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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Get Adobe Flash player
by amashio 14 Sep 2011
 * Copyright amashio ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import frocessing.display.*;
    import frocessing.color.ColorLerp;
    import org.libspark.betweenas3.easing.*;
    import com.bit101.components.*;
    [SWF(backgroundColor="0", frameRate="60")]
    public class Main extends F5MovieClip2D{
        public var screen:BitmapData;
        public var driver:SiONDriver;
        public var data:SiONData;
        public var exp:Vector.<BitmapData>;
        public var frameCounter:int;
        public var pt:Point = null;
        public function setup():void{
            screen = new BitmapData(240, 240, false);
            driver = new SiONDriver();
            data = driver.compile("%2@al2i0@4@ml8i1@1,32@tl8@f40,1,48,24,0,0,80,68s22o2q0g32q8g8");
            exp = explosion();//
            with(addChild(new Bitmap(screen))){
                scaleX = scaleY = 2;
            new Label(this, 4, 0, "Click to explode");
            new RadioButton(this, 4, 20, "60fps", true, function(event:Event):void{stage.frameRate = 60});
            new RadioButton(this, 49, 20, "30fps", false, function(event:Event):void{stage.frameRate = 30});
            new RadioButton(this, 94, 20, "15fps", false, function(event:Event):void{stage.frameRate = 15});
        public function mouseClicked():void{
            pt = new Point(pmouseX * 0.5 - 100, pmouseY * 0.5 - 100);
            frameCounter = 0;
        public function draw():void{
            screen.fillRect(screen.rect, 0);
                screen.copyPixels(exp[frameCounter], exp[frameCounter].rect, pt);
                //BitmapData.copyPixels(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle,destPoint:Point )
                //ソースイメージの矩形領域を、ターゲット BitmapData オブジェクトのターゲットポイントにある同じサイズの矩形領域にコピーします。
                if(++frameCounter == 120){
                    pt = null;
        public function explosion(col0:int = 0xa0a060, col1:int = 0x703010):Vector.<BitmapData>{
            var fire:* = palette([0, 0xff000000 | col0, 0xff000000 | col1, 0xc0000000 | (col1 >> 1), 0], [0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1]);
            var smoke:* = palette([0, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0x00808080], [0, 0.1, 0.2, 1]);
            var part:* = palette([0xff808080, 0xff000000 | col0, 0], [0, 0.5, 1]);
            var init:*, i:int, r:Number, d:Number;
            var frame:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>(120);
            for(i=0; i<frame.length; i++){
                Particle.begin(frame[i] = new BitmapData(200, 200, false, 0));
                if(Particle.counter <= 10){
                    init = {size:0, x:0, y:0};
                    r = random(10, 30);
                    d = random(0, 6.28);
                    Particle.alloc(dust, part, null, {size:100, x:r*cos(d)*2, y:r*sin(d)}, init, random(20, 60), Expo.easeOut, 0);
                if(Particle.counter <= 20){
                    init = {size:30, x:random(0, 30) - random(0, 30), y:random(0, 30) - random(0, 30)};
                    Particle.alloc(cloud, fire, "add", {rot:random(-0.5, 0.5), size:180}, init, random(50, 100), Quint.easeOut, 0);
                    if(Particle.counter & 1){
                        init = {size:100, x:random(0, 50) - random(0, 50), y:random(0, 50) - random(0, 50)};
                        Particle.alloc(cloud, smoke, null, {y:init.y - 20, rot:random(-1, 1)}, init, 100, null, 0);
            return frame;
        public function get cloud():BitmapData{
                _cloud = new BitmapData(256, 256, true);
                _cloud.perlinNoise(64, 64, 4, Math.random() * int.MAX_VALUE, false, true, 7, true);
                mat.createGradientBox(256, 256, 0, 0, 0);
                _cloud.draw(radialGradientShape(256, [0xffffff, 0x404040, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 128, 255]), null, null, "multiply");
                _cloud.copyChannel(_cloud, _cloud.rect, _cloud.rect.topLeft, 1, 8);
                _cloud.colorTransform(_cloud.rect, new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1.5, 128, 128, 128, -16));
            return _cloud;
        private var _cloud:BitmapData = null;
        public function get dust():BitmapData{
            var i:int;
                _dust = new BitmapData(256, 256, true, 0);
                radialGradientShape(4, [0xffffff, 0xffffff], [1, 0], [0, 255]);
                for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
                    mat.tx = Math.random() * 192 + 28;
                    mat.ty = Math.random() * 192 + 28;
                    _dust.draw(shp, mat);
            return _dust;
        private var _dust:BitmapData = null;
        public function get flash():BitmapData{
            var n:Number;
            var r:Number;
                _flash = new BitmapData(256, 256, true, 0);
                for(n=0; n<6.283185307179586; n+=0.002181661564992912){
                    r = (1 - Math.random() * Math.random()) * 127;
                    mat.createGradientBox(256 - r - r, 256 - r - r, 0, r, r);
          , [0xffffff, 0xffffff], [0.5, 0], [0, 255], mat);
          , 127.5);
           * 181 + 127.5, Math.cos(n) * 181 + 127.5);
            return _flash;
        private var _flash:BitmapData = null;
        public function palette(col32:Array, ratio:Array, rangeA:Number = 1, rangeRGB:Number = 1):*{
            var a:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(256);
            var r:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(256);
            var g:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(256);
            var b:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(256);
            var i:int;
            var c:int;
            var col:uint;
            for(i=0; i<ratio.length; i++){
                ratio[i] = int(ratio[i] * 256);
            rangeA /= 255;
            rangeRGB /= 255;
            for(c=0, i=0; i<256; i++, c+=(i>ratio[c+1])){
                col = ColorLerp.lerp(col32[c], col32[c+1], (i - ratio[c]) / (ratio[c+1]-ratio[c]));
                a[i] = (col >>> 24) * rangeA;
                r[i] = ((col >> 16) & 255) * rangeRGB;
                g[i] = ((col >> 8) & 255) * rangeRGB;
                b[i] = (col & 255) * rangeRGB;
            return {"a":a, "r":r, "g":g, "b":b};
        public function radialGradientShape(size:Number, color:Array, alpha:Array, ratio:Array):Shape{
            mat.createGradientBox(size, size, 0, 0, 0);
  , color, alpha, ratio, mat);
  , 0, size, size);
            return shp;
        private var shp:Shape = new Shape();
        private var mat:Matrix = new Matrix();

