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Hello Papervision3D!

Hello Papervision3D!
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by mash 02 Feb 2009
// Hello Papervision3D!
package {
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	public class Main extends MovieClip
		protected var helloWorld:HelloWorld;
		public function Main()
			stage.frameRate = 25;
			helloWorld = new HelloWorld();

import flash.display.BitmapData;

import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere;
import org.papervision3d.view.BasicView;

 * @author Ralph Hauwert
class HelloWorld extends BasicView
	protected var world:Sphere;
	protected var worldBitmapData:BitmapData;
	protected var worldMaterial:BitmapMaterial;
	 * HelloWorld
	 * HelloWorld extends BasicView, which is an utility class for Papervision3D, which automatically sets up
	 * Scene, Camera, Renderer and Viewport for you.
	 * This allows for easy Papervision3D initialization.
	 * This HelloWorld example utilizes BasicView to set up the the basics, and then extends upon it and setup a basic primitive and material.
	public function HelloWorld()
		 * Call the BasicView constructor.
		 * Width and Height are set to 1, since scaleToStage is set to true, these will be overriden.
		 * We will not use interactivity and keep the default cameraType.
		super(1, 1, true, false);
		//Color the background of this basicview / helloworld instance black.
		opaqueBackground = 0;
		//Create the materials and primitives.
		//Call the native startRendering function, to render every frame.
	 * initScene will create the needed primitives, and materials.
	protected function initScene():void
		//Create a new bitmapdata to be used as a texture for our world.
		worldBitmapData = new BitmapData(512,256,false,0);
		//Use perlin noise to colorize the texture....for examples sake.
		worldBitmapData.perlinNoise(512,256,4, 123456, true,false);
		//Create a material to be used by the sphere primitive.
		//The Material will utilize the bitmapData we just created as a texture.
		worldMaterial = new BitmapMaterial(worldBitmapData);
		//Create the world primitive, using the native Sphere primitive.
		world = new Sphere(worldMaterial,300, 10,10);
		//Add the world to the scene, which is already instanciated by the super BasicView.
	 * onRenderTick();
	 * onRenderTick can be overriden so you can execute code on a per render basis, using basicview.
	 * in this case we use it to
	override protected function onRenderTick(event:Event=null):void
		//Rotate the world Sphere primitive.
		//Call the super.onRenderTick function, which renders the scene to the viewport using the renderer and camera classes.