In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Kirupa Forum , Diagonal movement sample

Use Arrow Keys, ASWD and Q,E to interact
Sample showing how list can help, when you need multiple keys pressed at same time.
You can use too, a list with function references, its just a sample.
Get Adobe Flash player
by ne_ 08 Feb 2012
package {
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        private var circle:Shape = new Shape();
        private var dic:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
        private var list:Array = [];
        public function FlashTest() {
            // write as3 code here..
            addChild(drawShape(circle, 0xff0000, 10));
            circle.x = circle.y = 300;
            //stage.frameRate = 10;
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyboard);
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyboard);
            stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animate);
        private function animate (e:Event):void{
            if(!list.length) return;
            var n:uint;
            var a:Array;
            for each (n in list){
                a = dic[n];
                circle[a[0]] += a[1];

        private function initDic():void{
            // << 37  /\ 38 >> 39 \/ 40
            // a 65, w 87, d 68, s 83, q 81, e 69,
            //left key
            dic[37] = ["x",-3];
            dic[38] = ["y",-3]
            dic[39] = ["x",3];
            dic[40] = ["y",3];
            // more heigth
            dic[87] = ["scaleY", 0.3];
            dic[83] = ["scaleY", -0.3];
            dic[65] = ["scaleX", -0.3];
            dic[68] = ["scaleX", 0.33];
            dic[81] = ["rotation", 3];
            dic[69] = ["rotation", -3];

        private function keyboard (e:KeyboardEvent):void{
            if(e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN){
                if(list.indexOf(e.keyCode) < 0 && dic[e.keyCode] != null){
                    list[list.length] = e.keyCode;

                if(list.indexOf(e.keyCode) > -1 && dic[e.keyCode] != null){
        private function drawShape (s:Shape, c:uint, r:int):Shape{
            return s;


// << 37  /\ 38 >> 39 \/ 40
// a 65, w 87, d 68, s 83, q 81, e 69,