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forked from: delaunay triangulation

@author nicolas barradeau
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by makc3d 16 Aug 2012
  • Forked from nicoptere's delaunay triangulation
  • Diff: 15
  • Related works: 6
  • Talk

    makc3d at 16 Aug 2012 00:31
    ok now it works, jeez
    bradsedito at 16 Aug 2012 10:02
    good stuff, makc! =D
    bradsedito at 16 Aug 2012 10:12
    I asked nicoptere almost this very same question, but I follow your coding style and like your stuff, so I thought i'd ask you as well. If you have even some sort of a half-assed answer for me'd be a God among men my friend! haha =P How would you make this 3D? As in, the red dots have a Vector3D( x,y,z ) coordinate, and the lines connect the red dots in 3D. Bonus Round: ...How would you do all of this in Away3D 4.0 to make use of Stage3D API's?? Bonus Bonus Round: ...What I'd like to do with something like this is have it be efficient whether i'm drawing lines to just a few vector 'planets' and the camera tweens in 3d to the planet - to using this method with thousands of stars (particles) along with some code I wrote that would make the lines come and go when they get within certain proximity to a neighbor. I've read about utilizing linked-lists, etc etc, but what do you find works best / have you even run into this situation before with efficiency?
    makc3d at 18 Aug 2012 01:52
    3D Delaunay is dual to 3D Voronoy that can be found at


 * Copyright makc3d ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from nicoptere's delaunay triangulation
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	import flash.utils.getTimer;
	 * @author nicolas barradeau
	public class Main extends Sprite 
		private var tf:TextField = new TextField();
		private var delaunay:Delaunay;
		private var indices:Vector.<int>;
		private var points:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>(250);
		public function Main():void 
			delaunay = new Delaunay();
			addChild( tf );
			stage.addEventListener( "enterFrame", onMouseDownHandler );
		private function onMouseDownHandler(e:*):void 
		private function reset():void 
			graphics.beginFill( 0xCC0000 );
			for (var i:int = 0; i < points.length; i++) 
if (points[i] == null) points[i] = new Point( Math.random() * stage.stageWidth, Math.random() * stage.stageHeight ); else {
    points[i].x += Math.sin(i); points[i].y += Math.cos(i);
    while (points[i].x > stage.stageWidth) points[i].x -= stage.stageWidth;
    while (points[i].x < 0) points[i].x += stage.stageWidth;
    while (points[i].y > stage.stageHeight) points[i].y -= stage.stageHeight;
    while (points[i].y < 0) points[i].y += stage.stageHeight;
				var p:Point = points[i];
				graphics.drawCircle( p.x, p.y, 2 );
			var t:uint = getTimer();
			indices = delaunay.compute( points );
			tf.text = 'time: ' + ( getTimer() - t ) + ' ms';
			graphics.lineStyle( 0, 0xDDDDDD );
			delaunay.render( graphics, points, indices );
			//alternate rendering
			var vertices:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
			for (var i:int = 0; i < points.length; i++) vertices.push( points[ i ].x, points[ i ].y );
			graphics.drawTriangles( vertices, indices );
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.geom.Point;
class Delaunay	
	static public var EPSILON:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
	static public var SUPER_TRIANGLE_RADIUS:Number = 1000000000;
	private var indices:Vector.<int>;
	private var circles:Vector.<Number>;
	public function compute( points:Vector.<Point> ):Vector.<int>
		var nv:int = points.length;
		if (nv < 3) return null;
		points.push( 	new Point( 0, -d ), new Point( d, d ), new Point( -d, d )	);
		indices = Vector.<int>( [ points.length-3, points.length-2, points.length-1 ] );
		circles = Vector.<Number>( [ 0, 0, d ] );
		var edgeIds:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
		var i:int, j:int, k:int, id0:int, id1:int, id2:int;
		for ( i = 0; i < nv; i++)
			for ( j = 0; j < indices.length; j+=3 )
				if ( 	circles[ j + 2 ] > EPSILON 		&& 		circleContains( j, points[ i ] )	)
					id0 = indices[ j ];
					id1 = indices[ j + 1 ];
					id2 = indices[ j + 2 ];
					edgeIds.push( id0, id1, id1, id2, id2, id0 );
					indices.splice( j, 3 );
					circles.splice( j, 3 );
					j -= 3;
			for ( j = 0; j < edgeIds.length; j+=2 )
				for ( k = j + 2; k < edgeIds.length; k+=2 )
					if(	(	edgeIds[ j ] == edgeIds[ k ] && edgeIds[ j + 1 ] == edgeIds[ k + 1 ]	)
					||	(	edgeIds[ j + 1 ] == edgeIds[ k ] && edgeIds[ j ] == edgeIds[ k + 1 ]	)	)
						edgeIds.splice( k, 2 );
						edgeIds.splice( j, 2 );
						j -= 2;
						k -= 2;
						if ( j < 0 ) break;
						if ( k < 0 ) break;
			for ( j = 0; j < edgeIds.length; j+=2 )
				indices.push( edgeIds[ j ], edgeIds[ j + 1 ], i );
				computeCircle( points, edgeIds[ j ], edgeIds[ j + 1 ], i );
			edgeIds.length = 0;
		id0 = points.length - 3;
		id1 = points.length - 2;
		id2 = points.length - 1;
		for ( i = 0; i < indices.length; i+= 3 )
			if ( indices[ i ] == id0 || indices[ i ] == id1 || indices[ i ] == id2 
			||	 indices[ i + 1 ] == id0 || indices[ i + 1 ] == id1 || indices[ i + 1 ] == id2 
			||	 indices[ i + 2 ] == id0 || indices[ i + 2 ] == id1 || indices[ i + 2 ] == id2 )
				indices.splice( i, 3 );
		return indices;
	private function circleContains( circleId:int, p:Point ):Boolean 
		var dx:Number = circles[ circleId ] - p.x;
		var dy:Number = circles[ circleId + 1 ] - p.y;
		return circles[ circleId + 2 ] > dx * dx + dy * dy;
	private function computeCircle( points:Vector.<Point>, id0:int, id1:int, id2:int ):void
		var p0:Point = points[ id0 ];
		var p1:Point = points[ id1 ];
		var p2:Point = points[ id2 ];
		var A:Number = p1.x - p0.x;
		var B:Number = p1.y - p0.y;
		var C:Number = p2.x - p0.x;
		var D:Number = p2.y - p0.y;
		var E:Number = A * (p0.x + p1.x) + B * (p0.y + p1.y);
		var F:Number = C * (p0.x + p2.x) + D * (p0.y + p2.y);
		var G:Number = 2.0 * (A * (p2.y - p1.y) - B * (p2.x - p1.x));
		var x:Number = (D * E - B * F) / G;
		circles.push( x );
		var y:Number = (A * F - C * E) / G;
		circles.push( y );
		x -= p0.x;
		y -= p0.y;
		circles.push( x * x + y * y );
	public function render( graphics:Graphics, points:Vector.<Point>, indices:Vector.<int> ):void
		var id0:uint, id1:uint, id2:uint;
		for ( var i:int = 0; i < indices.length; i+=3 ) 
			id0 = indices[ i ];
			id1 = indices[ i + 1 ];
			id2 = indices[ i + 2 ];
			graphics.moveTo( points[ id0 ].x, points[ id0 ].y );
			graphics.lineTo( points[ id1 ].x, points[ id1 ].y );
			graphics.lineTo( points[ id2 ].x, points[ id2 ].y );
			graphics.lineTo( points[ id0 ].x, points[ id0 ].y );