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by mimshwright 03 Apr 2011
 * Copyright mimshwright ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

        import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    public class NumberToStringTest extends Sprite
        public function NumberToStringTest()
            var tf:TextField = new TextField();
            tf.autoSize = "left";
            tf.multiline = true;
            // this is the range of numbers that will be counted.
            var min:uint = 1234567000;
            var max:uint = 1234567890;
            // count!
            while (min++ < max) {
                tf.appendText( "\n" + min + ": " + numberToString(min) );
     * Converts a number to its text equivelant
     * @params n The number to convert
     * @returns String equivelant of the number
     * @playerversion Flash 10.0
     * @author Mims H. Wright
    internal function numberToString(n:uint):String {
        var str:String;                                     // str will hold the final outcome
        var output:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();    // output will temporarily hold the strings that make up str
        var digits:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();          // digit is an array of digits based on the number n
        var negative:Boolean = false;                         // used for removing minus sign.
        // check for zero
        if (n == 0) { return N._0; } // todo: tidy
        // check for negatives
        if (n < 0) { 
            negative = true;
            n *= -1;
        digits = Vector.<String>(n.toString().split(""));
        // reverse the array so that each order of ten can be represented by 
        // an element of the periods array.
        var max:Number = digits.length;
        // for each digit in n
        var magnitude:int = 0;
        for (;magnitude < max; magnitude+=1) {
            var pos:int = magnitude;
            var digitInt:int = int(digits[pos]);
            var periodForThisMagnitude:Vector.<String> = N.periods[magnitude];
//            var textForThisDigit:String = periodForThisMagnitude[digitInt]
            // push the text equivelant to the output
//            output.push(textForThisDigit);
            // anytime ten is written it's a special case.
            // the second magnitude and every 3 magnitudes after are special
            var s:Number = magnitude % 3; 
            // if this is a special case and output for special (tens) place is ten
            if ((s == 1) && (output[magnitude] == N.periods[1][1])) {
                // delete the value for the ones place
                output[magnitude] = "";
                // choose a new value for tens using a special case
                var newTxt:String
                switch (Number(digits[magnitude-1])) {
                    case (0) : newTxt = N._10;    break;
                    case (1) : newTxt = N._11;    break;
                    case (2) : newTxt = N._12;    break;
                    case (3) : newTxt = N._13;    break;
                    case (4) : newTxt = N._14;    break;
                    case (5) : newTxt = N._15;    break;
                    case (6) : newTxt = N._16;    break;
                    case (7) : newTxt = N._17;    break;
                    case (8) : newTxt = N._18;    break;
                    case (9) : newTxt = N._19;    break;
                // replace the word 'ten' with the new text.
                var spc:Number = output[magnitude-1].indexOf(" ");
                output[magnitude-1] = newTxt + output[magnitude-1].substr(spc + 1);
        if (negative == true) { 
            output.push("negative ");
            n *= -1;
        // reverse the output so that it will look correct
        // save the output to the string
        str = output.join("");
        return str;
internal class N {
    public static const _0:String = "zero";
    public static const _1:String = "one ";
    public static const _2:String = "two ";
    public static const _3:String = "three ";
    public static const _4:String = "four ";
    public static const _5:String = "five ";
    public static const _6:String = "six ";
    public static const _7:String = "seven ";
    public static const _8:String = "eight ";
    public static const _9:String = "nine ";
    public static const _10:String = "ten ";
    public static const _11:String = "eleven ";
    public static const _12:String = "twelve ";
    public static const _13:String = "thirteen ";
    public static const _14:String = "fourteen ";
    public static const _15:String = "fifteen ";
    public static const _16:String = "sixteen ";
    public static const _17:String = "seventeen ";
    public static const _18:String = "eighteen ";
    public static const _19:String = "nineteen ";
    public static const _20:String = "twenty ";
    public static const _30:String = "thirty ";
    public static const _40:String = "fourty ";
    public static const _50:String = "fifty ";
    public static const _60:String = "sixty ";
    public static const _70:String = "seventy ";
    public static const _80:String = "eighty ";
    public static const _90:String = "ninety ";
    public static const _100:String = "hundred ";
    public static const _1000:String = "thousand ";
    public static const _1000000:String = "million ";
    public static const _1000000000:String = "billion ";
    public static const _1000000000000:String = "trillion ";
    public static const _1000000000000000:String = "quadrillion ";
    public static const _1to9:Vector.<String> = Vector.<String>(["",_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9]);
    public static const _10to90:Vector.<String> = Vector.<String>(["",_10,_20,_30,_40,_50,_60,_70,_80,_90]);
    public static const _100to900:Vector.<String> = Vector.<String>(["",_1 + _100, _2 + _100, _3 + _100, _4 + _100, _5 + _100, _6 + _100, _7 + _100, _8 + _100, _9 + _100]);
     *    Period generator. Creates arrays of periods of numeric text equivelants. ie. 1thousand, 10thousand, 100thousand
     *    @param counter - the name of the period (ie 'billion')
     *    @returns array - an array of three arrays that represent the period, to be appended to the master period
    private static function createPeriod (counter:String):Vector.<Vector.<String>> {
        var period:Vector.<Vector.<String>> = Vector.<Vector.<String>> ([
            Vector.<String>(["",_1 + counter, _2 + counter, _3 + counter, _4 + counter, _5 + counter, _6 + counter, _7 + counter, _8 + counter, _9 + counter]),
        return period;
    // the text equivelants of all the numbers as a multi-dimensional array
    public static function get periods():Vector.<Vector.<String>> {
        if (_periods == null) {
            _periods = new Vector.<Vector.<String>>();
            _periods = _periods.concat(
                createPeriod(_1000000000000000), // quadril
                createPeriod(_1000000000000), // tril
                createPeriod(_1000000000), // bil
                createPeriod(_1000000), // mil
        return _periods;
    private static var _periods:Vector.<Vector.<String>>;