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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Plane Rippled

--The radial application of a sine wave on a 3D plane--
The original program I wrote had 2 waves, I'll get to add that later
There was also mouse control for for freq and amp, but I think
I'm going to make a function to generate a splash like motion
I've yet to even mess with perLn.. so I think there is potential there too.
There must be a better material then the colorMat for this.
keyboard UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT control the wave origin position
keyboard A increases frequency
keyboard Z decreases frequency
keyboard S increases amplitude
keyboard X decreases amplitude
keyboard SPACE randomizes the origin, frequency, and amplitude
CLICKing on the upper half of the screen pitches up
CLICKing on the lower hald of the screen pitches down
I'm just not spending to time to fix the f.d formating from pasting it into HTML from CS5
 * Copyright mfc314159 ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package  {
	//--WHAT THE--
        //--The radial application of a sine wave on a 3D plane--
        //The original program I wrote had 2 waves, I'll get to add that later
        //There was also mouse control for for freq and amp, but I think
        //I'm going to make a function to generate a splash like motion
        //I've yet to even mess with perLn.. so I think there is potential there too.
        //There must be a better material then the colorMat for this.
        // keyboard UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT control the wave origin position
        // keyboard A increases frequency
        // keyboard Z decreases frequency
        // keyboard S increases amplitude
        // keyboard X decreases amplitude
        // keyboard SPACE randomizes the origin, frequency, and amplitude
        // CLICKing on the upper half of the screen pitches up
        // CLICKing on the lower hald of the screen pitches down
        //I'm just not spending to time to fix the f.d formating from pasting it into HTML from CS5
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
	import org.papervision3d.render.BasicRenderEngine;
        import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;
        import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;
	import org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D;
        import org.papervision3d.core.effects.*;
        import org.papervision3d.core.effects.utils.*;
        import org.papervision3d.view.layer.*;
        import org.papervision3d.objects.*;
        import org.papervision3d.view.*;
        import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.*;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.ColorMaterial;
	import org.papervision3d.lights.PointLight3D;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.shadematerials.FlatShadeMaterial;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.shaders.FlatShader;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.shaders.ShadedMaterial;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.shadematerials.PhongMaterial;
	import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial;
	public class master2 extends Sprite {
		private const piE:Number = Math.PI / 180;
		private var viewport:Viewport3D;        
		private var scene:Scene3D;        
		private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine;        
		private var camera:Camera3D;
		private var light:PointLight3D;
		private var angle:Number = 180;
		//plane 3D object / 2D Array
		private var cont:DisplayObject3D;
		private var plane:Plane;
		private var pArr:Array = []; // [i][0] = [i].x  [i][1] = [i].y
		//plane geometry
		private var vc:int;
		private var vCoords:Array = [];
		//--Array to hold the wavefrom
		private var waveArray:Array = [];
		//index related #
		private var i:int; //loop index #
		private var a:int; 
		private var b:int;
		private var c:int;
		//Math\Position Tables
		private var bfa:Array = [];
		private var sqrtTable:Array = [];
		private var sinTable:Array = [];
		//-------------------WAVE TABLE DIMENSIONS
		//--Plane/pArr dimensions
		private var hiX:int = 60;  //FIRST INDEX    X
		private var hiY:int = 60;  //SECOND INDEX   Y
		//The corner to corner distance determins
		//the size of the waveArray
		private var hiIdx:int = int( Math.sqrt((hiX * hiX) + (hiY * hiY)) );  
		//--Plane Dimensions 
		private var w:int = 1200;  //WIDTH
		private var h:int = 1200;   //HEIGHT
		private var hw:int = w / 2;
		private var hh:int = h / 2;
		private var hsh:int = stage.stageHeight * .5; //
		//--waveform 1 init characteristics 
		private var amp:int = 50; //AMPLITUDE
		private var freq:int = 30; //FREQUENCY
		private var dec:Number = .975; //DECLINATION
		//--wave position and calculation
