec2D ) : Vec2D
        return new Vec2D( x + vec2D.x, y + vec2D.y );
    public function minus( vec2D:Vec2D ) : Vec2D
        return new Vec2D( x - vec2D.x, y - vec2D.y );
    public function times( s:Number ) : Vec2D
        return new Vec2D( x * s, y * s );
    public function dot( vec2D:Vec2D ) : Number
        return x * vec2D.x + y * vec2D.y;
    public function get magnitude() : Number
        return Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y );
    public function normalize(v : Number = 1) : void
        var length:Number = magnitude;
        if( length == 0 ) return;
        x *= v / length;
        y *= v / length;