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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Seek And Flee

@author Motoki Matsumoto
Get Adobe Flash player
by mtok 09 Oct 2009
 * Copyright mtok ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from mtok's Seek Behavior Test
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.StageAlign;
	import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
	 * ...
	 * @author Motoki Matsumoto
	public class SteeringBehaviorsFlee extends Sprite
		private var _vehicleA:Vehicle;
		private var _vehicleB:Vehicle;
		private var _vehicleC:Vehicle;
		public function SteeringBehaviorsFlee() 
			addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
		private function addedToStageHandler(e:Event):void 
			removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
		private function init():void {
			stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
			stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
			_vehicleA = new Vehicle();
			_vehicleA.position = new Vector2D(200, 200);
			_vehicleA.edgeBehavior = Vehicle.BOUNCE;
			_vehicleB = new Vehicle();
			_vehicleB.position = new Vector2D(400, 200);
			_vehicleB.edgeBehavior = Vehicle.BOUNCE;

			_vehicleC = new Vehicle();
			_vehicleC.position = new Vector2D(300, 260);
			_vehicleC.edgeBehavior = Vehicle.WRAP;
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
		private function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void 

import flash.display.Graphics;
class Vector2D {
	private var _x:Number;
	private var _y:Number;
	public function Vector2D(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0) {
		_x = x;
		_y = y;
	 * draw 
	public function draw(graphics:Graphics, color:uint):void {
		graphics.lineStyle(0, color);
		graphics.moveTo(0, 0);
		graphics.lineTo(_x, _y);
	public function get x():Number { return _x; }
	public function set x(value:Number):void 
		_x = value;
	public function get y():Number { return _y; }
	public function set y(value:Number):void 
		_y = value;
	 * 複製する
	 * @return
	public function clone():Vector2D {
		return new Vector2D(_x, _y);
	 * ベクトルをゼロに
	 * @return
	public function zero():Vector2D {
		_x = _y = 0;
		return this;
	 * ベクトルがゼロか?
	 * @return
	public function isZero():Boolean {
		return _x == 0 && _y == 0;
	 * ベクトルの大きさを指定したサイズに
	public function set length(value:Number):void {
		var a:Number = angle;
		_x = Math.cos(a) * value;
		_y = Math.sin(a) * value;
	 * ベクトルの長さ
	public function get length():Number {
		return Math.sqrt(lengthSQ);
	 * ベクトルの長さの2乗
	public function get lengthSQ():Number {
		return _x * _x + _y * _y;
	public function get angle():Number {
		return  Math.atan2(_y, _x);
	public function set angle(value:Number):void 
		var len:Number = length;
		_x = Math.cos(value) * len;
		_y = Math.sin(value) * len;
	 * ベクトルを正規化する
	 * ベクトルが0の場合、結果を(1,0)とする
	 * @return
	public function normalize():Vector2D {
		if (length == 0) {
			_x = 1;
		}else {
			var len:Number = length;		
			_x /= len;
			_y /= len;
		return this;
	 * ベクトルの大きさをmaxまでにカットする。
	 * @param	max
	 * @return
	public function truncate(max:Number):Vector2D {
		var len:Number = length;
		if (len > max) {
			length = max;
		return this;
	 * ベクトルの向きを逆に
	 * @return
	public function reverse():Vector2D {
		_x = -_x;
		_y = -_y;
		return this;
	 * ベクトルが正規化されているか?
	 * @return
	public function isNormalized():Boolean {
		return length == 1.0;
	 * ベクトル Vとの内積を求める
	 * @param	v
	 * @return
	public function dotProduct(v:Vector2D):Number {
		return _x * v._x + _y * v._y;
	 * 内積からベクトルのなす角を求める -PI/2 ~ PI/2
	 * @param	v1
	 * @param	v2
	 * @return
	public static function angleBetween(v1:Vector2D, v2:Vector2D):Number {
		if (!v1.isNormalized()) v1 = v1.clone().normalize();
		if (!v2.isNormalized()) v2 = v2.clone().normalize();
		return Math.acos(v1.dotProduct(v2));
	 * ベクトルvが右にあるか左にあるか、
	 * @param	v
	 * @return
	public function sign(v:Vector2D):int {
		return this.perp.dotProduct(v) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
	 * 直交するベクトル
	public function get perp():Vector2D {
		return new Vector2D( -y, x);
	public function distance(v:Vector2D):Number {
		return Math.sqrt(distanceSQ(v));
	public function distanceSQ(v:Vector2D):Number {
		var dx:Number = v._x - _x;
		var dy:Number = v._y - _y;
		return dx * dx + dy * dy;
	public function add(v:Vector2D):Vector2D {
		return new Vector2D(_x + v._x, _y + v._y);
	public function subtract(v:Vector2D):Vector2D {
		return new Vector2D(_x - v._x, _y - v._y);
	public function multiply(value:Number):Vector2D {
		return new Vector2D(_x * value, _y * value);
	public function divide(value:Number):Vector2D{
		if (value == 0) {}//後で考える
		return new Vector2D(_x / value, _y / value);
	public function equals(v:Vector2D):Boolean {
		return _x == v._x && _y == v._y;
	public function toString():String {
		return "[Vector2D( x:" + _x + ", y:" + _y + ", )]";

