In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: forked from: Worm matrix based.

tentacle MATRIX.
a study for drawing curl curve.
license under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
// forked from blueTeam's forked from: Worm matrix based.
// forked from nutsu's Worm matrix based.
tentacle MATRIX.
a study for drawing curl curve.
license under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
package {
    import frocessing.display.F5MovieClip2DBmp;
    import frocessing.geom.FMatrix2D;
    public class WormMatrix extends F5MovieClip2DBmp{
        private var vms:Array;
        private var R:Number = 0;         //inner radius
        private var N:Number = 45;        //segments per worm
        private var col:uint = 0x000000;    // color of worms
        public function WormMatrix () {
            super( false, 0xffffffff );
            stage.frameRate = 400;
        public function initWorms():void
            var num:int  = 8;    // number of worms
            var w:Number = 23;    // initial thickness of worm
            var rd:Number = TWO_PI/num;    //rotation
            var mtx:FMatrix2D = new FMatrix2D();
            mtx.translate( R, 0 );
            vms = [];
            for( var i:int=0;i<num;i++ )
                var angle:Number = random(PI/12,PI/6);
                var tmt:FMatrix2D = new FMatrix2D();
                tmt.scale( .89, .89 );    // falloff of limb size
                tmt.rotate( angle );
                tmt.translate( random(10,30), 0 );
                var obj:WormObject = new WormObject();
                obj.c1x = obj.p1x = -w * mtx.c + mtx.tx;
                obj.c1y = obj.p1y = -w * mtx.d + mtx.ty;
                obj.c2x = obj.p2x =  w * mtx.c + mtx.tx;
                obj.c2y = obj.p2y =  w * mtx.d + mtx.ty;
                obj.vmt = FMatrix2D(mtx.clone());
                obj.tmt = tmt;
                obj.r   = angle;
                obj.w   = w;
                obj.count = 0;
                vms.push( obj );
        public function setup():void
            size( 465, 465 );
        public function draw():void
            if( isMousePressed )
            translate( fg.width/2, fg.height/2 );    //positions sphere
            fill( col );
            circle( 0, 0, R );
            var len:int = vms.length;
            for( var i:int=0; i<len; i++ )
                var o:WormObject = vms[i];
                if( o.count<N ){
                    drawWorm( o );
        public function drawWorm( obj:WormObject ):void
            if( Math.random()>0.98 ){        // determines percent of inversion
                obj.tmt.rotate( -obj.r*2 );
                obj.r *= -1;
            obj.vmt.prepend( obj.tmt );
            var cc1x:Number = -obj.w*obj.vmt.c + obj.vmt.tx;
            var cc1y:Number = -obj.w*obj.vmt.d + obj.vmt.ty;
            var pp1x:Number = (obj.c1x+cc1x)/2;
            var pp1y:Number = (obj.c1y+cc1y)/2;
            var cc2x:Number = obj.w*obj.vmt.c + obj.vmt.tx;
            var cc2y:Number = obj.w*obj.vmt.d + obj.vmt.ty;
            var pp2x:Number = (obj.c2x+cc2x)/2;
            var pp2y:Number = (obj.c2y+cc2y)/2;
            beginFill( col );
            moveTo( obj.p1x, obj.p1y );
            curveTo( obj.c1x, obj.c1y, pp1x, pp1y );
            lineTo( pp2x, pp2y );
            curveTo( obj.c2x, obj.c2y, obj.p2x, obj.p2y );
            obj.c1x = cc1x;
            obj.c1y = cc1y;
            obj.p1x = pp1x;
            obj.p1y = pp1y;
            obj.c2x = cc2x;
            obj.c2y = cc2y;
            obj.p2x = pp2x;
            obj.p2y = pp2y;

import frocessing.geom.FMatrix2D;
class WormObject{
    public var c1x:Number;
    public var c1y:Number;
    public var c2x:Number;
    public var c2y:Number;
    public var p1x:Number;
    public var p1y:Number;
    public var p2x:Number;
    public var p2y:Number;
    public var w:Number;
    public var r:Number;
    public var count:int;
    public var vmt:FMatrix2D;
    public var tmt:FMatrix2D;
    public function WormObject(){