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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

wonderfl LOGO

ベジエの微調整, 終わりが見えなくなってきたのでこれ位で勘弁してください...
 * Copyright matacat ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.BevelFilter;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite
        public function FlashTest()
            var wb:WonderflLogo = new WonderflLogo();
            wb.scaleX = wb.scaleY = 1.2;
            wb.x = (stage.stageWidth  - wb.width  >> 1) -  2;
            wb.y = (stage.stageHeight - wb.height >> 1) - 15;
            wb.alpha = 0.9;
            wb.filters = [new BevelFilter(1, 60, 0xcccccc, 1, 0x333333, 1, 4, 4, 2, 3)];
            var ws:WonderflLogo = new WonderflLogo();
            ws.scaleX = ws.scaleY = 1.2;
            ws.x = wb.x + 3;
            ws.y = wb.y + 5;
            ws.alpha = 0.75;
            ws.filters = [new BlurFilter(8, 8, 3)];
            addChildAt(ws, 0);

import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.geom.Matrix;

class WonderflLogo extends Shape
    private static const WC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [     1,        2,     2,         2,         2,       2,         2,         2,         2,         2,         2,         2,         2];
    private static const WD:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[0,24.5, 8.5,24.5, 17,59, 28.5,24.5, 36.5,24.5, 48.5,59, 56.5,24.5, 65.5,24.5, 53.5,69.5, 44.5,69.5, 32.5,36.5, 20.5,69.5, 11.5,69.5];
    private static const OC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [      1,             3,               3,            3,               3,     1,               3,                 3,                  3,             3];
    private static const OD:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[79.5,46, 79.5,31,94,31, 106.5,31,107,46, 107,63,94,63, 78.5,63,79.5,46, 71,46, 71,24.5,94,24.5, 115,24.5,115.5,46, 115.5,69.5,94,69.5, 71,69.5,71,46];
    private static const NC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [       1,      2,      2,                 3,                 3,          2,        2,      2,                 3,                   3,          2,          2];
    private static const ND:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[125.5,25, 133,25, 134,31, 142,24.5,150,24.5, 166,24.5,167.5,39, 167.5,69.5, 159,69.5, 159,39, 157,31.5,148,31.5, 141.5,31.5,135.5,37, 135.5,69.5, 125.5,69.5];
    private static const DC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [       1,               3,               3,        2,               3,                 3,      1,             3,                 3,       2,     2,      2,             3,             3];
    private static const DD:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[184.5,47, 184.5,32,199,32, 202,32,209.5,34, 209.5,62, 205.5,63,199,63, 184.5,63,184.5,47, 176,47, 176,25,198,25, 204.5,25,209.5,27, 209.5,9, 218,9, 218,67, 213,70,198,70, 176,70,176,47];
    private static const EC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [       1,             3,                 3,        1,                   3,                 3,        2,             3,               3,        2,                 3,                   3];
    private static const ED:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[236,42.5, 236,32,248,31, 260,31,259.5,42.5, 227.5,47, 227.5,24.5,249,24.5, 272,24.5,267,49.5, 236,49.5, 236,62,252,63, 257,63,266.5,62, 266.5,68, 261,69.5,251,69.5, 227.5,69.5,227.5,47];
    private static const RC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [       1,        2,        2,                     3,        2,                       3,          2,        2];
    private static const RD:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[280,24.5, 286,24.5, 287,30.5, 292.5,24.5,300.5,24.5, 300.5,31, 295.5,30.875,288.5,36.5, 288.5,69.5, 280,69.5];
    private static const FC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [       1,                3,               3,          2,                 3,                 3,          2,          2,          2,          2,        2,        2];
    private static const FD:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[311.5,24, 311.5,6,329,5.75, 338,6,339.5,8.5, 339.5,14.5, 334,12.5,329,12.5, 321,12.5,320.5,20, 320.5,24.5, 334.5,24.5, 334.5,31.5, 320.5,31.5, 320.5,70, 311.5,70];
    private static const LC:Vector.<int>    = new <int>   [      1,       2,        2,        2];
    private static const LD:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[345.5,6, 353.5,6, 353.5,70, 345.5,70];
    public function WonderflLogo()
        graphics.beginFill(0x000000, 1);
        graphics.drawPath(WC, WD);
        graphics.drawPath(OC, OD);
        graphics.drawPath(NC, ND);
        graphics.drawPath(DC, DD);
        graphics.drawPath(EC, ED);
        graphics.drawPath(RC, RD);
        var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
        m.createGradientBox(1, 64, Math.PI / 2);
        graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, [0xcc0000, 0x251815], [1, 1], [64, 255], m);
        graphics.drawPath(FC, FD);
        graphics.drawPath(LC, LD);