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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

[PushButton Engine] Box2D

LEFT or RIGHT :: move
SPACE or UP :: jump

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Get Adobe Flash player
by paq 05 Dec 2010
 * Copyright paq ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import com.pblabs.box2D.Box2DManagerComponent;
    import com.pblabs.box2D.Box2DSpatialComponent;
    import com.pblabs.box2D.CircleCollisionShape;
    import com.pblabs.box2D.PolygonCollisionShape;
    import com.pblabs.engine.core.InputMap;
    import com.pblabs.engine.core.ObjectType;
    import com.pblabs.engine.entity.IEntity;
    import com.pblabs.engine.entity.PropertyReference;
    import com.pblabs.engine.PBE;
    import com.pblabs.rendering2D.SimpleShapeRenderer;
    import com.pblabs.rendering2D.ui.SceneView;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
     * PushButton Engine でBox2D
     * まんまこれです。
     * @author paq89
    [SWF(width="465", height="465", backgroundColor="0xFFFFFF", frameRate="60")]
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        private var _manager:Box2DManagerComponent;
        // コンストラクタ
        public function Main():void 
            // シーンを作ります
            var sceneView:SceneView = new SceneView();
            sceneView.width = stage.stageWidth;
            sceneView.height = stage.stageHeight;
            // マネージャを作ります
            _manager = new Box2DManagerComponent();
            var entity:IEntity = PBE.allocateEntity();
            entity.addComponent(_manager, "Manager");
            // プレイヤーを作る
            // 壁を作る
            createWall(0, 120, 300, 30);
            createWall(70, 70, 100, 30);
            createWall(-70, 0, 70, 30);
            createWall(0, -70, 40, 30);
            createWall(120, -90, 40, 30);
        private function createPlayer():void
            // プレイヤーを作ります
            var spatial:Box2DSpatialComponent = new Box2DSpatialComponent();
            spatial.spatialManager = _manager;
            spatial.canMove = true; // 移動を許可する
            spatial.canRotate = true; // 回転を許可する
            spatial.canSleep = false; // 寝るな寝るんじゃない!
            spatial.position = new Point(0, 0); // プレイヤーの位置 0,0で中心
            spatial.size = new Point(40, 40); // プレイヤーの大きさ
            // コリジョンタイプを指定
            spatial.collisionType = new ObjectType("Player");
            // コリジョンタイプが壁の場合はぶつかる
            spatial.collidesWithTypes = new ObjectType("Wall");
            // Box2D用のシェイプを作ります
            var shape:CircleCollisionShape = new CircleCollisionShape();
            shape.radius = 1.0;
            shape.density = 1;
            // 先ほど作ったシェイプをプレイヤーを紐付ける
            spatial.collisionShapes = [];
            // レンダラーを作ります
            var renderer:SimpleShapeRenderer = new SimpleShapeRenderer();
            renderer.fillColor = 0xDDDDDD; // 色
            renderer.isCircle = true; // 描画するものは丸い
            renderer.lineColor = 0x000000; // 線の色
            renderer.scene = PBE.scene; // シーンを指定
            // プロパティを紐付ける
            renderer.positionProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.position");
            renderer.rotationProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.rotation");
            renderer.sizeProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.size");
            // キーボード入力
            var gameInput:GameInput = new GameInput();
            gameInput.inputMap = new InputMap();
            gameInput.velocityReference = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.linearVelocity")
            // エンティティを作成
            var entity:IEntity = PBE.allocateEntity();
            entity.addComponent(spatial, "Spatial");
            entity.addComponent(gameInput, "Input");
            entity.addComponent(renderer, "Render");
        private function createWall(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void
            // 壁を作ります
            var spatial:Box2DSpatialComponent = new Box2DSpatialComponent();
            spatial.spatialManager = _manager;
            spatial.canMove = false; // 移動を許可しない
            spatial.canRotate = false; // 回転を許可しない
            spatial.position = new Point(x, y); // 位置
            spatial.size = new Point(width, height); // 大きさ
            // コリジョンタイプを指定
            spatial.collisionType = new ObjectType("Wall");
            // コリジョンタイプがプレイヤーの場合はぶつかる
            spatial.collidesWithTypes = new ObjectType("Player");
            // Box2D用のシェイプを作ります
            var shape:PolygonCollisionShape = new PolygonCollisionShape();
            shape.vertices = [new Point( -1, -1), new Point(1, -1), new Point(1, 1), new Point( -1, 1)];
            shape.density = 1;
            // 先ほど作ったシェイプをプレイヤーを紐付ける
            spatial.collisionShapes = [];
            // レンダラーを作ります
            var renderer:SimpleShapeRenderer = new SimpleShapeRenderer();
            renderer.fillColor = 0xDDDDDD; // 色
            renderer.isCircle = false; // 描画するものは丸くない
            renderer.isSquare = true; // 描画するものは四角い
            renderer.lineColor = 0x000000; // 線の色
            renderer.scene = PBE.scene; // シーンを指定
            // プロパティを紐付ける
            renderer.positionProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.position");
            renderer.rotationProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.rotation");
            renderer.sizeProperty = new PropertyReference("@Spatial.size");
            // エンティティを作成
            var entity:IEntity = PBE.allocateEntity();
            entity.addComponent(spatial, "Spatial");
            entity.addComponent(renderer, "Render");
import com.pblabs.box2D.CollisionEvent;
import com.pblabs.engine.components.TickedComponent;
import com.pblabs.engine.core.InputKey;
import com.pblabs.engine.core.InputMap;
import com.pblabs.engine.entity.PropertyReference;
import com.pblabs.engine.PBE;
import flash.geom.Point;