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Graphics;
class Vehicle extends Sprite {
	protected var _mass:Number = 1.0;
	protected var _maxSpeed:Number = 10;
	protected var _position:Vector2D;
	protected var _velocity:Vector2D;
	private var _edgeBehavior:Function;
	public static const WRAP:String = "wrap";
	public static const BOUNCE:String = "bounce";
	private var _maxForce:Number = 1;
	private var _steeringForce:Vector2D;
	public function Vehicle() {
		_steeringForce = new Vector2D();

		_position = new Vector2D();
		_velocity = new Vector2D();
		_edgeBehavior = wrap;
	protected function draw():void
		var g:Graphics = graphics;
		g.moveTo(10, 0);
		g.lineTo( -10, 5);
		g.lineTo( -10, -5);
		g.lineTo(10, 0);
	public function update():void {
		_steeringForce = _steeringForce.divide(_mass);
		_velocity = _velocity.add(_steeringForce);
		_steeringForce.x = _steeringForce.y = 0;
		_position = _position.add(_velocity);
		x = position.x;
		y = position.y;
		rotation = _velocity.angle * 180 / Math.PI;
	 * 跳ね返る
	private function bounce():void {
		if (stage != null) {
			var w:Number = stage.stageWidth;
			var h:Number = stage.stageHeight;
			if (position.x > w) {
				position.x = w;
				_velocity.x *= -1;
			}else if(position.x < 0){
				position.x = 0;
				_velocity.x *= -1;
			if (position.y > h) {
				position.y = h;
				_velocity.y *= -1;
			}else if (position.y < 0) {
				position.y = 0
				_velocity.y *= -1;
	 * 反対側に移動する。
	private function wrap():void {
		if (stage != null) {
			var w:Number = stage.stageWidth;
			var h:Number = stage.stageHeight;
			if (position.x > w) position.x = 0;
			if (position.x < 0) position.x = w;
			if ( position.y > h) position.y = 0;
			if ( position.y < 0) position.y = h;
	public function get edgeBehavior():String{
		if ( _edgeBehavior == bounce) return Vehicle.BOUNCE;
		if (_edgeBehavior == wrap) return Vehicle.WRAP;
		return "";
	public function set edgeBehavior(value:String):void{
		switch(value) {
		case Vehicle.BOUNCE:
			_edgeBehavior = bounce;
		case Vehicle.WRAP:
			_edgeBehavior = wrap;
	public function get mass():Number { return _mass; }
	public function set mass(value:Number):void 
		_mass = value;
	public function get maxSpeed():Number { return _maxSpeed; }
	public function set maxSpeed(value:Number):void 
		_maxSpeed = value;
	public function get position():Vector2D { return _position; }
	public function set position(value:Vector2D):void 
		_position = value;
		x = _position.x;
		y = _position.y;
	public function get velocity():Vector2D { return _velocity; }
	public function set velocity(value:Vector2D):void 
		_velocity = value;
	override public function set x(value:Number):void 
		super.x = value;
		_position.x = value;
	override public function set y(value:Number):void 
		super.y = value;
		_position.y = value;
	public function get maxForce():Number { return _maxForce; }
	public function set maxForce(value:Number):void 
		_maxForce = value;
	 * Seek behavior
	 * @param	target
	public function seek(target:Vector2D):void {
		var desiredVelocity:Vector2D = target.subtract(_position);
		desiredVelocity = desiredVelocity.multiply(_maxSpeed);
		var force:Vector2D = desiredVelocity.subtract(_velocity);
		_steeringForce = _steeringForce.add(force);
	public function flee(target:Vector2D):void {
		var desiredVelocity:Vector2D = target.subtract(_position);
		desiredVelocity = desiredVelocity.multiply(_maxSpeed);
		var force:Vector2D = desiredVelocity.subtract(_velocity);
		_steeringForce = _steeringForce.subtract(force);		