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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: with EFLA

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by tepe 08 Aug 2013
 * Copyright tepe ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from 0xABCDEF's with EFLA
// forked from codeonwort's transition 3D rotatable
// forked from codeonwort's transition 3D
// forked from codeonwort's forked from: transition
// forked from Nyarineko's transition
package {
    import flash.geom.Vector3D
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter
    [SWF(width = "465", height = "465", backgroundColor = "0xffffff", frameRate = "60")]
    public class Main extends Sprite {
        private const M_WIDTH:Number = 465;
        private const M_HEIGH:Number = 465;
        private const OX:Number = 465 / 2;
        private const OY:Number = 465 / 2;
        private const V:Number = 2
        private const OBJ_MAX:Number = 60;
        private var max:uint = 3;
        private var amax:uint = 0;
        private var _canvas:BitmapData
        private var _bmp:Bitmap;
        private var first:Particle;
        public function Main() {
            graphics.drawRect(0, 0, M_WIDTH, M_HEIGH)
            _canvas = new BitmapData(M_WIDTH, M_HEIGH, false, 0 );
            _bmp = new Bitmap(_canvas);
            Particle.originX = OX, Particle.originY = OY
        private function init():void {
            first = new Particle
            var p:Particle = first;
            for(var i:uint = 0;i < max;i++){
                p.phi = 360 * i / max
                p.theta = Math.random() * 180 //180 * i / max
                p.phiVel = 1
                p.radius = 1
                p.thetaVel = 0
                if(i != max - 1){
           = new Particle
                    p =;
        private var zero:Point = new Point
        private var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(8, 8)
        private function enterframeHandler(e:Event):void {
            _canvas.fillRect(_canvas.rect, 0 );
        private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
            _canvas.fillRect(_canvas.rect, 0xFFFFFF);
        // Extremely Fast Line Algorithm :
        private function efla(bmd:BitmapData, x:int, y:int, x2:int, y2:int, color:uint):void {
            var shortLen:int = y2 - y;
            var longLen:int = x2 - x;
            if (!longLen) if (!shortLen) return;
            var i:int, id:int, inc:int;
            var multDiff:Number;


            // TODO: check for this above, swap x/y/len and optimize loops to ++ and -- (operators twice as fast, still only 2 loops)
            if ((shortLen ^ (shortLen >> 31)) - (shortLen >> 31) > (longLen ^ (longLen >> 31)) - (longLen >> 31)) {
                if (shortLen < 0) {
                    inc = -1;
                    id = -shortLen % 4;
                } else {
                    inc = 1;
                    id = shortLen % 4;
                multDiff = !shortLen ? longLen : longLen / shortLen;

                if (id) {
                    bmd.setPixel32(x, y, color);
                    i += inc;
                    if (--id) {
                        bmd.setPixel32(x + i * multDiff, y + i, color);
                        i += inc;
                        if (--id) {
                            bmd.setPixel32(x + i * multDiff, y + i, color);
                            i += inc;
                while (i != shortLen) {
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i * multDiff, y + i, color);
                    i += inc;
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i * multDiff, y + i, color);
                    i += inc;
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i * multDiff, y + i, color);
                    i += inc;
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i * multDiff, y + i, color);
                    i += inc;
            } else {
                if (longLen < 0) {
                    inc = -1;
                    id = -longLen % 4;
                } else {
                    inc = 1;
                    id = longLen % 4;
                multDiff = !longLen ? shortLen : shortLen / longLen;

                if (id) {
                    bmd.setPixel32(x, y, color);
                    i += inc;
                    if (--id) {
                        bmd.setPixel32(x + i, y + i * multDiff, color);
                        i += inc;
                        if (--id) {
                            bmd.setPixel32(x + i, y + i * multDiff, color);
                            i += inc;
                while (i != longLen) {
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i, y + i * multDiff, color);
                    i += inc;
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i, y + i * multDiff, color);
                    i += inc;
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i, y + i * multDiff, color);
                    i += inc;
                    bmd.setPixel32(x + i, y + i * multDiff, color);
                    i += inc;

