* Copyright __Guillaume ( http://wonderfl.net/user/__Guillaume )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/eVTH
Distribute points on a sphere
Based on E.B. Saff and A.B.J. Kuijlaars Algorithm
Author : Guillaume Nachury
site : http://riasandbox.com/
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
[SWF(widthPercent="100", heightPercent="100", backgroundColor="#000000")]
public class FlashTest extends Sprite
private var radius:Number = 150; //Sphere radius
private var pointNumber:Number =250; //Number of point to be distributed
public function FlashTest()
var _v:Vector.<Vector3D> = new Vector.<Vector3D>();
var _vPtr:int = 0;
var _previousPhi:Number = 0;
for (var i:int = 1; i <= pointNumber; i++)
var h:Number = -1 + 2*(i-1)/(pointNumber-1);
var theta:Number = Math.acos(h);
var phi:Number = 0;
if(i ==1 || i == pointNumber){
phi = 0;
phi = (_previousPhi + 3.6/(Math.sqrt(100*(1-h*h))))%(2*Math.PI);
//create a 3D vector inorder to store a 3D point
var v3d:Vector3D = new Vector3D(Math.cos(phi)*Math.sin(theta)*radius, Math.sin(phi)*Math.sin(theta)*radius, Math.cos(theta)*radius);
//can be skiped
//Create a particle
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
//Place the particle in 3D space
s.x = v3d.x+stage.stageWidth*.5;
s.y = v3d.y+stage.stageHeight*.5;
s.z = v3d.z;
//Adapt the alpha/scale based on the z position
if(s.z >radius/2 && s.z <=radius) s.alpha = 1;
else if(s.z >0 && s.z <=radius/2) s.alpha = 0.75;
else if(s.z >-radius/2 && s.z <=0) s.alpha = 0.5;
else if(s.z >=-radius && s.z -radius/2) s.alpha = 0.25;
s.scaleY =s.scaleX = s.alpha;
//Add the particle to the stage
//store the previous phi value
_previousPhi = phi;