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by 9re 20 Jan 2011
 * Copyright 9re ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import frocessing.color.ColorHSL;
    import frocessing.shape.FShapeSVG;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        public function FlashTest() {
            with(addChild(new FShapeSVG(<g> 
            <!-- FShapeSVG does not support hsl() -->
            <!-- If you would like to customize the color of the badge, these two HSL colors are the primary oranges --> 
            <!--  The second one needs to be +6 hue, +9% saturation, and +3% lightness of the first --> 
            <polygon fill={hsl(13, 77, 52)} points="107.644,470.877 74.633,100.62 437.367,100.62 404.321,470.819 255.778,512             "/> 
            <polygon fill={hsl(18, 86, 55)} points="256,480.523 376.03,447.246 404.27,130.894 256,130.894             "/> 
                <polygon fill="#EBEBEB" points="256,268.217 195.91,268.217 191.76,221.716 256,221.716 256,176.305 255.843,176.305 142.132,176.305 143.219,188.488 154.38,313.627 256,313.627                 "/> 
                <polygon fill="#EBEBEB" points="256,386.153 255.801,386.206 205.227,372.55 201.994,336.333 177.419,336.333 156.409,336.333 162.771,407.634 255.791,433.457 256,433.399                 "/> 
                <path d="M108.382,0h23.077v22.8h21.11V0h23.078v69.044H152.57v-23.12h-21.11v23.12h-23.077V0z"/> 
                <path d="M205.994,22.896h-20.316V0h63.72v22.896h-20.325v46.148h-23.078V22.896z"/> 
                <path d="M259.511,0h24.063l14.802,24.26L313.163,0h24.072v69.044h-22.982V34.822l-15.877,24.549h-0.397l-15.888-24.549v34.222h-22.58V0z"/> 
                <path d="M348.72,0h23.084v46.222h32.453v22.822H348.72V0z"/> 
                <polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="255.843,268.217 255.843,313.627 311.761,313.627 306.49,372.521 255.843,386.191 255.843,433.435 348.937,407.634 349.62,399.962 360.291,280.411 361.399,268.217 349.162,268.217                 "/> 
                <polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="255.843,176.305 255.843,204.509 255.843,221.605 255.843,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.531,221.716 366.442,211.509 368.511,188.488 369.597,176.305                 "/> 
    </g>).toSprite())) {
                scaleX = scaleY = 0.8;
                x = 30;
                y = (465 - height) >> 1;
                buttonMode = true;
                addEventListener("click", function ():void {
                    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''), '_blank');
            function hsl(h:int, s:int, l:int):String {
                return "#" + new ColorHSL(h, s/100, l/100).value.toString(16);