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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


@author SIBA
Get Adobe Flash player
by siba2260 24 Feb 2009


	import flash.display.Sprite;
	[SWF(width=800, height=600, backgroundColor=0xAADDFF)]

	 * 群れを実装する。
	 * @author SIBA
	public class Main02 extends Sprite
		// ----------------------------
		//	メンバ変数
		// ----------------------------
		private var vehicles:Vector.<Vehicle> = new Vector.<Vehicle>();
		// ----------------------------
		//	初期化
		// ----------------------------
		public function Main02()
			for (var i:int=0; i<20; i++)
				var vehicle:Vehicle = new Vehicle();
				vehicle.x = Math.random()*800;
				vehicle.y = Math.random()*600;
				vehicle.rotation = Math.random()*360;
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
		// ----------------------------
		//	イベント
		// ----------------------------
		private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
			for each (var vehicle:Vehicle in vehicles)

import __AS3__.vec.Vector;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.engine.GraphicElement;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.geom.Point;
// ------------------------------------
//	内部クラス
// ------------------------------------

 * ビーグル。
 * @author SIBA
class Vehicle extends Sprite
	// --------------------------------
	//	定数
	// --------------------------------
	private const SEPARATION_VIEW_AREA:Number = 96;
	private const ALIGNMENT_VIEW_AREA:Number = 128;
	private const COHESION_VIEW_AREA:Number = 128;
	private const VIEW_AREA:Number = 50;
	private const MAX_TURN_THETA:Number = 10;
	private const MAX_FOURCE:Number = 5;
	private const VIEW_AREA_THETA:Number = Math.PI/2;
	// --------------------------------
	//	メンバ変数
	// --------------------------------
	private var nearVehicles:Vector.<Vehicle> = new Vector.<Vehicle>();
	private var nearVehicle:Vehicle = null;
	private var velocity:Number = MAX_FOURCE;
	private var isHitWall:int = 10;
	// --------------------------------
	//	初期化
	// --------------------------------
	public function Vehicle():void
	private function initDesign():void
		const g:Graphics = graphics;
		g.moveTo(-25, -20);
		g.lineTo(25, 0);
		g.lineTo(-25, 20);
		g.lineTo(-5, 0);
		g.lineTo(-25, -20);
	// --------------------------------
	//	パブリックメソッド
	// --------------------------------
	public function move(vehicles:Vector.<Vehicle>):void
		velocity = MAX_FOURCE;
		if (isHitWall >= 50)
			calcNearVehicle(vehicles, COHESION_VIEW_AREA);
			calcNearVehicle(vehicles, ALIGNMENT_VIEW_AREA);
			calcNearVehicle(vehicles, SEPARATION_VIEW_AREA);
		x += velocity * Math.cos(rotation/180 * Math.PI);
		y += velocity * Math.sin(rotation/180 * Math.PI);
	// --------------------------------
	//	内部メソッド
	// --------------------------------
	private function cohesion():void
		if (nearVehicles.length == 0) return;
		var aveX:Number = 0;
		var aveY:Number = 0;
		for each (var vehicle:Vehicle in nearVehicles)
			aveX += vehicle.x;
			aveY += vehicle.y;
		aveX += x;
		aveY += y;
		aveX /= nearVehicles.length + 1;
		aveY /= nearVehicles.length + 1;
		var tempRotation:Number = Math.atan2(aveY - y, aveX - x)/Math.PI * 180;
		tempRotation -= rotation;
		if (tempRotation > 180) tempRotation -= 360;
		if (tempRotation < -180) tempRotation += 360;
		tempRotation /= 10;
		if (Math.abs(tempRotation) >= MAX_TURN_THETA) tempRotation = tempRotation < 0? -MAX_TURN_THETA : MAX_TURN_THETA;
		rotation += tempRotation;
	private function alignment():void
		if (nearVehicles.length == 0) return;
		var aveRotation:Number = 0;
		for each (var vehicle:Vehicle in nearVehicles)
			aveRotation += vehicle.rotation;
		aveRotation /= nearVehicles.length;
		var tempRotation:Number = aveRotation;
		tempRotation -= rotation;
		if (tempRotation > 180) tempRotation -= 360;
		if (tempRotation < -180) tempRotation += 360;
		tempRotation /= 10;
		if (Math.abs(tempRotation) >= MAX_TURN_THETA) tempRotation = tempRotation < 0? -MAX_TURN_THETA : MAX_TURN_THETA;
		rotation += tempRotation;
	private function separation():void
		if (nearVehicle == null) return;
		var tempRotation:Number = Math.atan2(nearVehicle.y - y, nearVehicle.x - x)/Math.PI * 180;
		tempRotation -= rotation;
		if (tempRotation > 180) tempRotation -= 360;
		if (tempRotation < -180) tempRotation += 360;
		if (Math.abs(tempRotation) >= MAX_TURN_THETA) tempRotation = tempRotation < 0? -MAX_TURN_THETA : MAX_TURN_THETA;
		if (nearVehicle.hitTestObject(this)) rotation -= tempRotation;
	private function hitWall():void
		if (x < 0)
			x = 0;
			if (rotation > 0) rotation = 80;
			else rotation = -80;
			isHitWall = 0;
		else if (x > 800)
			x = 800;
			if (rotation > 0) rotation = 100;
			else rotation = -100;
			isHitWall = 0;
		if (y < 0)
			y = 0;
			rotation *= -1;
			isHitWall = 0;
		else if (y > 600)
			y = 600;
			rotation *= -1;
			isHitWall = 0;
	private function calcNearVehicle(vehicles:Vector.<Vehicle>, viewArea:Number):void
		nearVehicles.splice(0, nearVehicles.length);
		var nearDistance:Number = 0;
		for each (var vehicle:Vehicle in vehicles)
			if (vehicle == this) continue;
			var viewRotation:Number = Math.atan2(vehicle.y-y, vehicle.x-x) - rotation/180*Math.PI;
			if (viewRotation > Math.PI) viewRotation -= 2*Math.PI;
			if (viewRotation < -Math.PI) viewRotation += 2*Math.PI;
			if (viewRotation < -Math.PI + VIEW_AREA_THETA || viewRotation > Math.PI - VIEW_AREA_THETA) continue;
			var distance:Number = (x - vehicle.x) * (x - vehicle.x) + (y - vehicle.y) * (y - vehicle.y);
			if (nearDistance == 0 || nearDistance > distance)
				nearDistance = distance;
				nearVehicle = vehicle;
			if (distance < viewArea * viewArea)