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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


Get Adobe Flash player
by bradsedito 08 Aug 2011
 * Copyright bradsedito ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import net.hires.debug.Stats;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.display.BlendMode;
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    [SWF(frameRate="60", backgroundColor="0xffffff")]
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite 
        public var emitter:Emitter;
        public var canvas:BitmapData;
        public var buffer:BitmapData;        
        private var iParticles:uint = 0;
        private var particlesLength:uint = 0;
        private var console:Console;
        private var stats:Stats;
        private var blurFilter:BlurFilter;
        private var blurFilter2:BlurFilter;
        private var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(.5, .5, .5, .9);
        private var _rect:Rectangle;
        private var _ep:Point = new Point;
        private var _mx:int, _my:int;
        public function FlashTest() 
            emitter = new Emitter(0,0,0,0,0,0,.9,.9,1,2,30,100,60,-0.3);
            canvas = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0x000000);
            buffer = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0xffffff * Math.random());
            addChild(new Bitmap(buffer));
            _rect = canvas.rect;
            blurFilter = new BlurFilter(2, 2, 1);
            blurFilter2 = new BlurFilter(4, 4, 1);
            _mx = stage.stageWidth/2;
            _my = stage.stageHeight/2;
            //console = new Console();
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, function(e:MouseEvent):void
                _mx = stage.mouseX;
                _my = stage.mouseY;
                var rainbowInk:uint = new uint( 0xffffff*Math.random() ); 
      , 10, {tint:0xffffff*Math.random()});        
                var p:Particle;
                emitter.x = _mx;
                emitter.y = _my;
                particlesLength = emitter.particles.length;
                for(iParticles = 0; iParticles < particlesLength; iParticles++)
                    p = emitter.particles[iParticles];
                    var r:Number = p.lifeTime / p.maxLifeTime;
                    //canvas.setPixel32(p.x, p.y, r * 255 << 24 | 255 << 16 | r * r * 255 << 8 | r * r * r * r * 255);
                    canvas.setPixel32(p.x, p.y, (rainbowInk*0xff) ); //|(canvas.getPixel32(p.x, p.y)&0xff000000) );
                    //canvas.setPixel32(emitter.particles[iParticles].x, emitter.particles[iParticles].y, r * 255 << 24 | 255 << 16 | 255 << 8 | 255);
                    //canvas.setPixel32(emitter.particles[iParticles].x, emitter.particles[iParticles].y, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                canvas.applyFilter( canvas, _rect, _ep, blurFilter );
                buffer.applyFilter( buffer, _rect, _ep, blurFilter2 );
                buffer.colorTransform(_rect, ct);
                buffer.draw(canvas, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
                //buffer.copyPixels(canvas, _rect, _ep, null, null, true);
            stats = new Stats();
            stats.x = 400;
import flash.display.AVM1Movie;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
class Emitter extends EventDispatcher {
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public var vx:Number = 0;
    public var vy:Number = 0;
    public var ivx:Number;
    public var ivy:Number;
    public var px:Number;
    public var py:Number;
    public var pvx:Number;
    public var pvy:Number;
    public var pax:Number;
    public var pay:Number;
    public var prx:Number;
    public var pry:Number;
    public var particles:Vector.<Particle>;
    public var lifeTime:uint;
    public var lifeTimeRandom:int;
    public var amounts:uint;
    public var motionInfluence:Number;
    public var explosion:Number;
    public var vibration:Number;
    public var velocityMin:Number = 0;
    public var nozzle:BitmapData;
    public var nozzleType:String = 'TRAIL';
    //private var trailNozzle:Vector.<EmitPoint>;
    private var trailNozzle:Array;
    public function Emitter(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, pvx:Number = 0, pvy:Number = 0, pax:Number = 0, pay:Number = 0, prx:Number = 1.0, pry:Number = 1.0, explosion:Number = 0.0, vibration:Number = 0.0, amounts:uint = 1, lifeTime:uint = 1, lifeTimeRandom:int = 0, motionInfluence:Number = 0.0)
        this.x = this.px = x;
        this.y = = y;
        this.pvx = pvx;
        this.pvy = pvy;
        this.pax = pax; = pay;
        this.prx = prx;
        this.pry = pry;
        this.explosion = explosion;
        this.vibration = vibration;
        this.lifeTime = lifeTime;
        this.amounts = amounts;
        this.motionInfluence = motionInfluence;
        this.lifeTimeRandom = lifeTimeRandom;
        particles = new Vector.<Particle>();
        nozzle = new BitmapData(100,100);
        //trailNozzle = new Vector.<EmitPoint>
        trailNozzle = [];

