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Mandelbrot orbits

click to launch particle
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by makc3d 17 Mar 2010
// click to launch particle
package  {
	import flash.display.Bitmap;
	import flash.display.BitmapData;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	public class MandelbrotOrbits extends Sprite {
		public var b:Bitmap;
		public var bd:BitmapData;
		public var ct:ColorTransform;
		public var xy0:Vector.<Point>;
		public var xyi:Vector.<Point>;
		public var splines:Vector.<Spline2D>;
		public function MandelbrotOrbits () {
			bd = new BitmapData (465, 465, false, 0);
			addChild (b = new Bitmap (bd));
			ct = new ColorTransform (1, 1, 1, 1, -30, -20, -10);
			xy0 = new Vector.<Point> (3);
			xyi = new Vector.<Point> (xy0.length);
			splines = new Vector.<Spline2D> (xy0.length);
			for (var i:int = 0; i < xy0.length; i++) {
				xy0 [i] = new Point (
					2 * Math.random () - 0.5,
					2 * Math.random () - 1.0
				xyi [i] = xy0 [i].clone ();
				splines [i] = new Spline2D (xy0 [i]);
			stage.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, draw);
			stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, click);
		public function draw (e:Event):void {
			graphics.clear (); graphics.lineStyle (0, 0xffffff);
			for (var i:int = 0; i < xy0.length; i++) {
				var z:Point = xyi [i];
				var aa:Number = z.x * z.x;
				var bb:Number = z.y * z.y;
				if (aa + bb < 4) {
					var ab:Number = z.x * z.y;
					var xi:Number = aa - bb + xy0 [i].x;
					var yi:Number = 2 * ab + xy0 [i].y;
					if ((z.x - xi)*(z.x - xi) + (z.y - yi)*(z.y - yi) > 1e-6) {
						z.x = xi; z.y = yi; splines [i].addNextPoint (z, graphics);
					} else {
						xy0.splice (i, 1);
						xyi.splice (i, 1);
						splines.splice (i, 1);
				} else {
					xy0.splice (i, 1);
					xyi.splice (i, 1);
					splines.splice (i, 1);
			b.visible = false; bd.draw (this); b.visible = true;
			bd.colorTransform (bd.rect, ct);
		public function click (e:MouseEvent):void {
			xy0.push (new Point (
				2 * mouseX / 465 - 0.5,
				2 * mouseY / 465 - 1.0
			xyi.push (xy0 [xy0.length - 1].clone ());
			splines.push (new Spline2D (xy0 [xy0.length - 1]));

import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.geom.Point;
class Spline2D {
	public var points:Vector.<Point>
	public function Spline2D (p:Point) {
		points = new Vector.<Point>;
		for (var i:int = 0; i < 4; i++) points.push (p.clone ());
	public function addNextPoint (p:Point, g:Graphics):void {
		points.shift (); points.push (p.clone ());
		// draw previous segment
		g.moveTo (465 * (0.5 + points [1].x) / 2, 465 * (1.0 + points [1].y) / 2);
		for (var i:int = 1; i < 11; i++) {
			p = spline (points [0], points [1], points [2], points [3], 0.1 * i);
			g.lineTo (465 * (0.5 + p.x) / 2, 465 * (1.0 + p.y) / 2);
	* Calculates 2D cubic Catmull-Rom spline.
	* @see 
	private function spline (p0:Point, p1:Point, p2:Point, p3:Point, t:Number):Point {
		return new Point (
			0.5 * ((          2*p1.x) +
				t * (( -p0.x           +p2.x) +
				t * ((2*p0.x -5*p1.x +4*p2.x -p3.x) +
				t * (  -p0.x +3*p1.x -3*p2.x +p3.x)))),
			0.5 * ((          2*p1.y) +
				t * (( -p0.y           +p2.y) +
				t * ((2*p0.y -5*p1.y +4*p2.y -p3.y) +
				t * (  -p0.y +3*p1.y -3*p2.y +p3.y))))