In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: flash on 2011-3-28

 * Copyright bradsedito ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from yonatan's flash on 2011-3-28
package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.filters.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.utils.*;
    import gs.*;
    import gs.easing.*;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import net.hires.debug.Stats;

    [SWF (backgroundColor=0xffffff)]
    public class Grid extends Sprite 
        private const W:int = 465;
        private const H:int = 465;
        private const wDiv:int = 50;
        private const hDiv:int = 25;

        private var nearScale:Number              = 0.026;
        private var noise:BitmapData              = new BitmapData(W, H, false, 0);
        private var heightMap:BitmapData          = new BitmapData(W, H, false, 0);
        private var heightMapShape:Shape          = new Shape;
        private var projectedHeightMap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(W, int(H/2), false, 0);
        private var scaledHeightMap:BitmapData    = new BitmapData(wDiv+1, hDiv+1, false, 0);
        private var scaleDown:Matrix              = new Matrix;
        private var hmVertices:Vector.<Number>    = new Vector.<Number>;
        private var hmUvt:Vector.<Number>         = new Vector.<Number>;
        private var hmIndices:Vector.<int>        = new Vector.<int>;
        private var vertices:Vector.<Number>      = new Vector.<Number>((wDiv+1) * (hDiv+1) * 2, true);
        private var uvt:Vector.<Number>           = new Vector.<Number>((wDiv+1) * (hDiv+1) * 3, true);
        private var indices:Vector.<int>          = new Vector.<int>(wDiv * hDiv * 60, true);
        private var mtx:Matrix                    = new Matrix;
        private var blurr:BlurFilter              = new BlurFilter(4,4,2); 

        public function Grid() {
            stage.quality = "best";
            stage.frameRate = 45;

            hmVertices.push(0, 0, W, 0, 0, H/2, W, H/2);
            hmIndices.push(0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3);
            noise.perlinNoise(W, H, 7, 3, true, false, 7, true);
            noise.colorTransform(heightMap.rect, new ColorTransform(5,4,3));

            scaleDown.scale((wDiv+1)/W, (hDiv+1)/H*2);

            addEventListener("enterFrame", frame);
            var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(projectedHeightMap);
            bmp.scaleX = bmp.scaleY = 1.0;
            bmp.x = 80;
            bmp.rotationX = 20;
  //        addChild(bmp); 
              bmp.filters = [blurr];


            bmp = new Bitmap(scaledHeightMap);
            bmp.width = 200;
            bmp.height = 100;
            bmp.x = 250;
            bmp.rotationX = 20;
           // addChild(bmp); 
            bmp.filters = [blurr];
            addChild(new Stats);

        private var cnt:int = 0;
        private function frame(e:*):void {
            heightMap.copyPixels(noise, noise.rect, noise.rect.topLeft);
            mtx.translate(0, getTimer()/10000);


        private function project():void {
            hmUvt.length = 0;
                -0.5, 1, nearScale, 
                 0.5, 1, nearScale, 
                -nearScale/2, 0, 1,
                nearScale/2, 0, 1);

            var ui:int = 0;
            var len:int = hmUvt.length;
            while(ui < len) {
                var p:Point = new Point();
                p.x = hmUvt[ui];
                p.y = hmUvt[ui+1];
                p = mtx.transformPoint(p);
                hmUvt[ui++] = p.x;
                hmUvt[ui++] = p.y;

  , null, true);
  , hmIndices, hmUvt);
            projectedHeightMap.fillRect(projectedHeightMap.rect, 0);

        private function initGrid():void {
            var ui:int = 0;
            var ii:int = 0;

            for(var i:int = 0; i <= hDiv; i++) {
                for(var j:int = 0; j <= wDiv; j++) {
                    var x:Number = j / wDiv * (W-2);
                    var y:Number = i / hDiv * (H/2-1);
                    var z:Number = i/(hDiv+1); // FIXME?
                    uvt[ui++] = j/(wDiv+1);
                    uvt[ui++] = z;
                    uvt[ui++] = z;
                    if (j < wDiv && i < hDiv) {
                        var a:uint =  i      * (wDiv+1) + j;
                        var b:uint = (i + 1) * (wDiv+1) + j;
                        indices[ii++] = b;
                        indices[ii++] = a + 1;
                        indices[ii++] = a;
                        indices[ii++] = a + 1;
                        indices[ii++] = b;
                        indices[ii++] = b + 1;

        private function updateGrid():void {
            var vi:int = 0;

            scaledHeightMap.fillRect(scaledHeightMap.rect, 0);
            scaledHeightMap.draw(projectedHeightMap, scaleDown, null, null, null, true);
            for(var i:int = 0; i <= hDiv; i++) {
                for(var j:int = 0; j <= wDiv; j++) {
                    var x:Number = j / wDiv * (W-2);
                    var y:Number = i / hDiv * (H/2-1);
                    var height:Number = (scaledHeightMap.getPixel(j, i) & 0xFF) / 0xFF * 2 - 1; // between -1 and 1

                    vertices[vi++] = x;
                    vertices[vi++] = H/2 - height * y;

            // graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x004488);
            graphics.drawTriangles(vertices, indices, uvt);//, "positive");