        private var ran:Number
        private var p:Particle
        private var cnt:uint
        private var zRate:Number, pos:Vector3D, track:Vector.<Vector3D>
        private var i:int, len:int
        private var prevX:int, prevY:int;
        private var b:uint;
        private function update():void {
            p = first
            cnt = 0
            // rotate
            Particle.theta0 += (mouseX-OX)/OX*2
            Particle.phi0 += (mouseY-OY)/OY*2
                if(p.radius > 400){
                    p =;
                ran =  Math.random();
                if(ran < 0.1){
                    p.phiVel = p.thetaVel = 0;
                    p.radVel = V;
                }else if(ran < 0.2){
                    p.phiVel = -V;
                    p.radVel = p.thetaVel = 0;
                }else if(ran < 0.3){
                    p.phiVel = V;
                    p.radVel = p.thetaVel = 0;
                }else if(ran < 0.4){
                    p.thetaVel = V
                    p.phiVel = p.radVel = 0
                }else if(ran < 0.5){
                    p.thetaVel = -V
                    p.phiVel = p.radVel = 0
                }else if(ran < 0.504 && amax < OBJ_MAX){
                    var newP:Particle = new Particle();
                    newP.phi = p.phi
                    newP.theta = p.theta
                    newP.radius = p.radius
                    if(p.phiVel == 0){
                        newP.phiVel = 0
                        newP.radVel = 1
                        newP.phiVel = Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1
                        newP.radVel = 0
           = newP;
                p.radius += p.radVel
                p.phi += p.phiVel
                p.theta += p.thetaVel
                track = p.getTrack()
                //g.moveTo(track[0].x, track[0].y)
                prevX = track[ 0 ].x;
                prevY = track[ 0 ].y;
                len = track.length
                for(i=1 ; i<len ; i++){
                    pos = track[i]
                    zRate = (pos.z + p.radius) / (p.radius + p.radius)
                    //g.lineStyle(1+zRate*0.5, 0xffffff, zRate)
                    //g.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y)
                    b = zRate*0xFF;
                    efla( _canvas, prevX, prevY, pos.x, pos.y, b<<16|b<<8|b );
                    prevX = pos.x;
                    prevY = pos.y;
                p =;
            amax = cnt;

import flash.geom.Vector3D
internal class Particle {
    public static var originX:Number, originY:Number
    private static var t0:Number = 0 // theta0
    private static var p0:Number = 0 // phi0
    public static function get theta0():Number { return t0 * Kinv }
    public static function set theta0(v:Number):void { t0 = v * K }
    public static function get phi0():Number { return p0 * Kinv }
    public static function set phi0(v:Number):void { p0 = v * K }
    private static const K:Number = Math.PI / 180
    private static const Kinv:Number = 180 / Math.PI
    private static const GO_FORWARD:uint = 0
    private static const ROTATE:uint = 1
    private var _theta:Number = 0
    private var _phi:Number = 0
    public var radius:Number = 0
    public var thetaVel:Number = 0, phiVel:Number = 0, radVel:Number = 0
    public var track:Vector.<Coord> = new <Coord>[]
    public var next:Particle
    private var state:uint = GO_FORWARD
    public function saveCurrentCoord():void {
        var newState:uint = radVel ? GO_FORWARD : ROTATE
        var c:Coord = new Coord
        c.r = radius
        c.phi = _phi
        c.theta = _theta
        if(state == GO_FORWARD && newState == state){
        state = newState
    public function getTrack():Vector.<Vector3D> {
        var t:Vector.<Vector3D> = new <Vector3D>[]
        for each(var c:Coord in track){
            t.push(getPosition(c.r, c.phi+p0, c.theta+t0))
        return t
    private function getPosition(r:Number, phi:Number, theta:Number):Vector3D {
        var v:Vector3D = new Vector3D(
            r * Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(theta),
            r * Math.sin(phi),
            r * Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(theta))
        v.x += originX, v.y += originY
        return v
    public function get phi():Number { return _phi * Kinv }
    public function set phi(v:Number):void { _phi = v * K }
    public function get theta():Number { return _theta * Kinv }
    public function set theta(v:Number):void { _theta = v * K }


internal class Coord {
    public var r:Number, phi:Number, theta:Number    