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Implicit Bitmap Particle Physics

implicit 2d particle physics using a bitmap; cant wait to do this in a 3d ray tracer

each particle supports velocity and will inverse it's velocity upon "collision", there is no explicit collision handling, the inverse of particles velocity is a consequence of reaching a 'final' destination, or making it to a pixel that is adjacent with another element. a lot more work id like to do with this but so far this is pretty much the concept. pixelcanvas is super messy, i will probably use an interface for the _updatePixels method in future revisions. trying to keep the canvas modular without one is just a pain in the ass
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by hemingway 23 Nov 2016
 * Copyright hemingway ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import net.hires.debug.*;
    [SWF(frameRate=60, height=465, width=465)]
    public class ContextExample extends Sprite {
        public static const FLAG_STATIC:int = 0;
        public static const FLAG_DEFAULT:int = 1;
        public static const FLAG_SAND:int = 2;
        public static const FLAG_WATER:int = 3;
        public static const COLOR_STATIC:uint = 0x000001;
        public static const COLOR_DEFAULT:uint = 0xDCDCDC;
        public static const COLOR_SAND:uint = 0xC2B250;
        public static const COLOR_WATER:uint = 0x0000FF;
        private var _pixelCanvas:PixelCanvas;
        private var _pixelBuffer:Pixel;
        private var _sandMap:Vector.<Pixel>;
        private var _colorMap4:Vector.<ColorTransform>;
        private var _mouseVec2:Vector.<int>;
        private var _mouseDown:Boolean;
        private var _canvasShift:int;
        private var _canvasSize:int;
        private var _indexBufferA:int;
        private var _indexBufferB:int;
        private var _pixelSize:int;
        private var _stage:Stage;
        private var _size:int;
        public function ContextExample() {
            this._pixelBuffer = null as Pixel;
            this._colorMap4 = new Vector.<ColorTransform>(4);
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_STATIC] = new ColorTransform();
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_STATIC].color = COLOR_STATIC;
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_DEFAULT] = new ColorTransform();
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_DEFAULT].color = COLOR_DEFAULT;
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_SAND] = new ColorTransform();
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_SAND].color = COLOR_SAND;
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_WATER] = new ColorTransform();
            this._colorMap4[FLAG_WATER].color = COLOR_WATER;
            this._pixelCanvas = new PixelCanvas(_colorMap4, 465, 8);
            this._canvasShift = this._pixelCanvas.canvasShift;
            this._canvasSize = this._pixelCanvas.canvasSize;
            this._size = this._pixelCanvas.width;
            this._sandMap = new Vector.<Pixel>((_size*_size), true);
            this._mouseVec2 = new Vector.<int>(4, true);
            this._mouseDown = false;
            this._indexBufferA = -1;
            this._indexBufferB = -1;
            this._pixelSize = 8;
            this._stage = stage;
            this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.__addedToStageHandler);
        private function __addedToStageHandler($event:Event):void {
            this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.__addedToStageHandler);
            //this.addChild(new Stats());
            this._stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this._stage__mouseDownHandler);
            this._stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, this._stage__mouseUpHandler);
            this._pixelCanvas.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this._pixelCanvas__enterFrameHandler);
        private function _stage__mouseDownHandler($event:MouseEvent):void {
            this._mouseDown = true;
            this._mouseVec2[0] = ((this._stage.mouseX / this._pixelSize) << 0) as int;
            this._mouseVec2[1] = ((this._stage.mouseY / this._pixelSize) << 0) as int;
            this._mouseVec2[2] = this._mouseVec2[3] = 0;
        private function _stage__mouseUpHandler($event:MouseEvent):void {
            this._mouseDown = false;
        private function _pixelCanvas__enterFrameHandler($event:Event):void {
            this._mouseVec2[2] = this._mouseVec2[0];
            this._mouseVec2[3] = this._mouseVec2[1];
            this._mouseVec2[0] = ((this._stage.mouseX / this._pixelSize) << 0) as int;
            this._mouseVec2[1] = ((this._stage.mouseY / this._pixelSize) << 0) as int;
            var $deltaX:int = (this._mouseVec2[0] - this._mouseVec2[2]);
            var $deltaY:int = (this._mouseVec2[1] - this._mouseVec2[3]);
            var $normalX:int;
            var $normalY:int;
            if ($deltaX > 0) {
                $normalX = 1;
            } else if ($deltaX == 0) {
                $normalX = 0;
            } else if ($deltaX < 0) {
                $normalX = -1;

