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Performance Tests

Testing speed at which variables can be passed and converted
Uses testing code from
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by talrnu 26 Mar 2012
 * Copyright talrnu ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

 *    Testing speed at which variables can be passed and converted
 *    Uses testing code from
 *    Procedure: measure time elapsed while assigning a function's argument value to a class property.
 *    Parameters: data types of the original data, argument, and class property
 *    Results: passing data to class properties of the same type through untyped function arguments is
 *        (marginally) faster than using function arguments of the same type
 *    Procedure: measure time elapsed while converting data between types
 *    Parameters: data types of the original data, argument, and class property
 *    Results: explicit conversion from an untyped function argument occurred in the shortest time
 *    Example output on test developer's machine:
 *    [ Passing Number as Number ] --> 119 ms
 *    [ Passing Number as Untyped ] --> 116 ms
 *    [ Passing Number in Object ] --> 137 ms
 *    [ Passing String as String ] --> 123 ms
 *    [ Passing String as Untyped ] --> 122 ms
 *    [ Passing String in Object ] --> 144 ms
 *    [ Passing Number to String through untyped ] --> 149 ms
 *    [ Explicit conversion of untyped Number to String ] --> 147 ms
 *    [ Explicit conversion of Number to String ] --> 155 ms
 *    [ Passing Number to String through untyped ] --> 166 ms
 *    [ Explicit conversion of untyped String to Number ] --> 163 ms
 *    [ Explicit conversion of String to Number ] --> 165 ms

package {

    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.utils.*;
    public class Main extends Sprite {
        private const reps:Number = 1000000;
        private var debugText:TextField;
        private var timeElapsed:uint;
        private var testNumber:Number = 5;
        private var testString:String = "5";
        private var numberReceptacle:Number;
        private var stringReceptacle:String;
        public function Main():void {
            //Test Numbers:
            _measure("Passing Number as Number", function (testVal:Number):void
                numberReceptacle = testVal;
            }, reps, testNumber);
            _measure("Passing Number as Untyped", function (testVal:*):void
                numberReceptacle = testVal;
            }, reps, testNumber);
            _measure("Passing Number in Object", function (testObj:Object):void
                numberReceptacle = testObj.testVal;
            }, reps, {testVal:testNumber});
            _debug(" ");
            //Test Strings:
            _measure("Passing String as String", function (testVal:String):void
                stringReceptacle = testVal;
            }, reps, testString);
            _measure("Passing String as Untyped", function (testVal:*):void
                stringReceptacle = testVal;
            }, reps, testString);
            _measure("Passing String in Object", function (testObj:Object):void
                stringReceptacle = testObj.testVal;
            }, reps, {testVal:testString});
            _debug(" ");
            //Test type conversions from Number:
            _measure("Passing Number to String through untyped", function (testVal:*):void
                stringReceptacle = testVal;
            }, reps, testNumber);
            _measure("Explicit conversion of untyped Number to String", function (testVal:*):void
                stringReceptacle = String(testVal);
            }, reps, testNumber);
            _measure("Explicit conversion of Number to String", function (testVal:Number):void
                stringReceptacle = String(testVal);
            }, reps, testNumber);
            _debug(" ");
            //Test type conversions from String:
            _measure("Passing Number to String through untyped", function (testVal:*):void
                numberReceptacle = testVal;
            }, reps, testString);
            _measure("Explicit conversion of untyped String to Number", function (testVal:*):void
                numberReceptacle = Number(testVal);
            }, reps, testString);
            _measure("Explicit conversion of String to Number", function (testVal:String):void
                numberReceptacle = Number(testVal);
            }, reps, testString);
        private function _measure(
            title:String, func:Function, numTimes:uint, ...params):void
            timeElapsed = getTimer();
            for (var i:int = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {
                func.apply(null, params);
            timeElapsed = getTimer() - timeElapsed;
            _debug("[ " + title + " ] --> " + timeElapsed + " ms");
        private function _debug(log:String):void
            debugText.appendText(log + "\n");
        private function initDebugger():void {
            debugText = new TextField();
            debugText.width = stage.stageWidth;
            debugText.height = stage.stageHeight;
            var format:TextFormat = debugText.defaultTextFormat;
            format.font = "_sans";
            debugText.defaultTextFormat = format;