    private var iEmit:uint = 0;
    private var r:Number = 0;
    private var evx:Number = 0;
    private var evy:Number = 0;
    private var vibx:Number = 0;
    private var viby:Number = 0;
    private var rv:Number = 0;
    private var ta:Number = 0;
    private var e:Number = 0;
    private var ttx:Number = 0;
    private var tty:Number = 0;
    private var ti:Number = 0;
    private var tj:Number = 0;
    private var lx:Number = 0;
    private var ly:Number = 0;
    private var sx:Number = 0;
    private var sy:Number = 0;
    private var tvx:Number = 0;
    private var tvy:Number = 0;
    private var tmpx:Number = 0;
    private var tmpy:Number = 0;
    private var tmpP:uint = 0;
    public function emit():void
        tvx = x - px;
        tvy = y - py;
        //vx,vy not correct?
        ivx = tvx * motionInfluence;
        ivy = tvy * motionInfluence;
        ta = amounts;//(Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy) > velocityMin) ? amounts : 0;
        //Make Trail Nozzle Vector
        //tvx = x - px;
        //tvy = y - py;
        lx = tvx>0 ? tvx : -tvx;//Math.abs(tvx);
        ly = tvy>0 ? tvy : -tvy;//Math.abs(tvy);
        sx = (lx) ? tvx/lx : 1;
        sy = (ly) ? tvy/ly : 1;
        ttx = lx*lx;//2 * lx;
        tty = ly*ly;//2 * ly;
        ti = 1;
        tj = 0;
        if(lx >= ly)
           // trailNozzle = new Vector.<EmitPoint>(lx,true);
           trailNozzle = new Array(lx);
            e = lx;
            for(ti; ti <= lx; ti++)
                e += tty;
                if(e >= ttx)
                    e = e - ttx;
                trailNozzle[ti-1] = new EmitPoint(sx * ti, sy * tj);
            //trailNozzle = new Vector.<EmitPoint>(ly,true);
            trailNozzle = new Array(ly);
            e = ly;
            for(ti; ti <= ly; ti++)
                e += ttx;
                if(e >= tty)
                    e = e - tty;
                trailNozzle[ti-1] = new EmitPoint(sx * tj, sy * ti);
        var l:int = trailNozzle.length-1;
        for(iEmit = 0; iEmit < ta; iEmit++)
            r =  PI2 * iEmit / amounts;
            evx = Math.cos(r) * explosion;
            evy = Math.sin(r) * explosion;
            r = PI2 * Math.random();//360 * Math.random() * Math.PI / 180
            rv = vibration * Math.random();
            vibx = rv * Math.sin(r);           
            viby = rv * Math.cos(r);
            if(l> 0)
            tmpP = l * Math.random();
            tmpx = trailNozzle[tmpP].x + px;
            tmpy = trailNozzle[tmpP].y + py;
                tmpx = x;
                tmpy = y;
            particles.push(new Particle(tmpx, tmpy, pvx + ivx + evx + vibx , pvy + ivy + evy + viby, pax, pay, prx, pry, lifeTime - int(Math.random() * lifeTimeRandom)));
            //particles.push(new Particle(x, y, pvx + ivx + evx + vibx , pvy + ivy + evy + viby, pax, pay, prx, pry, lifeTime - int(Math.random() * lifeTimeRandom)));
            //particles.push(new Particle(int(nozzle.width * Math.random()) + x, (nozzle.height * Math.random()) + y, pvx + ivx + evx + vibx , pvy + ivy + evy + viby, pax, pay, prx, pry, lifeTime - int(Math.random() * lifeTimeRandom)));
    private const PI2:Number = 2*Math.PI;
    private var iUpdate:int = 0;
    private var pLength:int = 0;
    public function update():void
        vx = x - px;
        vy = y - py;
        px = x;
        py = y;
        pLength = particles.length;
        if(pLength == 0) return;
        iUpdate = pLength - 1;
        var p:Particle;
            p = particles[iUpdate];
            p.vx +=;
            p.vx *= p.rx;
            p.x += p.vx;
            p.vy += p.ay;
            p.vy *= p.ry;
            p.y += p.vy;

            if(p.lifeTime <= 0)

class EmitPoint {
    public var x:int;
    public var y:int;
    public function EmitPoint(x:int = 0, y:int = 0)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

class Particle {
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public var vx:Number;
    public var vy:Number;
    public var ax:Number;
    public var ay:Number;
    public var rx:Number;
    public var ry:Number;
    public var maxLifeTime:uint;
    public var lifeTime:uint;
    public function Particle(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, vx:Number = 0, vy:Number = 0, ax:Number = 0, ay:Number = 0, rx:Number = 1.0, ry:Number = 1.0, lifeTime:uint = 1)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.vx = vx;
        this.vy = vy; = ax;
        this.ay = ay
        this.rx = rx;
        this.ry = ry;
        this.lifeTime = this.maxLifeTime =  lifeTime;

import flash.text.TextField;
class Console extends TextField
    public function Console()
        text = '';
        selectable = false;
        textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
        addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, function(e:Event):void
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, arguments.callee);
            width = stage.stageWidth;
            height = stage.stageHeight;
    public function log(message:String):void
        this.appendText(message + '\n');
    public function clear():void{
        this.text = '';