            if ($deltaY > 0) {
                $normalY = 1;
            } else if ($deltaY == 0) {
                $normalY = 0;
            } else if ($deltaY < 0) {
                $normalY = -1;
            if (this._mouseDown) {
                this._pixelCanvas.setPixels(this._mouseVec2[2], this._mouseVec2[3], this._mouseVec2[0], this._mouseVec2[1], FLAG_SAND);
            this._pixelCanvas.setGravity($deltaX, $deltaY);

Class {
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    class PixelCanvas extends Bitmap {
        private var _canvas:BitmapData;
        private var _canvasSize:int;
        private var _canvasShift:int;
        private var _canvasBorder:Boolean;
        private var _pixels:Vector.<Pixel>;
        private var _pixelSize:int;
        private var _pixelBuffer:Pixel;
        private var _colorMap:Vector.<ColorTransform>;
        private var _inputVelocityX:int;
        private var _inputVelocityY:int;
        private var _gravity:Vector.<int>;
        public function PixelCanvas($colorMap:Vector.<ColorTransform>, $size:int = 465, $pixelSize:int = 3, $border:Boolean = true, $color:uint = 0xDCDCDC) {
            this._colorMap = $colorMap;
            this._pixelBuffer = null as Pixel;
            this._pixelSize = $pixelSize;
            this._pixels = new Vector.<Pixel>(($size*$size), true);
            this._canvasBorder = $border;
            this._canvasSize = $size;//($size / $pixelSize);
            this._canvasShift = Math.floor(Math.log(this._canvasSize)/Math.log(2));
            this._canvas = new BitmapData($size, $size, false, $color);
            this._inputVelocityX = 0;
        private function __addedToStageHandler($event:Event):void {
            this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.__addedToStageHandler);
            this.bitmapData = this._canvas;
            this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.__enterFrameHandler);
        private function __enterFrameHandler($event:Event):void { 
        private function _initializePixels():void {
            var $size:int = (this._canvasSize - 1);
            var $borderFlag:int = 0;
            var $bodyFlag:int = 1;
            for (var $y:int = 0; $y < this._canvasSize; $y++) {
                for (var $x:int = 0; $x < this._canvasSize; $x++) {
                    this._pixels[($y << this._canvasShift) | $x] = new Pixel($x, $y, this._pixelSize, $bodyFlag);
                    (this._canvasBorder && ($x == 0 || $y == 0 || $x == $size || $y == $size)) ? setPixel($x, $y, $borderFlag) : null;
        private function _updatePixels():void {
            var $pixel:Pixel;
            var $pixelVolume:Rectangle;
            for (var $y:int = 0; $y < this._canvasSize; $y++) {
                for (var $x:int = 0; $x < this._canvasSize; $x++) {
                    $pixel = this._pixels[($y << this._canvasShift) | $x];
                    if ($pixel.vY == 0) {
                        if ($pixel.numStaticFrames == 60) {
                            $pixel.static = true;
                            $pixel.vX = 0;
                            $pixel.vY = 0;
                            $pixel.numStaticFrames = 0;
                        } else {
                    if ($ {
                        $ = false;
                        $pixelVolume = new Rectangle($pixel.cX, $pixel.cY, this._pixelSize, this._pixelSize);
                        this._canvas.colorTransform($pixelVolume, this._colorMap[$pixel.flag]);
                    } else {
                        if ($pixel.static) continue;
                        if ($pixel.flag == 2) {
                            var $sign:int = 0;
                            if ($pixel.vX < 0) {
                                $sign = -1;
                            else if ($pixel.vX > 0) {
                                $sign = 1;
                            if ($sign == 1) {($x+$pixel.vX < this._canvasSize) ? ((this._gravity[0]!=0) ? $pixel.vX-=this._gravity[0] : $pixel.vX--) : $pixel.vX=~(($pixel.vX*0.66)-1);}
                            if ($sign == -1) {($x+$pixel.vX > 0) ? ((this._gravity[0]!=0) ? $pixel.vX+=this._gravity[0] : $pixel.vX++) : $pixel.vX=~(($pixel.vX*0.66)-1);}
                            if ($sign == 0) {(Math.random()>0.5) ? ((this._gravity[0]!=0) ? $pixel.vX-=this._gravity[0] : $pixel.vX--) : (this._gravity[0]!=0 ? $pixel.vX+=this._gravity[0] : $pixel.vX++);}
                            ($y+$pixel.vY < this._canvasSize) ? (($pixel.vY < 10) ? $pixel.vY+=this._gravity[1] : $pixel.vY++) : $pixel.vY=~(($pixel.vY*0.1)-1);//((this._canvasSize-1)-$y);
                            ($y+$pixel.vY > 0) ? $pixel.vY : $pixel.vY=~(($pixel.vY*0.1)-1);

