In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: flash on 2010-2-5

import com.flashdynamix.utils.SWFProfiler;
 * Copyright EdMan ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from cybernet's flash on 2010-2-5

package {
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageQuality;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.system.LoaderContext;

    //import com.flashdynamix.utils.SWFProfiler;

    [SWF(width = 465, height = 465, backgroundColor = 0x0, frameRate = 60)]

    public class Buyon extends Sprite {

        private const W : uint = 465;
        private const H : uint = 465;

        private const DIVIDE_X : uint = 20;
        private const DIVIDE_Y : uint = 20;

        private const SPRING : Number = 0.3;
        private const FRICTION : Number = 0.9;

        private const IMAGE_URL : String = "";

        private var _nodes : Vector.<Vector.<Node>>;

        //head node of linked list
        private var _first : Node;

        //drawing canvas
        private var _canvas : Sprite;

        private var _background : BitmapData;

        private var _isOnStage : Boolean;

        private var loader : Loader;
        private var _flg:Boolean = false;

        private var _uvtData : Vector.<Number>;
        private var _indices : Vector.<int>;


        public function Buyon() : void {

            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _initialize);

         * entry point
        private function _initialize(e : Event) : void {
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _initialize);

            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW;
            var i : uint, j : uint, node : Node, old : Node;
            var nx : uint = DIVIDE_X + 1;
            var ny : uint = DIVIDE_Y + 1;
            var ox : Number;
                var oy : Number;
            _isOnStage = false;
            _background = new BitmapData(W, H, false, 0x0);
            addChild(new Bitmap(_background));
            _canvas = addChild(new Sprite()) as Sprite;

                    _uvtData = new Vector.<Number>();
                _indices = new Vector.<int>();

            _nodes = new Vector.<Vector.<Node>>(ny);
            for (i = 0;i < ny; ++i) {
                _nodes[i] = new Vector.<Node>(ny);
                for (j = 0;j < ny; ++j) {
                    _nodes[i][j] = node = new Node();
                    node.ox = node.x = j * W / DIVIDE_X;
                    node.oy = node.y = i * H / DIVIDE_Y;
                        ox = node.ox / W;
                        oy = node.oy / H;
            for (i = 0;i < DIVIDE_Y; i++) {
                for (j = 0;j < DIVIDE_X; j++) {
                    _indices.push(i * (DIVIDE_Y+1) + j, i * (DIVIDE_Y+1) + j + 1, (i + 1) * (DIVIDE_Y+1) + j);
                    _indices.push(i * (DIVIDE_Y+1) + j + 1, (i + 1) * (DIVIDE_Y+1) + 1 + j, (i + 1) * (DIVIDE_Y+1) + j);
            var bounds : Vector.<Boolean> = new Vector.<Boolean>(4);
            for (i = 0;i < ny; ++i) {
                for (j = 0;j < nx; ++j) {
                    node = _nodes[i][j];
                    bounds[0] = (i == 0     ) ? true : false;
                    bounds[1] = (j == nx - 1) ? true : false;
                    bounds[2] = (i == ny - 1) ? true : false;
                    bounds[3] = (j == 0     ) ? true : false;
                    node.nn[0] = (bounds[0]             ) ? null : _nodes[i - 1][j    ]; //top    - center
                    node.nn[1] = (bounds[0] || bounds[1]) ? null : _nodes[i - 1][j + 1]; //top    - right
                    node.nn[2] = (bounds[1]             ) ? null : _nodes[i    ][j + 1]; //middle - right
                    node.nn[3] = (bounds[1] || bounds[2]) ? null : _nodes[i + 1][j + 1]; //bottom - right
                    node.nn[4] = (bounds[2]             ) ? null : _nodes[i + 1][j    ]; //bottom - center
                    node.nn[5] = (bounds[2] || bounds[3]) ? null : _nodes[i + 1][j - 1]; //bottom - left
                    node.nn[6] = (bounds[3]             ) ? null : _nodes[i    ][j - 1]; //middle - left
                    node.nn[7] = (bounds[3] || bounds[0]) ? null : _nodes[i - 1][j - 1]; //top    - left
                    if (_first == null) {
                        old = _first = node;
                    } else {
               = node;
                        old = node;
            // 画像読み込み
            var context : LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(true);
            loader = new Loader();
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, compHandler);
            loader.load(new URLRequest(IMAGE_URL), context);

         * 画像読み込み完了
        private function compHandler(event : Event) : void {

            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _updateHandler);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _stageMouseOverHandler);
            stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, _stageMouseLeaveHandler);
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _stageKeybordHandler);
        private function _stageKeybordHandler(event : KeyboardEvent) : void {
             if (event.keyCode == 68){    // D
                _flg = !_flg;

         * アップデート
        private function _updateHandler(e : Event) : void {

         * マウスインタラクションの反映
        private function _interaction() : void {
            var tx : Number, ty : Number, dx : Number, dy : Number, dist : Number,
                spring : Number = SPRING,
                friction : Number = FRICTION,
                node : Node = _first;
            do {
                if (_isOnStage) {
                    dx = node.ox - mouseX;
                    dy = node.oy - mouseY;
                    dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) + 1;
                    tx = node.ox + dx / dist * 100;
                    ty = node.oy + dy / dist * 100;
                } else {
                    tx = node.ox;
                    ty = node.oy;
                node.vx += (tx - node.x) * spring;
                node.vy += (ty - node.y) * spring;
                node.x += node.vx *= friction;
                node.y += node.vy *= friction;
            while (node =;

         * 描画
        private function _draw() : void {
            var n1 : Node, n2 : Node, n3 : Node, n4 : Node,
                px : Number, py : Number,
                g : Graphics =;
            g.lineStyle(1, 0xffffff);
            var node : Node = _first;
            do {
                px = node.x;
                py = node.y;
                if ((n1 = node.nn[1])) {
                    g.moveTo(px, py);
                    g.lineTo(n1.x, n1.y);
                if ((n2 = node.nn[2])) {
                    g.moveTo(px, py);
                    g.lineTo(n2.x, n2.y);
                if ((n3 = node.nn[3])) {
                    g.moveTo(px, py);
                    g.lineTo(n3.x, n3.y);
                if ((n4 = node.nn[4])) {
                    g.moveTo(px, py);
                    g.lineTo(n4.x, n4.y);
            while (node =;

         * drawTriangles でテクスチャを貼り付けるメソッド
         * 参考:
        private function _drawPicture() : void {
            var px : Number, py : Number,
                        g : Graphics =;

            var vertices : Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
            if(_flg) g.lineStyle(1,0xFFFFFF);
            var node : Node = _first;
            do {
                px = node.x;
                py = node.y;

                vertices[vertices.length] = px;
                vertices[vertices.length] = py;
                        while (node =;
            g.drawTriangles(vertices, _indices, _uvtData);

         * マウスがステージ内へ入ったとき
        private function _stageMouseOverHandler(e : MouseEvent) : void {
            _isOnStage = true;

         * マウスがステージ外へ出たとき
        private function _stageMouseLeaveHandler(e : Event) : void {
            _isOnStage = false;

internal class Node {

    public var vx : Number;
    public var vy : Number;

    public var x : Number;
    public var y : Number;

    public var ox : Number;
    public var oy : Number;

    public var nn : Vector.<Node>;

    public var next : Node;


    public function Node() : void {
        vx = vy = x = y = ox = oy = 0;
        nn = new Vector.<Node>(8);