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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


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by christian 29 Sep 2015


    WLAD at 01 Oct 2015 23:38
    looks like traveling threw a 3D cloud in a 2D POV xD, neat
 * Copyright christian ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.filters.*;
    import flash.display.*;

    /* @author SPANVEGA // CHRISTIAN */

    [ SWF (width = '465', height = '465', backgroundColor = '0xFFFFFF', frameRate = '30')]

    public class DRAFT extends Sprite
        private var scale : Number = 4,
                    w : uint = 465, h : uint = 465, p : Point = new Point (0, 0), 
                    r : Rectangle = new Rectangle (0, 0, w, h);

        private var a : BitmapData = new BitmapData (w / scale, h / scale, true, 0),
                    b : BitmapData = new BitmapData (w, h, true, 0);

        private var g : GlowFilter = new GlowFilter (0x808080, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5),
                    m : Matrix = new Matrix (scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0),
                    o : Array = [new Point (), new Point ()],
                    n : uint = Math.random () * 0xFFFF;

        private var f : FAST_NOISE;

        public function DRAFT ()
            Wonderfl.disable_capture ();
            stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';

            addChild (new Bitmap (b));

            f = new FAST_NOISE (w, h, 5); f.low = 0xBE;

            addEventListener ('enterFrame', function () : void
                o[0].offset (1, -1); o[1].offset (-1, 1);
                f.render ();
                a.perlinNoise (50, 50, 2, n, true, false, 8, true, o);
                b.draw (f, null);
                b.draw (a, m, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY);
                b.threshold (b, r, p, '<=', 0xFFBEBEBE, 0x00000000);
                b.applyFilter (b, r, p, g);       


import flash.display.*;

internal class FAST_NOISE extends BitmapData
    private var n : BitmapData, s : Shape = new Shape ();

    public function FAST_NOISE (w : uint, h : uint, scale : Number) : void
        super (w, h, true, 0);

        n = new BitmapData (w / scale, h / scale, true, 0);

    public function render () : void
        n.noise (Math.random () * 0xFFFF, low, high, channelOptions, grayScale); (); (n); (0, 0, width, height);

        fillRect (rect, 0);
        draw (s);

    public var channelOptions : uint = 15;

    public var grayScale : Boolean = true;

    public var low  : uint = 0x00;

    public var high : uint = 0xFF;