                            var $nextPixel:Pixel = this._pixels[(($y+$pixel.vY) << this._canvasShift) | ($x+$pixel.vX)];
                            if ($nextPixel) {
                                if ($nextPixel.flag == 1) {
                                    $nextPixel.vY = $pixel.vY;
                                    $nextPixel.vX = $pixel.vX;
                                    $nextPixel.flag = 2;
                                    $pixel.flag = 1;
                                    $pixel.vY = 1;
                                    $pixel.vX = 0;
                                    $pixel.numStaticFrames = 0;

                                    $ = true;
                                    $ = true;
                                } else {
                                    $pixel.vY = ~(($pixel.vY*0.1)-1);
                                    $pixel.vX = ~(($pixel.vX*0.1)-1);
                                    $ = true;
                                    $pixel.vY = ~(($pixel.vY*0.1)-1);
                                    $pixel.vX = ~(($pixel.vX*0.1)-1);
                                /*} else {
                                    for ($pixel.vY; $pixel.vY>0; $pixel.vY--) {
                                        $nextPixel = this._pixels[(($y+$pixel.vY) << this._canvasShift) | ($x+$pixel.vX)];
                                        if ($nextPixel.flag == 1) {
                                                $nextPixel.flag = 2;
                                                $pixel.flag = 1;
                                                $pixel.vY = 1;
                                                $pixel.vX = 0;

                                                $ = true;
                                                $ = true;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($sign == 1) {
                                                for ($pixel.vX; $pixel.vX>0; $pixel.vX--) {
                                                   $nextPixel = this._pixels[(($y+$pixel.vY) << this._canvasShift) | ($x+$pixel.vX)];                                         
                                                    if ($nextPixel.flag == 1) {
                                                        $nextPixel.flag = 2;
                                                        $pixel.flag = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vY = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vX = 0;
                                                        $ = true;
                                                        $ = true;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $nextPixel.vX = (((~$pixel.vX+1)+1)*$pixel.vY);
                                                        $nextPixel.vY = ((~$pixel.vY+1)*0.50);
                                                        $nextPixel.flag = 2;
                                                        $pixel.flag = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vY = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vX = 0;
                                                        $ = true;
                                                        $ = true;

