In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: Hello World!!!

Get Adobe Flash player
by twistcube 17 Apr 2009
	import flash.display.* ;
	import flash.text.* ;
	import flash.filters.* ;
	import flash.geom.* ;

	[SWF(backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate=30)]
	public class Foo extends Sprite
		private var bd:BitmapData ;
		public function Foo( ):void
			var tf:TextField = new TextField( ) ;
			tf.text = "Hello\nWorld!!!" ;
			tf.textColor = 0x222222 ;
			tf.autoSize = "left" ;
			bd = new BitmapData( tf.width, tf.height, false, 0xCCFF33 ) ;
			// bd.draw( tf ) ;
			// bd.applyFilter( bd, bd.rect, new Point( ), new BlurFilter( ) ) ;
			bd.draw( tf );
			xCreateBg( ) ;
			var _circle:Circle ;
			for ( var i:int = 0; i < bd.width; i++ )
			for ( var j:int = 0; j < bd.height; j++ )
					_circle = new Circle( bd.getPixel( i, j ) ) ;
					_circle.alpha = 0 ;
					_circle.x = i * 13 ;
					_circle.y = j * 13 ;
					_circle.xInit( ) ;
					addChild( _circle ) ;
			// addChild( tf ) ;
		private function xCreateBg( ):void
			var _circle:Circle ;
			for ( var i:int = 0; i < bd.width; i++ )
				for ( var j:int = 0; j < bd.height; j++ )
					_circle = new Circle( 0x222222 ) ;
					_circle.x = i * 13 ;
					_circle.y = j * 13 ;
					_circle.xInit( ) ;
					addChild( _circle ) ;

import flash.display.Sprite ;
import ;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener ;

class Circle extends Sprite
	private var nAlpha:Number = 0 ;
	private var nCurrent:Number = 0 ;
	public function Circle( color:uint ):void
		graphics.beginFill( color ) ;
		graphics.drawCircle( 0, 0, 6 ) ;
		graphics.endFill( ) ;
	public function xInit( ):void
				alpha : .5 + .5 * Math.random( ),
				delay : 2 + 2 * Math.random( ),
				time  : .5 + .5 * Math.random( ),
				onComplete: xAction
		) ;
	private function xAction( ):void
		nAlpha = alpha ;
		nCurrent = 0 ;
		addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, xDoAction ) ;
	private function xDoAction( e:Event ):void
		alpha = nAlpha + nAlpha * Math.sin( nCurrent ) ;
		nCurrent += 0.3 * Math.random( ) ;