import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.easing.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.tweens.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.easing.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.tweens.*;

class Particle {
    static public function initialize():void{
        counter = 0;
    static public function alloc(tex:BitmapData, pal:*, method:String, to:* = null, from:* = null, life:int = 60, easing:IEasing = null, layer:int = 0):Particle{
        var p:Particle = _freeList.pop() || new Particle();//
        p.texture = tex;
        p.a = pal.a;
        p.r = pal.r;
        p.g = pal.g;
        p.b = pal.b;
        p.method = method;
        p.aging = 1 / life;
        p.age = 0;
        p.x = ("x" in from) ? from.x : 0;
        p.y = ("y" in from) ? from.y :0;
        p.size = ("size" in from) ? from.size:256;
        p.angle = Math.random() * 6.283185307179586;
        if("rot" in to){
            to["angle"] = p.angle + to.rot;
            delete to.rot;
        var t:ITween = $.tween(p, to, from, life, easing, layer);
        t.onUpdate = p._update;
        t.onComplete = p._complete;;
        return p;
    static public function begin(screen:BitmapData):void{
        _screen = screen;
    static public function end():void{
    static public var counter:int = 0;
    static private var _freeList:Vector.<Particle> = new Vector.<Particle>();
    static private var _screen:BitmapData;
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public var angle:Number;
    public var size:Number;
    public var method:String;
    public var aging:Number;
    public var age:Number;
    public var layer:int;
    public var texture:BitmapData;
    public var a:Vector.<Number>;
    public var r:Vector.<Number>;
    public var g:Vector.<Number>;
    public var b:Vector.<Number>;
    public var mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
    public var colt:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
    function Particle(){
    private function _update():void{
        var htxt:Number = texture.width * 0.5;
        var hscr:Number = _screen.width * 0.5;
        var scale:Number = size / texture.width;
        mat.translate(-htxt, -htxt);
        mat.scale(scale, scale);
        mat.translate(x + hscr, y + hscr);
        var i:int = age * 255;
        if( i >255){
            i = 255;
        colt.redMultiplier = r[i];
        colt.greenMultiplier = g[i];
        colt.blueMultiplier = b[i];
        colt.alphaMultiplier = a[i];
        _screen.draw(texture, mat, colt, method, null, true);
        age += aging;
    private function _complete():void{

import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.ticker.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.updaters.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.updaters.display.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.updaters.geom.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.utils.*;

class ControlableTicker implements ITicker {
    private var _term:TickerListener = new TickerListener();
    private var _time:Number = 0;
    function ControlableTicker(){
        _term.nextListener = _term.prevListener = _term;
    public function get time():Number {
        return _time;
    public function addTickerListener(tl:TickerListener):void{
        if(tl.nextListener != null || tl.prevListener != null){
        tl.prevListener = _term.prevListener;
        tl.nextListener = _term;
        _term.prevListener.nextListener = tl;
        _term.prevListener = tl;
    public function removeTickerListener(tl:TickerListener):void{
        tl.prevListener.nextListener = tl.nextListener;
        tl.nextListener.prevListener = tl.prevListener;
        tl.prevListener = tl.nextListener = null;
    public function start():void{
    public function stop():void{
    public function update(deltaTime:Number):void{
        _time += deltaTime;
        for(var tl:TickerListener = _term.nextListener; tl != _term; tl = tl.nextListener){
                tl.prevListener.nextListener = tl.nextListener;
                tl.nextListener.prevListener = tl.prevListener;
                var prev:TickerListener = tl.prevListener;
                tl.prevListener = tl.nextListener = null;
                tl = prev;

class $ {
    static private var _tickers:Vector.<ControlableTicker> = new Vector.<ControlableTicker>(4);
    static private var _updaterClassRegistry:ClassRegistry = new ClassRegistry();
    static private var _updaterFactory:UpdaterFactory = new UpdaterFactory(_updaterClassRegistry);
    _tickers[0] = new ControlableTicker();
    _tickers[1] = new ControlableTicker();
    _tickers[2] = new ControlableTicker();
    _tickers[3] = new ControlableTicker();
    static public function tween(target:*, to:*, from:* = null, time:Number = 1.0, easing:IEasing = null, layer:int = 0):IObjectTween{
        var tween:ObjectTween = new ObjectTween(_tickers[layer]);
        tween.updater = _updaterFactory.create(target, to, from);
        tween.time = time;
        tween.easing = easing || Linear.easeNone;
        return tween;
    static public function update():void{
        for(var i:int = 0; i < _tickers.length; i++){