                                            } else if ($sign == -1) {
                                                for ($pixel.vX; $pixel.vX<0; $pixel.vX++) {
                                                    $nextPixel = this._pixels[(($y+$pixel.vY) << this._canvasShift) | ($x+$pixel.vX)];                                         
                                                    if ($nextPixel.flag == 1) {
                                                        //$pixel.vY = ($pixel.vY*0.5);
                                                        $nextPixel.flag = 2;
                                                        $pixel.flag = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vY = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vX = 0;
                                                        $ = true;
                                                        $ = true;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $nextPixel.vX = (((~$pixel.vX+1)-1)*$pixel.vY);
                                                        $nextPixel.vY = (~$pixel.vY+1);
                                                        $nextPixel.flag = 2;
                                                        $pixel.flag = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vY = 1;
                                                        $pixel.vX = 0;
                                                        $ = true;
                                                        $ = true;

        public function getPixel($x:int, $y:int):Pixel {
            return this._pixels[($y << this._canvasShift) | $x]; 
        public function setPixel($x:int, $y:int, $flag:int, $static:Boolean = false):void {
            var $index:int = ($y << this._canvasShift) | $x;
            this._pixelBuffer = this._pixels[$index];
            if (!this._pixelBuffer.static) {
                this._pixelBuffer.vX = ($flag == 2) ? this._inputVelocityX : this._pixelBuffer.vX;
                this._pixelBuffer.vY = ($flag == 2) ? this._inputVelocityY : this._pixelBuffer.vY;
                this._pixelBuffer.flag = $flag;
                this._pixelBuffer.static = (this._pixelBuffer.flag) ? false : true;
       = true;
        public function setPixels($fX:int, $fY:int, $tX:int, $tY:int, $flag:int, $static:Boolean = false):void {
            setPixel($fX, $fY, $flag, $static);
            var $dY:int = ($tY - $fY);
            var $dX:int = ($tX - $fX);
            this._inputVelocityX = $dX;
            this._inputVelocityY = $dY;
            if (($dY ^ ($dY >> 31)) - ($dY >> 31) > ($dX ^ ($dX >> 31)) - ($dX >> 31)) {
                $dY ^= $dX;
                $dX ^= $dY;
                $dY ^= $dX;
                var $s:Boolean = true;
            } else {
                $s = false;
            var $i:int = ($dX < 0) ? (~1 + 1) : 1;
            var $m:Number = ($dX == 0) ? $dY : ($dY / $dX);
            if ($s) {
                for (var $:int = 0; $ != $dX; $+=$i) {
                    setPixel(($fX + $ * $m), ($fY + $), $flag, $static);
            } else {
                for ($ = 0; $ != $dX; $+=$i) {
                    setPixel(($fX + $), ($fY + $ * $m), $flag, $static);
        public function setGravity($x:int, $y:int):void{
            //($x > 224 && $x < 240) ? this._gravity[0] = 0 : this._gravity[0] = (($x-232)/Math.abs($x-232));
            //($y > 224 && $x < 240) ? this._gravity[1] = 0 : this._gravity[1] = (($y-232)/Math.abs($y-232));

        public function get canvasSize():int {
            return this._canvasSize;
        public function get canvasShift():int {
            return this._canvasShift;
        /* Kept for reference
        public function calcIndex($x:int, $y:int):int {
            return ($y << this._canvasShift) | $x;

Class {
    class Pixel {
        public var x:int;
        public var y:int;
        public var vX:int;
        public var vY:int;
        public var cX:int;
        public var cY:int;
        public var size:int;
        public var flag:int;
        public var active:Boolean;
        public var static:Boolean;
        public var numStaticFrames:int;
        public function Pixel($x:int, $y:int, $size:int, $flag:int) {
            this.numStaticFrames = 0;
            this.static = false;
   = true;
            this.flag = $flag;
            this.size = $size;
            this.cY = ($y * $size);
            this.cX = ($x * $size);
            this.vY = 1;
            this.vX = 0;
            this.y = $y;
            this.x = $x;

Class {
    import flash.text.TextField;
    class DataField extends TextField {