forked from: Eclipse
The Eclipse.
This is quick AS3 port of my old AS2 stuff from '07.
See also
// forked from makc3d's Eclipse
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
* The Eclipse.
* This is quick AS3 port of my old AS2 stuff from '07.
* See also
[SWF(backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate="20")]
public class Eclipse extends Sprite {
// magic numbers
private const H:Number = 465, W:Number = 465;
private const T2:Number = 100.0, SR:Number = 18.3;
private const A:Number = (1.0001 * W) / H;
private const SY:Number = 2.0001 / H, SX:Number = 2.0001 / W;
private const DY:Number = -30, DX:Number = A * DY;
// more magic numbers
private const FadeOut:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, -15, -10, -5, 0);
private const MixPixels:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(2, 2, 2);
private const Origin:Point = new Point (0, 0);
private const StarCopyMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix (1, 0, 0, 1, (W + 1)*0.5, (H + 1)*0.5);
private const ScaleMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(1 - SX * DX, 0, 0, 1 - SY * DY, DX /* hack: */-0.3, DY);
private var T:Number = 0, starShineR:Number = 18;
private var star:Sprite = new Sprite;
private var starShine:Shape = new Shape;
private var starMask:Shape = new Shape;
private var starBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap;
private var starBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (W, H, true, 0xFF000000);
private var starBitmapData2:BitmapData = new BitmapData (W, H, true);
private var skyPatch:Sprite = new Sprite;
private var skyStars:Shape = new Shape;
private var skyColor:Shape = new Shape;
public function Eclipse () {
// init all the stuff
star.addChild (starShine); starShine.x = starShine.y = -20;
star.addChild (starMask); (0); (0, 0, 20); ();
starShine.mask = starMask;
starBitmap.bitmapData = starBitmapData;
addChild (starBitmap); addChild (skyPatch);
skyPatch.addChild (skyStars); drawStars ();
skyPatch.addChild (skyColor); (0x1580); (0, 0, W, H); ();
skyStars.alpha = skyColor.alpha = 0;
skyColor.blendMode = "lighten";
addEventListener ("enterFrame", onEnterFrame);
private function onEnterFrame (e:*):void {
// advance "time"
var dX:Number = 0;
if (T < T2) {
// this formula was probably supposed to be
// independent of T2, but it is not :((
dX = 20.5 / T2 * Math.sqrt(2) * (T2 - 1 - T);
if ((T > T2 * 0.8) && (skyColor.alpha > 0)) {
// get rid of minimal color constraint, lit up damn stars
skyColor.alpha -= 4 / T2; skyStars.alpha += 6 / T2;
if (T > T2 * 0.95) {
// darken the sky after the eclipse by growing the moon
if (starShineR < SR) starShineR += 4 / T2;
// draw star and moon; (0xFFFFFF); (20, 20, 20); (20 + dX, 20 + 0.3 * dX, starShineR); ();
// decide on filtering passes number
var PassN:Number = 0;
if (T == 1) {
// initial moment
PassN = 40; skyColor.alpha = 1;
} else if ((T > T2 - 10) && (starShineR < SR)) {
// try to avoid fire-like effect at eclipse first moments
if (PassN < 30) PassN += 3;
} else {
// default
PassN = 1;
// apply radial filtering
for (var i:int = 0; i < PassN; i++) {
starBitmapData.draw(star, StarCopyMatrix)
starBitmapData2.applyFilter(starBitmapData, starBitmapData.rect, Origin, MixPixels);
starBitmapData.draw(starBitmapData2, ScaleMatrix, FadeOut, "normal", starBitmapData.rect);
private function drawStars ():void {
// star helper (could be done with Bitmap/noise, I think)
for (var z:int = 0; z < 100; z++) {
var xp:Number = W * Math.random (), yp:Number = H * Math.random ();
var p:Point = new Point (xp - W/2, yp - H/2); if (p.length > 20 + 40) {, 0x8F8FFF, 50 + 50 * Math.random ()); (xp, yp); (xp +1, yp);