		private var midPos:int = int(hiX / 2);
		//WAVE 1
		private var orgX:int = midPos;
		private var orgY:int = hiY - 10;
		private var ang:int = 0;
		private var rad:Number;
		private var originWave:int;
		public function master2() {
			viewport = new Viewport3D();
			viewport.opaqueBackground = 0x000000;
			viewport.viewportWidth = 500; 
			viewport.viewportHeight = 500;
			viewport.x = ( this.stage.stageWidth - viewport.viewportWidth ) / 2; 
			viewport.y = ( this.stage.stageHeight - viewport.viewportHeight ) / 2;
			viewport.filters = [new BlurFilter(10, 10, 1)];
			scene = new Scene3D();
			camera = new Camera3D();
			renderer = new BasicRenderEngine(); 
			//light = new PointLight3D(true);
//EVENT HANDLERS-------------------------------------------------------------
			parent.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pitchChange);
			function pitchChange(evt:MouseEvent) {
				if(evt.stageY >= hsh ) { cont.pitch(5.00); }
				else {					cont.pitch(-5.00); }
			parent.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, moveOrigin);
			function moveOrigin(evt:KeyboardEvent) {
				//trace(evt.keyCode, evt.keyLocation, evt.charCode);
				if(evt.keyCode == 38) { orgY++; }//up 
				if(evt.keyCode == 40) { orgY--; }//down
				if(evt.keyCode == 37) { orgX++; }//left
				if(evt.keyCode == 39) { orgX--; }//right
				if(orgX < 0) { orgX = 0; }
				if(orgY < 0) { orgY = 0; }
				if(orgX > hiX) { orgX = hiX; }
				if(orgX > hiY) { orgY = hiY; }
			        if(evt.keyCode == 65) { freq++;}
				if(evt.keyCode == 90) { freq--;}
				if(evt.keyCode == 83) { amp++; }
				if(evt.keyCode == 88) { amp--; }
				if(evt.keyCode == 32) {
					orgX = int(hiX * Math.random());
					orgY = int(hiY * Math.random());
					freq = int(100 * Math.random());
					amp  = int(100 * Math.random());
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainLoop);
//MAIN LOOP---------------------------------
		public function mainLoop(evt:Event) {
			//Wub Wub Wub Wub Wub Wub
			ang += freq;
			if(ang > 360) { ang -= 360; }
			originWave = (amp * sinTable[ang]);
			stage1(); //windArray algorithm
			stage2(); //set plane's z vertices
			cont.roll(1); //pizazz
			renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport); //Render!!
//STAGE 1:  Add new value to windArray,---------
//			Shift values up, 
//			multiply declination
		public function stage1() {
			waveArray.pop();				//out with the old
			waveArray.unshift(originWave);	//in with the new
			i = 0;
			while(i < vc) {	waveArray[i] *= dec; i++; }	//Declination
//STAGE 2: Change z values to reflect waveArray------
		public function stage2() {
			i = 0;
			while(i < vc) {
				//set to corresponding z
				plane.geometry.vertices[i].z = waveArray[ bfa[orgX][orgY][pArr[i].x][pArr[i].y] ];
		public function drawArray() {
			cont = new DisplayObject3D;
			//color material seems to work the best for now
			var mat = new ColorMaterial(0x0000BB, .5);
			//var mat = new WireframeMaterial(0x1111BB, .5, .1);
			//var mat = new PhongMaterial(light, 0x1111FF, 0x000000, 1);
			//var mat = new FlatShadeMaterial(light, 0x0000BB, 0x000011, 1);
			plane = new Plane(mat, w, h, hiX, hiY);
			cont.pitch(70); = plane;
			camera.z = -860;
			//light.x = plane.x;
			//light.y = plane.y + 200;
			//light.z = plane.z;
			vCoords = plane.geometry.vertices;
			vc = plane.geometry.vertices.length;
			i = 0;
			while(i < vc) {
				//Convert vertices corrdinates into array indexs
				pArr[i] = new Array();
				pArr[i]["x"] = int( Math.round(  (hw + vCoords[i].x) / (w / hiX)  ) );
				pArr[i]["y"] = int( Math.round(  (hh + vCoords[i].y) / (h / hiY)  ) );
		public function resetWaveArray() {
//WAVEARRAY RESET-------------------------			
			//set the inital size of the wave array by filling it with .001
			for(var k:int = 0; k <= hiIdx; k++) {
				waveArray[k] = Number(.001);
		public function makeMathTables() {
//MATH TABLES-----------------------------
			        //--Square root table for the Big Fucking Table
			for(var k:int = 0; k <= hiIdx; k++) {
				sqrtTable[k] = new Array();
				for(var j:int = 0; j <= hiIdx; j++) {
					sqrtTable[k][j] = int(Math.sqrt((k * k) + (j * j)));
			//--Big Fucking Table knows all, sees all
			for(var ox:int = 0; ox <= hiX; ox++) {
				bfa[ox] = new Array ();
				for(var oy:int = 0; oy <= hiY; oy++) {
					bfa[ox][oy] = new Array ();
					for(var vx:int = 0; vx <= hiX; vx++) {
						bfa[ox][oy][vx] = new Array ();
						for(var vy:int = 0; vy <= hiY; vy++) {
							if (vx > ox) { a = vx - ox; } else { a = ox - vx; }
							if (vy > oy) { b = vy - oy; } else { b = oy - vy; }
							// a = x - vertex.x
							// b = y - vertex.y
							// c*c = a*a + b*b
							bfa[ox][oy][vx][vy] = int(sqrtTable[a][b]);
			//--Sine wave table
			for(var s:int = 0; s <= 361; s++) {
				sinTable[s] = Number(Math.sin(s * piE));