class GameInput extends TickedComponent
    public var velocityReference:PropertyReference;
    private var _inputMap:InputMap;
    private var _left:Number = 0;
    private var _right:Number = 0
    private var _onGround:int = 0
    private var _jump:Number = 0;
    public function get inputMap():InputMap { return _inputMap; }
    public function set inputMap(value:InputMap):void 
        _inputMap = value;
        if (_inputMap != null)
            _inputMap.mapKeyToHandler(InputKey.LEFT, onLeft);
            _inputMap.mapKeyToHandler(InputKey.RIGHT, onRight);
            _inputMap.mapKeyToHandler(InputKey.SPACE, onJump);
            _inputMap.mapKeyToHandler(InputKey.UP, onJump);
    override public function onTick(tickRate:Number):void
        var move:Number = _right - _left;
        var velocity:Point = owner.getProperty(velocityReference);
        velocity.x = move * 100
        if (_jump > 0)
            velocity.y -= 200;
            _jump = 0;
        owner.setProperty(velocityReference, velocity);
    override protected function onAdd():void
        owner.eventDispatcher.addEventListener(CollisionEvent.COLLISION_EVENT, onCollision);
        owner.eventDispatcher.addEventListener(CollisionEvent.COLLISION_STOPPED_EVENT, onCollisionEnd);

    override protected function onRemove():void
        owner.eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(CollisionEvent.COLLISION_EVENT, onCollision);
        owner.eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(CollisionEvent.COLLISION_STOPPED_EVENT, onCollisionEnd);
    private function onLeft(value:Number):void
        _left = value;
    private function onRight(value:Number):void
        _right = value;

    private function onJump(value:Number):void
        if (_onGround > 0) _jump = value;
    private function onCollision(e:CollisionEvent):void
        if (PBE.objectTypeManager.doesTypeOverlap(e.collidee.collisionType, "Wall"))
            if (e.normal.y > 0.7) _onGround++;

        if (PBE.objectTypeManager.doesTypeOverlap(e.collider.collisionType, "Wall"))
            if (e.normal.y < -0.7) _onGround++;

    private function onCollisionEnd(e:CollisionEvent):void
        if (PBE.objectTypeManager.doesTypeOverlap(e.collidee.collisionType, "Wall"))
            if (e.normal.y > 0.7) _onGround--;

        if (PBE.objectTypeManager.doesTypeOverlap(e.collider.collisionType, "Wall"))
            if (e.normal.y < -0.7) _onGround--;